
Bernd Girod is the Hancock Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Information Systems Laboratory of Stanford University. Before joining Stanford in 1999, he was a Chaired Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. His research interests are in the area of image, video, and multimedia systems. He has published over 600 conference and journal papers and 6 books, receiving the EURASIP Signal Processing Best Paper Award in 2002, the IEEE Multimedia Communication Best Paper Award in 2007, the EURASIP Image Communication Best Paper Award in 2008, the EURASIP Signal Processing Most Cited Paper Award in 2008, as well as the EURASIP Technical Achievement Award in 2004 and the Technical Achievement Award of the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2011. As an entrepreneur, Professor Girod has been involved in several startup ventures, among them Polycom, Vivo Software, 8x8, and RealNetworks. He received an Engineering Doctorate from University of Hannover, Germany, and an M.S. Degree from Georgia Institute of Technology. Prof. Girod is a Fellow of the IEEE, a EURASIP Fellow, a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina).

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Faculty Director, Stanford Center for Image Systems Engineering (SCIEN) (2000 - Present)
  • Director, Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (2003 - Present)
  • Director, David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation (2012 - 2015)
  • Senior Associate Dean for Online Learning and Professional Development, School of Engineering (2012 - 2015)
  • Senior Associate Dean at Large, School of Engineering (2015 - 2016)

Honors & Awards

  • Fellow, IEEE (1998)
  • Signal Processing Best Paper Award, EURASIP (2002)
  • Technical Achievement Award, EURASIP (2004)
  • Multimedia Communication Best Paper Award, IEEE (2007)
  • Induction, German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) (2007)
  • Fellow, European Association of Signal Processing (2008)
  • Image Communication Best Paper Award, EURASIP (2008)
  • Most Cited Paper Award, EURASIP (2009)
  • Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society (2011)
  • Election, National Academy of Engineering (2015)

Professional Education

  • Engineering Doctorate, University of Hannover, Germany, Electrical Engineering (1987)
  • Master of Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, Electrical Engineering (1980)

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

Girod's Image, Video, and Multimedia Systems Group explores algorithms and architectures for delivery, storage, retrieval, processing, and interactive use of multimedia signals and data, including audio and video, images, graphics and text, often in combination. They are currently most interested in mobile visual search, mobile augmented reality, and personalized media. Besides theoretical analyses and systematic experiments to study the underlying principles, they build real-time test beds and prototypes to validate and demonstrate their ideas.


  • Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication

    The Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication (MPC-VCC) was established by the German Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPG) and Stanford University in October 2003 recognizing the high potential of a mutually beneficial cooperation between Stanford and MPG in the field of Visual Computing and Communication and recognizing the desire of the scientists of the parties to conduct joint research. The center has two goals: 1. Establish a joint research program in the key information technology area of “Visual Computing and Communication” 2. Incorporate a strong career development component to alleviate the shortage of qualified faculty and scientists in information technology in Germany.


    Saarbruecken, Germany and Stanford

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Real-World Virtual Reality With Head-Motion Parallax. IEEE computer graphics and applications Thatte, J., Girod, B. 2021; 41 (4): 29-39


    Most of the real-world virtual reality (VR) content available today is captured and rendered from a fixed vantage point. The visual-vestibular conflict arising from the lack of head-motion parallax degrades the feeling of presence in the virtual environment and has been shown to induce nausea and visual discomfort. We present an end-to-end framework for VR with head-motion parallax for real-world scenes. To capture both horizontally and vertically separated perspectives, we use a camera rig with two vertically stacked rings of outward-facing cameras. The data from the rig are processed offline and stored into a compact intermediate representation, which is used to render novel views for a head-mounted display, in accordance with the viewer's head movements. We compare two promising intermediate representations-Stacked OmniStereo and Layered Depth Panoramas-and evaluate them in terms of objective image quality metrics and the occurrence of disocclusion holes in synthesized novel views.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/MCG.2021.3082041

    View details for PubMedID 34010127

  • Non-line-of-sight Surface Reconstruction Using the Directional Light-cone Transform Young, S., Lindell, D. B., Girod, B., Taubman, D., Wetzstein, G., IEEE IEEE. 2020: 1404–13
  • Fast Optical Flow Extraction From Compressed Video IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Young, S. I., Girod, B., Taubman, D. 2020; 29: 6409–21


    We propose the fast optical flow extractor, a filtering method that recovers artifact-free optical flow fields from HEVCcompressed video. To extract accurate optical flow fields, we form a regularized optimization problem that considers the smoothness of the solution and the pixelwise confidence weights of an artifactridden HEVC motion field. Solving such an optimization problem is slow, so we first convert the problem into a confidence-weighted filtering task. By leveraging the already-available HEVC motion parameters, we achieve a 100-fold speed-up in the running times compared to similar methods, while producing subpixel-accurate flow estimates. Je fast optical flow extractor is useful when video frames are already available in coded formats. Our method is not specific to a coder, and works with motion fields from video coders such as H.264/AVC and HEVC.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2020.2985866

    View details for Web of Science ID 000545079400003

    View details for PubMedID 32286986

  • Gaussian Lifting for Fast Bilateral and Nonlocal Means Filtering IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Young, S. I., Girod, B., Taubman, D. 2020; 29: 6082–95


    Recently, many fast implementations of the bilateral and the nonlocal filters were proposed based on lattice and vector quantization, e.g. clustering, in higher dimensions. However, these approaches can still be inefficient owing to the complexities in the resampling process or in filtering the high-dimensional resampled signal. In contrast, simply scalar resampling the high-dimensional signal after decorrelation presents the opportunity to filter signals using multi-rate signal processing techniques. Cis work proposes the Gaussian lifting framework for efficient and accurate bilateral and nonlocal means filtering, appealing to the similarities between separable wavelet transforms and Gaussian pyramids. Accurately implementing the filter is important not only for image processing applications, but also for a number of recently proposed bilateralregularized inverse problems, where the accuracy of the solutions depends ultimately on an accurate filter implementation. We show that our Gaussian lifting approach filters images more accurately and efficiently across many filter scales. Adaptive lifting schemes for bilateral and nonlocal means filtering are also explored.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2020.2984357

    View details for Web of Science ID 000533618200005

    View details for PubMedID 32286976

  • LiFF: Light Field Features in Scale and Depth Dansereau, D. G., Girod, B., Wetzstein, G., IEEE Comp Soc IEEE. 2019: 8034–43
  • Solving Vision Problems via Filtering Young, S. I., Naman, A. T., Girod, B., Taubman, D., IEEE IEEE. 2019: 5591–5600
  • Recurrent Neural Networks for Person Re-identification Revisited Boin, J., Araujo, A., Girod, B., IEEE IEEE. 2019: 147–52
  • Large-Scale Video Retrieval Using Image Queries IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Araujo, A., Girod, B. 2018; 28 (6): 1406–20
  • Overview of the MPEG-CDVS Standard IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Duan, L., Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, J., Lin, J., Wang, Z., Huang, T., Girod, B., Gao, W. 2016; 25 (1): 179-194


    Compact descriptors for visual search (CDVS) is a recently completed standard from the ISO/IEC moving pictures experts group (MPEG). The primary goal of this standard is to provide a standardized bitstream syntax to enable interoperability in the context of image retrieval applications. Over the course of the standardization process, remarkable improvements were achieved in reducing the size of image feature data and in reducing the computation and memory footprint in the feature extraction process. This paper provides an overview of the technical features of the MPEG-CDVS standard and summarizes its evolution.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2015.2500034

    View details for Web of Science ID 000378330300013

    View details for PubMedID 26571532

  • A Hybrid Mobile Visual Search System With Compact Global Signatures IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA Chen, D. M., Girod, B. 2015; 17 (7): 1019-1030
  • The Hidden Sides of Names-Face Modeling with First Name Attributes IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE Chen, H., Gallagher, A. C., Girod, B. 2014; 36 (9): 1860-1873
  • Interframe coding of feature descriptors for mobile augmented reality. IEEE transactions on image processing Makar, M., Chandrasekhar, V., Tsai, S. S., Chen, D., Girod, B. 2014; 23 (8): 3352-3367


    Streaming mobile augmented reality applications require both real-time recognition and tracking of objects of interest in a video sequence. Typically, local features are calculated from the gradients of a canonical patch around a keypoint in individual video frames. In this paper, we propose a temporally coherent keypoint detector and design efficient interframe predictive coding techniques for canonical patches, feature descriptors, and keypoint locations. In the proposed system, we strive to transmit each patch or its equivalent feature descriptor with as few bits as possible by modifying a previously transmitted patch or descriptor. Our solution enables server-based mobile augmented reality where a continuous stream of salient information, sufficient for image-based retrieval, and object localization, is sent at a bit-rate that is practical for today's wireless links and less than one-tenth of the bit-rate needed to stream the compressed video to the server.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2014.2331136

    View details for PubMedID 24956363

  • Memory-Efficient Image Databases for Mobile Visual Search IEEE MULTIMEDIA Chen, D. M., Girod, B. 2014; 21 (1): 14-23
  • Residual enhanced visual vector as a compact signature for mobile visual search SIGNAL PROCESSING Chen, D., Tsai, S., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Vedantham, R., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2013; 93 (8): 2316-2327
  • Fast Computation of Rotation-Invariant Image Features by an Approximate Radial Gradient Transform IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Tsai, S. S., Chen, D., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2013; 22 (8): 2970-2982


    We present the radial gradient transform (RGT) and a fast approximation, the approximate RGT (ARGT). We analyze the effects of the approximation on gradient quantization and histogramming. The ARGT is incorporated into the rotation-invariant fast feature (RIFF) algorithm. We demonstrate that, using the ARGT, RIFF extracts features 16× faster than SURF while achieving a similar performance for image matching and retrieval.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2012.2230011

    View details for Web of Science ID 000321926600004

    View details for PubMedID 23204286

  • Rotation-invariant fast features for large-scale recognition and real-time tracking SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Tsai, S., Chen, D., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2013; 28 (4): 334-344
  • Analysis of visual similarity in news videos with robust and memory-efficient image retrieval Chen, D., Vajda, P., Tsai, S., Daneshi, M., Yu, M., Chen, H., Girod, B. 2013
  • What's in a Name? First Names as Facial Attributes 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Chen, H., Gallagher, A. C., Girod, B. IEEE. 2013: 3366–3373
  • EIGENNEWS: GENERATING AND DELIVERING PERSONALIZED NEWS VIDEO IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW) Daneshi, M., Vajda, P., Chen, D. M., Tsai, S. S., Yu, M. C., Araujo, A. F., Chen, H., Girod, B. IEEE. 2013
  • ANALYSIS OF VISUAL SIMILARITY IN NEWS VIDEOS WITH ROBUST AND MEMORY-EFFICIENT IMAGE RETRIEVAL IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW) Chen, D. M., Vajda, P., Tsai, S. S., Daneshi, M., Yu, M. C., Chen, H., Araujo, A. F., Girod, B. IEEE. 2013
  • What's in a Name: First Names as Facial Attributes Chen, H., Gallagher, A., Girod, B. 2013
  • Interframe coding of canonical patches for low bit-rate mobile augmented reality International Journal of Semantic Computing. Makar, M., Tsai, S., Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, D., Girod, B. 2013; 7 (1)
  • EigenNews: A personalized news video delivery platform Yu, M., Vajda, P., Chen, D., Daneshi, M., Tsai, S., Araujo, A., Girod, B. 2013
  • EigenNews: Generating and delivering personalized news videos Daneshi, M., Vajda, P., Chen, D., Tsai, S., Yu, M., Chen, H., Girod, B. 2013
  • Adaptive Distributed Source Coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Varodayan, D., Lin, Y., Girod, B. 2012; 21 (5): 2630-2640


    We consider distributed source coding in the presence of hidden variables that parameterize the statistical dependence among sources. We derive the Slepian-Wolf bound and devise coding algorithms for a block-candidate model of this problem. The encoder sends, in addition to syndrome bits, a portion of the source to the decoder uncoded as doping bits. The decoder uses the sum-product algorithm to simultaneously recover the source symbols and the hidden statistical dependence variables. We also develop novel techniques based on density evolution (DE) to analyze the coding algorithms. We experimentally confirm that our DE analysis closely approximates practical performance. This result allows us to efficiently optimize parameters of the algorithms. In particular, we show that the system performs close to the Slepian-Wolf bound when an appropriate doping rate is selected. We then apply our coding and analysis techniques to a reduced-reference video quality monitoring system and show a bit rate saving of about 75% compared with fixed-length coding.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2011.2175936

    View details for Web of Science ID 000304160800023

    View details for PubMedID 22106146

  • Robust mobile video streaming in a peer-to-peer system SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION Noh, J., Girod, B. 2012; 27 (5): 532-544
  • IPTV Multicast with Peer-Assisted Lossy Error Control IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Li, Z., Zhu, X., Begen, A. C., Girod, B. 2012; 22 (3): 434-449
  • Compressed Histogram of Gradients: A Low-Bitrate Descriptor INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Chen, D. M., Tsai, S. S., Reznik, Y., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2012; 96 (3): 384-399
  • Visual Text Features for Image Matching 14th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM) Tsai, S. S., Chen, H., Chen, D., Parameswaran, V., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2012: 408–412
  • Describing Clothing by Semantic Attributes 12th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Chen, H., Gallagher, A., Girod, B. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2012: 609–623
  • Design of a Text Detection System via Hypothesis Generation and Verification Tsai, Sam, S., Parameswarany, V., Berclazy, J., Vedanthamy, R., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2012
  • Time-Shifted Streaming in a Tree-Based Peer-to-Peer System Journal of Communications Noh, J., Girod, B. 2012; 7 (3): 202-212
  • Rotation invariant fast features for large-scale recognition Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, D., Tsai, S., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2012
  • Describing Clothing by Semantic Attributes Chen, H., Gallagher, A., Girod, B. 2012
  • The Stanford/Technicolor/Fraunhofer HHI Video Semantic Indexing System Araujo, A., F. de, Silveira, F., Lakshman, H., Zepeda, J., Sheth, A., Perez, P., Girod, B. 2012
  • Rotation-Invariant Fast Features for Large-Scale Recognition Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXV Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Tsai, S., Chen, D., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2012

