
Andrea Goldsmith is the Dean of Engineering and Applied Science and the Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Princeton University. She was previously the Stephen Harris Professor of Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, where she is now Harris Professor Emerita. Her research interests are in information theory, communication theory, and signal processing, and their application to wireless communications, interconnected systems, and biomedical devices. She founded and served as Chief Technical Officer of Plume WiFi (formerly Accelera, Inc.) and of Quantenna (QTNA), Inc, and she serves on the Board of Directors for Intel (INTC), Medtronic (MDT), Crown Castle Inc (CCI), and the Marconi Society. She also serves on the Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Dr. Goldsmith is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the Royal Academy of Engineering, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is a Fellow of the IEEE and has received several awards for her work, including the Marconi Prize, the ACM Sigmobile Outstanding Contribution Award, the IEEE Sumner Technical Field Award, the ACM Athena Lecturer Award, the ComSoc Armstrong Technical Achievement Award, the Kirchmayer Graduate Teaching Award, the WICE Mentoring Award, and the Silicon Valley/San Jose Business Journal’s Women of Influence Award. She is author of the book ``Wireless Communications'' and co-author of the books ``MIMO Wireless Communications,” “Principles of Cognitive Radio,” and “Machine Learning and Wireless Communications,” all published by Cambridge University Press, as well as an inventor on 29 patents. She received the B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from U.C. Berkeley.

Dr. Goldsmith is the founding Chair of the IEEE Board of Directors Committee on Diversity and Inclusion. She served as President of the IEEE Information Theory Society in 2009, as founding Chair of its Student Committee, and as founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory. She has also served on the Board of Governors for both the IEEE Information Theory and Communications Societies. At Stanford she served as Chair of Stanford’s Faculty Senate and for multiple terms as a Senator, and on its Academic Council Advisory Board, Budget Group, Committee on Research, Planning and Policy Board, Commissions on Graduate and on Undergraduate Education, Faculty Women’s Forum Steering Committee, and Task Force on Women and Leadership.

Academic Appointments

Honors & Awards

  • Eric E. Sumner Technical Field Award in Communications Technology, IEEE Communications Society (2018)
  • Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2017)
  • Member, National Academy of Engineering (2017)
  • Highly Cited Researcher, Thomson-Reuters (2014,2015,2016, 2017)
  • Edwin H. Armstrong Achievement Award, IEEE Communications Society (2014)
  • Best Tutorial Paper Award, IEEE Communications Society (2013)
  • Silicon Valley Women of Influence Award, Silicon Valley Business Journal (2013)
  • Technical Achievement Award in Communication Theory, IEEE Communications Society (2013)
  • Tsinghua Distinguished Chair Professorship, Tsinghua University (2013)
  • Innovation Award, Interdigital (2012)
  • Technical Achievement Award in Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Society (2009)
  • Fellow, IEEE (2005)
  • IEEE Information Theory Society and Communication Society Joint Paper Award, IEEE (2004)
  • Gilbreth Lectureship, National Academy of Engineering (2002)
  • Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (2001)
  • Young Investigator Award, The Office of Naval Research (1999)
  • CAREER Development Award, National Science Foundation (1995)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • President, IEEE Information Theory Society (2009 - 2009)
  • Distinguished Lecturer, IEEE Information Theory Society and Comsoc (2007 - 2009)

Program Affiliations

  • Stanford SystemX Alliance

Professional Education

  • PhD, University of California, Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (1994)

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Parallelism Versus Latency in Simplified Successive-Cancellation Decoding of Polar Codes IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Hashemi, A. S. 2022; 21 (6): 3909-3920

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TWC.2021.3125626

  • Estimating the Memory Order of Electrocorticography Recordings IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Murin, Y., Goldsmith, A., Aazhang, B. 2019; 66 (10): 2809–22


    This paper presents a data-driven method for estimating the memory order of a recorded Electrocorticography (ECoG) sequence.The proposed inference method is based on the relationship between the loss in predicting the next sample in a time-series, and the dependence of this sample on the previous samples. Specifically, the memory order is estimated to be the number of past samples that minimizes the least squares error (LSE) in predicting the next sample. To deal with lack of an analytical model for ECoG recordings, the proposed method combines a collection of different predictors, achieving LSE at least as low as the LSE achieved by each of the different predictors.ECoG recordings from six epileptic patients were analyzed, and empirical cumulative density functions (ECDFs) of the memory orders estimated from these recordings were generated, for rest as well as pre-ictal time intervals. For pre-ictal time intervals the electrodes corresponding to the seizure-onset-zone were separately analyzed. The estimated ECDFs were different between patients and between different types of blocks. For all analyzed patients the estimated memory orders are on the order of tens of milliseconds (up to 100 milliseconds).The proposed method facilitates the estimation of the causal associations between ECoG recordings, as these associations strongly depend on the recordings' memory. An improved estimation of causal associations can improve the performance of algorithms that use ECoG recordings to localize the epileptogenic zone. Such algorithms can aid doctors in their pre-surgical planning for epileptic patient surgery.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TBME.2019.2896076

    View details for Web of Science ID 000487192000011

    View details for PubMedID 30714907

  • The Compress-and-Estimate Coding Scheme for Gaussian Sources IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Rini, S., Kipnis, A., Song, R., Goldsmith, A. J. 2019; 18 (9): 4344–56
  • Fast Blind MIMO Decoding Through Vertex Hopping IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Dean, T. R., Perlstein, J. R., Wootters, M., Goldsmith, A. J. 2019; 18 (7): 3669–82
  • Blind Joint MIMO Channel Estimation and Decoding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Dean, T. R., Wootters, M., Goldsmith, A. J. 2019; 65 (4): 2507–24
  • Retail and Wholesale Electricity Pricing Considering Electric Vehicle Mobility IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS Alizadeh, M., Wai, H., Goldsmith, A., Scaglione, A. 2019; 6 (1): 249–60
  • The Distortion-Rate Function of Sampled Wiener Processes IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. 2019; 65 (1): 482–99
  • Neural Network Detection of Data Sequences in Communication Systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Farsad, N., Goldsmith, A. 2018; 66 (21): 5663–78
  • Non-Coherent Detection for Diffusive Molecular Communication Systems Jamali, V., Farsad, N., Schober, R., Goldsmith, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2018: 2515–31
  • Analog-to-Digital Compression A new paradigm for converting signals to bits IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE Kipnis, A., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. 2018; 35 (3): 16–39
  • The Distortion Rate Function of Cyclostationary Gaussian Processes Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2018: 3810–24
  • Outage Detection Using Load and Line Flow Measurements in Power Distribution Systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Sevlian, R., Zhao, Y., Rajagopal, R., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. 2018; 33 (2): 2053–69
  • A CCA-Secure Cryptosystem Using Massive MIMO Channels Dean, T., Goldsmith, A., Baldi, M., Quaglia, E. A., Tomasin, S. SPRINGER. 2018: 65–77
  • The Future of Wireless and What it will Enable Goldsmith, A., ACM ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2018: 223
  • MobiCom'18 Panel Discussion: Hammer & Nail vis-a-vis Al / ML Applications to Networked Systems Bhagwat, P., Goldsmith, A., Gupta, M., Rastogi, R., Shroff, G., ACM ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2018: 653–54
  • Two Way Molecular Communications Kwack, J., Yilmaz, H., Farsad, N., Chae, C., Goldsmith, A., ACM ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2018
  • DEEP LEARNING FOR JOINT SOURCE-CHANNEL CODING OF TEXT Farsad, N., Rao, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 2326–30
  • Detection Over Rapidly Changing Communication Channels Using Deep Learning Farsad, N., Goldsmith, A., Matthews, M. B. IEEE. 2018: 604–8
  • Using Markov Properties of ECoG Signals to Infer Neuron Connectivity Murin, Y., Goldsmith, A., Matthews, M. B. IEEE. 2018: 671–75
  • Fast Blind MIMO Decoding through Vertex Hopping Perlstein, J., Dean, T., Wootters, M., Goldsmith, A., Matthews, M. B. IEEE. 2018: 148–49
  • Robustness of FDM-FDCP Modulation to Phase Noise in Millimeter Wave Systems Grimwood, N., Dean, T., Goldsmith, A., Matthews, M. B. IEEE. 2018: 264–68
  • Neural Network Detectors for Molecular Communication Systems Farsad, N., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 506–10
  • Zero-Padded FDM-FDCP: Real-Time Signal Processing for Underwater Channels Dean, T., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 186–90
  • Variable Length Joint Source-Channel Coding of Text Using Deep Neural Networks Rao, M., Farsad, N., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2018: 81–85
  • SozRank: A new approach for localizing the epileptic seizure onset zone PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Murin, Y., Kim, J., Parvizi, J., Goldsmith, A. 2018; 14 (1): e1005953


    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders affecting about 1% of the world population. For patients with focal seizures that cannot be treated with antiepileptic drugs, the common treatment is a surgical procedure for removal of the seizure onset zone (SOZ). In this work we introduce an algorithm for automatic localization of the seizure onset zone (SOZ) in epileptic patients based on electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings. The proposed algorithm builds upon the hypothesis that the abnormal excessive (or synchronous) neuronal activity in the brain leading to seizures starts in the SOZ and then spreads to other areas in the brain. Thus, when this abnormal activity starts, signals recorded at electrodes close to the SOZ should have a relatively large causal influence on the rest of the recorded signals. The SOZ localization is executed in two steps. First, the algorithm represents the set of electrodes using a directed graph in which nodes correspond to recording electrodes and the edges' weights quantify the pair-wise causal influence between the recorded signals. Then, the algorithm infers the SOZ from the estimated graph using a variant of the PageRank algorithm followed by a novel post-processing phase. Inference results for 19 patients show a close match between the SOZ inferred by the proposed approach and the SOZ estimated by expert neurologists (success rate of 17 out of 19).

    View details for PubMedID 29381703

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC5806930

  • Ranking Causal Influence of Financial Markets via Directed Information Graphs Diamandis, T., Murin, Y., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2018
  • Lossy Compression of Decimated Gaussian Random Walks Murray, G., Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2018
  • Optimal Pricing to Manage Electric Vehicles in Coupled Power and Transportation Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS Alizadeh, M., Wai, H., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., Scaglione, A., Javidi, T. 2017; 4 (4): 863–75
  • Directed Information Between Connected Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons Soltani, N., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2017: 5954–67
  • Physical-Layer Cryptography Through Massive MIMO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Dean, T. R., Goldsmith, A. J. 2017; 63 (8): 5419–36
  • The Fluctuating Two-Ray Fading Model: Statistical Characterization and Performance Analysis IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Romero-Jerez, J. M., Javier Lopez-Martinez, F., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. 2017; 16 (7): 4420–32
  • Minimum Sparsity of Unobservable Power Network Attacks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. 2017; 62 (7): 3354–68
  • Time-slotted transmission over molecular timing channels NANO COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Murin, Y., Farsad, N., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A. 2017; 12: 12–24
  • On the Minimax Capacity Loss Under Sub-Nyquist Universal Sampling IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. 2017; 63 (6): 3348–67
  • A Critical Survey of Deconvolution Methods for Separating Cell Types in Complex Tissues PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Mohammadi, S., Zuckerman, N., Goldsmith, A., Grama, A. 2017; 105 (2): 340-366
  • Joint Optimization of Power and Data Transfer in Multiuser MIMO Systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Rubio, J., Pascual-Iserte, A., Palomar, D. P., Goldsmith, A. 2017; 65 (1): 212-227
  • Multiplexing and Diversity Gains in Noncoherent Massive MIMO Systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Goldsmith, A. 2017; 16 (1): 265-277
  • Coherence time of wireless channels with large antenna arrays Chowdhury, M., Nam, J., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2017
  • Resource Pooling via Dynamic Spectrum-level Slicing across Heterogeneous Networks Gebremariam, A. A., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., Granelli, F., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 818–23
  • An OpenAirInterface based Implementation of Dynamic Spectrum-level Slicing across Heterogeneous Networks Gebremariam, A. A., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., Granelli, F., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 609–10
  • The Life and Work of Marvin Kenneth Simon IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS Alouini, M., Biglieri, E., Divsalar, D., Dolinar, S., Goldsmith, A. J., Milstein, L. B. 2017; 19 (3): 1551–66
  • Direction Finding Using Non-coherent Measurements in Large Antenna Arrays Chowdhury, M., Rao, M., Goldsmith, A., Matthews, M. B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2017: 1231–36
  • Compressed Sensing under Optimal Quantization Kipnis, A., Reeves, G., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 2148–52
  • Compress-and-Estimate Source Coding for a Vector Gaussian Source Song, R., Rini, S., Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 539–43
  • Marginal Charging Station Pricing in an Intelligent Electric Transportation System Alizadeh, M., Wai, H., Goldsmith, A., Scaglione, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 3438–44
  • Capacity of Molecular Channels with Imperfect Particle-Intensity Modulation and Detection Farsad, N., Rose, C., Medard, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 2468–72
  • Blind Joint MIMO Channel Estimation and Decoding Dean, T., Wootters, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017
  • A Novel Experimental Platform for In-Vessel Multi-Chemical Molecular Communications Farsad, N., Pan, D., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017
  • Coding Theorems for the Compress and Estimate Source Coding Problem Kipnis, A., Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 2568–72
  • Fundamental Estimation Limits in Autoregressive Processes with Compressive Measurements Rao, M., Javidi, T., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017: 2895–99
  • Machine Learning based Channel Modeling for Molecular MIMO Communications Lee, C., Yilmaz, H., Chae, C., Farsad, N., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017
  • A New Modulation Technique for Doppler Compensation in Frequency-Dispersive Channels Dean, T., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017
  • Diversity Gain of One-shot Communication over Molecular Timing Channels Murin, Y., Chowdhury, M., Farsad, N., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2017
  • Energy-Based Modulation for Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Manolakos, A., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A. 2016; 15 (11): 7831-7846
  • Information Recovery From Pairwise Measurements IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chen, Y., Suh, C., Goldsmith, A. J. 2016; 62 (10): 5881-5905
  • Benefits of Storage Control for Wind Power Producers in Power Markets IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Chowdhury, M., Rao, M., Zhao, Y., Javidi, T., Goldsmith, A. 2016; 7 (4): 1492-1505
  • Achieving Full DoF in Heterogeneous Parallel Broadcast Channels With Outdated CSIT IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chen, J., Yang, S., Ozgur, A., Goldsmith, A. 2016; 62 (7): 4154-4171
  • Scaling Laws for Noncoherent Energy-Based Communications in the SIMO MAC IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Goldsmith, A. 2016; 62 (4): 1980-1992
  • On the Total Power Capacity of Regular-LDPC Codes With Iterative Message-Passing Decoders IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Ganesan, K., Grover, P., Rabaey, J., Goldsmith, A. 2016; 34 (2): 375-396
  • A Unified Graphical Approach to Random Coding for Single-Hop Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. 2016; 62 (1): 56-88
  • A Polynomial-Time Method to Find the Sparsest Unobservable Attacks in Power Networks Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H., IEEE IEEE. 2016: 276–82
  • Capacity of Block Rayleigh Fading Channels Without CSI Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2016: 1884–88
  • On the Capacity of Diffusion-Based Molecular Timing Channels Farsad, N., Murin, Y., Eckfordt, A., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2016: 1023–27
  • Multiterminal Compress-and-Estimate Source Coding Kipnis, A., Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2016: 540–44
  • A Molecular Communication System Using Acids, Bases and Hydrogen Ions Farsad, N., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2016
  • Optimal Rate Allocation in Multiterminal Compress-and-Estimate Source Coding Song, R., Rini, S., Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2016
  • Energy Model for Vesicle-Based Active Transport Molecular Communication Farsad, N., Yilmaz, H., Chae, C., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2016
  • System Identification from Partial Samples: Non-Asymptotic Analysis Rao, M., Kipnis, A., Javidi, T., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2016: 2938–44
  • SWIPT Techniques for Multiuser MIMO Broadcast Systems Rubio, J., Pascual-Iserte, A., Palomar, D. P., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2016: 499–504
  • On the Capacity of Diffusion-Based Molecular Timing Channels With Diversity Farsad, N., Murin, Y., Rao, M., Goldsmith, A., Matthews, M. B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2016: 1117–21
  • Tracking Epileptic Seizure Activity via Information Theoretic Graphs Murin, Y., Kim, J., Goldsmith, A., Matthews, M. B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2016: 583–87
  • The Fluctuating Two-Ray Fading Model for mmWave Communications Romero-Jerez, J. M., Javier Lopez-Martinez, F., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2016
  • Communication over Diffusion-Based Molecular Timing Channels Murin, Y., Farsad, N., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2016
  • Distortion Rate Function of Sub-Nyquist Sampled Gaussian Sources IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C., Weissman, T. 2016; 62 (1): 401-429
  • Average Fade Duration for Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks in Fading Channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Javier Lopez-Martinez, F., Kurniawan, E., Islam, R., Goldsmith, A. 2015; 14 (10): 5454-5467
  • Rainfall Effect on the Performance of Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Zhang, Y., Wang, P., Goldsmith, A. 2015; 14 (9): 4857-4866
  • Exact and Stable Covariance Estimation From Quadratic Sampling via Convex Programming IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chen, Y., Chi, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. 2015; 61 (7): 4034-4059
  • Null Space Learning in Cooperative MIMO Cellular Networks Using Interference Feedback IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Manolakos, A., Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. 2015; 14 (7): 3961-3977
  • Eigenvalue Dynamics of a Central Wishart Matrix With Application to MIMO Systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Javier Lopez-Martinez, F., Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. 2015; 61 (5): 2693-2707
  • MGF Approach to the Analysis of Generalized Two-Ray Fading Models IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Rao, M., Javier Lopez-Martinez, F., Alouini, M., Goldsmith, A. 2015; 14 (5): 2548-2561
  • Wind Aggregation Via Risky Power Markets IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS Zhao, Y., Qin, J., Rajagopal, R., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2015; 30 (3): 1571-1581
  • Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff for the Interference Channel With a Relay IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Zahavi, D., Zhang, L., Maric, I., Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. J., Cui, S. 2015; 61 (2): 963-982
  • Reliable Uncoded Communication in the SIMO MAC IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A. 2015; 61 (1): 388-403
  • Optimal Trade-off Between Sampling Rate and Quantization Precision in Sigma-Delta A/D Conversion Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 627–31
  • Value of Storage for Wind Power Producers in Forward Power Markets Rao, M., Chowdhury, M., Zhao, Y., Javidi, T., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 5686–91
  • Coherent Versus Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems: Which Has Better Performance? Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 1691–96
  • Benefits of Coding in a Noncoherent Massive SIMO System Knott, B., Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 2350–55
  • MGF Approach to the Capacity Analysis of Generalized Two-Ray Fading Models Rao, M., Javier Lopez-Martinez, F., Alouini, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 4278–84
  • Information Recovery from Pairwise Measurements: A Shannon-Theoretic Approach Chen, Y., Suh, C., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 2336–40
  • Degrees of Freedom of the MIMO Interference Channel with Parallel Multicasting Chen, J., Goldsmith, A., Ozgur, A., Yang, S., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 1069–73
  • Reliable Uncoded Communication in the Quantized SIMO MAC Chowdhury, M., Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 2141–45
  • The Indirect Rate-Distortion Function of a Binary i.i.d Source Kipnis, A., Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 352–56
  • The Perils of Dynamic Electricity Pricing Tariffs in the Presence of Retail Market Imperfections Alizadeh, M., Goldsmith, A., Scaglione, A., Matthews, M. B. IEEE. 2015: 683–88
  • Multiplexing-diversity tradeoffs in noncoherent massive MIMO systems Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Matthews, M. B. IEEE. 2015: 312–16
  • Optimal Trade-off Between Sampling Rate and Quantization Precision in A/D conversion Kipnis, A., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2015: 1083–90
  • Sub-Nyquist Sampling Achieves Optimal Rate-Distortion Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C., IEEE IEEE. 2015
  • Capacity Scaling in Noncoherent Wideband Massive SIMO Systems Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Gomez-Cuba, F., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2015
  • Backing Off From Infinity: Performance Bounds via Concentration of Spectral Measure for Random MIMO Channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. 2015; 61 (1): 366-387
  • CaMoDi: a new method for cancer module discovery BMC GENOMICS Manolakos, A., Ochoa, I., Venkat, K., Goldsmith, A. J., Gevaert, O. 2014; 15