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.945968

    View details for Web of Science ID 000312200600046

  • GRADIENT PRESERVING QUANTIZATION 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Makar, M., Lakshman, H., Chandrasekhar, V., Girod, B. IEEE. 2012: 2505–2508
  • Improved Coding for Image Feature Location Information Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXV Tsai, S. S., Chen, D., Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Makar, M., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2012

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.935619

    View details for Web of Science ID 000312200600047

  • Interframe Coding of Canonical Patches for Mobile Augmented Reality 14th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM) Makar, M., Tsai, S. S., Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2012: 50–57
  • Image Authentication Using Distributed Source Coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Lin, Y., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. 2012; 21 (1): 273-283


    We present a novel approach using distributed source coding for image authentication. The key idea is to provide a Slepian-Wolf encoded quantized image projection as authentication data. This version can be correctly decoded with the help of an authentic image as side information. Distributed source coding provides the desired robustness against legitimate variations while detecting illegitimate modification. The decoder incorporating expectation maximization algorithms can authenticate images which have undergone contrast, brightness, and affine warping adjustments. Our authentication system also offers tampering localization by using the sum-product algorithm.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2011.2157515

    View details for Web of Science ID 000298325500023

    View details for PubMedID 21609882

  • Distributed Media-Aware Rate Allocation for Video Multicast over Wireless Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Zhu, X., Schierl, T., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. 2011; 21 (9): 1181-1192
  • Mobile Visual Search: Architectures, Technologies, and the Emerging MPEG Standard IEEE MULTIMEDIA Girod, B., Chandrasekhar, V., Grzeszczuk, R., Reznik, Y. A. 2011; 18 (3): 86-94
  • Mobile Visual Search [Linking the virtual and physical worlds] IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE Girod, B., Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, D. M., Cheung, N., Grzeszczuk, R., Reznik, Y., Takacs, G., Tsai, S. S., Vedantham, R. 2011; 28 (4): 61-76
  • A unified framework for distributed video rate allocation over wireless networks AD HOC NETWORKS Zhu, X., Girod, B. 2011; 9 (4): 608-622
  • Spatial-Random-Access-Enabled Video Coding for Interactive Virtual Pan/Tilt/Zoom Functionality IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. 2011; 21 (5): 577-588
  • MOBILE AUGMENTED REALITY FOR BOOKS ON A SHELF IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) Chen, D., Tsai, S., Hsu, C., Singh, J. P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2011
  • Mobile Augmented Reality for Books on a Shelf Chen, D., Tsai, S., Hsu, C., Singh, J. P., Girod, B. 2011
  • Residual enhanced visual vectors for on-device image matching Chen, D., Tsai, S., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Chen, H., Vedantham, R., Girod, B. 2011
  • Mobile Visual Search Using Image and Text Features Tsai, S., Chen, H., Chen, D., Vedantham, R., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2011
  • The Stanford Mobile Visual Search Dataset Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, D., Tsai, S., Cheung, N., Chen, H., Takacs, G., Girod, B. 2011
  • Delay-optimal burst erasure codes for parallel links Li, Z., Begen, A., Girod, B. 2011
  • Synchronization of Presentation Slides and Lecture Videos Using Bit Rate Sequences Schroth, G., Cheung, N., Steinbach, Eckehard., Girod, B. 2011
  • Correcting Erasure Bursts with Minimum Decoding Delay Li, Z., Khisti, A., Girod, B. 2011
  • ClassX – An Open Source Interactive Lecture Streaming System ACM Multimedia (MM’11), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA Halawa, S., Pang, D., Cheung, N., Girod, B. 2011
  • Mobile Interactive Region-of-Interest Video Streaming with Crowd-Driven Prefetching International ACM Workshop on Interactive Multimedia on Mobile and Portable Devices, ACM Multimedia (MM’11) Scottsdale, AZ, USA Pang, D., Halawa, S., Cheung, N., Girod, B. 2011
  • Combining Image and Text Features: a Hybrid Approach to Mobile Book Spine Recognition ACM Multimedia (MM’11), Scottsdale, AZ Tsai, S., Chen, D., Chen, H., Hsu, C. H., Kim, K. H., Singh, Jatinder, p., Girod, B. 2011
  • Multimedia Technology for Next Generation Online Lecture Video IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter Cheung, N., Halawa, S., Pang, D., Girod, B. 2011; 6 (1)
  • Compressed Histogram of Gradients: A Low Bitrate Descriptor International Journal on Computer Vision Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Chen, D., Tsai, S., Reznik, Y., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2011; 94 (5)
  • ClassX Mobile - Region-of-Interest Video Streaming to Mobile Devices with Multi-Touch Interaction ACM Multimedia (MM’11) Scottsdale, AZ Pang, D., Halawa, S., Cheung, N., Girod, B. 2011
  • Mobile Visual Search IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Girod, B., Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, D., M., Cheung, N., M., Grzeszczuk, R., Reznik, Y. 2011; 28 (4): 61-76
  • SYNCHRONIZATION OF PRESENTATION SLIDES AND LECTURE VIDEOS USING BIT RATE SEQUENCES 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Schroth, G., Cheung, N., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2011: 925–928
  • Compressing Feature Sets with Digital Search Trees IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Chandrasekhar, V., Reznik, Y., Takacs, G., Chen, D. M., Tsai, S. S., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2011
  • City-Scale Landmark Identification on Mobile Devices IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Chen, D. M., Baatz, G., Koeser, K., Tsai, S. S., Vedantham, R., Pylvaenaeinen, T., Roimela, K., Chen, X., Bach, J., Pollefeys, M., Girod, B., Grzeszczuk, R. IEEE. 2011: 737–744
  • MOBILE VISUAL SEARCH ON PRINTED DOCUMENTS USING TEXT AND LOW BIT-RATE FEATURES 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Tsai, S. S., Chen, H., Chen, D., Schroth, G., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2011
  • Compression of VQM Features for Low Bit-Rate Video Quality Monitoring 13th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) Makar, M., Lin, Y., de Araujo, A. F., Girod, B. IEEE. 2011
  • ROBUST TEXT DETECTION IN NATURAL IMAGES WITH EDGE-ENHANCED MAXIMALLY STABLE EXTREMAL REGIONS 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Chen, H., Tsai, S. S., Schroth, G., Chen, D. M., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2011
  • Compressing a Set of CHoG Features Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIV Chandrasekhar, V., Tsai, S. S., Reznik, Y., Takacs, G., Chen, D. M., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2011

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.895431

    View details for Web of Science ID 000297641400039

  • QUALITY-CONTROLLED VIEW INTERPOLATION FOR MULTIVIEW VIDEO 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Makar, M., Lin, Y., Cheung, N., Pang, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2011: 1805–1808
  • Distributed Media-Aware Rate Allocation for Wireless Video Streaming IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Zhu, X., Girod, B. 2010; 20 (11): 1462-1474
  • Direction-Adaptive Partitioned Block Transform for Color Image Coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Chang, C., Makar, M., Tsai, S. S., Girod, B. 2010; 19 (7): 1740-1755


    The direction-adaptive partitioned block transform (DA-PBT) is proposed to exploit the directional features in color images to improve coding performance. Depending on the directionality in an image block, the transform either selects one of the eight directional modes or falls back to the nondirectional mode equivalent to the conventional 2-D DCT. The selection of a directional mode determines the transform direction that provides directional basis functions, the block partitioning that spatially confines the high-frequency energy, the scanning order that arranges the transform coefficients into a 1-D sequence for efficient entropy coding, and the quantization matrix optimized for visual quality. The DA-PBT can be incorporated into image coding using a rate-distortion optimized framework for direction selection, and can therefore be viewed as a generalization of variable blocksize transforms with the inclusion of directional transforms and nonrectangular partitions. As a block transform, it can naturally be combined with block-based intra or inter prediction to exploit the directionality remaining in the residual. Experimental results show that the proposed DA-PBT outperforms the 2-D DCT by more than 2 dB for test images with directional features. It also greatly reduces the ringing and checkerboard artifacts typically observed around directional features in images. The DA-PBT also consistently outperforms a previously proposed directional DCT. When combined with directional prediction, gains are less than additive, as similar signal properties are exploited by the prediction and the transform. For hybrid video coding, significant gains are shown for intra coding, but not for encoding the residual after accurate motion-compensated prediction.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2010.2044964

    View details for Web of Science ID 000278813800007

    View details for PubMedID 20215074

  • Low-Cost Asset Tracking using Location-Aware Camera Phones Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIII Chen, D., Tsai, S., Kim, K., Hsu, C., Singh, J. P., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2010

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.862426

    View details for Web of Science ID 000287763500020

  • Video Streaming with Interactive Pan/Tilt/Zoom High-Quality Visual Experience: Creation, Processing and Interactivity of High-Resolution and High-Dimensional Video Signals Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. edited by Mrak, M., Grgic, M., Kunt, M. Springe. 2010: 1
  • On Media Data Structures for Interactive Streaming in Immersive Applications Cheung, G., Ortega, A., Cheung, N., Girod, B. 2010
  • Inverted Index Compression for Scalable Image Matching Chen, David, M., Tsai, Sam, S., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Vedantham, R., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2010
  • Quantization Schemes for Low Bitrate Compressed Histogram of Gradients Descriptors Chandrasekhar, V., Reznik, Y., Takacs, G., Chen, D., Tsai, S., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2010
  • IPTV Multicast with Peer-Assisted Lossy Error Control Li, Z., Zhu, X., Begen, Ali, C., Girod, B. 2010
  • Survey of SIFT Compression Schemes Chandrasekhar, V., Makar, M., Takacs, G., Chen, David, M., Tsai, Sam, S., Cheung, N., Girod, B. 2010
  • Low Latency Image Retrieval with Progressive Transmission of CHoG Descriptors Chandrasekhar, V., Tsai, Sam, S., Takacs, G., Chen, David, M., Cheung, N., Reznik, Y., Girod, B. 2010
  • Restoration of Out-of-focus Lecture Video by Automatic Slide Matching Cheung, N., Chen, David, M., Chandrasekhar, Vijay, R., Tsai, S., Takacs, G., Halawa, S., Girod, B. 2010
  • Accelerated IPTV Channel Change with Transcoded Unicast Bursting Li, Z., Begen, Ali, C., Zhu, X., Girod, B. 2010
  • Forward Error Protection for Low-Delay Packet Video Li, Z., Khisti, A., Girod, B. 2010
  • Mobile Product Recognition Tsai, S., Chen, D., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Cheung, N., Vedantham, R., Girod, B. 2010
  • Building Book Inventories using Smartphones Chen, David, M., Tsai, S., Hsu, C., Kim, K. h., Singh, J. P., Girod, B. 2010
  • An Interactive Region-of-Interest Video Streaming System for Online Lecture Viewing Mavlankar, A., Agrawal, P., Pang, D., Halawa, S., Cheung, N., Girod, B. 2010
  • SIDE-INFORMATION-ADAPTIVE DISTRIBUTED SOURCE CODING IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Varodayan, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2010: 3729–3732
  • DYNAMIC SELECTION OF A FEATURE-RICH QUERY FRAME FOR MOBILE VIDEO RETRIEVAL IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Chen, D., Cheung, N., Tsai, S., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Vedantham, R., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2010: 1017–1020
  • COMPARISON OF LOCAL FEATURE DESCRIPTORS FOR MOBILE VISUAL SEARCH IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, D. M., Lin, A., Takacs, G., Tsai, S. S., Cheung, N., Reznik, Y., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2010: 3885–3888
  • FAST GEOMETRIC RE-RANKING FOR IMAGE-BASED RETRIEVAL IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Tsai, S. S., Chen, D., Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Vedantham, R., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2010: 1029–1032
  • Unified Real-Time Tracking and Recognition with Rotation-Invariant Fast Features 23rd IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Tsai, S., Chen, D., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2010: 934–941
  • Permutable Descriptors for Orientation-Invariant Image Matching Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIII Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, H., Chen, D., Tsai, S., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2010

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.863993

    View details for Web of Science ID 000287763500016

  • REAL-TIME VIDEO STREAMING WITH INTERACTIVE REGION-OF-INTEREST IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Makar, M., Mavlankar, A., Agrawal, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2010: 4437–4440
  • Fast Quantization and Matching of Histogram-Based Image Features Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIII Reznik, Y. A., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Chen, D. M., Tsai, S. S., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2010