    Identification of genomic patterns in tumors is an important problem, which would enable the community to understand and extend effective therapies across the current tissue-based tumor boundaries. With this in mind, in this work we develop a robust and fast algorithm to discover cancer driver genes using an unsupervised clustering of similarly expressed genes across cancer patients. Specifically, we introduce CaMoDi, a new method for module discovery which demonstrates superior performance across a number of computational and statistical metrics.The proposed algorithm CaMoDi demonstrates effective statistical performance compared to the state of the art, and is algorithmically simple and scalable - which makes it suitable for tissue-independent genomic characterization of individual tumors as well as groups of tumors. We perform an extensive comparative study between CaMoDi and two previously developed methods (CONEXIC and AMARETTO), across 11 individual tumors and 8 combinations of tumors from The Cancer Genome Atlas. We demonstrate that CaMoDi is able to discover modules with better average consistency and homogeneity, with similar or better adjusted R2 performance compared to CONEXIC and AMARETTO.We present a novel method for Cancer Module Discovery, CaMoDi, and demonstrate through extensive simulations on the TCGA Pan-Cancer dataset that it achieves comparable or better performance than that of CONEXIC and AMARETTO, while achieving an order-of-magnitude improvement in computational run time compared to the other methods.

    View details for DOI 10.1186/1471-2164-15-S10-S8

    View details for Web of Science ID 000346166900008

    View details for PubMedID 25560933

  • Identification of Outages in Power Systems With Uncertain States and Optimal Sensor Locations IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Zhao, Y., Chen, J., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2014; 8 (6): 1140-1153
  • Energy Efficient Cooperative Strategies for Relay-Assisted Downlink Cellular Systems IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Rini, S., Kurniawan, E., Ghaghanidze, L., Goldsmith, A. 2014; 32 (11): 2075-2089
  • On the Capacity of the Multiantenna Gaussian Cognitive Interference Channel IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. 2014; 32 (11): 2252-2267
  • Null Space Learning With Interference Feedback for Spatial Division Multiple Access IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Noam, Y., Manolakos, A., Goldsmith, A. J. 2014; 13 (10): 5699-5715
  • Channel Capacity Under Sub-Nyquist Nonuniform Sampling IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. 2014; 60 (8): 4739-4756
  • On the Capacity of the Interference Channel With a Cognitive Relay IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Rini, S., Tuninetti, D., Devroye, N., Goldsmith, A. J. 2014; 60 (4): 2148-2179
  • COURSE OUTLINE ELEC 456–Mobile Communications Spring 2014 Instructor Goldsmith, A. 2014
  • Distortion Rate Function of Cyclo-Stationary Gaussian Processes IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2014: 2834–2838
  • Interference due to Null Space Mismatch in Cooperative Multipoint MIMO Cellular Networks Manolakos, A., Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Jamalipour, A., Deng, D. J. IEEE. 2014: 5148–53
  • AN ALGORITHM FOR EXACT SUPER-RESOLUTION AND PHASE RETRIEVAL IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Chen, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2014
  • ESTIMATION OF SIMULTANEOUSLY STRUCTURED COVARIANCE MATRICES FROM QUADRATIC MEASUREMENTS IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Chen, Y., Chi, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2014
  • Optimized Path Planning for Electric Vehicle Routing and Charging Alizadeh, M., Wai, H., Scaglione, A., Goldsmith, A., Fan, Y., Javidi, T., IEEE IEEE. 2014: 25–32
  • Gaussian Distortion-Rate Function under Sub-Nyquist Nonuniform Sampling Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C., IEEE IEEE. 2014: 874–80
  • Optimal Strategies for Dynamic Joint Source-Channel Coding with Feedback Park, S., Javidi, T., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2014: 1524–28
  • Power-Controlled Multiple Access with a Queue-Dependent Backoff Threshold Mounzer, J., Schubert, K., Bambos, N., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2014: 4738–44
  • Constellation Design in Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems Manolakos, A., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2014: 3690–95
  • Capturing Aggregate Flexibility in Demand Response Alizadeh, M., Scaglione, A., Goldsmith, A., Kesidis, G., IEEE IEEE. 2014: 6439–45
  • Increasing Capacity in Massive MIMO Cellular Networks via Small Cells Kazerouni, A., Lopez-Martinez, F., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2014: 358–63
  • Design and Performance of Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems Chowdhury, M., Manolakos, A., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2014
  • Statistics and System Performance Metrics for the Two Wave With Diffuse Power Fading Model Rao, M., Lopez-Martinez, F., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2014
  • Line Outage Detection in Power Transmission Networks via Message Passing Algorithms Chen, J., Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H., Matthews, M. B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2014: 350–54
  • Dynamic Joint Outage Identification and State Estimation in Power Systems Zhao, Y., Chen, J., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H., Matthews, M. B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2014: 1138–42
  • Information Recovery from Pairwise Measurements IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2014: 2012–2016
  • Robust and Universal Covariance Estimation from Quadratic Measurements via Convex Programming IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Chen, Y., Chi, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2014: 2017–2021
  • CSI IS not needed for Optimal Scaling In Multiuser Massive SIMO Systems IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Manolakos, A., Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2014: 3117–3121
  • Directed Information Between Connected Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Soltani, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2014: 1291–1295
  • Outdated CSIT can Achieve Full DoF in Heterogeneous Parallel Channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Chen, J., Yang, S., Ozgur, A., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2014: 2564–2568
  • The One-Bit Null Space Learning Algorithm and Its Convergence IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. 2013; 61 (24): 6135-6149
  • Achievable Error Exponents in the Gaussian Channel With Rate-Limited Feedback IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Mirghaderi, R., Goldsmith, A., Weissman, T. 2013; 59 (12): 8144-8156
  • Isoosmolar Enemas Demonstrate Preferential Gastrointestinal Distribution, Safety, and Acceptability Compared with Hyperosmolar and Hypoosmolar Enemas as a Potential Delivery Vehicle for Rectal Microbicides AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES Leyva, F. J., Bakshi, R. P., Fuchs, E. J., Li, L., Caffo, B. S., Goldsmith, A. J., Ventuneac, A., Carballo-Dieguez, A., Du, Y., Leal, J. P., Lee, L. A., Torbenson, M. S., Hendrix, C. W. 2013; 29 (11): 1487-1495


    Rectally applied antiretroviral microbicides for preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) of HIV infection are currently in development. Since enemas (rectal douches) are commonly used by men who have sex with men prior to receptive anal intercourse, a microbicide enema could enhance PrEP adherence by fitting seamlessly within the usual sexual practices. We assessed the distribution, safety, and acceptability of three enema types-hyperosmolar (Fleet), hypoosmolar (distilled water), and isoosmolar (Normosol-R)-in a crossover design. Nine men received each enema type in random order. Enemas were radiolabeled [(99m)Tc-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)] to assess enema distribution in the colon using single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) imaging. Plasma (99m)Tc-DTPA indicated mucosal permeability. Sigmoidoscopic colon tissue biopsies were taken to assess injury as well as tissue penetration of the (99m)Tc-DTPA. Acceptability was assessed after each product use and at the end of the study. SPECT/CT imaging showed that the isoosmolar enema had greater proximal colonic distribution (up to the splenic flexure) and greater luminal and colon tissue concentrations of (99m)Tc-DTPA when compared to the other enemas (p<0.01). Colon biopsies also showed that only the hyperosmolar enema caused sloughing of the colonic epithelium (p<0.05). In permeability testing, the hypoosmolar enema had higher plasma (99m)Tc-DTPA 24-h area under the concentration-time curve and peak concentration compared to the hyperosmolar and isoosmolar enemas, respectively. Acceptability was generally good with no clear preferences among the three enema types. The isoosmolar enema was superior or similar to the other enemas in all categories and is a good candidate for further development as a rectal microbicide vehicle.

    View details for DOI 10.1089/aid.2013.0189

    View details for Web of Science ID 000326037500510

    View details for PubMedID 23885722

  • Shannon Meets Nyquist: Capacity of Sampled Gaussian Channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Chen, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. 2013; 59 (8): 4889-4914
  • A Self-Directed Method for Cell-Type Identification and Separation of Gene Expression Microarrays PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY Zuckerman, N. S., Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Lee, P. P. 2013; 9 (8)


    Gene expression analysis is generally performed on heterogeneous tissue samples consisting of multiple cell types. Current methods developed to separate heterogeneous gene expression rely on prior knowledge of the cell-type composition and/or signatures--these are not available in most public datasets. We present a novel method to identify the cell-type composition, signatures and proportions per sample without need for a-priori information. The method was successfully tested on controlled and semi-controlled datasets and performed as accurately as current methods that do require additional information. As such, this method enables the analysis of cell-type specific gene expression using existing large pools of publically available microarray datasets.

    View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003189

    View details for Web of Science ID 000323885400024

    View details for PubMedID 23990767

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC3749952

  • Reduced-Complexity Robust MIMO Decoders IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Thian, B. S., Goldsmith, A. 2013; 12 (8): 3783-3795
  • Energy-Efficient Communication via Feedback IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Mirghaderi, R., Goldsmith, A. 2013; 12 (7): 3338-3349
  • Reduced-Dimension Multiuser Detection IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Xie, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. 2013; 59 (6): 3858-3874
  • Reliable Joint Source-Channel Cooperative Transmission Over Relay Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Guenduez, D., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2013; 59 (4): 2442-2458
  • Blind Null-Space Learning for MIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio with Primary User Interference Adaptation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. 2013; 12 (4): 1722-1734
  • Capacity Bounds and Exact Results for the Cognitive Z-Interference Channel IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Liu, N., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. J., Shamai (Shitz), S. 2013; 59 (2): 886-893
  • A General Approach to Random Coding for Multi-Terminal Networks Information Theory and Applications Workshop Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013
  • Distortion Rate Function of Sub-Nyquist Sampled Gaussian Sources Corrupted by Noise 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing Kipnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Weissman, T., Eldar, Y. C. IEEE. 2013: 901–908
  • Outage Detection in Power Distribution Networks with Optimally-Deployed Power Flow Sensors General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society (PES) Zhao, Y., Sevlian, R., Rajagopal, R., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2013
  • Average Fade Duration for Amplify-and-Forward Relay Networks in Log-Normal Fading Lopez-Martinez, F., Kurniawan, E., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2013: 2051–56
  • Transmit Power Minimization for the Z Interference Channel Kurniawan, E., Rini, S., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2013: 2478–83
  • Null Space Learning In Cooperative MIMO Cellular Networks Using Interference Feedback Manolakos, A., Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., IEEE IEEE. 2013: 3983–89
  • Risky Power Forward Contracts for Wind Aggregation 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing Zhao, Y., Qin, J., Rajagopal, R., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2013: 54–61
  • Fundamental Limits of Cyber-Physical Security in Smart Power Grids Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H., IEEE IEEE. 2013: 200–205
  • Optimal Joint Detection and Estimation in Linear Models Chen, J., Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H., IEEE IEEE. 2013: 4416–21
  • Coordinated Resource Allocation in Centralized Radio Access Networks with Dynamic Downlink/Uplink Reconfiguration Zhu, D., Lei, M., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2013: 3625–30
  • On the Interference Channel with Common Messages and the role of Rate-Sharing IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013
  • A General Framework for Statistically Characterizing the Dynamics of MIMO Channels IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Lopez-Martinez, F. J., Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013
  • Rate Optimization for Relay-Assisted Downlink Cellular Systems Using Superposition Coding IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Rini, S., Ghaghanidze, L., Kurniawan, E., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013: 5371–5375
  • Reliable Uncoded Communication in the Underdetermined SIMO MAC with Low-Complexity Decoding 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., Weissman, T. IEEE. 2013: 1075–1081
  • Dynamic Joint Source-Channel Coding with Feedback IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT) Javidi, T., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013: 16–20
  • On The Capacity of the MIMO Cognitive Interference Channel IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT) Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013: 2691–2695
  • Physical-Layer Cryptography Through Massive MIMO IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Dean, T., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013
  • Inferring Neural Connectivity via Measured Delay in Directed Information Estimates IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT) Soltani, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013: 2503–2507
  • Minimax Universal Sampling for Compound Multiband Channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT) Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. IEEE. 2013: 1032–1036
  • How far are LDPC codes from fundamental limits on total power consumption? 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) Ganesan, K., Grover, P., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2013: 671–678
  • Reliable Uncoded Communication in the SIMO MAC via Low-Complexity Decoding IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT) Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., Weissman, T. IEEE. 2013: 1645–1649
  • On the interference channel with common messages and the role of rate-sharing Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. 2013
  • The one-bit null space learning algorithm and its convergence arXiv preprint arXiv Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. 2013: 1301.203
  • Backing off from Infinity: Tight Performance Bounds for Large Random Vector Channels arXiv preprint arXiv Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. 2013: 1312.2574
  • Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Random Vector Channels Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. 2013
  • Minimax Capacity Loss under Sub-Nyquist Universal Sampling arXiv preprint arXiv Chen, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. 2013: 1304.7751
  • On the capacity of the MIMO cognitive interference channel Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. 2013
  • Inferring neural connectivity via measured delay in directed information estimates Soltani, N., Goldsmith, A. 2013
  • Estimation of simultaneously structured covariance matrices from quadratic measurements Chen, Y., Chi, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. 2013
  • Outage Detection in Power Distribution Networks with Optimally-Deployed Power Flow Sensors Zhao, Y., Sevlian, R., Rajagopal, R., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2013
  • Analog network coding in the high-SNR regime Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Medard, M., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. 2013
  • A general framework for statistically characterizing the dynamics of MIMO channels Information Theory Workshop (ITW), IEEE Lopez-Martinez, F. J., Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. 2013: 1-5
  • Physical-layer cryptography through massive MIMO Information Theory Workshop (ITW), IEEE Dean, T., Goldsmith, A. 2013: 1-5
  • Interference management and network performance optimization in small cells Chandrasekhar, V., Goldsmith, A., Krishna, S., Madan, R. K. 2013
  • Exact and stable covariance estimation from quadratic sampling via convex programming arXiv preprint arXiv Chen, Y., Chi, Y., Goldsmith, A. 2013: 1310.0807
  • An Algorithm for Exact Super-resolution and Phase Retrieval arXiv preprint arXiv Chen, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. 2013: 1310.7552
  • Dynamic joint source-channel coding with feedback Javidi, T., Goldsmith, A. 2013
  • Energy Efficient Cooperative Strategies for Relay-Assisted Downlink Cellular Systems Part II: Practical Design arXiv preprint arXiv Riniy, S., Kurniawan, E., Ghaghanidze, L., Goldsmith, A. 2013: 1303.7034
  • One-Bit Null Space Learning for MIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. 2013
  • Interference management and network performance optimization in dense wifi networks Goldsmith, A., Chandrasekhar, V., Madan, R. K., Krishna, S. 2013
  • A self-directed method for cell-type identification and separation of gene expression microarrays. PLoS computational biology Zuckerman, N. S., Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Lee, P. P. 2013; 9 (8)


    Gene expression analysis is generally performed on heterogeneous tissue samples consisting of multiple cell types. Current methods developed to separate heterogeneous gene expression rely on prior knowledge of the cell-type composition and/or signatures--these are not available in most public datasets. We present a novel method to identify the cell-type composition, signatures and proportions per sample without need for a-priori information. The method was successfully tested on controlled and semi-controlled datasets and performed as accurately as current methods that do require additional information. As such, this method enables the analysis of cell-type specific gene expression using existing large pools of publically available microarray datasets.

    View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003189

    View details for PubMedID 23990767

  • Convex Optimization for Precoder Design in MIMO Interference Networks 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) Zhao, Y., Diggavi, S. N., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2013: 1213–1219
  • On the Capacity of Indecomposable Finite-State Channels With Feedback IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. J. 2013; 59 (1): 193-203
  • The Multiway Relay Channel IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Guenduez, D., Yener, A., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2013; 59 (1): 51-63
  • Uncoded transmission in MAC channels achieves arbitrarily small error probability 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., Weissman, T. IEEE. 2013: 1983–1990
  • A Learning Framework for Cognitive Interference Networks with Partial and Noisy Observations IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Levorato, M., Firouzabadi, S., Goldsmith, A. 2012; 11 (9): 3101-3111
  • Minimum Expected Distortion in Gaussian Source Coding With Fading Side Information IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Ng, C. T., Tian, C., Goldsmith, A. J., Shamai (Shitz), S. 2012; 58 (9): 5725-5739
  • Relaying in the Presence of Interference: Achievable Rates, Interference Forwarding, and Outer Bounds IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Maric, I., Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. J. 2012; 58 (7): 4342-4354
  • Networked Markov Decision Processes With Delays IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Adlakha, S., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. 2012; 57 (4): 1013-1018
  • Multihop Analog Network Coding via Amplify-and-Forward: The High SNR Regime IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Medard, M. 2012; 58 (2): 793-803
  • LQG Control for MIMO Systems Over Multiple Erasure Channels With Perfect Acknowledgment IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Garone, E., Sinopoli, B., Goldsmith, A., Casavola, A. 2012; 57 (2): 450-456
  • Exploiting Spatial Degrees of Freedom in MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2012
  • Choosing "green" codes by simulation-based modeling of implementations IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Ganesan, K., Wen, Y., Grover, P., Goldsmith, A., Rabaey, J. IEEE. 2012: 3286–3292
  • On PMU Location Selection for Line Outage Detection in Wide-area Transmission Networks General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2012
  • Principles of Cognitive Radio Goldsmith, A. J., Greenstein, L. J., Mandayam, N., Poor, H. V. Cambridge University Press. 2012
  • Channel capacity under sub-nyquist nonuniform sampling arXiv preprint arXiv Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. 2012: 1204.6049
  • Blind Null-Space Learning for MIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks arXiv preprint arXiv Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. 2012: 1202.0366
  • Choosing “green” codes by simulation-based modeling of implementations Ganesan, K., Wen, Y., Grover, P., Goldsmith, A., Rabaey, J. 2012
  • Primary Rate-Splitting Achieves Capacity for the Gaussian Cognitive Interference Channel arXiv preprint arXiv Rini, S., Kurniawan, E., Goldsmith, A. 2012: 1204.2083
  • How far are LDPC codes from fundamental limits on total power consumption? Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 50th Annual Allerton ... Ganesan, K., Grover, P., Goldsmith, A. 2012
  • On PMU location selection for line outage detection in wide-area transmission networks Power and Energy Society General Meeting, IEEE Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2012: 1-8
  • Joint Source-Channel Cooperative Transmission over Relay-Broadcast Networks arXiv preprint arXiv Gunduz, D., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2012: 1202.5967
  • COURSE OUTLINE ELEC 456–Mobile Communications Summer Goldsmith, A. 2012
  • Complex Network Information Exchange in Random Wireless Environments STANFORD UNIV CA Boyd, S., Eldar, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V. 2012
  • Combining Superposition Coding and Binning Achieves Capacity for the Gaussian Cognitive Interference Channel IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Rini, S., Kurniawan, E., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2012: 227–231
  • Technical Notes and Correspondence IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Garone, E., Sinopoli, B., Goldsmith, A., Casavola, A. 2012; 2 (57): 451
  • Spatial mac in mimo communications and its application to underlay cognitive radio arXiv preprint arXiv Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. 2012: 1202.0163
  • EE360 Project Progress Report: Channel Allocation in OFDMA for MUD Singla, A., Goldsmith, A. 2012
  • Practical Coding Schemes for Cognitive Overlay Radios IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Kurniawan, E., Goldsmith, A., Rini, S. IEEE. 2012: 3760–3765
  • Blind Null-space Tracking for MIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Manolakos, A., Noam, Y., Dimou, K., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2012: 1223–1229
  • Energy Efficient Cooperation for Two-Hop Relay Networks Annual Summit and Conference of the Asia-Pacific-Signal-and-Information-Processing-Association (APSIPA) Kurniawan, E., Rini, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2012
  • Structure-based learning in wireless networks via sparse approximation EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Levorato, M., Mitra, U., Goldsmith, A. 2012
  • Reduced-Dimension Multiuser Detection IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Xie, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2012: 2265–2269
  • Blind Null-Space Learning for Spatial Coexistence in MIMO Cognitive Radios IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Noam, Y., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2012: 1726–1731
  • Optimizing Cellular Network Architectures to Minimize Energy Consumption IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Kurniawan, E., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2012
  • Channel Capacity under General Nonuniform Sampling IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Chen, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2012: 855–859
  • Fundamental limits on the power consumption of encoding and decoding IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Grover, P., Goldsmith, A., Sahai, A. IEEE. 2012
  • Common Rate Support in Multi-Antenna Downlink Channels Using Semi-Orthogonal User Selection IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Yoo, T., Foschini, G. J., Valenzuela, R. A., Goldsmith, A. J. 2011; 57 (6): 3449-3461
  • Beyond Shannon: The Quest for Fundamental Performance Limits of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Goldsmith, A., Effros, M., Koetter, R., Medard, M., Ozdaglar, A., Zheng, L. 2011; 49 (5): 195-205
  • MDA5 and TLR3 Initiate Pro-Inflammatory Signaling Pathways Leading to Rhinovirus-Induced Airways Inflammation and Hyperresponsiveness PLOS PATHOGENS Wang, Q., Miller, D. J., Bowman, E. R., Nagarkar, D. R., Schneider, D., Zhao, Y., Linn, M. J., Goldsmith, A. M., Bentley, J. K., Sajjan, U. S., Hershenson, M. B. 2011; 7 (5)


    Rhinovirus (RV), a single-stranded RNA picornavirus, is the most frequent cause of asthma exacerbations. We previously demonstrated in human bronchial epithelial cells that melanoma differentiation-associated gene (MDA)-5 and the adaptor protein for Toll-like receptor (TLR)-3 are each required for maximal RV1B-induced interferon (IFN) responses. However, in vivo, the overall airway response to viral infection likely represents a coordinated response integrating both antiviral and pro-inflammatory pathways. We examined the airway responses of MDA5- and TLR3-deficient mice to infection with RV1B, a minor group virus which replicates in mouse lungs. MDA5 null mice showed a delayed type I IFN and attenuated type III IFN response to RV1B infection, leading to a transient increase in viral titer. TLR3 null mice showed normal IFN responses and unchanged viral titers. Further, RV-infected MDA5 and TLR3 null mice showed reduced lung inflammatory responses and reduced airways responsiveness. Finally, RV-infected MDA5 null mice with allergic airways disease showed lower viral titers despite deficient IFN responses, and allergic MDA5 and TLR3 null mice each showed decreased RV-induced airway inflammatory and contractile responses. These results suggest that, in the context of RV infection, binding of viral dsRNA to MDA5 and TLR3 initiates pro-inflammatory signaling pathways leading to airways inflammation and hyperresponsiveness.

    View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.ppat.1002070

    View details for Web of Science ID 000291014000046

    View details for PubMedID 21637773

  • Study of Gaussian Relay Channels with Correlated Noises IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Zhang, L., Jiang, J., Goldsmith, A. J., Cui, S. 2011; 59 (3): 863-876
  • Transceiver Design for MIMO systems with imperfect CSI at Transmitter and Receiver IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Thian, B. S., Zhou, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2011
  • On Optimal Relay Placement and Sleep Control to Improve Energy Efficiency in Cellular Networks IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Zhou, S., Goldsmith, A. J., Niu, Z. IEEE. 2011
  • Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff in a MIMO Gaussian Interference Channel with a Relay IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2011: 2622–2626
  • Joint pricing and resource allocation for OFDMA-based cognitive radio systems Ghorbel, M. B., Goldsmith, A., Alouini, M. 2011
  • The Capacity of the Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay in Very Strong Interference arXiv preprint arXiv Riniy, S., Tuninetti, D., Devroye, N., Goldsmith, A. 2011: 1102.3227
  • Shannon meets Nyquist: The interplay between capacity and sampling Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C. 2011
  • Resource allocation for constrained backhaul in picocell networks Maric, I., Bostjancic, B., Goldsmith, A. 2011
  • Shannon meets Nyquist: capacity limits of sampled analog channels Chen, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. 2011
  • On optimal relay placement and sleep control to improve energy efficiency in cellular networks Zhou, S., Goldsmith, A. J., Niu, Z. 2011
  • Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in a MIMO Gaussian interference channel with a relay Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. J. 2011
  • EE359 Project Report: Location Estimation using Wireless Multipath Signals Singla, A., Goldsmith, A. 2011
  • A reinforcement learning optimization framework for cognitive interference networks Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 49th Annual Allerton ... Levorato, M., Firouzabadi, S., Goldsmith, A. 2011
  • Downlink performance and capacity of distributed antenna systems arXiv preprint arXiv Firouzabadi, S., Goldsmith, A. 2011: 1109.2957
  • Information theory meets circuit design: Why capacity-approaching codes require more chip area and power Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 49th Annual Allerton ... Grover, P., Goldsmith, A., Sahai, A., Rabaey, J. 2011
  • Approaching the Capacity of Sampled Analog Channels IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Chen, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2011
  • Coding Strategies for a Class of Decentralized Control Problems with Limited Communication 50th IEEE Conference of Decision and Control (CDC)/European Control Conference (ECC) Mirghaderi, R., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2011: 4809–4816
  • Cognitive Interference Networks with Partial and Noisy Observations: a Learning Framework 54th Annual IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) Levorato, M., Firouzabadi, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2011
  • The Capacity of the Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay in Strong Interference IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) Rini, S., Tuninetti, D., Devroye, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2011: 2632–2636
  • Optimal Placement of Distributed Antennas in Cellular Systems 12th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications Firouzabadi, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2011: 461–465
  • Optimization of ARQ Protocols in Interference Networks with QoS Constraints IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Levorato, M., O'Neill, D., Goldsmith, A., Mitra, U. IEEE. 2011
  • SHANNON MEETS NYQUIST: CAPACITY LIMITS OF SAMPLED ANALOG CHANNELS IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Chen, Y., Eldar, Y. C., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2011: 3104–3107
  • Minimizing Transmit Power in a Virtual-cell Downlink with Distributed Antennas 54th Annual IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) Thian, B. S., Zhou, S., Goldsmith, A., Niu, Z. IEEE. 2011
  • On the Capacity of a Class of Cognitive Z-interference Channels IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Jiang, J., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Shamai, S. (., Cui, S. IEEE. 2011
  • Multiple Multicasts With the Help of a Relay IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Guenduez, D., Simeone, O., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V., Shamai (Shitz), S. 2010; 56 (12): 6142-6158
  • Interference Channels With Correlated Receiver Side Information IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Liu, N., Guenduez, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V. 2010; 56 (12): 5984-5998
  • Capacity Theorems for Discrete, Finite-State Broadcast Channels With Feedback and Unidirectional Receiver Cooperation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. J. 2010; 56 (12): 5958-5983
  • Adaptive Modulation for MIMO Systems with Channel Prediction Errors IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Fernandez-Plazaola, U., Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. 2010; 9 (8): 2516-2527
  • Generalizing Capacity: New Definitions and Capacity Theorems for Composite Channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Effros, M., Goldsmith, A., Liang, Y. (. 2010; 56 (7): 3069-3087
  • Characterization of spasticity in cerebral palsy: dependence of catch angle on velocity DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY Wu, Y., Ren, Y., Goldsmith, A., Gaebler, D., Liu, S. Q., Zhang, L. 2010; 52 (6): 563-569