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.862362

    View details for Web of Science ID 000287763500015

  • Quality-Controlled Motion-Compensated Interpolation 44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Makar, M., Pang, D., Lin, Y., Girod, B. IEEE. 2010: 865–869
  • Distributed Rate Allocation Policies for Multihomed Video Streaming Over Heterogeneous Access Networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA Zhu, X., Agrawal, P., Singh, J. P., Alpcan, T., Girod, B. 2009; 11 (4): 752-764
  • Systematic Lossy Error Protection of Video Signals (vol 18, pg 1347, 2008) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Rane, S., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. 2009; 19 (3): 452-452
  • Streaming Mobile Augmented Reality on Mobile Phones 8th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Chen, D. M., Tsai, S. S., Vedantham, R., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 181–182
  • Transform Coding of Image Feature Descriptors Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Chen, D., M., Tsai, S., S., Singh, J., P., Girod, B. 2009
  • Compression-Aware Digital Pan/Tilt/Zoom Makar, M., Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. 2009
  • Location Coding for Mobile Image Retrieval Tsai, Sam, S., Chen, D., Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Singh, Jatinder, P., Girod, B. 2009
  • Streaming to Mobile Users in a Peer-to-Peer Network Noh, J., Makar, M., Girod, B. 2009
  • Peer-to-Peer Television, Ready for Prime Time? IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter Girod, B. 2009; 4 (9): 8-10
  • Robust Image Retrieval using Multiview Scalable Vocabulary Trees Chen, D., M., Tsai, S., S., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Singh, J., P., Girod, B. 2009
  • Image-Based Retrieval with a Camera-Phone Tsai, Sam, S., David, M., Chen, Singh, Jatinder, P., Girod, B. 2009
  • Low-Rate Image Retrieval with Tree Histogram Coding Chandrasekhar, V., Chen, David, M., Li, Z., Takacs, G., Tsai, Sam, S., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. 2009
  • Video Quality Monitoring for Mobile Multicast Peers Using Distributed Source Coding Lin, Y., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. 2009
  • Peer-Assisted Packet Loss Repair for IPTV Video Multicast Li, Z., Zhu, X., Begen, Ali, C., Girod, B. 2009
  • Quantization for Distributed Source Coding Distributed Source Coding: Theory, Algorithms and Applications Rebollo-Monedero, D., Girod, B. edited by Gaspar, M., Dragotti, P., L. Elsevier Inc.. 2009: 1
  • Authenticating Cropped and Resized Images Using Distributed Source Coding and Expectation Maximization Lin, Y., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. 2009
  • TIME-SHIFTED STREAMING IN A PEER-TO-PEER VIDEO MULTICAST SYSTEM IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 09) Noh, J., Mavlankar, A., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 6025–6030
  • FORWARD AND RETRANSMITTED SYSTEMATIC LOSSY ERROR PROTECTION FOR IPTV VIDEO MULTICAST 17th International Packet Video Workshop Li, Z., Zhu, X., Begen, A. C., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 1–9
  • EXPERIENCES WITH A LARGE-SCALE DEPLOYMENT OF STANFORD PEER-TO-PEER MULTICAST 17th International Packet Video Workshop Noh, J., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 103–111
  • PRE-FETCHING BASED ON VIDEO ANALYSIS FOR INTERACTIVE REGION-OF-INTEREST STREAMING OF SOCCER SEQUENCES 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 3025–3028
  • STANFORD PEER-TO-PEER MULTICAST (SPPM) - OVERVIEW AND RECENT EXTENSIONS Picture Coding Symposium 2009 Noh, J., Baccichet, P., Hartung, F., Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 517–520
  • CHoG: Compressed Histogram of Gradients A Low Bit-Rate Feature Descriptor IEEE-Computer-Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Chen, D., Tsai, S., Grzeszczuk, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 2496–2503
  • COMPRESSION OF IMAGE PATCHES FOR LOCAL FEATURE EXTRACTION IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Makar, M., Chang, C., Chen, D., Tsai, S. S., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 821–824
  • DISTRIBUTED SOURCE CODING AUTHENTICATION OF IMAGES WITH AFFINE WARPING IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Lin, Y., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2009: 1481–1484
  • Systematic Lossy Error Protection of Video Signals IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Rane, S., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. 2008; 18 (10): 1347-1360
  • Analysis of packet loss for compressed video: Effect of burst losses and correlation between error frames IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Liang, Y. J., Apostolopoulos, J. G., Girod, B. 2008; 18 (7): 861-874
  • Wyner-Ziv coding of video with unsupervised motion vector learning SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION Varodayan, D., Chen, D., Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2008; 23 (5): 369-378
  • Peer-to-peer live multicast: A video perspective PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Setton, E., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. 2008; 96 (1): 25-38
  • DIRECTION-ADAPTIVE PARTITIONED BLOCK TRANSFORM FOR IMAGE CODING 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2008) Chang, C., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 145–148
  • Rate-efficient, Real-time CD Cover Recognition On A Camera-Phone Tsai, S., S., Chen, D., M., Singh, J., P., Girod, B. 2008
  • Outdoors Augmented Reality on Mobile Phone using Loxel-based Visual Feature Organization Takacs, G., Chandrasekhar, V., Gelfand, N., Xiong, Y., Chen, W., C., Bismpigiannis, T., Girod, B. 2008
  • Distortion-Aware Retransmission and Concealment of Video Packets Using A Wyner-Ziv-Coded Thumbnail 10th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Li, Z., Lin, Y., Varodayan, D., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 428–432
  • PEER-TO-PEER MULTICAST LIVE VIDEO STREAMING WITH INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL PAN/TILT/ZOOM FUNCTIONALITY 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2008) Mavlankar, A., Noh, J., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 2296–2299
  • WYNER-ZIV CODING OF MULTIVIEW IMAGES WITH UNSUPERVISED LEARNING OF TWO DISPARITIES IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2008) Chen, D., Varodayan, D., Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 629–632
  • Video multicast over wireless mesh networks with scalable video coding (SVC) Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2008 Zhu, X., Schierl, T., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2008
  • Optimal Server Bandwidth Allocation for Streaming Multiple Streams via P2P Multicast 10th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Mavlankar, A., Noh, J., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 472–477
  • Network Image Coding for Multicast 10th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Varodayan, D., Chen, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 369–374
  • UN-LEECHING P2P STREAMING BY ACTIVE OVERLAY MANAGEMENT IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 08) Noh, J., Baccichet, P., Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008
  • WYNER-ZIV CODING OF MULTIVIEW IMAGES WITH UNSUPERVISED LEARNING OF DISPARITY AND GRAY CODE 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2008) Chen, D., Varodayan, D., Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 1112–1115
  • Distributed stereo image coding with improved disparity and noise estimation 33rd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Chen, D., Varodayan, D., Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 1137–1140
  • Tree Histogram Coding for Mobile Image Matching 19th Data Compression Conference Chen, D. M., Tsai, S. S., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Singh, J., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2008: 143–152
  • Audio authentication based on distributed source coding 33rd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Varodayan, D., Lin, Y., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 225–228
  • AUTHENTICATING CONTRAST AND BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTED IMAGES USING DISTRIBUTED SOURCE CODING AND EXPECTATION MAXIMIZATION IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2008) Lin, Y., Varodayan, D., Fink, T., Bellers, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 613–616
  • Performance and quality-of-service analysis of a live P2P video multicast session on the Internet 16th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2008) Agarwal, S., Singh, J. P., Mavlankar, A., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 13–21
  • REDUCING END-TO-END TRANSMISSION DELAY IN P2P STREAMING SYSTEMS USING MULTIPLE TREES WITH MODERATE OUTDEGREE IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2008) Noh, J., Mavlankar, A., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 473–476
  • REDUCED-REFERENCE IMAGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT USING DISTRIBUTED SOURCE CODING IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2008) Chono, K., Lin, Y., Varodayan, D., Miyamoto, Y., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 609–612
  • Color Restoration for Objects of Interest using Robust Image Features 10th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Chen, D., Chandrasekhar, V., Takacs, G., Singh, J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 539–544
  • Image modeling with parametric texture sources for design and analysis of image processing algorithms Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2008 Chang, C., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2008
  • DIRECTION-ADAPTIVE PARTITIONED BLOCK TRANSFORM FOR IMAGE CODING 15th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2008) Chang, C., Girod, B. IEEE. 2008: 145–148
  • VIDEO QUALITY ASSESSMENT AND COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF PEER-TO-PEER VIDEO STREAMING SYSTEMS IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2008) Mavlankar, A., Baccichet, P., Girod, B., Agarwal, S., Singh, J. P. IEEE. 2008: 645–648
  • Multiview video compression - Exploiting inter-image similarities IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2007; 24 (6): 66-76
  • Motion and disparity compensated coding, for multiview video International Picture Coding Symposium 2006 Flierl, M., Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2007: 1474–84
  • Rate-distortion optimized interactive light field streaming IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA Ramanathan, P., Kalman, M., Girod, B. 2007; 9 (4): 813-825
  • Direction-adaptive discrete wavelet transform for image compression IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Chang, C., Girod, B. 2007; 16 (5): 1289-1302


    We propose a direction-adaptive DWT (DA-DWT) that locally adapts the filtering directions to image content based on directional lifting. With the adaptive transform, energy compaction is improved for sharp image features. A mathematical analysis based on an anisotropic statistical image model is presented to quantify the theoretical gain achieved by adapting the filtering directions. The analysis indicates that the proposed DA-DWT is more effective than other lifting-based approaches. Experimental results report a gain of up to 2.5 dB in PSNR over the conventional DWT for typical test images. Subjectively, the reconstruction from the DA-DWT better represents the structure in the image and is visually more pleasing.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2007.894242

    View details for Web of Science ID 000245838400010

    View details for PubMedID 17491460

  • Joint capacity, flow and rate allocation for multiuser video streaming over wireless ad-hoc networks IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007) Adlakha, S., Zhu, X., Girod, B., Goldsmith, A. J. IEEE. 2007: 1747–1753
  • Network-Adaptive Media Transport Multimedia Networking and Communication Kalman, M., Girod, B. edited by Chou, P., A., Schaar, M., van der Elsevier. 2007: 1
  • Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming Setton, E., Girod, B. Springer. 2007
  • Distributed Rate Allocation for Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Link Speeds Zhu, X., Girod, B. 2007
  • Optimal Slice Size for Streaming Regions of High Resolution Video with Virtual Pan/Tilt/Zoom Functionality Mavlankar, A., Baccichet, P., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. 2007
  • Rate Allocation for Multi-User Video Streaming over Heterogenous Access Networks Zhu, X., Agrawal, P., Singh, J., P., Alpcan, T., Girod, B. 2007
  • Region-of-Interest Prediction for Interactively Streaming Regions of High Resolution Video Mavlankar, A., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. 2007
  • Spatial Models for Localization of Image Tampering using Distributed Source Codes Lin, Y., C., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. 2007
  • Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks Zhu, X., Girod, B. 2007
  • Noise Processing for Simple Laplacian Pyramid Synthesis Based on Dual Frame Reconstruction Mavlankar, A., Chen, D., Zakhary, S., Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2007
  • Low-Delay Peer-to-Peer Streaming using Scalable Video Coding Baccichet, P., Schierl, T., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. 2007
  • Direction-Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transform for Image Compression IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Chang, C., L., Girod, B. 2007; 16 (5): 1289 – 1302
  • Adaptive Media Playout Multimedia Networking and Communication Steinbach, E., Liang, Y., Kalman, M., Girod, B. edited by Chou, P., A., Schaar, M. v. Elsevier. 2007: 1
  • Wyner-Ziv Coding of Stereo Images with Unsupervised Learning of Disparity Varodayan, D., Lin, Y., C., Mavlankar, A., Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2007
  • Network distributed quantization IEEE Information Theory Workshop Rebollo-Monedero, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2007: 426–431
  • Post-processing for decoding without update step in motion-compensated lifted wavelet video coding Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2007 Mavlankar, A., Flierl, M., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2007
  • Distributed grayscale stereo image coding with unsupervised learning of disparity 17th Data Compression Conference Varodayan, D., Mavlankar, A., Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2007: 143–152
  • Content-aware P2P video streaming with low latency IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2007) Baccichet, P., Noh, J., Setton, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2007: 400–403
  • High-rate analysis of systematic lossy error protection of a predictively encoded source 17th Data Compression Conference Rane, S., Rebollo-Monedero, D., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2007: 263–272
  • Half-pel accurate motion-compensated orthogonal video transforms 17th Data Compression Conference Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2007: 13–22
  • Scalable direction representation for image compression with direction-adaptive discrete wavelet Transform Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2007 Xu, T., Chang, C., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2007
  • A double motion-compensated orthogonal transform with energy concentration constraint Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2007 Flierl, M., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2007
  • A new bidirectionally motion-compensated orthogonal transform for video coding 32nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2007: 665–668
  • Distributed channel time allocation and rate adaptation for multi-user video streaming over wireless home networks IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2007) Zhu, X., Girod, B., van Beek, P. IEEE. 2007: 2321–2324
  • Image authentication and tampering localization using distributed source coding 9th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Lin, Y., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2007: 393–396
  • Image authentication based on distributed source coding IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2007) Lin, L., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2007: 1133–1136
  • Robust low-delay video transmission using H.264/AVC redundant slices and flexible macroblock ordering IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2007) Baccichet, P., Rane, S., Chimienti, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2007: 1789–1792
  • High-rate quantization and transform coding with side information at the decoder 38th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Rebollo-Monedero, D., Rane, S., Aaron, A., Girod, B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2006: 3160–79
  • Rate-adaptive codes for distributed source coding 40th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Varodayan, D., Aaron, A., Girod, B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2006: 3123–30
  • Distributed source coding SIGNAL PROCESSING Xiong, Z., Garcia-Frias, J., Girod, B. 2006; 86 (11): 3095-3095
  • Rate-distortion analysis for light field coding and streaming SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION Rarnanathan, P., Girod, B. 2006; 21 (6): 462-475
  • Rate-distortion analysis and streaming of SP and SI frames IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Setton, E., Girod, B. 2006; 16 (6): 733-743
  • Light field compression using disparity-compensated lifting and shape adaptation IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Chang, C. L., Zhu, X. Q., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. 2006; 15 (4): 793-806


    We propose disparity-compensated lifting for wavelet compression of light fields. With this approach, we obtain the benefits of wavelet coding, such as scalability in all dimensions, as well as superior compression performance. Additionally, the proposed approach solves the irreversibility limitations of previous light field wavelet coding approaches, using the lifting structure. Our scheme incorporates disparity compensation into the lifting structure for the transform across the views in the light field data set. Another transform is performed to exploit the coherence among neighboring pixels, followed by a modified SPIHT coder and rate-distortion optimized bitstream assembly. A view-sequencing algorithm is developed to organize the views for encoding. For light fields of an object, we propose to use shape adaptation to improve the compression efficiency and visual quality of the images. The necessary shape information is efficiently coded based on prediction from the existing geometry model. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme exhibits superior compression performance over existing light field compression techniques.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TIP.2005.863954