    To evaluate spasticity under controlled velocities and torques in children with cerebral palsy (CP) using a manual spasticity evaluator.The study involved 10 children with spastic CP (six males, four females; mean age 10 y 1 mo, SD 2 y 9 mo, range 7-16 y; one with quadriplegia, six with right hemiplegia, three with left hemiplegia; Gross Motor Function Classification System levels I [n=2], II [n=3], III [n=2], IV [n=2], and V [n=1]; Manual Ability Classification System levels II [n=5], III [n=4], and V [n=1]) and 10 typically developing participants (four males, six females; mean age 10 y 3 mo, SD 2 y 7 mo, range 7-15 y). Spasticity and catch angle were evaluated using joint position, resistance torque, and torque rate at velocities of 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees per second, controlled using real-time audio-visual feedback. Biomechanically, elbow range of motion (ROM), stiffness, and energy loss were determined during slow movement (30 degrees/s) and under controlled terminal torque.Compared with typically developing children, children with CP showed higher reflex-mediated torque (p<0.001) and the torque increased more rapidly with increasing velocity (p<0.001). Catch angle was dependent on velocity and occurred later with increasing velocity (p=0.005). Children with CP showed smaller ROM (p<0.05), greater stiffness (p<0.001), and more energy loss (p=0.003).Spasticity with velocity dependence may also be position-dependent. The delayed catch angle at higher velocities indicates that the greater resistance felt by the examiner at higher velocities was also due to position change, because the joint was moved further to a stiffer position at higher velocities.

    View details for DOI 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2009.03602.x

    View details for Web of Science ID 000277524800016

    View details for PubMedID 20132137

  • Multi-Hop MIMO Relay Networks: Diversity-Multiplexing Trade-off Analysis IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Gunduz, D., Khojastepour, M. A., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2010; 9 (5): 1738-1747
  • The Capacity Region of the Degraded Finite-State Broadcast Channel IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. J. 2010; 56 (4): 1828-1851
  • The rise of instant wireless networks. Scientific American Effros, M., Goldsmith, A., Médard, M. 2010; 302 (4): 72-77

    View details for PubMedID 20349579

  • Hat Guessing Games and the Use of Coding for Decentralized Control 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Mirghaderi, R., Adlakha, S., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2010: 979–985
  • Residential Demand Response Using Reinforcement Learning 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) O'Neill, D., Levorato, M., Goldsmith, A., Mitra, U. IEEE. 2010: 409–414
  • Distributed wireless network utility maximization Firouzabadi, S., O'Neill, D. C., Goldsmith, A. 2010
  • Redes inalámbricas instantáneas Investigación y Ciencia: Edición Española de Scientific American Effros, M., Goldsmith, A., Medard, M. 2010: 78-83
  • Communication over the Gaussian channel with rate-limited feedback Mirghaderi, R., Goldsmith, A. 2010
  • Achievable Error Exponents in the Gaussian Channel with Rate-Limited Feedback arXiv preprint arXiv Mirghaderi, R., Goldsmith, A., Weissman, T. 2010: 1007.1986
  • Analog network coding in the high-SNR regime Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Medard, M. 2010
  • Outage capacity of bursty amplify-and-forward with incremental relaying Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA), International ... Renk, T., Jäkel, H., Jondral, F. K., Gunduz, D., Goldsmith, A. 2010
  • Cooperative relaying in sensor networks Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks & Communications (CROWNCOM) Gundüz, D., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2010
  • Optimal power line communications control policies using stochastic optimization Power Line Communications and Its Applications (ISPLC), IEEE ... Firouzabadi, S., O'Neill, D., Goldsmith, A. J. 2010
  • Residential demand response using reinforcement learning Levorato, M., Goldsmith, A., Mitra, U. 2010
  • Residential demand response using reinforcement learning O'Neill, D., Levorato, M., Goldsmith, A., Mitra, U. 2010
  • L'essor des réseaux sans fil instantanés Pour la science EFFROS, M., GOLDSMITH, A., MEDARD, M. 2010: 52-57
  • Communication with Rate-Limited Feedback Mirghaderi, R., Goldsmith, A. 2010
  • Cognitive cellular systems within the TV spectrum Sachs, J., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. 2010
  • LIvINg oN a NEW EaRTH 54 Boundaries for SCiENTifiC amEriCaN Bell, E., Insel, T. R., Santina, C. D., Effros, M., Goldsmith, A., Médard, M. 2010; 4 (302)
  • Channel Adaptive and Rate Allocation Techniques for Video Streaming Over Wireless Ad hoc Networks Wireless Communications Daneshi, M., Goldsmith, A. 2010
  • On the usage of antennas in MIMO and MISO interference channels Kaynia, M., Goldsmith, A. J., Gesbert, D., Øien, G. E. 2010
  • Do decode-and-forward relaying protocols beat transmit diversity? Renk, T., Jaekel, H., Jondral, F. K., Goldsmith, A. 2010
  • TECHNOLOGY-The Rise of Instant Wireless Networks-Wireless networks that form on the fly bring communications to the most foreboding environments. Scientific American Effros, M., Goldsmith, A., Médard, M. 2010: 72
  • Diversity-Multiplexing-Delay Tradeoffs in MIMO Multihop Networks with ARQ 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Xie, Y., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2010: 2208–2212
  • On Oblivious Equilibrium in Large Population Stochastic Games 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) Adlakha, S., Johari, R., Weintraub, G. Y., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2010: 3117–3124
  • Decoding for MIMO systems with imperfect channel state information IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010) Thian, B. S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2010
  • Learning Interference Strategies in Cognitive ARQ Networks IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010) Firouzabadi, S., Levorato, M., O'Neill, D., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2010
  • Optimizing Adaptive Modulation in Wireless Networks via Multi-Period Network Utility Maximization 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications O'Neill, D., Akuiyibo, E., Boyd, S., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2010
  • Capacity Regions and Bounds for a Class of Z-Interference Channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Liu, N., Goldsmith, A. J. 2009; 55 (11): 4986-4994
  • Elastase- and LPS-exposed mice display altered responses to rhinovirus infection AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY Sajjan, U., Ganesan, S., Comstock, A. T., Shim, J., Wang, Q., Nagarkar, D. R., Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A. M., Sonstein, J., Linn, M. J., Curtis, J. L., Hershenson, M. B. 2009; 297 (5): L931-L944


    Viral infection is associated with approximately one-half of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which in turn, accelerate disease progression. In this study, we infected mice exposed to a combination of elastase and LPS, a constituent of cigarette smoke and a risk factor for development of COPD, with rhinovirus serotype 1B, and examined animals for viral persistence, airway resistance, lung volume, and cytokine responses. Mice exposed to elastase and LPS once a week for 4 wk showed features of COPD such as airway inflammation and obstruction, goblet cell metaplasia, reduced lung elastance, increased total lung volume, and increased alveolar chord length. In general, mice exposed to elastase or LPS alone showed intermediate effects. Compared with rhinovirus (RV)-infected PBS-exposed mice, RV-infected elastase/LPS-exposed mice showed persistence of viral RNA, airway hyperresponsiveness, increased lung volume, and sustained increases in expression of TNFalpha, IL-5, IL-13, and muc5AC (up to 14 days postinfection). Furthermore, virus-induced IFNs, interferon response factor-7, and IL-10 were deficient in elastase/LPS-treated mice. Mice exposed to LPS or elastase alone cleared virus similar to PBS-treated control mice. We conclude that limited exposure of mice to elastase/LPS produces a COPD-like condition including increased persistence of RV, likely due to skewing of the immune response towards a Th2 phenotype. Similar mechanisms may be operative in COPD.

    View details for DOI 10.1152/ajplung.00150.2009

    View details for Web of Science ID 000271141600017

    View details for PubMedID 19748999

  • Distortion Minimization in Gaussian Layered Broadcast Coding With Successive Refinement IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Ng, C. T., Guenduez, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Erkip, E. 2009; 55 (11): 5074-5086
  • Source and Channel Coding for Correlated Sources Over Multiuser Channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Gunduz, D., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2009: 3927–44
  • Compound Multiple-Access Channels With Partial Cooperation 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Simeone, O., Gunduz, D., Poor, H. V., Goldsmith, A. J., Shamai (Shitz), S. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2009: 2425–41
  • Breaking Spectrum Gridlock With Cognitive Radios: An Information Theoretic Perspective PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Goldsmith, A., Jafar, S. A., Maric, I., Srinivasa, S. 2009; 97 (5): 894-914
  • Performance Comparison of MRC and IC Under Transmit Diversity IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) Pena-Martin, J. P., Romero-Jerez, J. M., Aguilera, G., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2009: 2484–93
  • Performance of Multichannel Reception with Transmit Antenna Selection in Arbitrarily Distributed Nagakami Fading Channels IEEE Global Communications Conference Romero-Jerez, J. M., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2009: 2006–13
  • Finite State Channels With Time-Invariant Deterministic Feedback IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Permuter, H. H., Weissman, T., Goldsmith, A. J. 2009; 55 (2): 644-662
  • A Mean Field Approach to Competition in Large Scale Wireless Systems MobiHoc S3 Workshop Adlakha, S., Johari, R., Weintraub, G., Goldsmith, A. ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY. 2009: 13–15
  • Finite-State Broadcast Channels with Feedback and Receiver Cooperation IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Networking and Information Theory Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2009: 120–124
  • Relaying Simultaneous Multicast Messages IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Networking and Information Theory Gunduz, D., Simeone, O., GOLDSMITH, A., Poor, H. V., Shamai (Shitz), S. IEEE. 2009: 47–51
  • Distortion Exponent in MIMO Channels with Feedback IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Guenduez, D., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2009: 293–297
  • Coding with Frame Synchronization for Finite-State Channels with Feedback IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2009: 308–312
  • Relaying Simultaneous Multicasts via Structured Codes IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2009) Gunduz, D., Simeone, O., GOLDSMITH, A., Poor, H. V., Shamai (Shitz), S. IEEE. 2009: 2321–2325
  • BER Analysis for MIMO-OFDM Beamforming with MRC under Channel Prediction and Interpolation Errors IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 09) Javier Lopez-Martinez, F., Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2009: 739–745
  • Proofs of Garone, E., Sinopoli, B., Goldsmith, A., Casavola, A. 2009
  • Relaying simultaneous multicast messages Networking and Information Theory, ITW 2009. IEEE Information Theory ... Gunduz, D., Simeone, O., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V., Shamai, S. 2009
  • Proofs of" LQG Control For MIMO System Over Multiple TCP-like Erasure Channels" arXiv preprint arXiv Garone, E., Sinopoli, B., Goldsmith, A., Casavola, A. 2009: 909.2172
  • LQG control for MIMO systems over multiple tcp-like erasure channels Under Review Garone, E., Sinopoli, B., Goldsmith, A., Casavola, A. 2009
  • Coding with frame synchronization for finite-state channels with feedback Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. 2009
  • Relaying simultaneous multicasts via structured codes Gunduz, D., Simeone, O., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V., Shamai, S. 2009
  • IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter Goldsmith, A. 2009
  • BER analysis for MIMO-OFDM beamforming with MRC under channel prediction and interpolation errors López-Martínez, F. J., Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. 2009
  • Outage capacity of incremental relaying at low signal-to-noise ratios Renk, T., Jakel, H., Jondral, F. K., Gunduz, D., Goldsmith, A. 2009
  • Bit error rate analysis in MIMO channels with fading and interference Romero-Jerez, J. M., Pena-Martin, J. P., Goldsmith, A. J. 2009
  • Source-Channel Coding and Separation for Generalized Communication Systems arXiv preprint arXiv Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A., Effros, M. 2009: 902.4647
  • Finite-state broadcast channels with feedback and receiver cooperation Networking and Information Theory, ITW IEEE Information Theory ... Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. 2009
  • Distortion exponent in MIMO channels with feedback Gunduz, D., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2009
  • Bit Error Rate Analysis in MIMO Channels with Fading and Interference 69th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Romero-Jerez, J. M., Pena-Martin, J. P., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2009: 1533–1537
  • A Reduced-complexity MIMO Receiver via Channel Ordering IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 09) Thian, B. S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2009: 3362–3367
  • The Multi-way Relay Channel IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2009) Gunduz, D., Yener, A., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2009: 339–343
  • Decentralized Team Decision Via Coding 47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing Adlakha, S., Mirghaderi, S. R., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2009: 151–151
  • Achievable Rate Regions for Broadcast Channels With Cognitive Relays IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Jiang, J., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Cui, S. IEEE. 2009: 500–504
  • Multihop MIMO Relay Networks with ARQ IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 09) Xie, Y., Gunduz, D., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2009: 6237–6242
  • Wireless NUM: Rate and Reliability Tradeoffs in Random Environments IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference O'Neill, D., Thian, B. S., Goldsmith, A., Boyd, S. IEEE. 2009: 444–449
  • Oblivious Equilibrium: An Approximation to Large Population Dynamic Games with Concave Utility International Conference on Game Theory for Networks Adlakha, S., Johari, R., Weintraub, G., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2009: 68–69
  • Achievable Rates and Capacity for Gaussian Relay Channels with Correlated Noises IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2009) Jiang, J., Goldsmith, A., Cui, S. IEEE. 2009: 179–183
  • An Outer Bound for the Gaussian Interference Channel with a Relay IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) Maric, I., Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2009: 569–573
  • Bounds and Capacity Results for the Cognitive Z-interference Channel IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2009) Liu, N., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. J., Shamai (Shitz), S. IEEE. 2009: 2422–2426
  • Identification over Multiple Databases IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2009) Gunduz, D., Tuncel, E., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2009: 2311–2315
  • The Impact of CSI and Power Allocation on Relay Channel Capacity and Cooperation Strategies IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) Ng, C. T., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2008: 5380–89
  • Exact BER Analysis for M-QAM Modulation with Transmit Beamforming under Channel Prediction Errors IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Fernandez-Plazaola, U., Goldsmith, A. J. 2008; 7 (10): 3674-3678
  • On the capacity of interference channels with one cooperating transmitter EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Kramer, G., Shamai (Shitz), S. 2008; 19 (4): 405-420

    View details for DOI 10.1002/ett.1298

    View details for Web of Science ID 000257012200006

  • Joint source and channel coding for MIMO systems: Is it better to be robust or quick? IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2008: 1393–1405
  • Receive antenna array strategies in fading and interference: An outage probability comparison IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007) Romero-Jerez, J. M., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2008: 920–32
  • Linear coherent decentralized estimation IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 06) Xiao, J., Cui, S., Luo, Z., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2008: 757–70
  • Interference Forwarding in Multiuser Networks IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 08) Dabora, R., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008
  • Compound Multiple Access Channels with Conferencing Decoders 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Simeone, O., Guenduez, D., Poor, H. V., GOLDSMITH, A., Shamai (Shitz), S. IEEE. 2008: 865–872
  • Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoffs in MIMO Relay Channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 08) Guenduez, D., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2008
  • Exact Error Rates of MRC with Transmit Antenna Selection in Non-Identically Distributed Nakagami Fading Channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 08) Romero-Jerez, J. M., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2008
  • MIMO Two-way Relay Channel: Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff Analysis 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Guenduez, D., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2008: 1474–1478
  • Lossy Source Transmission over the Relay Channel IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Guenduez, D., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2008: 2096–2100
  • Exact closed-form BER analysis of MIMO multiplexing under channel prediction errors IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008) Fernandez-Plazaola, U., Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2008: 1243–1248
  • Diversity-multiplexing tradeoffs in MIMO relay channels Gunduz, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V. 2008
  • Exact Closed-Form BER Analysis of MIMO Multiplexing under Channel Prediction Errors Fernández-Plazaola, U., Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. 2008
  • Compound multiple access channels with conferencing decoders Simeone, O., Gunduz, D., Poor, H. V., Goldsmith, A., Shamai, S. 2008
  • Lossy source transmission over the relay channel Gunduz, D., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V. 2008
  • The capacity region of the cognitive z-interference channel with one noiseless component arXiv preprint arXiv Liu, N., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Shamai, S. 2008: 812.0617
  • Transmission of correlated sources over multiuser channels IEEE Trans. on Information Theory Gündüz, D., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2008
  • An analysis of MIMO techniques for mobile WiMAX systems Mobile WiMAX Muquet, B., Biglieri, E., Goldsmith, A., Sari, H. 2008: 13-30
  • MIMO two-way relay channel: Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff analysis Gunduz, D., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2008
  • Exact Error Rates of MRC with Transmit Antenna Selection in Non-Identically Distributed Nakagami Fading Channels Romero-Jerez, J. M., Goldsmith, A. J. 2008
  • Distortion Minimization in Gaussian Source Coding with Fading Side Information Ng, C. T., Shamai, S., Goldsmith, A. J., Tian, C. 2008
  • The capacity region of the degraded finite-state broadcast channel IEEE Information Theory Workshop Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 11–15
  • Wireless Network Utility Maximization IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2008) O'Neill, D., Goldsmith, A., Boyd, S. IEEE. 2008: 2314–2321
  • Information State for Markov Decision Processes with Network Delays 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Adlakha, S., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 3840–3847
  • Superposition Encoding and Partial Decoding Is Optimal for a Class of Z-interference Channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Liu, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 564–568
  • On the Capacity of the Interference Channel with a Relay IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Marric, I., Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 554–558
  • Cross-Layer Design with Adaptive Modulation: Delay, Rate, and Energy Tradeoffs IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 08) O'Neill, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Boyd, S. IEEE. 2008
  • Capacity Theorems for the Finite-State Broadcast Channel with Feedback IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 1716–1720
  • Power and bandwidth allocation in cooperative dirty paper coding IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008) Ng, C. T., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. J., Mitra, U. IEEE. 2008: 1018–1023
  • Interference Channels with Correlated Receiver Side Information 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Liu, N., Guenduez, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2008: 547–554
  • Generalized Relaying in the Presence of Interference 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Maric, I., Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 1579–1582
  • Optimizing adaptive modulation in wireless networks via utility maximization IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008) O'Neill, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Boyd, S. IEEE. 2008: 3372–3377
  • Relay strategies for interference-forwarding IEEE Information Theory Workshop Dabora, R., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 46–50
  • Oblivious Equilibrium for Stochastic Games with Concave Utility 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Adlakha, S., Johari, R., Weintraub, G., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 1304–1308
  • Generalized Capacity and Source-Channel Coding for Packet Erasure Channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 08) Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A., Effros, M. IEEE. 2008
  • Oblivious Equilibrium for Large-Scale Stochastic Games with Unbounded Costs 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Adlakha, S., Johari, R., Weintraub, G., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 5531–5538
  • Encoding against an Interferer's Codebook 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Maric, I., Liu, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 523–530
  • Large On the Capacity of Indecomposable Finite-State Channels with Feedback 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 1045–1052
  • Evolution of base stations in cellular networks: Denser deployment versus coordination IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008) Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A., Foschini, G., Valenzuela, R., Chizhik, D. IEEE. 2008: 4128–4132
  • A Bayesian Network Approach to Control of Networked Markov Decision Processes 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Adlakha, S., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2008: 446–451
  • Modeling and optimization of transmission schemes in energy-constrained wireless sensor networks IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING Madan, R., Cui, S., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2007; 15 (6): 1359-1372
  • Capacity gain from two-transmitter and two-receiver cooperation IEEE Information Theory Workshop Ng, C. T., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. J., Mitra, U. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 3822–27
  • Cross-layer energy and delay optimization in. small-scale sensor networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Cui, S., Madan, R., Goldsmith, A. J., Lall, S. 2007; 6 (10): 3688-3699
  • Multi-antenna downlink channels with limited feedback and user selection IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Yoo, T., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. 2007; 25 (7): 1478-1491
  • Estimation diversity and energy efficiency in distributed sensing 30th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Cui, S., Xiao, J., Goldsmith, A. J., Luo, Z., Poor, H. V. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 4683–95
  • Optimization of MIMO transceivers for realistic communication networks: Challenges and opportunities IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Palomar, D., Davidson, T., Barbarossa, S., GOLDSMITH, A., Giannakis, G. 2007; 25 (7): 1265-1268
  • A game-theoretic approach to energy-efficient modulation in CDMA networks with delay QoS constraints IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium Meshkati, F., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V., Schwartz, S. C. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 1069–78
  • Outage probability of MRC with arbitrary power cochannel interferers in Nakagami fading 15th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, Mobile, Radio Communications (PIMRC 2004) Romero-Jerez, J. M., Pena Martin, J. P., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 1283–86
  • Capacity of time-varying channels with causal channel side information IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Goldsmith, A. J., Medard, M. 2007; 53 (3): 881-899
  • On the capacity of interference channels with a partially-cognitive transmitter IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Kramer, G., Shamai (Shitz), S. IEEE. 2007: 2156–2160
  • Joint relaying and network coding in wireless networks IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Katti, S., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Katabi, D., Medard, M. IEEE. 2007: 1101–1105
  • Capacity definitions of general channels with receiver side information IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Effros, M., Goldsmith, A., Liang, Y. IEEE. 2007: 921–925
  • A game-theoretic approach to energy-efficient modulation in CDMA networks with delay constraints IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium Meshkati, F., Goldsmith, A. J., Poor, H. V., Schwartz, S. C. IEEE. 2007: 289–292
  • LQG control for distributed systems over TCP-like erasure channels 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Garone, E., Sinopoli, B., Goldsmith, A., Casavola, A. IEEE. 2007: 5761–5766
  • Analysis of MIMO beamforming with channel response variations over the frame interval IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 07) Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Fernandez-Plazaola, U., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2007: 1597–1601
  • Multi-antenna broadcast channels with limited feedback and user selection,” to appear IEEE Journal Sel. Areas in Communications Yoo, T., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. 2007
  • Competition in wireless systems via Bayesian interference games arXiv preprint arXiv Adlakha, S., Johari, R., Goldsmith, A. 2007: 709.0516
  • Joint relaying and network coding in wireless networks Katti, S., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Katabi, D., Medard, M. 2007
  • Analysis of MIMO beamforming with channel response variations over the frame interval Martos-Naya, E., Paris, J. F., Fernández-Plazaola, U., Goldsmith, A. J. 2007
  • Diversity, interference cancellation and spatial multiplexing in MIMO mobile WiMAX systems Biglieri, E., Goldsmith, A., Muquet, B., Sari, H. 2007
  • Application-driven design of smart camera networks Hengstler, S., Aghajan, H., Goldsmith, A. 2007
  • Consummating the Union Between Control and Communications Goldsmith, A. 2007
  • Bit rearrangement for MIMO retransmissions Moon, S. H., Park, H. H., Goldsmith, A., Oh, M. 2007
  • Capacity definitions of general channels with receiver side information Effros, M., Goldsmith, A., Liang, Y. 2007
  • Antenna array processing in fading and interference: An interference-cancellation vs. diversity comparative performance IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007) Romero-Jerez, J. M., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2007: 1108–1113
  • Application-oriented design of smart camera networks Hengstler, S., Aghajan, H., Goldsmith, A. 2007
  • MIMO wireless communications Biglieri, E. Cambridge University Press. 2007
  • Estimation diversity and energy efficiency in distributed sensing Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions Cui, S., Xiao, J. J., Goldsmith, A. J., Luo, Z. Q., Poor, H. V. 2007; 9 (55): 4683-4695
  • Adaptive channel reuse in cellular systems IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007) Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2007: 857–862
  • On the capacity of interference channels with a cognitive transmitter IEEE Information Theory and Applications Workshop Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Kramer, G., Shamai, S. (. IEEE. 2007: 266–271
  • Interference suppression in wireless cellular networks through picocells 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Liang, Y., Valenzuela, R., Foschini, G., Chizhik, D., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2007: 1041–1045
  • Joint capacity, flow and rate allocation for multiuser video streaming over wireless ad-hoc networks IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007) Adlakha, S., Zhu, X., Girod, B., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2007: 1747–1753
  • An achievable rate region for interference channels with one cooperating transmitter 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Kramer, G., Shamai (Shitz), S. IEEE. 2007: 888–892
  • Optimal control of distributed Markov decision processes with network delays 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Adlakha, S., Madan, R., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2007: 4804–4810
  • Distortion metrics of composite channels with receiver side information IEEE Information Theory Workshop Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A., Effros, M. IEEE. 2007: 559–564
  • Recursive power allocation in Gaussian layered broadcast coding with successive refinement IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007) Ng, C. T., Gunduz, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Erkip, E. IEEE. 2007: 889–896
  • Source transmission over relay channel with correlated relay side information IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Gunduz, D., Ng, C. T., Erkip, E., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2007: 611–615
  • Information-theoretic relaying for multicast in wireless networks IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2007) Maric, I., Goldsmith, A., Medard, M. IEEE. 2007: 3071–3077
  • Optimal sensing rate for estimation over shared communication links 26th American Control Conference Adlakha, S., Sinopoli, B., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2007: 2773–2775
  • Minimum expected distortion in Gaussian layered broadcast coding with successive refinement IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Ng, C. T., Gunduz, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Erkip, E. IEEE. 2007: 2226–2230
  • Minimum expected distortion in Gaussian source coding with uncertain side information IEEE Information Theory Workshop Ng, C. T., Tian, C., Goldsmith, A. J., Shamai (Shitz), S. IEEE. 2007: 454–459
  • Cross-layer design for lifetime maximization in interference-limited wireless sensor networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Madan, R., Cui, S., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. 2006; 5 (11): 3142-3152
  • Capacity of finite state channels based on Lyapunov exponents of random matrices IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Glynn, P. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2006: 3509–32
  • New media access protocols for wireless ad hoc networks based on cross-layer principles IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2006; 5 (8): 2228-2241
  • Advances in smart antennas IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Lozano, A., Goldsmith, A., Valenzuela, R. A., Lagunas, M. A., Gesbert, D. 2006; 13 (4): 6-7
  • Cross-layer design of energy-constrained networks using cooperative MIMO techniques SIGNAL PROCESSING Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2006; 86 (8): 1804-1814
  • Adaptive hierarchical modulation for simultaneous voice and multiclass data transmission over fading channels 4th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) Hossain, J., Vitthaladevuni, P. K., Alouini, M., Bhargava, V. K., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2006: 1181–94
  • On the capacity of the vector MAC with feedback 41st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing Jafar, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2006: 3259–64
  • Capacity and power allocation for fading MIMO channels with channel estimation error IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004) Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2006: 2203–14
  • On the optimality of multiantenna broadcast scheduling using zero-forcing beamforming IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. 2006; 24 (3): 528-541
  • Power scheduling of universal decentralized estimation in sensor networks 1st Annual IEEE-Communications-Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2004) Xiao, J. J., Cui, S. G., Luo, Z. Q., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2006: 413–22
  • Capacity and Power Allocation for Transmitter and Receiver Cooperation in Fading Channels IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) Ng, C. T., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2006: 3741–3746
  • Linear Coherent Decentralized Estimation Xiao, J., Cui, S., Luo, Z., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2006
  • The Impact of Delay on the Diversity, Multiplexing, and ARQ Tradeoff Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H., IEEE IEEE. 2006: 1445–49
  • Cross-layer design for MIMO systems Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., IEEE IEEE. 2006: 1114–19
  • Estimation Diversity with Multiple Heterogeneous Sensors IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) Cui, S., Xiao, J., Goldsmith, A. J., Luo, Z., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2006: 1549–1554
  • Adaptive Modulation for MIMO Beamforming under Average BER Constraints and Imperfect CSI IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2006: 1312–1317
  • Adaptive Modulation for MIMO Multiplexing under Average BER Constraints and Imperfect CSI IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2006: 1318–1325
  • Adaptive modulation for MIMO beamforming under average BER constraints and imperfect CSI Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. 2006
  • Performance of MIMO MRC Systems with Co-Channel Interference IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) Romero-Jerez, J. M., Pena-Martin, J. P., Aguilera, G., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2006: 1343–1349
  • Cross-layer design for MIMO systems Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A. 2006
  • Adaptive modulation for MIMO multiplexing under average BER constraints and imperfect CSI Paris, J. F., Goldsmith, A. J. 2006
  • IEEE Information Theory Workshop Roth, R., Effros, M., Goldsmith, A., Kontoyiannis, I., Krawczyk, H., Lugosi, G. 2006
  • The role of SNR in achieving MIMO rates in cooperative systems Ng, C. T., Laneman, J. N., Goldsmith, A. J. 2006
  • The impact of delay on the diversity, multiplexing, and ARQ tradeoff Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V. 2006
  • Estimation diversity with multiple heterogeneous sensors Cui, S., Xiao, J., Goldsmith, A. J., Luo, Z. Q., Poor, H. V. 2006
  • CTH15-1: Linear Coherent Decentralized Estimation Xiao, J., Cui, S., Luo, Z. Q., Goldsmith, A. 2006
  • wireless communication systems. From the beginning of 2006 he is serving as the vice-chair of Working Group 5 (short-range communications) for the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF). AndersBrødløsOlsenreceivedhisM. Sc. EE degree insignalprocessingwith specialization in Applied Signal Processing and Implementation from Aalborg Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Principles and Applications: Real Egoistic ... Goldsmith, A. J. 2006