    View details for Web of Science ID 000236287400001

    View details for PubMedID 16579369

  • Direction-adaptive discrete wavelet transform via directional lifting and bandeletization IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006) Chang, C., Girod, B. IEEE. 2006: 1149–1152
  • Network-Aware H.264/AVC ROI Coding for a Multi-Camera Wireless Surveillance Network Baccichet, P., Zhu, X., Girod, B. 2006
  • Intraframe Prediction with Intraframe Update Step for Motion-Compensated Lifted Wavelet Video Coding Mavlankar, A., Chang, C., L., Girod, B. 2006
  • Motion and Disparity Compensated Coding for Video Camera Arrays Flierl, M., Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. 2006
  • Wyner-Ziv Residual Coding of Video Aaron, A., Varodayan, D., Girod, B. 2006
  • Systematic lossy error protection of video based on H.264/AVC redundant slices Conferenceon Visual Communications and Image Processing 2006 Rane, S., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2006
  • Systematic Lossy Error Protection of Video based on H.264/AVC Redundant Slices Rane, S., Girod, B. 2006
  • Systematic Lossy Error Protection based on H.264/AVC Redundant Slices and Flexible Macroblock Ordering Baccichet, P., Rane, S., Girod, B. 2006
  • Exploiting Spatial Correlation in Pixel-Domain Distributed Image Compression Varodayan, D., Aaron, A., Girod, B. 2006
  • Modeling and Optimization of Systematic Lossy Error Protection System based on H.264/AVC Redundant Slices Rane, S., Baccichet, P., Girod, B. 2006
  • Joint Routing and Rate Allocation for Multiple Video Streams in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Journal of Zheijang University, Science A Zhu, X., Singh, J., P., Girod, B. 2006; 7 (5): 900-909
  • Systematic Lossy Error Protection based on H.264/AVC Redundant Slices and Flexible Macroblock Ordering Journal of Zheijang University, Science A Baccichet, p., Rane, S., Girod, B. 2006; 7 (5): 727-736
  • Media-aware multi-user rate allocation over wireless mesh network 1st Workshop on Operator-Assisted (Wireless Mesh) Community Networks Zhu, X., Girod, B. IEEE. 2006: 26–33
  • Coding of multi-view image sequences with video sensors IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006) Flier, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2006: 609–612
  • Distributed coding of random dot stereograms with unsupervised learning of disparity 8th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Varodayan, D., Mavlankar, A., Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2006: 5–8
  • Low latency video streaming over peer-to-peer networks IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2006) Setton, E., Noh, J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2006: 569–572
  • A motion-compensated orthogonal transform with energy-concentration constraint 8th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Flier, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2006: 391–394
  • Network-adaptive low-latency video communication over best-effort networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Liang, Y. J., Girod, B. 2006; 16 (1): 72-81
  • Rate-distortion analysis of SP and SI frames Conferenceon Visual Communications and Image Processing 2006 Setton, E., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2006
  • Congestion-distortion optimized peer-to-peer video streaming IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006) Setton, E., Noh, J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2006: 721–724
  • Analysis of multi-user congestion control for video streaming over wireless networks IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2006) Zhu, X., Girod, B. IEEE. 2006: 869–872
  • Network-adaptive video communication using packet path diversity and rate-distortion optimized reference picture selection 5th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2002) Liang, Y. J., Setton, E., Girod, B. SPRINGER. 2005: 345–54
  • Layered coding vs. multiple descriptions for video streaming over multiple paths MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS Chakareski, J., Han, S., Girod, B. 2005; 10 (4): 275-285
  • Rate-distortion hint tracks for adaptive video streaming International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Chakareski, J., Apostolopoulos, J. G., Wee, S., Tan, W. T., Girod, B. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. 2005: 1257–69
  • Congestion-distortion optimized video transmission over ad hoc networks SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION Zhu, X. Q., Setton, E., Girod, B. 2005; 20 (8): 773-783
  • Advances in wireless video IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Girod, B., Lagendijk, I., Zhang, Q., Zhu, W. W. 2005; 12 (4): 4-5
  • Cross-layer design of ad hoc networks for real-time video streaming IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Setton, E., Yoo, T., Zhu, X. Q., Goldsmith, A., Girod, B. 2005; 12 (4): 59-65
  • Affine multipicture motion-compensated prediction IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Wiegand, T., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 2005; 15 (2): 197-209
  • Optimum update for motion-compensated lifting IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS Girod, B., Han, S. 2005; 12 (2): 150-153
  • Receiver-driven rate-distortion optimized streaming of light fields IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2005) Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 3857–3860
  • Analysis on Quantization Error Propagation for Motion-Compensated Lifted Wavelet Coding Chang, C.-L., Mavlankar, A., Girod, B. 2005
  • Congestion-Optimized Routing and Scheduling of Video Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Girod, B., Setton, E., Zhu, X. 2005
  • Error-Resilient Video Transmission Using Multiple Embedded Wyner-Ziv Descriptions Rane, S., Aaron, A., Girod, B. 2005
  • Adaptive Wavelet Transform for Image Compression via Directional Quincunx Lifting Chang, C.-L., Maleki, A., Girod, B. 2005
  • Content-Adaptive Coding and Delay-Aware Rate Control for a Multi-Camera Wireless Surveillance Network Zhu, X., Setton, E., Girod, B. 2005
  • Optimal Update Step for Motion-Compensated Lifting IEEE Signal Processing Letters Girod, B., Han, S. 2005; 12 (2): 150-153
  • Techniques for Improved Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Streaming ST Journal of Research Kalman, M., Girod, B. 2005; 2 (1): 45-54
  • Systematic lossy error protection versus layered coding with unequal error protection Conference on Image and Video Communications and Processing 2005 Rane, S., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2005: 663–671
  • Systematic lossy error protection for video transmission over wireless ad hoc networks Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2005 Zhu, X. Q., Rane, S., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2005: 1849–1860

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.633373

    View details for Web of Science ID 000232176403014

  • Systematic Lossy Forward Error Protection versus Layered Coding with Unequal Error Protection Rane, S., Girod, B. 2005
  • A New Update Step for Reduction of PSNR Fluctuations in Motion-Compensated Lifted Wavelet Video Coding Mavlankar, A., Han, S., Chang, C. -L., Girod, B. 2005
  • Error-resilient video transmission using multiple embedded Wyner-Ziv descriptions IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2005) Rane, S., Aaron, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 2509–2512
  • Rate-distortion optimized video streaming over Internet packet traces IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2005) Chakareski, J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 1561–1564
  • A generalization of the rate-distortion function for Wyner-Ziv coding of noisy sources in the quadratic-Gaussian case IEEE Data Compression Conference Rebollo-Monedero, D., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2005: 23–32
  • Distributed rate allocation for multi-stream video transmission over ad hoc networks IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2005) Zhu, X. Q., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 1513–1516
  • A distributed algorithm for congestion-minimized multi-path routing over ad hoc networks IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) Zhu, X. Q., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 1485–1488
  • Congestion-optimized scheduling of video over wireless ad hoc networks IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Setton, E., Zhu, X. Q., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 3531–3534
  • Rate-adaptive distributed source coding using Low-Density Parity-Check codes 39th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Varodayan, D., Aaron, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 1203–1207
  • Video streaming with SP and SI frames Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2005 Setton, E., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2005: 2204–2211

    View details for DOI 10.1117/12.633506

    View details for Web of Science ID 000232176403050

  • Optimized transcoding rate selection and packet scheduling for transmitting multiple video streams over a shared channel IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2005) Kalman, M., Girod, B., van Beek, P. IEEE. 2005: 853–856
  • Wyner-Ziv quantization and transform coding of noisy sources at high rates Conference on Models - Third Dimension of Science Rebollo-Monedero, D., Rane, S., Girod, B. AMER CERAMIC SOC. 2005: 2084–2088
  • Design of optimal quantizers for distributed coding of noisy sources 30th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Rebollo-Monedero, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 1097–1100
  • Distributed video coding PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Girod, B., Margot, A., Rane, S., Rebollo-Monedero, D. 2005; 93 (1): 71-83
  • Deadline-aware scheduling for wireless video streaming IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) Liebl, G., Kalman, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2005: 470–473
  • Video coding with motion-compensated lifted wavelet transforms SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2004; 19 (7): 561-575
  • Adaptive media playout for low-delay video streaming over effor-prone channels IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Kalman, M., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 2004; 14 (6): 841-851
  • Rate-distortion optimized video streaming using conditional packet delay distributions 6th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Kalman, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 514–517
  • Congestion-aware rate allocation for multipath video streaming over ad hoc wireless networks International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Zhu, X. Q., Han, S. G., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 2547–2550
  • Rate-distortion optimized interactive streaming for scalable bitstreams of light fields Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004 Chang, C. L., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2004: 222–233
  • Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Streaming with Multiple Deadlines for Low Latency Applications Kalman, M., Girod, B. 2004
  • Congestion-Aware Rate Allocation for Multipath Video Streaming Over Ad hoc Wireless Networks Zhu, X., Han, S., Girod, B. 2004
  • Rate-distortion Optimized Media Streaming with Rich Requests Chakareski, J., Girod, B. 2004
  • Systematic Lossy Forward Error Correction for Error-Resilient Video Broadcasting Rane, S., Aaron, A., Girod, B. 2004
  • Rate-Distortion Optimized Interactive Streaming for Scalable Bitstreams of Light Fields Chang, C.-L., Girod, B. 2004
  • Real-time Streaming of Multiple Description Video with Restart Setton, E., Shionozaki, A., Girod, B. 2004
  • Wyner-Ziv Video Coding with Hash-Based Motion Compensation at the Receiver Aaron, A., Rane, S., Girod, B. 2004
  • Rate-Distortion Analysis of Random Access for Compressed Light Fields Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. 2004
  • Systematic Lossy Forward Error Protection for Error-Resilient Digital Video Broadcasting - A Wyner-Ziv Coding Approach Rane, S., Aaron, A., Girod, B. 2004
  • Video Streaming Over a Cross-layer Designed Ad hoc Wireless Network Yoo, T., Setton, E., Zhu, X., Goldsmith, A., Girod, B. 2004
  • Random Access for Compressed Light Fields Using Multiple Representations Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. 2004
  • Optimum Update Step for Motion-Compensated Lifted Wavelet Coding Girod, B., Han, S., Chang, C. -L. 2004
  • Theoretical Analysis of the Rate-Distortion Performance of a Light Field Streaming System Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. 2004
  • Video coding with lifted wavelet transforms and complementary motion-compensated signals Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004 Flierl, M., Vandergheynst, P., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2004: 497–508
  • Systematic lossy forward error protection for error-resilient digital video broadcasting - A Wyner-Ziv coding approach International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Rane, S., Aaron, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 3101–3104
  • Systematic lossy forward error protection for error-resilient digital video broadcasting Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004 Rane, S., Aaron, A., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2004: 588–595
  • Random access for compressed light fields using multiple representations 6th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 383–386
  • Rate-distortion analysis of random access for compressed light fields International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 2463–2466
  • Analysis of Error-Resilient Video Transmission based on Systematic Source-Channel Coding Rane, s., Girod, B. 2004
  • Wyner-Ziv Video Coding with Low Encoder Complexity Aaron, A., Girod, B. 2004
  • Real-time streaming of prestored multiple description video with restart IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) Setton, E., Shionozaki, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 1323–1326
  • Wyner-Ziv video coding with hash-based motion compensation at the receiver International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Aaron, A., Rane, S., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 3097–3100
  • Low-complexity rate-distortion optimized video streaming International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Chakareski, J., Apostolopoulos, J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 2055–2058
  • R-D hint tracks for low-complexity R-D optimized video streaming IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) Chakareski, J., Apostolopoulos, J., Wee, S., Tan, W. T., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 1387–1390
  • Cross-layer design for video streaming over wireless ad hoc networks 6th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Yoo, T., Setton, E., Zhu, X. Q., Goldsmith, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 99–102
  • Transform-domain Wyner-Ziv codec for video Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004 Aaron, A., Rane, S., Setton, E., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2004: 520–528
  • Rate-distortion optimized video streaming with rich acknowledgments Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2004 Chakareski, J., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2004: 661–668
  • Congestion-optimized multi-path streaming of video over ad hoc wireless networks IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) Setton, E., Zhu, X. Q., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 1619–1622
  • Receiver-based rate-distortion optimized interactive streaming for scalable bitstreams of light fields IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) Chang, C. L., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 1623–1626
  • Rate-distortion optimized streaming for 3-D wavelet video International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Chang, C. L., Han, S., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 3141–3144
  • Distortion chains for predicting the video distortion for general packet loss patterns IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Chakareski, J., Apostolopoulos, J., Tan, W. T., Wee, S., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 1001–1004
  • Wyner-Ziv coding of light fields for random access 6th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Aaron, A., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 323–326
  • Sender-based rate-distortionoptimized streaming of 3-D wavelet video with low latency 6th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Chang, C. L., Han, S., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 510–513
  • Rate-distortion optimized streaming of video with multiple independent encodings International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Kalman, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 3145–3148
  • Congestion-distortion optimized scheduling of video over a bottleneck link 6th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing Setton, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 179–182
  • Minimizing distortion for multi-path video streaming over ad hoc networks International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2004) Setton, E., Zhu, X. Q., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 1751–1754
  • Computing rate-distortion optimized policies for streaming media with rich acknowledgments Data Compression Conference (DCC 2004) Chakareski, J., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2004: 202–211
  • Modeling the delays of successively-transmitted Internet packets IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) Kalman, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2004: 2015–2018
  • Adaptive playout scheduling and loss concealment for voice communication over IP networks IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA Liang, Y. J., Farber, N., Girod, B. 2003; 5 (4): 532-543
  • Multi-view coding for Image-Based Rendering using 3-D scene geometry IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Magnor, M., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. 2003; 13 (11): 1092-1106
  • Generalized B pictures and the draft H.264/AVC video-com-pression standard IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2003; 13 (7): 587-597
  • Scalar costa scheme for information embedding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING Eggers, J. J., Bauml, R., Tzschoppe, R., Girod, B. 2003; 51 (4): 1003-1019
  • Distributed compression for large camera arrays 12th IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing Zhu, X. Q., Aaron, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 30–33
  • Distributed source coding: comparison of two methods close to the Wyner-Ziv bound IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Jeanne, M., Zhang, R., Girod, B., Siohan, P. IEEE. 2003: 145–145
  • Prescient R-D optimized packet dependency management for low-latency video streaming IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Liang, N. J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 659–662
  • Analysis of Packet Loss for Compressed Video: Does Burst Loss Matter? Liang, Y., Apostolopoulos, J., G., Girod, B. 2003
  • Layered Coding vs. Multiple Descriptions for Video Streaming Over Multiple Paths Chakareski, J., Han, S., Girod, B. 2003
  • Video Coding with Superimposed Motion-Compensated Signals Flierl, M., Girod, B. Kluwer Academic Publisher. 2003
  • Videocodierung mit mehreren Referenzbildern it - Informationstechnik. Girod, B., Flierl, M. 2003; 45 (5): 280-285
  • Wyner-Ziv Coding of Video: Applications to Compression and Error Resilience Aaron, A., Rane, S., Zhang, R., Girod, B. 2003
  • Inter-View Wavelet Compression of Light Fields with Disparity-Compensated Lifting Chang, C.-L., Zhu, X., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. 2003
  • Scalar Costa Scheme for Information Embedding IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Eggers, J., J., Bäuml, R., Tzschoppe, R., Girod, B. 2003; 51 (4): 1003 -1019
  • Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming with Multiple Deadlines Kalman, M., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. 2003
  • Prescient R-D Optimized Packet Dependency Management for Low-Latency Video Streaming Liang, Y., Girod, B. 2003
  • Sinais e Sistemas Girod, B., Rabenstein, R., Stenger, A. LTC - Livros Tecnicos e Cientificos Editora S.A.. 2003
  • Rate-distortion optimized video streaming with multiple deadlines IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Kalman, M., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 661–664
  • Analysis of packet loss for compressed video: Does burst-length matter? IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Liang, Y. J., Apostolopoulos, J. G., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 684–687
  • Inter-view wavelet compression of light fields with disparity-compensated lifting Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2003 Chang, C. L., Zhu, X. Q., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2003: 694–706
  • Investigation of Motion-Compensated Lifted Wavelet Transforms Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2003
  • Wyner-Ziv coding for video: Applications to compression and error resilience Data Compression Conference 2003 (DCC2003) Aaron, A., Rane, S., Zhang, R., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2003: 93–102
  • Systematic lossy forward error protection for video waveforms IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Aaron, A., Rane, S., Rebollo-Monedero, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 609–612
  • Light field compression using disparity-compensated lifting IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Girod, B., Chang, C. L., Ramanathan, P., Zhu, X. Q. IEEE. 2003: 760–763
  • Server diversity in rate-distortion optimized media streaming IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Chakareski, J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 645–648
  • Shape adaptation for light field compression IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Chang, C. L., Zhu, X. Q., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 765–768
  • Video streaming with diversity 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2003) Chakareski, J., Setton, E., Liang, Y., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 9–12
  • Towards practical Wyner-Ziv coding of video IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Aaron, A., Setton, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 869–872
  • Light field compression using disparity-compensated lifting 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2003) Girod, B., Chang, C. L., Ramanathan, P., Zhu, X. Q. IEEE. 2003: 373–376
  • Transforms for high-rate distributed source coding 37th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Rebollo-Monedero, D., Aaron, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 850–854
  • Rate-distortion optimized packet scheduling and routing for media streaming with path diversity Data Compression Conference 2003 (DCC2003) Chakareski, J., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2003: 203–212
  • Design of optimal quantizers for distributed source coding Data Compression Conference 2003 (DCC2003) Rebollo-Monedero, D., Zhang, R., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2003: 13–22
  • Rate-distortion optimized streaming of compressed light fields IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Ramanathan, P., Kalman, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 277–280
  • Adaptive multiple description video streaming over multiple channels with active probing 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2003) Setton, E., Liang, N., Girod, B. IEEE. 2003: 509–512
  • Power-spectrum condition for energy-efficient watermarking IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA Su, J. K., Girod, B. 2002; 4 (4): 551-560
  • Rate-constrained multihypothesis prediction for motion-compensated video compression IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Flierl, M., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. 2002; 12 (11): 957-969
  • Advances in channel-adaptive video streaming WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING Girod, B., Kalman, M., Liang, Y. J., Zhang, R. 2002; 2 (6): 573-584