  • IEEE Communications Society Goldsmith, A., Cheung, N., Atkinson, S., Siller, C., Ben-Letaief, K., Bauer, F. 2006
  • COOPERATIONTECHNIQUESINCROSS-LAYER DESIGN Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Principles and Applications: Real Egoistic ... Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2006
  • Capacity and cooperation in wireless networks Ng, C. T., Goldsmith, A. J. 2006
  • Event-driven geographic routing for wireless image sensor networks Savidge, L., Lee, H., Aghajan, H., Goldsmith, A. 2006
  • Receding horizon networked control Gupta, V., Sinopoli, B., Adlakha, S., Goldsmith, A., Murray, R. 2006
  • CTH13-3: Symmetric Rate Capacity of Cellular Systems with Cooperative Base Stations Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A. 2006
  • Cooperation Techniques in Cross-Layer Design Cooperation in Wireless Networks: Principles and Applications Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2006: 101-126
  • Coverage, spectral efficiency of cellular systems with cooperative base stations 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Liang, Y., Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2006: 349–353
  • Coverage Spectral Efficiency of Cellular Systems with Cooperative Base Stations IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 06) Liang, Y., Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2006
  • Finite-rate feedback MIMO broadcast channels with a large number of users IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Yoo, T., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2006: 1214–1218
  • Symmetric Rate Capacity of Cellular Systems with Cooperative Base Stations IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 06) Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2006
  • Iterative and one-shot conferencing in relay channels IEEE Information Theory Workshop Ng, C. T., Maric, I., Goldsmith, A. J., Shitz, S. S., Yates, R. D. IEEE. 2006: 193–197
  • Capacity of finite-state channels with time-invariant deterministic feedback IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Permuter, H., Weissman, T., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2006: 64–68
  • Energy-constrained modulation optimization IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Cui, S. G., Goldsmith, A. J., Bahai, A. 2005; 4 (5): 2349-2360
  • Cross-layer design of ad hoc networks for real-time video streaming IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Setton, E., Yoo, T., Zhu, X. Q., Goldsmith, A., Girod, B. 2005; 12 (4): 59-65
  • Dirty-paper coding versus TDMA for MIMO broadcast channels IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004) Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2005: 1783–94
  • Mulltiple-antenna capacity in correlated Rayleigh fading with channel covariance information IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. 2005; 4 (3): 990-997
  • Sum power iterative water-filling for multi-antenna Gaussian broadcast channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jindal, N., Rhee, W., Vishwanath, S., Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2005: 1570–80
  • Outage capacities and optimal power allocation for fading multiple-access channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2000) Li, L. F., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2005: 1326–47
  • Isotropic fading vector broadcast channels: The scalar upper bound and loss in degrees of freedom IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. J. 2005; 51 (3): 848-857
  • QoS-Based Geographic Routing for Event-Driven Image Sensor Networks 2nd International Conference on Broadband Networks (BroadNets 05) Savidge, L., Lee, H., Aghajan, H., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2005: 68-?
  • Optimizing end-to-end distortion in MIMO systems IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications Holliday, T., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2005: 1671–1675
  • Optimality of zero-forcing beamforming with multiuser diversity ICC 2005: IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-5 Yoo, T., GOLDSMITH, A. 2005: 542-546
  • Sum-rate optimal multi-antenna downlink beamforming strategy based on clique search GLOBECOM '05: IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-6 Yoo, T., GOLDSMITH, A. 2005: 1510-1514
  • Energy-efficient joint estimation in sensor networks: Analog vs. digital 30th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Cui, S. G., Xiao, J. J., Goldsmith, A. J., Luo, Z. Q., Poor, H. V. IEEE. 2005: 745–748
  • Performance bounds for large wireless networks with mobile nodes and multicast traffic International Workshop on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2005: 125–129
  • Load balancing and switch scheduling IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2005) Liu, X. H., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2005: 1010–1014
  • Cross-layer optimization of sensor networks based on cooperative MIMO techniques with rate adaptation 6th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications Cui, S. G., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2005: 960–964
  • Cross-layer design for lifetime maximization in interference-limited wireless sensor networks 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies Madan, R., Cui, S. G., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2005: 1964–1975
  • Energy efficient routing based on cooperative MIMO techniques 30th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Cui, S. G., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2005: 805–808
  • Capacity gain from transmitter and receiver cooperation IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications Ng, C. T., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2005: 397–401
  • Cross-layer design of control over wireless networks Symposium on Systems, Control, and Networks Liu, X. G., Goldsmith, A. BIRKHAUSER BOSTON. 2005: 111–136
  • Energy-delay tradeoffs for data collection in TDMA-based sensor networks IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2005) Cui, S. G., Madan, R., Goldsmith, A., Lall, S. IEEE. 2005: 3278–3284
  • Load balancing and switch scheduling Liu, X., Goldsmith, A. 2005
  • Energy-delay tradeoffs for data collection in TDMA-based sensor networks Cui, S., Madan, R., Goldsmith, A., Lall, S. 2005
  • Capacity gain from transmitter and receiver cooperation Ng, C. T., Goldsmith, A. J. 2005
  • Cross-layer optimization of sensor networks based on cooperative MIMO techniques with rate adaptation Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2005
  • Mixed integer-linear programming for link scheduling in interference-limited networks Madan, R., Cui, S., Lall, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2005
  • Capacity of fading broadcast channels with transmitter ordering csi Agarwal, R., Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A. 2005
  • Shannon Meets Lyapunov: Connections between Information Theory and Dynamical Systems Holliday, T., Glynn, P., Goldsmith, A. 2005
  • Optimizing end-to-end distortion in MIMO systems Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A. 2005
  • Wireless communications Goldsmith, A. Cambridge University Press. 2005
  • Sum-rate optimal multi-antenna downlink beamforming strategy based on clique search Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. 2005
  • Energy-efficient joint estimation in sensor networks: Analog vs. digital Cui, S., Xiao, J. J., Goldsmith, A. J., Luo, Z. Q., Poor, H. V. 2005
  • Rate regions and optimal power allocation for TD fading broadcast channels without CSIT Allerton, Monticello Illinois USA Liang, Y., Goldsmith, A. 2005
  • Power-efficient analog forwarding transmission in an inhomogeneous gaussian sensor network Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, IEEE 6th ... Xiao, J. J., Luo, Z. Q., Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2005
  • Joint optimization of wireless communication and networked control systems European Summer School on Multi-Agent Control Xiao, L., Johansson, M., Hindi, H., Boyd, S., GOLDSMITH, A. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2005: 248–272
  • Optimality of zero-forcing beamforming with multiuser diversity Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. 2005
  • Networked control system design over a wireless LAN Drew, M., Liu, X., Goldsmith, A., Hedrick, K. 2005
  • Energy efficient routing based on cooperative MIMO techniques Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2005
  • Cross-layer design of control over wireless networks Advances in Control, Communication Networks, and Transportation Systems Liu, X., Goldsmith, A. 2005: 111-136
  • Joint routing, MAC, and link layer optimization in sensor networks with energy constraints IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2005) Cui, S. G., Madan, R., Goldsmith, A., Lall, S. IEEE. 2005: 725–729
  • Energy-efficiency of MIMO and cooperative MIMO techniques in sensor networks IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Cui, S. G., Goldsmith, A. J., Bahai, A. 2004; 22 (6): 1089-1098
  • Transmitter optimization and optimality of beamforming for multiple antenna systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. 2004; 3 (4): 1165-1175
  • Channel capacity of adaptive transmission with maximal ratio combining in correlated Rayleigh fading IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Mallik, R. K., Win, M. Z., Shao, J. W., Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2004: 1124–33
  • On the duality of Gaussian multiple-access and broadcast channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. 2004; 50 (5): 768-783
  • PhantomNet: Exploring optimal multicellular multiple antenna systems EURASIP JOURNAL ON APPLIED SIGNAL PROCESSING Jafar, S. A., Foschini, G. J., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004; 2004 (5): 591-604
  • Capacity of time-slotted ALOHA packetized multiple-access systems over the AWGN channel IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Medard, M., Huang, J. Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Meyn, S. P., Coleman, T. P. 2004; 3 (2): 486-499
  • Cross-layer design of wireless networks with resource-constrained nodes STANFORD UNIV CA Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • The effect of time synchronization errors on the performance of cooperative MISO systems GLOBECOM 2004: IEEE GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Jagannathan, S., Aghajan, H., GOLDSMITH, A. 2004: 102-107
  • Adaptive hierarchical modulation for simultaneous voice and multi-class data transmission over fading channels 4th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) Hossain, M. J., Vitthaladevuni, P. K., Alouini, M. S., Bhargava, V. K., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 105–109
  • Distributed power and admission control for time varying wireless networks IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 04) Holliday, T., GOLDSMITH, A., Glynn, P., Bambos, N. IEEE. 2004: 768–774
  • Capacity and dirty paper coding for Gaussian broadcast channels with common information IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 215–215
  • Joint modulation and multiple access optimization under energy constraints IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 04) Cui, S. G., Goldsmith, A., Bahai, A. IEEE. 2004: 151–155
  • MIMO capacity with channel uncertainty: Does feedback help? IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 04) Yoo, T., Yoon, E., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 96–100
  • Capacity results for asymmetric wireless networks IEEE International Zurich Seminar on Communications Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J., Sayir, J. IEEE. 2004: 180–183
  • Kalman filtering with partial observation losses 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Liu, X. G., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 4180–4186
  • Wireless network design for distributed control 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Liu, X. H., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 2823–2829
  • Transmitter cooperation in ad-hoc wireless networks: Does dirty-paper coding beat relaying? IEEE Information Theory Workshop Ng, C. T., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 277–282
  • Capacity of ad-hoc networks with node cooperation IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jindal, N., Mitra, U., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 271–271
  • Large wireless networks under fading, mobility, and delay constraints 23rd Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 609–619
  • Wireless medium access control in networked control systems American Control Conference Liu, X. H., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 3605–3610
  • Capacity of fading MIMO channels with channel estimation error IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004) Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 808–813
  • Dirty paper coding vs. TDMA for MIMO broadcast channels IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004) Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 682–686
  • Joint estimation in sensor networks under energy constraints 1st Annual IEEE-Communications-Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2004) Xiao, J. J., Cui, S. G., Luo, Z. Q., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2004: 264–271
  • On source and channel codes for multiple inputs and outputs: Does multiple description beat space time? IEEE Information Theory Workshop Effros, M., Koetter, R., Goldsmith, A. J., Medard, M. IEEE. 2004: 324–329
  • On the capacity region of the vector fading broadcast channel with no CSIT IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004) Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2004: 468–472
  • Distributed power and admission control for time-varying wireless networks IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Bambos, N., Glynn, P. IEEE. 2004: 351–351
  • Kalman filtering with partial observation losses Liu, X., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Distributed power and admission control for time-varying wireless networks Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Bambos, N., Glynn, P. 2004
  • Capacity of fading broadcast channels with rate constraints Ng, C. T., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004
  • Transmitter cooperation in ad-hoc wireless networks: Does dirty-paper coding beat relaying? Information Theory Workshop, IEEE Ng, C. T., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004: 277-282
  • Cross-layer optimization in sensor networks with energy constraints IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004
  • Capacity bounds for Gaussian vector broadcast channels DIMACS SERIES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 62 ... Vishwanath, S., Kramer, G., Shamai, S., Jafar, S., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Cross-layer design for video streaming over wireless ad hoc networks 6th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Yoo, T., Setton, E., Zhu, X. Q., Goldsmith, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 99–102
  • On source and channel codes for multiple inputs and outputs: Does multiple description beat space time? Information Theory Workshop. IEEE Effros, M., Koetter, R., Goldsmith, A. J., Médard, M. 2004: 324-329
  • MIMO capacity with channel uncertainty: Does feedback help? Yoo, T., Yoon, E., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Capacity of fading MIMO channels with channel estimation error Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Multicarrier Modulation a report on OFDM Andrews, G. G., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004
  • Joint rate allocation and routing for multi-hop wireless networks with delay-constrained data Wireless Systems Lab, Stanford University, CA, USA, Tech. Rep Agarwal, R., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Wireless medium access control in networked control systems Liu, X., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • The effect of time synchronization errors on the performance of cooperative MISO systems Jagannathan, S., Aghajan, H., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Joint source and channel coding for MIMO systems Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Joint modulation and multiple access optimization under energy constraints Cui, S., Goldsmith, A., Bahai, A. 2004
  • Capacity of ad-hoc networks with node cooperation Jindal, N., Mitra, U., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Performance bounds for large wireless networks with mobile nodes and multicast traffic Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, International Workshop Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004: 125-129
  • Optimal power scheduling of universal decentralized estimation in sensor networks November Xiao, J. J., Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004
  • On the capacity region of the vector fading broadcast channel with no CSIT. ICC Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. 2004: 468-472
  • Wireless network design for distributed control Liu, X., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Can Cross-Layer Techniques Enhance the Performance of Tactical Military Networks-Panel Discussion STANFORD UNIV CA Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Optimal power allocation for parallel gaussian broadcast channels with independent and common information Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Large wireless networks under fading, mobility, and delay constraints Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004
  • Cross-layer energy minimization in TDMA-based sensor networks Cui, S., Madan, R., Goldsmith, A. J., Lall, S. 2004
  • Capacity and dirty paper coding for Gaussian broadcast channels with common information Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. 2004
  • Joint estimation in sensor networks under energy constraints Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, IEEE SECON 2004. Xiao, J. J., Cui, S., Luo, Z. Q., Goldsmith, A. J. 2004
  • Capacity and optimal power allocation for fading broadcast channels with minimum rates IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Jindal, N., GOLDSMITH, A. 2003; 49 (11): 2895-2909
  • Empirical analysis of transcriptional activity in the Arabidopsis genome SCIENCE Yamada, K., Lim, J., Dale, J. M., Chen, H. M., Shinn, P., Palm, C. J., Southwick, A. M., Wu, H. C., Kim, C., Nguyen, M., Pham, P., Cheuk, R., Karlin-Newmann, G., Liu, S. X., Lam, B., Sakano, H., Wu, T., Yu, G. X., MIRANDA, M., Quach, H. L., Tripp, M., Chang, C. H., Lee, J. M., Toriumi, M., Chan, M. M., Tang, C. C., Onodera, C. S., Deng, J. M., Akiyama, K., Ansari, Y., Arakawa, T., Banh, J., Banno, F., Bowser, L., Brooks, S., Carninci, P., Chao, Q. M., Choy, N., Enju, A., Goldsmith, A. D., Gurjal, M., Hansen, N. F., Hayashizaki, Y., Johnson-Hopson, C., Hsuan, V. W., Iida, K., Karnes, M., Khan, S., Koesema, E., Ishida, J., Jiang, P. X., Jones, T., Kawai, J., Kamiya, A., Meyers, C., Nakajima, M., Narusaka, M., Seki, M., Sakurai, T., Satou, M., Tamse, R., Vaysberg, M., Wallender, E. K., Wong, C., Yamamura, Y., Yuan, S. L., Shinozaki, K., Davis, R. W., Theologis, A., Ecker, J. R. 2003; 302 (5646): 842-846


    Functional analysis of a genome requires accurate gene structure information and a complete gene inventory. A dual experimental strategy was used to verify and correct the initial genome sequence annotation of the reference plant Arabidopsis. Sequencing full-length cDNAs and hybridizations using RNA populations from various tissues to a set of high-density oligonucleotide arrays spanning the entire genome allowed the accurate annotation of thousands of gene structures. We identified 5817 novel transcription units, including a substantial amount of antisense gene transcription, and 40 genes within the genetically defined centromeres. This approach resulted in completion of approximately 30% of the Arabidopsis ORFeome as a resource for global functional experimentation of the plant proteome.