    View details for DOI 10.1002/wcm.87

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  • Channel-adaptive video streaming using packet path diversity and rate-distortion optimized reference picture selection 5th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2002) Liang, Y. J., Setton, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 420–423
  • Model-based face tracking for view-independent facial expression recognition FIFTH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATIC FACE AND GESTURE RECOGNITION, PROCEEDINGS Gokturk, S. B., Bouguet, J. Y., Tomasi, C., Girod, B. 2002: 287-293
  • Low-latency streaming of pre-encoded video using channel-adaptive bitstream assembly IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Liang, Y. J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 873–876
  • A Real-time Internet Streaming Media Test-Bed Kellerer, W., Steinbach, E., Eisert, P., Girod, B. 2002
  • Generalized B Pictures Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2002
  • Model-Based Delay-Distortion Optimization for Video Streaming Using Packet Interleaving Liang, Y., J., Apostolopoulos, John, G., Girod, B. 2002
  • Informed Watermarking Eggers, J., Girod, B. Kluwer Academic Publisher. 2002
  • Model-based Enhancement of Lighting Conditions in Image Sequences Eisert, P., Girod, B. 2002
  • Adaptive playout for adaptive media streaming Kalman, M., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 2002
  • Low-latency Internet video streaming using channel-adaptive bitstream assembly Liang, Y., Girod, B. 2002
  • A Simulation Study of Packet Path Diversity for TCP File Transfer and Media Transport on the Internet Steinbach, E., G., Liang, Y., J., Girod, B. 2002
  • Advances in Network-adaptive Video Streaming Girod, B., Chakareski, J., Kalman, M., Liang, Y., J., Setton, E., Zhang, R. 2002
  • A Communications Approach to Image Steganography Electronic Imaging 2002, San Jose, CA Eggers, J., J., Bäuml, R., Girod, B. 2002
  • Estimation Of Amplitude Modifications before SCS Watermark Detection Electronic Imaging 2002, San Jose, CA Eggers, J., J., Bäuml, R., Girod, B. 2002
  • Model-based delay-distortion optimization for video streaming using packet interleaving 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Liang, Y. J., Apostolopoulos, J. G., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 1315–1319
  • Multi-view geometry estimation for light field compression International Fall Workshop on Vision Modeling and Visualization 2000 Sebe, I. O., Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. AKADEMISCHE VERLAGSGESELLSCH AKA GMBH. 2002: 265–272
  • Model-based enhancement of lighting conditions in image sequences Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2002 Eisert, P., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2002: 260–267
  • R-D optimized media streaming enhanced with adaptive media playout IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Kalman, M., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 869–872
  • A communications approach to image steganography 4th Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents Eggers, J. J., Bauml, R., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2002: 26–37
  • Estimation of amplitude modifications before SCS watermark detection 4th Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents Eggers, J. J., Bauml, R., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2002: 387–398
  • A real-time internet streaming media testbed IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Kellerer, W., Steinbach, E., Eisert, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: A453–A456
  • Rate-distortion optimized video streaming with adaptive playout IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Kalman, M., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 189–192
  • Low-latency video transmission over lossy packet networks using rate-distortion optimized reference picture selection IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Liang, Y. J., Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 181–184
  • Adaptive playout for real-time media streaming IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems Kalman, M., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 45–48
  • Compression with side information using turbo codes Data Compression Conference (DCC 2002) Aaron, A., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2002: 252–261
  • Computing rate-distortion optimized policies for hybrid receiver/sender driven streaming of multimedia 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Chakareski, J., Chou, P. A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 1310–1314
  • Rate-distortion optimized streaming from the edge of the network 5th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2002) Chakareski, J., Chou, P. A., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 49–52
  • Multi-frame motion-compensated video compression for the digital set top box IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Girod, B., Flierl, M. IEEE. 2002: 1–4
  • Advances in channel-adaptive video streaming IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Girod, B., Kalman, M., Liang, Y. J., Zhang, R. IEEE. 2002: 9–12
  • Robust and efficient scalable video coding with leaky prediction IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Han, S., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 41–44
  • Theoretical analysis of geometry inaccuracy for light field compression IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Ramanathan, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 229–232
  • Video coding with motion compensation for groups of pictures IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 69–72
  • Geometry refinement for light field compression IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Ramanathan, P., Steinbach, E., Eisert, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 225–228
  • Using a 3-D shape model for video coding International Fall Workshop on Vision Modeling and Visualization 2000 Chang, C. L., Eisert, P., Girod, B. AKADEMISCHE VERLAGSGESELLSCH AKA GMBH. 2002: 291–297
  • Wyner-Ziv coding of motion video 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Aaron, A., Zhang, R., Girod, B. IEEE. 2002: 240–244
  • Common principles of image acquisition systems and biological vision PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Wandell, B. A., El Gamal, A., Girod, B. 2002; 90 (1): 5-17
  • Computer-aided 3-D simulation and prediction of craniofacial surgery: a new approach JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Girod, S., Teschner, M., Schrell, U., Kevekordes, B., Girod, B. 2001; 29 (3): 156-158


    In plastic and reconstructive craniofacial surgery, careful preoperative planning is essential. In complex cases of craniofacial synostosis, rapid prototyping models are used to simulate the surgery and reduce operating time. Recently, 3-D CT model surgery has been introduced for presurgical planning and prediction of the postoperative result.For simulation of craniofacial surgery a computer-based system was developed that allows visualization and manipulation of CT-data using computer graphics techniques. Surgical procedures in all areas of the bony skull can be performed interactively.The case of a child with scaphocephalus is presented. Surgery is planned using the craniofacial surgery simulator described above.The computer-based interactive surgery simulation systems presented here allow precise visualization of craniofacial surgery. The accurate computer-aided 3-D simulation of bone displacements is also the prerequisite for transfer of the simulated surgery using a navigation system for surgery. Thus the preoperatively planned procedure could be transferred directly to the operating table.

    View details for Web of Science ID 000169607100005

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  • Analysis of digital watermarks subjected to optimum linear filtering and additive noise SIGNAL PROCESSING Su, J. K., Eggers, J. J., Girod, B. 2001; 81 (6): 1141-1175
  • Quantization effects on digital watermarks SIGNAL PROCESSING Eggers, J. J., Girod, B. 2001; 81 (2): 239-263
  • Error-resilient mobile video by edge adapted multiscale transforms International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001) Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 572–572
  • Signals and Systems Girod, B., Rabenstein, B., Stenger, A. John Wiley. 2001
  • Quantization Effects on Digital Watermark Signal Processing Eggers, J., J., Girod, B. 2001; 81 (2): 239-263
  • Medical image compression based on region of interest, with application to colon CT images 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society Gokturk, S. B., Tomasi, C., Girod, B., Beaulieu, C. IEEE. 2001: 2453–2456
  • Performance of a Practical Blind Watermarking Scheme Eggers, J., J., Su, J., K., Girod, B. 2001
  • Medical Image Compression Based on Region of Interest, with Application to Colon CT Images Gokturk, S., B., Tomasi, C., Girod, B., Beaulieu, C. 2001
  • Lagrange Multiplier Selection in Hybrid Video Coder Control Wiegand, T., Girod, B. 2001
  • Adaptive Playout for Low-Latency Video Streaming Steinbach, E., Färber, N., Girod, B. 2001
  • Classification of Compound Images Based on Transform Coefficient Likelihood Kalman, M., Keslassy, I., Wang, D., Girod, B. 2001
  • Multi-stream Voice Transmission over the Internet Using Path Diversity Liang, Yi, J., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 2001
  • Multi-stream Voice Transmission over the Internet Using Path Diversity Liang, Yi, J., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 2001
  • Digital Watermarking facing Attacks by Amplitude Scaling and Additive White Noise Eggers, J., J., Bäuml, R., Girod, B. 2001
  • Adaptive playout for low latency video streaming International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001) Steinbach, E., Farber, N., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 962–965
  • Digital Watermarking of Chemical Structure Sets Eggers, J., J., Ihlenfeldt, W., D., Girod, B. 2001
  • Multihypothesis Motion-Compensated Prediction with Forward-Adaptive Hypothesis Switching Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2001
  • Model-based 3-D Shape and Motion Estimation Using Sliding Textures Steinbach, E., Eisert, P., Girod, B. 2001
  • Multiframe Motion-Compensated Prediction for Video Transmission Wiegand, T., Girod, B. Kluwer Academic Publisher. 2001
  • Multi-view image coding with depth maps and 3-D geometry for prediction Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 2001 Magnor, M., Eisert, P., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2001: 263–271
  • Performance of a practical blind watermarking scheme Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III Conference Eggers, J. J., Su, J. K., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2001: 594–605
  • Classification of compound images based on transform coefficient likelihood International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001) Keslassy, I., Kalman, M., Wang, D., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 750–753
  • Multi-stream voice over IP using packet path diversity 4th IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 01) Liang, Y. J., Steinbach, E. G., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 555–560
  • Blind watermarking applied to image authentication IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Eggers, J. J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 1977–1980
  • Lagrange multiplier selection in hybrid video coder control International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001) Wiegand, T., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 542–545
  • Multihypothesis motion estimation for video coding Data Compression Conference (DCC 2001) Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2001: 341–350
  • 3-D simulation of craniofacial surgical procedures Conference on Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2001 Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. I O S PRESS. 2001: 502–508


    An integrated system for simulating craniofacial surgical procedures is presented. The system computes nonlinear soft-tissue deformation due to bone realignment. It is capable of simulating bone cutting and bone realignment with integrated interactive collision detection. Furthermore, soft-tissue deformation and cutting due to surgical instruments can be visualized. The system has been tested with several individual patient data sets. Simulation processes are based on a 3-D model of a patient's preoperative bone structure of the skull derived from a computer tomography scan and on a 3-D, photorealistic model of the patient's preoperative appearance obtained by a laser range scanner. The multi-layer soft-tissue model is represented by nonlinear springs. Very fast and robust prediction of nonlinear soft-tissue deformation is computed by optimizing a nonlinear cost function.

    View details for Web of Science ID 000169103300095

    View details for PubMedID 11317798

  • Adaptive playout scheduling using time-scale modification in packet voice communications IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Liang, Y. J., Farber, N., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 1445–1448
  • Realistic modeling of elasto-mechanical properties of soft tissue and its evaluation 15th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2001: 51–56
  • Multihypothesis pictures for H.26L International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001) Flierl, M., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 526–529
  • Sensitivity of image-based and texture-based multi-view coding to model accuracy International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001) Magnor, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 98–101
  • Multi-hypothesis prediction for disparity-compensated light field compression International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2001) Ramanathan, P., Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 2001: 101–104
  • [Possibilities of computer graphics simulation in orthopedic surgery]. Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie : MKG Kessler, P., Wiltfang, J., Teschner, M., Girod, B., Neukam, F. W. 2000; 4 (6): 373-376


    In addition to standard X-rays, photographic documentation, cephalometric and model analysis, a computer-aided, three-dimensional (3D) simulation system has been developed in close cooperation with the Institute of Communications of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. With this simulation system a photorealistic prediction of the expected soft tissue changes can be made. Prerequisites are a 3D reconstruction of the facial skeleton and a 3D laser scan of the face. After data reduction, the two data sets can be matched. Cutting planes enable the transposition of bony segments. The laser scan of the facial surface is combined with the underlying bone via a five-layered soft tissue model to convert bone movements on the soft tissue cover realistically.Further research is necessary to replace the virtual subcutaneous soft tissue model by correct, topographic tissue anatomy.

    View details for PubMedID 11151344

  • Analysis of video transmission over lossy channels IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Stuhlmuller, K., Farber, N., Link, M., Girod, B. 2000; 18 (6): 1012-1032
  • Error-resilient video transmission using long-term memory motion-compensated prediction IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS Wiegand, T., Farber, N., Stuhlmuller, K., Girod, B. 2000; 18 (6): 1050-1062
  • Model-aided coding: A new approach to incorporate facial animation into motion-compensated video coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Eisert, P., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. 2000; 10 (3): 344-358
  • Data compression for light-field rendering IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Magnor, M., Girod, B. 2000; 10 (3): 338-343
  • Automatic reconstruction of stationary 3-D objects from multiple uncalibrated camera views IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Eisert, P., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 2000; 10 (2): 261-277
  • Efficiency analysis of multihypothesis motion-compensated prediction for video coding IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING Girod, B. 2000; 9 (2): 173-183


    Overlapped block motion compensation or B-frames are examples of multihypothesis motion compensation where several motion-compensated signals are superimposed to reduce the bit-rate of a video codec. This paper extends the wide-sense stationary theory of motion-compensated prediction (MCP) for hybrid video codecs to multihypothesis motion compensation. The power spectrum of the prediction error is related to the displacement error probability density functions (pdfs) of an arbitrary number of hypotheses in a closed-form expression. We then study the influence of motion compensation accuracy on the efficiency of multihypothesis motion compensation as well as the influence of the residual noise level and the gain from optimal combination of N hypotheses. For the noise-free limiting case, doubling the number of (equally good) hypotheses can yield a gain of up to 1/2 bits/sample, while doubling the accuracy of motion compensation can additionally reduce the bit-rate by up to 1 bit/sample independent of N. For realistic noise levels, it is shown that the introduction of B-frames or overlapped block motion compensation can provide larger gains than doubling motion compensation accuracy. Spatial filtering of the motion-compensated candidate signals becomes less important if more hypotheses are combined. The critical accuracy beyond which the gain due to more accurate motion compensation is small moves to larger displacement error variances with increasing noise and increasing number of hypotheses N. Hence, sub-pel accurate motion compensation becomes less important with multihypothesis MCP. The theoretical insights are confirmed by experimental results for overlapped block motion compensation, B-frames, and multiframe motion-compensated prediction with up to eight hypotheses from ten previous frames.

    View details for Web of Science ID 000085547300001

    View details for PubMedID 18255384

  • 3-D object reconstruction using spatially extended voxels and multi-hypothesis voxel coloring 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-2000) Steinbach, E., Girod, B., Eisert, P., Betz, A. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2000: 774–777
  • Optimum Attack on Digital Watermarks and its Defense Su, J., K., Eggers, J., J., Girod, B. 2000
  • Public Key Watermarking Using Linear Transforms Eggers, J., J., Su, J., K., Girod, B. 2000
  • Model-Aided Light Field Coding Magnor, M., Girod, B. 2000
  • Adaptive Intra Update for Lossy Video Transmission Stuhlmüller, K., Färber, N., Girod, B. 2000
  • A Video Codec Incorporating Block-Based Multi-Hypothesis Motion-Compensated Prediction Flierl, M., Girod, B. 2000
  • Direct Computation of Nonlinear Soft-Tissue Deformation Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. 2000
  • Object Reconstruction Using Spatially Extended Voxels Steinbach, E., Eisert, P., Girod, B. 2000
  • Model-Aided Coding: Using 3-D Scene Models in Motion-Compensated Video Coding Eisert, P., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. 2000
  • Robustness of a Blind Watermarking Scheme Eggers, J., J., Su, J., K., Girod, B. 2000
  • A Blind Watermarking Scheme Based on Structured Code Books Eggers, J., J., Su, J., K., Girod, B. 2000
  • Capacity of Digital Watermarks Subjected to an Optimal Collusion Attack Su, J., K., Eggers, J., J., Girod, B. 2000
  • Silhouette-Based Multiple-View Camera Calibration Ramanathan, P., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 2000
  • Progressive Compression and Rendering of Light Fields Magnor, M., Endmann, A., Girod, B. 2000
  • Quantization Watermarking Eggers, J., J., Girod, B. 2000
  • Wireless Video Compressed Video over Networks Girod, B., Färber, N. edited by Reibman, A., Sun, M. -T. Marcel Dekker. 2000: 1
  • Data Compression in Image-Based Rendering IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Magnor, M., Girod, B. 2000; 10 (3): 338-343
  • Quantization watermarking Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents II Eggers, J. J., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2000: 60–71
  • Illustration of the duality between channel coding and rate distortion with side information 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Su, J. K., Eggers, J. J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2000: 1841–1845
  • Illustration of the Duality Between Channel Coding and Rate Distortion with Side Information Su, J., K., Eggers, J., J., Girod, B. 2000
  • Direct Computation of Nonlinear Soft-Tissue Deformation Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. 2000
  • Principles of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis edited by Girod, B., Greiner, G., Niemann, H. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2000
  • Silhouette-based Multiple-View Camera Calibration Ramanathan, P., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 2000
  • Optimum attach on digital watermarks and its defense 34th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers Su, J. K., Eggers, J. J., Girod, B. IEEE. 2000: 1836–1840
  • Model-aided coding: Using 3-D scene models in motion-compensated video coding IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2000) Eisert, P., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. IEEE. 2000: 138–141
  • Watermark detection after quantization attacks 3rd International Workshop on Information Hiding (IH 99) Eggers, J. J., Girod, B. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2000: 172–186
  • Robustness of a blind image watermarking scheme IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2000) Eggers, J. J., Su, J. K., Girod, B. IEEE. 2000: 17–20
  • Model-based coding of multi-viewpoint imagery Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing Magnor, M., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2000: 14–22
  • Interactive simulation environment for craniofacial surgical planning 14th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2000) Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2000: 47–52
  • Long-term memory motion-compensated prediction for robust video transmission IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2000) Wiegand, T., Farber, N., Stuhlmuller, K., Girod, B. IEEE. 2000: 152–155
  • Rate-constrained multi-hypothesis motion-compensated prediction for video coding IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2000) Flierl, M., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. IEEE. 2000: 150–153
  • Trade-off between source and channel coding for video transmission IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2000) Stuhlmuller, K., Farber, N., Girod, B. IEEE. 2000: 399–402
  • Model-aided coding of multi-viewpoint image data IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2000) Magnor, M., Eisert, P., Girod, B. IEEE. 2000: 919–922
  • Adaptive optimal intra update for lossy video transmission Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing Stuhlmuller, K., Farber, N., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2000: 286–295
  • Two approaches to incorporate approximate geometry into multi-view image coding IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2000) Girod, B., Magnor, M. IEEE. 2000: 5–8
  • Fundamental performance limits of power-spectrum condition-compliant watermarks Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents II Su, J. K., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 2000: 314–325
  • 3-D reconstruction of real-world objects using extended voxels IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2000) Steinbach, E., Girod, B., Eisert, P., Betz, A. IEEE. 2000: 569–572
  • An image-domain cost function for 3-D rigid body motion estimation 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR-2000) Steinbach, E., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 2000: 815–818
  • Feedback-based error control for mobile video transmission PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE Girod, B., Farber, N. 1999; 87 (10): 1707-1723
  • Robust Internet video transmission based on scalable coding and unequal error protection SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION Horn, U., Stuhlmuller, K., Link, M., Girod, B. 1999; 15 (1-2): 77-94
  • Long-term memory motion-compensated prediction IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Wiegand, T., Zhang, X. Z., Girod, B. 1999; 9 (1): 70-84
  • Optimization approaches for soft-tissue prediction in craniofacial surgery simulation 2nd International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 99) Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 1999: 1183–1190
  • Osteotomy Simulation and Soft Tissue Prediction Using Computer Tomography Scans Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. 1999
  • Watermark Detection after Quantization Attacks Eggers, J., J., Girod, B. 1999
  • Interactive Osteotomy Simulation and Soft-Tissue Prediction Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. 1999
  • Deformable Templates for the Localization of Anatomical Structures in Radiological Images Sörgel, W., Girod, B. 1999
  • 3-D Shape Reconstruction from Light Fields Using Voxel Back Projection Eisert, P., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 1999
  • Video Communication -- Advances and Applications Girod, B. 1999
  • Fully Embedded Coding of Triangle Meshes Magnor, M., Girod, B. 1999
  • Power Spectrum Condition for L2-Efficient Watermarking Su, J., K., Girod, B. 1999
  • Long-Term Memory Prediction with Affine Motion Compensation Wiegand, T., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 1999
  • Using Multiple Global Motion Models for Improved Block-Based Video Coding Steinbach, E., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. 1999
  • Rate-Distortion Efficient Video Compression Using a 3-D Head Model Eisert, P., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. 1999
  • 3-D Image Models and Compression: Synthetic Hybrid or Natural Fit? Girod, B., Eisert, P., Magnor, M., Steinbach, E., Wiegand, T. 1999
  • Interactive Craniofacial Surgery Simulation: A Optimization Approach Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. 1999
  • Scalable Internet Video Streaming with Unequal Error Protection Stuhlmüller, K., Link, M., Girod, B. 1999
  • Spread Spectrum Watermarking: Malicious Attacks and Counter-Attacks Hartung, F., Su, J., Girod, B. 1999
  • Bidirectionally Decodable Streams of Prefix Code Words IEEE Communications Letters Girod, B. 1999; 3 (8): 245-247
  • A channel model for a watermark attack Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents Su, J. K., Hartung, F., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1999: 159–170
  • On the robustness and imperceptibility of digital fingerprints 6th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (IEEE ICMCS 99) Su, J. K., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1999: 530–535
  • Spread spectrum watermarking: Malicious attacks and counterattacks Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents Hartung, F., Su, J. K., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1999: 147–158
  • 3-D Imaging and Compression - Synthetic Hybrid or Natural Fit? Girod, B., Eisert, P., Magnor, M., Steinbach, E., Wiegand, T. 1999
  • Channel Model for a Watermark Attack Su, J., Hartung, F., Girod, B. 1999
  • Packet Loss Resilient Internet Video Streaming Girod, B., Stuhlmüller, K., Link, M., Horn, U. 1999
  • Analysis of Error Propagation in Hybrid Video Coding with Application to Error Resilience Färber, N., Stuhlmüller, K., Girod, B. 1999
  • Hierarchical Coding of Light Fields with Disparity Maps Magnor, M., Girod, B. 1999
  • Improved Encoding of DCT Coefficients for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Multiple VLC Code Tables Hartung, F., Girod, B. 1999
  • Adaptive Block-Based Light Field Coding Magnor, M., Girod, B. 1999
  • Efficient and robust soft tissue prediction in craniofacial surgery simulation using individual patient's data sets 13th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 99) Teschner, M., Girod, S., Girod, B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1999: 635–639
  • Multi-hypothesis, volumetric reconstruction of 3-D objects from multiple calibrated camera views IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 99) Eisert, P., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 1999: 3509–3512
  • Digital watermarking of text, image, and video documents COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK Su, J. K., Hartung, F., Girod, B. 1998; 22 (6): 687-695
  • Analyzing facial expressions for virtual conferencing IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS Eisert, P., Girod, B. 1998; 18 (5): 70-78
  • Digital watermarking of MPEG-4 facial animation parameters COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK Hartung, F., Eisert, P., Girod, B. 1998; 22 (4): 425-435
  • Extensions of ITU-T recommendation H.324 for error-resilient video transmission IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE Farber, N., Girod, B., Villasenor, J. 1998; 36 (6): 120-128
  • Watermarking of uncompressed and compressed video SIGNAL PROCESSING Hartung, F., Girod, B. 1998; 66 (3): 283-301
  • Motion-based analysis and segmentation of image sequences using 3-D scene models SIGNAL PROCESSING Steinbach, E., Eisert, P., Girod, B. 1998; 66 (2): 233-247
  • Entropy-constrained linear vector prediction for motion-compensated video coding IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Wiegand, T., Flierl, M., Girod, B. IEEE. 1998: 409–409
  • High-Order Motion Compensation for Low Bit-Rate Video Girod, B., Wiegand, T., Steinbach, E., Flierl, M., Zhang, X. 1998
  • Model-Based Coding of Facial Image Sequences at Varying Illumination Conditions Eisert, P., Girod, B. 1998
  • Image and Video Coding IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Girod, B., Gray, R., M., Kovacevic, J., Vetterli, M. 1998: 40-46 , 56-57
  • Multiple Reference Picture Video Coding Using Polynomial Motion Models Wiegand, T., Steinbach, E., Stensrud, A., Girod, B. 1998
  • Error-Resilient Coding for H.263 Insights into Mobile Multimedia Communications Girod, B., Färber, N., Steinbach, E. edited by Bull, D. Academic Press. 1998: 445–459
  • 3D-Simulation kraniofazialer Eingriffe bei Kraniosynostosen Girod, S., Teschner, M., Schrell, U., Kevekordes, B., Girod, B. 1998
  • Präoperative Visualisierung und Simulation in der kraniofazialen Chirurgie durch 3D-Laser-Scanning und 3D-Computertomographie Girod, S., Teschner, M., Becker, T., Neukam, F. -W., Girod, B. 1998
  • Multiresolution Coding of of Image and Video Girod, B., Hartung, F., Horn, U. 1998
  • Planning and Evaluation of Reorienting Osteotomies of the Proximal Femur in Cases of SCFE Using Virtual 3D Models Richolt, J., Everett, P., Teschner, M., Girod, B., Millis, M., Kikinis, R. 1998
  • Accuracy Limits for 3-D Rigid Body Motion Estimation under Perspective Projection Steinbach, E., Betz, A., Girod, B. 1998
  • Digital Watermarking of 3D Head Model Animation Parameters Hartung, F., Eisert, P., Girod, B. 1998
  • Computer Aided Diagnosis of Bone Lesions in the Facial Skeleton Sörgel, W., Girod, B., Girod, S. 1998
  • Error-Resilient Standard-Compliant Video Coding Signal Recovery Techniques for Image and Video Compression and Transmission Girod, B., Färber, N. edited by Katsaggelos, A., Galatsanos, N., P. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998: 175–197
  • A new approach for combined performance evaluation of wireless ATM at channel and higher protocol levels 1st IEEE International Conference on ATM (ICATM 98) Ben Younes, K., Franz, W., Girod, B. IEEE. 1998: 71–76
  • Planning and evaluation of reorienting osteotomies of the proximal femur in cases of SCFE using virtual three-dimensional models 1st International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 98) Richolt, J. A., Teschner, M., Everett, P., Girod, B., Millis, M. B., Kikinis, R. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 1998: 1–8
  • Scalable codec architectures for Internet video-on-demand 31st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers Girod, B., Farber, N., Horn, U. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1998: 357–361
  • Packet loss resilient Internet video streaming Meeting on Visual Communications and Image Processing Girod, B., Stuhlmuller, K., Link, M., Horn, U. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1998: 833–844
  • Why B-Pictures Work: A Theory of Multihypothesis Motion-Compensated Prediction Girod, B. 1998
  • Computer-Assisted Analysis of Hip Joint Flexibility Teschner, M., Richolt, J., Kikinis, R., Girod, B. 1998
  • The SFB 603 - Model Based Analysis and Visualization of Complex Scenes and Sensor Data Niemann, H., Girod, B., Seidel, H., P., Heigl, B., Heidrich, W., Magnor, M. 1998
  • Robust Internet Video Transmission Based on Scalable Coding and Unequal Error Protection Horn, U., Stuhlmüller, K., Link, M., Girod, B. edited by Wedekind, H., Kleinöder, J. 1998
  • A New Approach for Combined Performance Evaluations of Wireless ATM at Channel and Higher Protocol Levels Younes, K., Ben, Franz, W., Girod, B. 1998
  • Fast search for long-term memory motion-compensated prediction IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Wiegand, T., Lincoln, B., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1998: 619–622
  • A content-dependent fast DCT for low bit-rate video coding IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Girod, B., Stuhlmuller, K. W. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1998: 80–84
  • Deformable modeling of facial tissue for craniofacial surgery simulation. Computer aided surgery Keeve, E., Girod, S., Kikinis, R., Girod, B. 1998; 3 (5): 228-238