    View details for Web of Science ID 000186258000042

    View details for PubMedID 14593172

  • Duality, achievable rates, and sum-rate capacity of Gaussian MIMO broadcast channels IEEE International Conference on Communications Vishwanath, S., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. G. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2003: 2658–68
  • Capacity regions for wireless ad hoc networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2003; 2 (4): 736-748
  • Adaptive turbo-coded modulation for flat-fading channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2003: 964–72
  • Capacity limits of MIMO channels IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Goldsmith, A., Jafar, S. A., Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S. 2003; 21 (5): 684-702
  • Adaptive multirate CDMA for uplink throughput maximization IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Jafar, S. A., GOLDSMITH, A. 2003; 2 (2): 218-228
  • Capacity of finite state Markov channels with general inputs IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Glynn, P. IEEE. 2003: 289–289
  • Modulation optimization under energy constraints 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS, VOLS 1-5 Cui, S. G., Goldsmith, A. J., Bahai, A. 2003: 2805-2811
  • On the duality between general multiple-access/broadcast channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2003: 313–313
  • Wireless communication tradeoffs in distributed control 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Liu, X. H., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2003: 688–694
  • The "Z" channel IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 03) Vishwanath, S., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2003: 1726–1730
  • Optimal power control for CDMA systems in the wideband limit IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Glynn, P. IEEE. 2003: 418–418
  • Wireless medium access control in distributed control systems Liu, X., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • Wireless communication tradeoffs in distributed control Liu, X., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • Distributed power control for time varying wireless networks: Optimality and convergence Holliday, T., Bambos, N., Glynn, P., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • On the Capacity of Three-dimensional Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2003
  • Energy-constrained modulation optimization for coded systems IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 03) Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J., Bahai, A. IEEE. 2003: 372–376
  • Optimal power control for CDMA systems in the wideband limit Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Glynn, P. 2003
  • On the Capacity of the Vector MAC and BC with Feedback Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • Modulation optimization under energy constraints Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J., Bahai, A. 2003
  • Worst-case capacity of Gaussian vector channels Vishwanath, S., Boyd, S., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • A duality theory for channel capacity Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • Performance, optimization, and cross-layer design of media access protocols for wireless ad hoc networks Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2003
  • On the duality between general multiple-access/broadcast channels Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • Capacity of fading MIMO channels with channel estimation error Yoo, T., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • Power estimation for Viterbi decoders Wireless Systems Lab, Stanford University, Available at http://wsl. stanford ... Cui, S., Goldsmith, A. J., Bahai, A. 2003
  • On the capacity of large wireless networks under fading, mobility and delay constraints Engineering Library, Stanford University, Tech. Rep. Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2003
  • The" Z" channel. Vishwanath, S., Jindal, N., Goldsmith, A. 2003
  • Capacity bounds for large wireless networks under fading and node mobility Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2003
  • Joint optimization of communication rates and linear systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Xiao, L., Johansson, M., Hindi, H., Boyd, S., Goldsmith, A. 2003; 48 (1): 148-153
  • Multiple-antenna capacity in correlated Rayleigh fading with channel covariance information IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2003: 470–470
  • Sum power iterative waterfilling for Gaussian vector broadcast channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Vishwanath, S., Rhee, W., Jindal, N., Jafar, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2003: 467–467
  • Energy-aware ad hoc wireless networks IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Goldsmith, A., Wicker, S. B. 2002; 9 (4): 6-7
  • Design challenges for energy-constrained ad hoc wireless networks IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Goldsmith, A. J., Wicker, S. B. 2002; 9 (4): 8-27
  • A new approach for evaluating clipping distortion in multicarrier systems IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Bahai, A. R., Singh, M., Goldsmith, A. J., Saltzberg, B. R. 2002; 20 (5): 1037-1046
  • Low-complexity maximum-likelihood detection of coded signals sent over finite-state Markov channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Li, L. F., Goldsmith, A. J. 2002; 50 (4): 524-531
  • Effect of mobility on PRMA IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 99) Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2002: 400–405
  • Differential gene expression profiling of adult murine hematopoietic stem cells BLOOD Park, I. K., He, Y. Q., Lin, F. M., Laerum, O. D., Tian, Q., Bumgarner, R., Klug, C. A., Li, K. J., Kuhr, C., Doyle, M. J., Xie, T., Schummer, M., Sun, Y., GOLDSMITH, A., Clarke, M. F., Weissman, I. L., Hood, L., Li, L. H. 2002; 99 (2): 488-498


    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have self-renewal capacity and multilineage developmental potentials. The molecular mechanisms that control the self-renewal of HSCs are still largely unknown. Here, a systematic approach using bioinformatics and array hybridization techniques to analyze gene expression profiles in HSCs is described. To enrich mRNAs predominantly expressed in uncommitted cell lineages, 54 000 cDNA clones generated from a highly enriched population of HSCs and a mixed population of stem and early multipotent progenitor (MPP) cells were arrayed on nylon membranes (macroarray or high-density array), and subtracted with cDNA probes derived from mature lineage cells including spleen, thymus, and bone marrow. Five thousand cDNA clones with very low hybridization signals were selected for sequencing and further analysis using microarrays on glass slides. Two populations of cells, HSCs and MPP cells, were compared for differential gene expression using microarray analysis. HSCs have the ability to self-renew, while MPP cells have lost the capacity for self-renewal. A large number of genes that were differentially expressed by enriched populations of HSCs and MPP cells were identified. These included transcription factors, signaling molecules, and previously unknown genes.