    While deformable object modeling has been studied by computer graphics specialists for more than two decades, only a few applications in the field of surgical simulation have been developed which provide both real-time and physically realistic modeling of complex, nonlinear tissue deformations. Particularly in craniofacial surgery, the prediction of soft-tissue changes--which result from alterations in the underlying bone structure--is critical to the surgical outcome. The prediction these tissue changes and, therefore, the prognosis of the postoperative appearance of the patient, is still based on empirical studies of the relationship between bone and tissue movements: There exists no physical model which takes into account the individual patient anatomy to simulate the resulting tissue changes during craniofacial surgery. In this article we present two different deformable tissue models which are intergrated in an interactive surgical simulation test bed. Both techniques allow precise preoperative simulation of the resulting soft tissue changes during craniofacial surgery and visualization of the patient's postoperative appearance. The different deformable models are described in detail and both are applied to the same craniofacial case study. The simulation results are shown and compared with regard to the speed and accuracy of the prediction of the patient's postoperative appearance.

    View details for PubMedID 10207647

  • A locally optimal design algorithm for block-based multi-hypothesis motion-compensated prediction Data Compression Conference Flierl, M., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1998: 239–248
  • Standard compatible extension of H.263 for robust video transmission in mobile environments IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Steinbach, E., Farber, N., Girod, B. 1997; 7 (6): 872-881
  • Performance of the H.263 video compression standard JOURNAL OF VLSI SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGY Girod, B., Steinbach, E., Farber, N. 1997; 17 (2-3): 101-111
  • Scalable video transmission for the Internet 8th Joint European Networking Conference Horn, U., Girod, B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1997: 1833–42
  • Adaptive surface data compression SIGNAL PROCESSING Keeve, E., Schaller, S., Girod, S., Girod, B. 1997; 59 (2): 211-220
  • Entropy-constrained design of quadtree video coding schemes 6th International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications Wiegand, T., Flierl, M., Girod, B. INST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS INSPEC INC. 1997: 36–40
  • 3D CT and 3D Laser Scanning in Craniofacial Tumor Surgery Planning Becker, T., Girod, S., Teschner, M., Lenz, M., Girod, B. 1997
  • Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Services over Mobile IP Younes, K., Ben, Spitz, S., Dulz, W., Girod, B. 1997
  • Model-based 3D motion estimation with illumination compensation Eisert, P., Girod, B. 1997
  • Fehlerverschleierung für paketierte Sprachübertragung durch Zeitdehnung und Phasenanpassung Stenger, A., Rabenstein, R., Girod, B. 1997
  • Advances in Digital Image Communication edited by Girod, B. 1997
  • Performance Evaluation of Wireless Indoor Communication Systems using Three-Dimensional Ray Tracing Younes, K., Ben, Girod, B. 1997
  • Data-Driven Structure-from-Motion using the Epipolar Corridor Constraint Steinbach, E., Chaudhuri, S., Girod, B. 1997
  • An Optimal Search Strategy for 3-D Motion Estimation Steinbach, E., Chaudhuri, S., Girod, B. 1997
  • Model-based Facial Expression Parameters from Image Sequences Eisert, P., Girod, B. 1997
  • Block-Based Hybrid Video Coding Using Motion-Compensated Long-Term Memory Prediction Wiegand, T., Zhang, X., Girod, B. 1997
  • Motion-Compensating Long-Term Memory Prediction Wiegand, T., Zhang, X., Girod, B. 1997
  • Simulation of Highway Traffic for Mobile Communication Systems Design Younes, K., Ben, Rabenstein, R., Girod, B. 1997
  • Scalable video coding for the Internet Horn, U., Girod, B. 1997
  • A scalable codec for Internet video streaming 13th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 97) Girod, B., Horn, U. IEEE. 1997: 221–224
  • Model-based estimation of facial expression parameters from image sequences International Conference on Image Processing Eisert, P., Girod, B. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1997: 418–421
  • Copyright protection in video delivery networks by watermarking of pre-compressed video 2nd European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques (ECMAST 97) Hartung, F., Girod, B. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 1997: 423–436
  • Robust estimation of multi-component motion in image sequences using the epipolar constraint IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 97) Steinbach, E., Chaudhuri, S., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 2689–2692
  • Model-based 3D-motion estimation with illumination compensation 6th International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications Eisert, P., Girod, B. INST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS INSPEC INC. 1997: 194–98
  • Multiple reference picture video coding using polynomial motion models Visual Communications and Image Processing 1998 Conference Wiegand, T., Steinbach, E., Stensrud, A., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1997: 134–145
  • Bit allocation methods for closed-loop coding of oversampled pyramid decompositions International Conference on Image Processing Horn, U., Wiegand, T., Girod, B. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1997: 17–20
  • Robust H.263 compatible video transmission for mobile access to video servers International Conference on Image Processing Farber, N., Girod, B. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1997: 73–76
  • Estimation of Motion Vectors Fields for Multiscale Motion Compensation Horn, U., Girod, B. 1997
  • Biomechanic-Based Modeling of Facial Tissue for Craniofacial Surgery Simulation Keeve, E., Girod, S., Neukam, F. -W., Girod, B. 1997
  • Facial Expression Analysis for Model-Based Coding of Video Sequences Eisert, P., Girod, B. 1997
  • Watermarking of MPEG-2 Encoded Video Without Decoding and Re-encoding Hartung, F., Girod, B. 1997
  • Einführung in die Systemtheorie Girod, B., Rabenstein, R., Stenger, A. B. G. Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart. 1997
  • Scalable Codec Architectures for Internet Video-on-Demand Girod, B., Färber, N., Horn, U. 1997
  • Speech Driven Synthesis of Talking Head Sequences Eisert, P., Chaudhuri, S., Girod, B. 1997
  • Einbettung digitaler Wasserzeichen in MPEG-2 codierte Videosequenzen Hartung, F., Girod, B. 1997
  • Motion segmentation for region-based coding Stuhlmüller, K., Girod, B. 1997
  • Rate-distortion optimal contour prediction for a region-based coder International Conference on Image Processing Stuhlmuller, K., Girod, B. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1997: 49–52
  • Data-driven multi-frame 3D motion estimation International Conference on Image Processing Steinbach, E., Chaudhuri, S., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 464–467
  • Motion-compensating long-term memory prediction International Conference on Image Processing Wiegand, T., Zhang, X. Z., Girod, B. I E E E, COMPUTER SOC PRESS. 1997: 53–56
  • Model-based synthetic view generation from a monocular video sequence International Conference on Image Processing Tsai, C. J., Eisert, P., Girod, B., Katsaggelos, A. K. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 444–447
  • Fast public-key watermarking of compressed video International Conference on Image Processing Hartung, F., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 528–531
  • Watermarking of MPEG-2 encoded video without decoding and re-encoding 1997 Conference on Multimedia Computing and Networking Hartung, F., Girod, B. SPIE - INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1997: 264–274
  • Digital watermarking of MPEG-2 coded video in the bitstream domain IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 97) Hartung, F., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1997: 2621–2624
  • Data driven structure-from-motion using the epipolar corridor constraint 1997 Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing Steinbach, E., Girod, B., Chaudhuri, S. SPIE - INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1997: 558–567
  • Craniofacial surgery simulation 4th International Conference on Visualization in Biomedical Computing (VBC 96) Keeve, E., Girod, S., Girod, B. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 1996: 541–546
  • Interactive Craniofacial Surgery Simulation Keeve, E., Girod, S., Augustin, A., Binner, A., Girod, B. 1996
  • Anatomy-Based Facial Tissue Modeling Using the Finite Element Method Keeve, E., Girod, S., Pfeifle, P., Girod, B. 1996
  • Illumination Compensated Motion Estimation for Analysis Synthesis Coding 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis Eisert, P., Girod, B. edited by Girod, B., Niemann, H., Seidel, H.-P. Infix Verlag. 1996: 61–66
  • A New Error Concealment Technique for Audio Transmission with Packet Loss Stenger, A., Girod, B., Younes, K., Ben, Reng, R. 1996
  • Robust H.263 CompatibleTransmission for Mobile Video Server Access Färber, N., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 1996
  • Robust H.263 Compatible Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels Färber, N., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 1996
  • Soft Tissue Prediction in Tumor Surgery of the Head and Neck by 3D CT and 3D Laser Scanning Girod, S., Keeve, E., Spitzer, W., Neukam, F. -W., Girod, B. 1996
  • A new technique for audio packet loss concealment IEEE GLOBECOM 1996 - GLOBAL INTERNET 96 Sanneck, H., Stenger, A., Younes, K. B., Girod, B. I E E E. 1996: 48–57
  • A framework for Quality of Service analysis in mobile communication networks 10th European Simulation Multiconference Younes, K. B., Schlenker, M., Girod, B. SOC MODELING SIMULATION INT-SCS. 1996: 852–857
  • Fast Rigid and Flexible Body Animation for Complex Interactive Simulations Hummel, A., Girod, B. 1996
  • Soft Tissue Prediction in Tumor Surgery of the Head and Neck by 3D CT and 3D Laser Scanning Girod, S., Keeve, E., Spitzer, W., Neukam, F. -W., Girod, B. 1996
  • Standards Based Video Communication at Very Low Bit-rates Girod, B., Färber, N., Steinbach, E. 1996
  • Scalable Video Coding for Multimedia Applications and Robust Transmission over Wireless Channels Girod, B., Horn, U., Belzer, B. 1996
  • Low Complexity Predictive Coding of Color Video Using Optimum Switched Two-Level Quantizers Hartung, F., Girod, B. 1996
  • Estimation of Rigid Body Motion and Scene Structure from Image Sequences Using a Novel Epipolar Transform Steinbach, E., Girod, B. 1996
  • A New Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Displacement, Depth, and Rigid Body Motion Parameters Girod, B., Steinbach, E. 1996
  • Computer-Aided Craniofacial Surgery Journal Int. Society for Computer Aided Surgery Keeve, E., Girod, S., Girod, B. 1996; 3 (2): 6-10
  • Computergraphik in der Chirurgieplanung it+ti - Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik Keeve, E., Girod, S., Girod, B. 1996; 38 (3): 29-34
  • Performance analysis of multiscale motion compensation techniques in pyramid coders International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-96) Horn, U., Girod, B. IEEE. 1996: 255–258
  • Robust H.263 compatible transmission for mobile video server access 1st International Workshop on Wirless Image/Video Communications Farber, N., Steinbach, E., Girod, B. I E E E. 1996: 8–13
  • Estimation of rigid body motion and scene structure from image sequences using a novel epipolar transform 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 96) Steinbach, E., Girod, B. IEEE. 1996: 1910–1913
  • Anatomy-based facial tissue modeling using the finite element method 7th Annual IEEE Conference on Visualization (Visualization 96) Keeve, E., Girod, S., Pfeifle, P., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1996: 21-?
  • Recent advances in video compression 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems - Circuits and Systems Connecting the World (ISCAS 96) Girod, B., Younes, K. B., Bernstein, R., Eisert, P., Farber, N., Hartung, F., Horn, U., Steinbach, E., Stuhlmuller, K., Wiegand, T. IEEE. 1996: 580–583
  • A Framework for Quality of Service Analysis in Mobile Communication Networks Younes, K., Ben, Girod, B., Schlenker, M. 1996
  • Robust Estimation of Three-Dimensional Motion and Structure of Multiple Objects from Image Sequences Steinbach, E., Chaudhuri, S., Girod, B. 1996
  • A New Technique for Audio Packet Loss Concealment Sanneck, H., Stenger, A., Younes, K., Ben, Girod, B. 1996
  • Computer-aided craniofacial surgery International Symposium on Computer and Communication Systems for Image Guided Diagnosis and Therapy (CAR 96) Keeve, E., Girod, S., Girod, B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1996: 757–763
  • Scalable video coding with multiscale motion compensation and unequal error protection Symposium on Multimedia Communications and Video Coding Girod, B., Horn, U., Belzer, B. PLENUM PRESS DIV PLENUM PUBLISHING CORP. 1996: 475–482
  • Digital watermarking of raw and compressed video EUROPTO Conference on Digital Compression Technologies and Systems for Video Communications Hartung, F., Girod, B. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1996: 205–213
  • Rate-constrained contour-representation for region-based motion compensation Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing 96 Stuhlmuller, K. W., Salai, A., Girod, B. SPIE - INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING. 1996: 344–355
  • Statistical optimization of switched two-level quantizers with application to DPCM encoding of color video 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 96) Hartung, F., Girod, B. IEEE. 1996: 1974–1977
  • Recent advances in mobile video communications 1996 IEEE Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing Girod, B., BenYounes, K., Faerber, N., Steinbach, E. I E E E. 1996: 3–12
  • 3D motion and scene structure estimation with motion dependent distortion of measurement windows International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP-96) Steinbach, E., Hanjalic, A., Girod, B. IEEE. 1996: 61–64