    View details for Web of Science ID 000173215900013

    View details for PubMedID 11781229

  • Optimal power control and source-channel coding for delay constrained traffic over wireless channels IEEE International Conference on Communications Holliday, T., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2002: 831–835
  • Optimal power allocation over fading channels with stringent delay constraints IEEE International Conference on Communications Liu, X. G., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 1413–1418
  • Optimal power allocation over fading channels with stringent delay constraints Liu, X., Goldsmith, A. J. 2002
  • Achievable uniform rates for ad hoc networks Oteri, O., Goldsmith, A. 2002
  • EE359 wireless communications Goldsmith, A. Stanford University Press. 2002
  • Guest editorial: energy-aware ad hoc wireless networks Wireless Communications, IEEE Goldsmith, A., Wicker, S. B. 2002; 4 (9): 6-7
  • Entropy and mutual information for Markov channels with general inputs Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Glynn, P. 2002
  • Fundamental capacity of MIMO channels IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun Goldsmith, A., Jafar, S. A., Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S. 2002
  • Optimal link adaptation in wideband CDMA systems IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 02) Holliday, T., GOLDSMITH, A., Glynn, P. IEEE. 2002: 721–726
  • Entropy, Mutual Information, and Capacity for Markov Channels with General Inputs Holliday, T., Goldsmith, A., Glynn, P. Stanford University. 2002
  • Design challenges for future wireless systems Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Leading-Edge Engineering from the 2001 ... GOLDSMITH, A. 2002
  • Duality, dirty paper coding, and capacity for multiuser wireless channels Information, Coding and Mathematics Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. 2002: 239-256
  • PhantomNet: Exploring optimal multicellular multiple antenna systems 56th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Jafar, S. A., Foschini, G. J., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 261–265
  • On the capacity of multiple input multiple output broadcast channels IEEE International Conference on Communications Vishwanath, S., Jindal, N., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2002: 1444–1450
  • Transmitter optimization for multiple antenna cellular systems IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 50–50
  • Wireless link adaptation policies: QoS for deadline constrained traffic with imperfect channel estimates IEEE International Conference on Communications Holliday, T., GOLDSMITH, A., Glynn, P. IEEE. 2002: 3366–3371
  • Capacity regions for wireless ad hoc networks IEEE International Conference on Communications Toumpis, S., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2002: 3168–3173
  • Linear models and capacity bounds for continuous phase modulation IEEE International Conference on Communications Yu, K. C., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2002: 722–726
  • On the duality of Gaussian multiple-access and broadcast channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2002: 500–500
  • Degrees of freedom in adaptive modulation: A unified view Conference on Mid- and Long-Term Analysis of the Current Account in Japan Chung, S. T., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2001: 1561–71
  • Capacity and optimal resource allocation for fading broadcast channels - Part II: Outage capacity 8th Communication Theory Mini-Conference (CTMC '99) Li, L. F., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2001: 1103–27
  • Degrees of freedom in adaptive modulation: A unified view 53rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Chung, S. T., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2001: 1267–1271
  • Effects of communication delay on string stability in vehicle platoons IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC'01) Liu, X. H., GOLDSMITH, A., Mahal, S. S., Hedrick, J. K. IEEE. 2001: 625–630
  • Throughput analysis of link adaptation in interference-limited cellular systems 53rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2001: 2660–2664
  • Beamforming capacity and SNR maximization for multiple antenna systems 53rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Jafar, S. A., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2001: 43–47
  • ON MULTIUSER DETECTION FOR LOW-RANK CDMA SYSTEMS 982 Goldsmith, A., Kapur, A., Vanuiasi, M. K., Host-Madsen, A., Wang, X., Liu, P. C. edited by E, H., D ..., l, Gamal 2001
  • Beamforming capacity and SNR maximization for multiple antenna systems Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. 2001
  • Admission control and adaptive CDMA for integrated voice and data systems Tang, X., Goldsmith, A. 2001
  • Capacity and optimal resource allocation for fading broadcast channels. I. Ergodic capacity Information Theory, IEEE Transactions Li, L., Goldsmith, A. J. 2001; 3 (47): 1083-1102
  • Capacity of finite energy channels Mandyam, H., Goldsmith, A. 2001
  • Performance analysis of single carrier and multicarrier DS‐CDMA systems over generalized fading channels Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Alouini, M. S., Simon, M. K., Goldsmith, A. J. 2001; 1 (1): 93-110
  • Vector MAC capacity region with covariance feedback Jafar, S. A., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. 2001
  • On the duality of multiple-access and broadcast channels Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. 2001
  • On optimality of beamforming for multiple antenna systems with imperfect feedback Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. 2001
  • Effects of communication delay on string stability in vehicle platoons Liu, X., Goldsmith, A., Mahal, S. S., Hedrick, J. K. 2001
  • Channel capacity and beamforming for multiple transmit and receive antennas with covariance feedback Jafar, S. A., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. 2001
  • The capacity region of broadcast channels with intersymbol interference and colored Gaussian noise IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY Goldsmith, A. J., Effros, M. 2001; 47 (1): 219-240
  • Throughput analysis of link adaptation in interference-limited cellular systems Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A. J. 2001
  • Adaptive resource allocation in composite fading environments Vishwanath, S., Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. 2001
  • Space-Time Turbo Codes: Decorrelation Properties Vishwanath, S., Yu, W., Goldsmith, A., Negi, R. 2001
  • Optimum power and rate allocation strategies for multiple access fading channels 53rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Vishwanath, S., Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2001: 2888–2892
  • Capacity and optimal power allocation for fading broadcast channels with minimum rates IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 01) Jindal, N., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2001: 1292–1296
  • Adaptive multicode CDMA for uplink throughput maximization 53rd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) Jafar, S. A., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2001: 546–550
  • Throughput maximization with multiple codes and partial outages IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 01) Jafar, S. A., Vishwanath, S., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2001: 1307–1311
  • Adaptive modulation over Nakagami fading channels WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2000; 13 (1-2): 119-143
  • Performance analysis of link adaptation in wireless data networks IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 00) Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 1422–1426
  • Capacity of time-slotted ALOHA systems IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Medard, M., Meyn, S. P., Huang, J. Y., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2000: 407–407
  • Minimum outage probability and optimal power allocation for fading multiple-access channels IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Li, L. F., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2000: 305–305
  • Joint design of vector quantizers and RCPC channel codes for Rayleigh fading channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 00) Shen, Y. R., Goldsmith, A. J., Effros, M. IEEE. 2000: 1611–1615
  • Joint design of vector quantizers and RCPC channel codes for Rayleigh fading channels Shen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Effros, M. 2000
  • Optimal rate and power adaptation for multirate CDMA Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A. 2000
  • Truncated power control in code-division multiple-access communications Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions Kim, S. W., Goldsmith, A. J. 2000; 3 (49): 965-972
  • Minimum outage probability and optimal power allocation for fading multiple-access channels Li, L., Goldsmith, A. J. 2000
  • Comparison of fading channel capacity under different CSI assumptions Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. 2000
  • Some capacity results for Ad Hoc networks Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. 2000
  • Exploring adaptive turbo coded modulation for flat fading channels 52nd IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2000) Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2000: 1778–1783
  • Effect of fixed and interference-induced packet error probability on PRMA IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2000) Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A. IEEE. 2000: 362–366
  • BER bounds for turbo coded modulation and their application to adaptive modulation IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Vishwanath, S., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2000: 193–193
  • Adaptive multicarrier modulation for wireless systems 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Chung, S. T., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2000: 1603–1607
  • Space-time turbo codes: Decorrelation properties and performance analysis for fading channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 00) Vishwanath, S., Yu, W., Negi, R., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2000: 1016–1020
  • Ad hoc network capacity 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Toumpis, S., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 2000: 1265–1269
  • Effect of channel estimation error on M-QAM BER performance in Rayleigh fading 49th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 99) Tang, X. Y., Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 1999: 1856–64
  • Area spectral efficiency of cellular mobile radio systems IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. 1999; 48 (4): 1047-1066
  • Capacity of Rayleigh fading channels under different adaptive transmission and diversity-combining techniques IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. 1999; 48 (4): 1165-1181
  • An adaptive modulation scheme for simultaneous voice and data transmission over fading channels 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 98) Alouini, M. S., Tang, X. Y., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 1999: 837–50
  • Capacity of time-slotted ALOHA systems Médard, M., Goldsmith, A. J. 1999
  • Effect of channel estimation error on M-QAM BER performance in Rayleigh fading 1999 IEEE 49TH VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-3 Tang, X. Y., Alouini, M. S., GOLDSMITH, A. 1999: 1111-1115
  • Impact of fading correlation and unequal branch gains on the capacity of diversity systems Shao, J. W., Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. 1999
  • An adaptive modulation scheme for simultaneous voice and data transmission over fading channels Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal Alouini, M. S., Tang, X., Goldsmith, A. J. 1999; 5 (17): 837-850
  • Progress in Air to Air Channel Modeling Toumpis, S., Goldsmith, A. 1999
  • Iterative weighted interference cancellation for CDMA systems with RAKE reception Nambiar, R., Goldsmith, A. 1999
  • Iterative Interference Cancellation for CDMA Systems with RAKE Reception Goldsmith, A., Nambiar, R. 1999
  • Capacity of time-varying channels with channel side information at the sender and receiver Médard, M., Goldsmith, A. J. 1999
  • Adaptive modulation and coding for fading channels Goldsmith, A. 1999
  • A unified approach for calculating error rates of linearly modulated signals over generalized fading channels Communications, IEEE Transactions Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. 1999; 9 (47): 1324-1334
  • Effect of channel estimation error on M-QAM BER performance in Rayleigh fading Communications, IEEE Transactions Tang, X., Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. J. 1999; 12 (47): 1856-1864
  • E ect of mobility on PRMA," Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A. 1999
  • Outage capacities of broadcast fading channels with channel side information under different spectrum-sharing techniques Li, L., Goldsmith, A. 1999
  • Effect of Channel Estimate Error on M-QAM BER Performance in Rayleigh Fading Goldsmith, A., Alouini, M. S., Tang, X. 1999
  • Joint design of fixed-rate source codes and multiresolution channel codes IEEE International Communications Conference Goldsmith, A. J., Effros, M. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 1998: 1301–12
  • Adaptive coded modulation for fading channels Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM) Goldsmith, A. J., Chua, S. G. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 1998: 595–602
  • Joint design of fixed-rate source codes and UEP channel codes for fading channels Tie, H. X., Goldsmith, A., Effros, M. 1998
  • A unified approach for calculating error rates of linearly modulated signals over generalized fading channels IEEE International Conference on Communications Alouini, M. S., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1998: 459–464
  • Prediction-based techniques for hand-off prioritization in channel assignment schemes IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 98) Mehta, N. B., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1998: 2599–2604
  • Joint design of fixed-rate source codes and UEP channel codes for fading channels 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Tie, H. X., GOLDSMITH, A., Effros, M. IEEE. 1998: 92–96
  • An adaptive modulation scheme for simultaneous voice and data transmission over fading channels Symposium on Culture and Environment in the Ancient Southwest Alouini, M. S., Tang, X. Y., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1998: 939–943
  • Prediction-based techniques for hand-off prioritization in channel assignment schemes Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A. 1998
  • Smart antennas Personal Communications, IEEE Goldsmith, A. 1998; 1 (5): 9-9
  • Capacity definitions and coding strategies for general channels with receiver side information Effros, M., Goldsmith, A. 1998
  • Capacity and optimal resource allocation for fading broadcast channels Li, L., Goldsmith, A. 1998
  • A unified performance analysis of DS-CDMA systems over generalized frequency-selective fading channels Alouini, M. S., Simon, M. K., Goldsmith, A. 1998
  • Joint design of fixed-rate source codes and multiresolution channel codes Communications, IEEE Transactions Goldsmith, A. J., Effros, M. 1998; 10 (46): 1301-1312
  • Adaptive coded modulation for fading channels Communications, IEEE Transactions Goldsmith, A. J., Chua, S. G. 1998; 5 (46): 595-602
  • Variable-rate variable-power MQAM for fading channels IEEE 46th Vehicular Technology Conference - Mobile Technology for the Human Race (VTC 96) Goldsmith, A. J., Chua, S. G. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 1997: 1218–30
  • Adaptive coded modulation for fading channels 1997 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Towards the Knowledge Millennium (ICC 97) Chua, S. G., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1997: 1488–1492
  • Effect of average power estimation error on adaptive MQAM modulation 1997 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Towards the Knowledge Millennium (ICC 97) GOLDSMITH, A., Greenstein, L. IEEE. 1997: 1105–1109
  • Area spectral efficiency of cellular mobile radio systems IEEE 47th Vehicular Technology Conference - Technology in Motion (VTC 97) Alouini, M. S., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1997: 652–656
  • Area spectral efficiency of cellular systems with Nakagami multipath fading 1997 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Towards the Knowledge Millennium (ICC 97) Alouini, M. S., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1997: 76–80
  • Capacity of Nakagami multipath fading channels IEEE 47th Vehicular Technology Conference - Technology in Motion (VTC 97) Alouini, M. S., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1997: 358–362
  • A decision-feedback maximum-likelihood decoder for fading channels IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 97) Li, L. F., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1997: 332–336
  • RAKE reception with maximal-ratio and equal-gain combining for DS-CDMA systems in Nakagami fading 1997 IEEE 6th International Conference on Universal Personal Communications Record (ICUPC 97) Alouini, M. S., Kim, S. W., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1997: 708–712
  • Iterative joint design of source codes and multiresolution channel codes 1997 IEEE International Conference on Communications - Towards the Knowledge Millennium (ICC 97) GOLDSMITH, A., Effros, M. IEEE. 1997: 319–323
  • Capacity of time-varying channels with channel side information Médard, M., Goldsmith, A. 1997
  • A decision-feedback maximum-likelihood decoder for fading channels Li, L., Goldsmith, A. 1997
  • Capacity of fading channels with channel side information Information Theory, IEEE Transactions Goldsmith, A. J., Varaiya, P. P. 1997; 6 (43): 1986-1992
  • Area spectral efficiency of cellular systems with Nakagami multipath fading Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. 1997
  • Capacity of Nakagami multipath fading channels Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A. 1997
  • Truncated Power Adaptation in Mobile Multimedia CDMA Workshop on Mobile Multimedia ... Goldsmith, A. 1997
  • Adaptive M-QAM modulation over Nakagami fading channels Alouini, M., Goldsmith, A. 1997
  • RAKE reception with maximal-ratio and equal-gain combining for DS-CDMA systems in Nakagami fading Alouini, M. S., Kim, S. W., Goldsmith, A. 1997
  • Variable-rate variable-power MQAM for fading channels Communications, IEEE Transactions Goldsmith, A. J., Chua, S. G. 1997; 10 (45): 1218-1230
  • The capacity of downlink fading channels with variable rate and power Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions Goldsmith, A. J. 1997; 3 (46): 569-580
  • Effect of average power estimation error on adaptive MQAM modulation Goldsmith, A., Greenstein, L. 1997
  • Truncated power control in code division multiple access communications Kim, S. W., Goldsmith, A. 1997
  • The capacity region of broadcast channels with memory Goldsmith, A., Effros, M. 1997
  • Iterative joint design of source codes and multiresolution channel codes Communications, ICC 97 Montreal,'Towards the Knowledge Millennium ... Goldsmith, A., Effros, M. 1997
  • Capacity of broadcast fading channels with variable rate and power Goldsmith, A. 1996
  • Variable-rate variable-power MQAM for fading channels IEEE 46th Vehicular Technology Conference - Mobile Technology for the Human Race (VTC 96) Chua, S. G., GOLDSMITH, A. IEEE. 1996: 815–819
  • Variable-rate variable-power MQAM for fading channels Chua, S. G., Goldsmith, A. 1996
  • Capacity, mutual information, and coding for finite-state Markov channels Information Theory, IEEE Transactions Goldsmith, A. J., Varaiya, P. P. 1996; 3 (42): 868-886
  • Capacity and dynamic resource allocation in broadcast fading channels Goldsmith, A. 1995
  • Joint source/channel coding for wireless channels Goldsmith, A. 1995
  • Design and performance of high-speed communication systems over time-varying radio channels UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA Goldsmith, A. J. 1994
  • Variable-rate coded MQAM for fading channels Goldsmith, A. 1994
  • A decision-feedback maximum-likelihood decoder for finite-state Markov channels Goldsmith, A., Varaiya, P. 1994
  • Mini-Conference Author Index IEEE GLOBECOM: communications, the global bridge: San Francisco ... Goldsmith, A., Aazhang, B., Abdel-Ghaffar, H. S., Alsugair, A. A., Aoyagi, Y., Bar-Ness, Y. 1994
  • Multiuser capacity of cellular time-varying channels Goldsmith, A. 1994
  • A measurement-based model for predicting coverage areas of urban microcells Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal Goldsmith, A. J., Greenstein, L. J. 1993; 7 (11): 1013-1023
  • Increasing spectral efficiency through power control Goldsmith, A., Varaiya, P. 1993
  • An empirical model for urban microcells, with applications and extensions Goldsmith, A. J., Greenstein, L. J. 1992
  • An Achievable Region for a General Multi-terminal Network Rini, S., Goldsmith, A.
  • Evaluation of Constrained Wireless Nodes: A Cross Layer Approach Srinivasan, K., Levis, P., Goldsmith, A.
  • On the Existence of a General Multiple-Access/Broadcast Channel Duality Jindal, N., Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A.
  • R. Koetter and A. Vardy Algebraic Soft-Decision Decoding of Reed–Solomon Codes 2809 V. Guruswami List Decoding From Erasures: Bounds and Code Constructions 2826 J. Borges, KT Phelps, J. Rifà, and VA Zinoviev Goldsmith, A., Merhav, N., Shamai, S., Koulgi, P., Tuncel, E., Regunathan, S. L.
  • SHANNON THEORY Goldsmith, A., Bustin, R., Shamai, S., Oohama, Y., Naiss, I., Permuter, H. H.
  • SHANNON THEORY Goldsmith, A., Nomura, R., Han, T. S., Csiszár, I., Narayan, P., Lapidoth, A.
  • 1. SPACE DIVERSITY Goldsmith, A.
  • Optimal Joint Detection and Estimation in Linear Models Chen, J., Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V.
  • 2000 INFORMATION THEORY SOCIETY PAPER AWARD 857 Goldsmith, A., Eldar, Y. C., Forney Jr, G. D., Grant, A. J., Rimoldi, B., Urbanke, R. L.
  • COGNITIVE RADIO PART 2: FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES Goldsmith, A., Molisch, A. F., Goldsmith, L. J., Shafi, M., Ma, J., Li, G. Y.
  • Communrca frons Goldsmith, A., Ahmadi, H., Cox, D., Goodman, D., Rappaport, T., Liu, M.
  • DAWN: Dynamic Ad-hoc Wireless Networks PI, J. J., Bagrodia, R., Ephremides, A., Gerla, M., Goldsmith, A., Medard, M.
  • E ect of Fixed and Interference-Induced Packet Error Probability on PRMA1 Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A.
  • Energy Efficiency of MIMO systems Gowda, A. S., Goldsmith, A.
  • Executive Editorial Board Goldsmith, A., Forney Jr, G., Shamai, S., Verdú, S., Vardy, A., Méasson, C.
  • Fundamental Limits of Cyber-Physical Security in Smart Power Grids Zhao, Y., Goldsmith, A., Poor, H. V.
  • Optimum resource allocation for multiple access fading channels Preprint Vishwanath, S., Goldsmith, A.
  • Rate Optimization for Relay-Assisted Downlink Cellular Systems Using Superposition Coding Rini, S., Ghaghanidze, L., Kurniawan, E., Goldsmith, A.
  • Reliable Uncoded Communication in the Underdetermined SIMO MAC with Low-Complexity Decoding Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., Weissman, T.
  • Towards an Information Theory for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Goldsmith, A., Effros, M., Koetter, R., Médard, M., Ozdaglar, A., Zheng, L.
  • Mean Field Limit Theorems for CDMA Systems Holliday, T., Glynn, P., Goldsmith, A.
  • CODING THEORY AND TECHNIQUES Goldsmith, A., Ahlswede, R., Aydinian, H., Zanko, A., Leshem, A., Zehavi, E.
  • David Packard Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA Vishwanath, S., Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A.
  • TPC Co0Chairs Goldsmith, A., Caire, G., Effros, M., Vardy, A., Alouini, M. S., Andrews, J.
  • WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Goldsmith, A., Hsu, C. Y., Wu, W. R., Kraidy, G. M., Boutros, J. J., Farahmand, S.
  • Extending Network Utility Maximization to Random, Time Varying Environments in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks O’Neill, D., Goldsmith, A. J., Boyd, S.
  • General Co chairs Gamal, H. E., Goldsmith, A., Gamal, A. E., Viswanath, P., Jafar, S. A., Kountouris, M.
  • H. Cai, SR Kulkarni, and S. Verdú Universal Divergence Estimation for Finite-Alphabet Sources 3456 GM Gemelos, S. Sigurjónsson, and T. Weissman Goldsmith, A., Arnold, D. M., Loeliger, H. A., Vontobel, P. O., Kavcic, A., Zeng, W.
  • Pasadena, California 91125, USA Alouini, M. S., Goldsmith, A.
  • SHANNON THEORY Goldsmith, A., Permuter, H. H., Kim, Y. H., Weissman, T., Lapidoth, A., Shapiro, J. H.
  • Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff for the Interference Channel With a Relay Zahavi, D., Zhang, L., Maric, I., Dabora, R., Goldsmith, A. J., Cui, S.
  • Foundations and TrendsTM in Communications and Information Theory Goldsmith, A., Anantharam, V., Lapidoth, A., Biglieri, E., McEliece, B., Caire, G.
  • Minimax Universal Sampling for Compound Multiband Channels Chen, Y., Goldsmith, A. J., Eldar, Y. C.
  • Prediction-Based Techniques for Hand-O Prioritization in Channel Assignment Schemes Mehta, N. B., Goldsmith, A.
  • Reliable Uncoded Communication in the SIMO MAC via Low-Complexity Decoding Chowdhury, M., Goldsmith, A., Weissman, T.
  • Transmitter Optimization and Optimality of Beamforming for Åultiple Antenna Systems with Imperfect Feedback Jafar, S. A., Goldsmith, A.
  • Combining Network Utility Maximization and Adaptive Modulation O’Neill, D., Zymnis, A., Goldsmith, A. J., Boyd, S.
  • EE360 Project Progress Report: Channel Allocation in OFDMA to ensure fixed BER for SIC Singla, A., Goldsmith, A.
  • Eleftheriou, Evangelos Goldsmith, A., Erez, U., Eriksson, T., Erkip, E., Eryilmaz, A., Eshima, N.
  • JI Concha and HV Poor Multiaccess Quantum Channels 725 L.-L. Xie and PR Kumar A Network Information Theory for Wireless Communication: Scaling Laws and Optimal Operation 748 N. Jindal, S. Vishwanath, and Goldsmith, A., Hranilovic, S., Kschischang, F. R., Valembois, A., Fossorier, M., Dumer ..., I
  • Outage Probability Analysis in Wireless Networks Kaynia, M., Øien, G. E., Goldsmith, A. J., Jindal, N.
  • Resource Allocation Algorithms for OFDMA Downlink Lai, E., Goldsmith, A.