    In craniofacial surgery careful preoperative planning is essential. Traditional preoperative work-up consists of cast model surgery, cephalometric prediction tracing and analysis of photographs. Recently, we introduced 3-dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) model surgery in our preoperative work-up and presurgical prediction of the postoperative result. However, only limited information can be extracted concerning soft tissue changes which are most important for the patients' postoperative appearance. We propose a new system which will allow a precise preoperative visualization of not only bony structures but also the soft tissue surfaces. 3D CT data of the skull are integrated with 3D surface data acquired by laser scanning. Based on the 3D CT data the bony structures are segmented automatically and processed interactively to simulate the planned surgical procedure. Afterwards, the 3D soft tissue changes resulting from the shifting of bony segments are computed. The postoperative appearance of the patient is visualized using computer animation techniques.

    View details for Web of Science ID A1995QU46200009

    View details for PubMedID 7782646

  • Joint source channel coding of images with trellis coded quantization and convolutional codes IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Belzer, B., Villasenor, J. D., Girod, B. IEEE COMPUTER SOC. 1995: B85–B88
  • Anatomy-Based Modeling of Human Facial Tissue for Craniofacial Surgery Simulation Visualization '95 - Dynamics and Complexity Bremen, Germany Keeve, E., Girod, S., Jauch, J., Girod, B. 1995
  • Anatomy-Based Modeling of Human Facial Tissue for Craniofacial Surgery Simulation Visualization '95 - Dynamics and Complexity Keeve, E., Girod, S., Jauch, J., Girod, B. 1995: 27–29
  • Scalable Video Coding with Multiscale Motion Compensation and Unequal Error Protection Girod, B., Horn, U., Belzer, B. 1995
  • Interactive Craniofacial Surgery Planning by 3D-Simulation and Visualization 3rd International Workshop on Rapid Prototyping in Medicine & Computer-Assisted Surgery Erlangen, Germany Keeve, E., Girod, S., Pfeifle, P., Girod, B. 1995
  • Fortschritte in der Planung von Korrekturoperationen kraniofazialer Fehlbildungen durch interaktive 3D-Simulation und Visualisierung Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. Girod, S., Keeve, E., Girod, B. 1995; 24 (1): 124-125
  • Joint Source Channel Coding of Images with Trellis Coded Quantization and Convolutional Codes Belzer, B., Villasenor, J., D., Girod, B. 1995
  • Interaktive Operationsplanung: Ein physikalisches Modell zur Simulation von Weichgewebeverformungen bei craniofacialen Korrekturoperationen Keeve, E., Girod, S., Girod, B. 1995
  • Interactive Craniofacial Surgery Planning by 3D-Simulation and Visualization 3rd International Workshop on Rapid Prototyping in Medicine & Computer-Assisted Surgery Keeve, E., Girod, S., Pfeifle, P., Girod, B. 1995: 19–21
  • FRANCIS - Ein interaktives computergraphisches Simulationssystem zur schnellen Animation starrer und flexibler Körper Visualization '95 - Dynamics and Complexity Hummel, A., Girod, B. 1995: 27–29
  • Multimediale Visualisierung von Umweltbelastungsdaten Brachflächen und Flächenrecycling Keeve, E., Girod, B. edited by Genske, D., Noll, H. -P. Ernst und Sohn, Berlin, Germany. 1995: 163–170
  • Computer als Medium Informatik heute: Informationelle Strukturen in den Wissenschaften Girod, B. edited by Schubert, V., Seegmüller, G. EOS Verlag, St. Ottilien. 1995: 27–48
  • Subband Image Coding Design and Applications of Subbands and Wavelets Girod, B., Hartung, F., Horn, U. edited by Akansu, A., P., M., J. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA. 1995: 213–250
  • Comparison of the H.263 and H.261 Video Compression Standards Girod, B., Steinbach, E., Färber, N. 1995
  • FRANCIS - Ein interaktives computergraphisches Simulationssystem zur schnellen Animation starrer und flexibler Körper Visualization '95 - Dynamics and Complexity Bremen, Germany Hummel, A., Girod, B. 1995
  • Image Sequence Coding Using 3D Scene Models Girod, B. 1994
  • Rate-constrained Motion Estimation Girod, B. 1994
  • Integration of Motion Video into Multimedia Computers Directions in Multimedia Research Girod, B. edited by Encarnacao, J., L., Foley, J. Springer, Heidelberg, New York. 1994: 139–154
  • Modeling and Animation of Facial Expressions Using B-Splines Visual Computer Hoch, M., Fleischmann, G., Girod, B. 1994; 11: 87-95
  • Simple range cameras based on focal error J. Opt. Soc. Am. A Pentland, A., Scherock, S., Darell, T., Girod, B. 1994; 11 (11): 2925-2934
  • Pyramid Coding using Lattice Vector Quantization for Scalable Video Applications Horn, U., Girod, B. 1994
  • Soft Tissue Prediction in Orthognatic Surgery by 3D-CT and 3D-Laser Scanning Girod, S., Keeve, E., Girod, B. 1994
  • Modeling for Real-time Facial Animation Girod, B., Fleischmann, G., Heeg, R., Hoch, M., Melcher, M., Steinsträsser, R. 1994
  • Weichteilveränderungen bei 3D-Operationsplanung bei komplexen Operationen am Gesichtsschädel Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, Kiel, Germany Girod, S., Keeve, E., Girod, B. 1994
  • Soft Tissue Prediction in Orthognatic Surgery by 3D-CT and 3D-Laser Scanning Journal Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Suppl. Girod, S., Keeve, E., Girod, B. 1993; 51: 167
  • What's Wrong With Mean Squared Error? Visual Factors of Electronic Image Communications Girod, B. edited by Watson, A., B. MIT Press. 1993: 207–220
  • Scalable Video for Multimedia Workstations Computers + Graphics Girod, B. 1993; 17 (3): 269-276
  • Region-Based Motion Field Estimation Wagner, P., Girod, B. 1993
  • Aktive Konturmodelle zur Segmentierung elektronenmikroskopischer Aufnahmen in der Tumordiagnose und -prognose Garbe, S., Wolf, B., Keeve, E., Girod, B. 1993
  • Motion-Compensating Prediction with Fractional-Pel Accuracy IEEE Transactions on Communications Girod, B. 1993; 41 (4): 604-612
  • Interaktive Operationsplanung: 3D-Rekonstruktion tomographischer Sequenzen für die Simulation des postoperativen Erscheinungsbildes eines Patienten nach einer craniofacialen Korrekturoperation Keeve, E., Girod, S., Girod, B. 1993
  • Spatial Shaping: A Fully Compatible Improvement of DCT Coding Girod, B., Horn, U., Xiancheng, Y. 1993
  • Motion Compensation: Visual Aspects, Accuracy, and Limitations Motion Analysis and Image Sequence Processing Girod, B. edited by Sezan, M., I., Lagendijk, R., L. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1993: 125–152
  • Vector Quantization for Entropy Coding of Image Subbands IEEE Transactions on Image Processing Senoo, T., Girod, B. 1992; 1 (3): 526-533
  • Psychovisual Aspects of Image Communication invited paper, Signal Processing Girod, B. 1992; 28 (3): 239-251
  • Entropy-Coded Vector Quantization of Image Subbands Girod, B., Senoo, T. 1992
  • Entropy-Coded Vector Quantization of Image Subbands Girod, B., Senoo, T. 1991
  • Vektorquantisierung zur Entropiecodierung von teilband-zerlegten Bildsignalen Girod, B., Senoo, T. 1991
  • Displacement Estimation with a Rigid Body Motion Constraint Girod, B., Wagner, P. 1990
  • Sensing and Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Objects and Scenes edited by Girod, B. SPIE, Bellingham, WA. 1990
  • Optimization of Subband Vector Quantization of Image Subbands Senoo, T., Girod, B., Lippman, A. 1990


    Damage of the lingual nerve is one of the most common problems in oral surgery, especially during removal of the third molar. After microsurgery of the lingual nerve, there is a lack of regeneration of the gustatory fibers in comparison with the sensory fibers. The histologic investigation of ten human lingual nerve preparations showed that the chorda tympani fibers distribute widely in the fascicles of the lingual nerve. Therefore, after microsurgical reconstruction of the lingual nerve in the third molar region, the chance of the gustatory fibers meeting and regenerating is very low.

    View details for Web of Science ID A1989U841300017

    View details for PubMedID 2723860

  • Vertical Sampling Rate Decimation and Line-Offset Decimation of Colour Difference Signals Signal Processing Girod, B., Geuen, W. 1989; 16 (2): 109-127
  • Depth from Defocus of Structured Light Girod, B., Scherock, S. 1989
  • The information theoretical significance of spatial and temporal masking in video signals Girod, B. 1989
  • Automatic 3-D Scene Modelling from Range and Motion Girod, B., Bove Jr., V., M., Lippman, A., B. 1989
  • Perceptual Gains for Coding of Moving Images without Visible Impairments Girod, B. 1989
  • Direct Estimation of Displacement Histograms Girod, B., Kuo, D. 1989
  • A Subjective Evaluation of Noise Shaping Quantization for Adaptive Intra-/Interframe DPCM Coding of Color Television Signals IEEE Transactions on Communications Girod, B., Almer, H., Bengtsson, L., Christensson, B., Weiss, P. 1988; 36 (3): 332-346
  • Ein Modell der menschlichen visuellen Wahrnehmung zur Irrelevanzreduktion von Fernsehluminanzsignalen Girod, B. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf: VDI-Fortschritt-Berichte. 1988
  • Spatial and Temporal Masking by Saturation in the Human Fovea Girod, B. 1988
  • Motion-Compensating Prediction with Fractional Pel Accuracy for 64 kbit/s Coding of Moving Video Girod, B., Joubert, F. 1988
  • Eye Movements and Coding of Video Sequences Girod, B. 1988
  • How important is masking for picture coding? Girod, B. 1988
  • Noise Shaping DPCM in a 34 Mbit/s Broadcast Codec Girod, B., Almer, H., Bengtsson, L., Christensson, B., Weiss, P. 1987
  • Displacement Estimation by Multi-field Matching Girod, B. 1987
  • The Efficiency of Motion-compensating Prediction for Hybrid Coding of Video Sequences IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications Girod, B. 1987; SAC-5 (7): 1140-1154
  • Motion-Compensating Conversion without Loss of Vertical Resolution in Line-Interlaced Television Systems Girod, B., Thoma, R. 1986
  • Efficiency of motion-compensating prediction in a generalized hybrid coding scheme Girod, B., Micke, T. 1986
  • Motion Compensating Field Interpolation from Interlaced and Non-Interlaced Grids Girod, B., Thoma, R. 1985
  • Isotropic Intraframe Prediction Girod, B. 1984
  • Design of Switched Predictors for Interframe Coding of Television Signals Girod, B. 1984
  • Reconstruction Noise Shaping in the Context of Predictive TV Signal Coding Girod, B. 1984
  • A Line Multiplexer for Digital Video Girod, B. 1983
  • Prädiktoroptimierung unter Berücksichtigung multiplikativen Quantisierungsrauschens Kleinheubacher Berichte, Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt Girod, B. 1983: 393-403
  • Objective Quality Measures for the Design of Digital Image Transmission Systems Girod, B. 1981
  • Adaptive Prediction for the DPCM Coding of Television Signals IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Girod, B. 1981; ASSP-29 (12): 1142-1147