Blas L. Pérez Henríquez
Senior Research Scholar
The Bill Lane Center for the American West
Blas L. Pérez Henríquez founded and serves as Director of the California-Global Energy, Water & Infrastructure Innovation Initiative at Stanford University, sponsored by the Bill Lane Center for the American West, focusing on regional low-carbon development opportunities. His research and teaching centers on policy analysis to advance clean innovation through novel technological, business, policy, and social solutions for a new clean economy and a net zero, carbon neutral future. He is a Senior Research Scholar and leads the Stanford | Mexico Clean Economy 2050 program.
He is also directs the Local Governance Summer Institute @ Stanford (LGSI) and the Smart City: Policy, Strategy and Innovation Institute @ Stanford. He has served as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences of the Technological Institute of Superior Studies of Monterrey (ITESM) in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Senior Visiting Research Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in London, United Kingdom, and as Guest Professor at the Centre of Economics Research and Teaching (CIDE) in Mexico City, Mexico.
He is the author of “Environmental Commodities and Emissions Trading: Towards a Low Carbon Future,” Resources for the Future – RFF Press/Routledge, Washington, DC (2013) and co-editor of “Carbon Governance, Climate Change and Business Transformation,” Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research, Taylor & Francis Group, Oxford, UK (2015). He also co-edited the book "High-Speed Rail and Sustainability, Decision-making and the political economy of investment," Routlege Explorations in Environmental Studies, Taylor & Francis Group, Oxford, UK (2017). He has written on public-private environmental and energy collaboration in Silicon Valley, water-energy nexus, sustainable transportation and on the use of information technology to support environmental markets and smart policymaking.
Pérez Henríquez is a member of the Distinguished Advisory Group of the Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (IC-VCM), derived from the work of the Taskforce for Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets (TSVCM) where he served as Member of the Board of Advisors. He was a member of the Mexico – United States Entrepreneurship & Innovation Council (MUSEIC), created through the High-Level Economic Dialogue between the presidents of the United States and Mexico. He served as the U.S. Co-chair of the MUSEIC Energy & Sustainability Subcommittee. Pérez Henríquez is also on the International Advisory Board of Public Administration & Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal. From 2002 to 2015, he directed UC Berkeley’s Center for Environmental Public Policy which he had founded, and was a faculty member of the Goldman School of Public Policy. He has served as an ex-officio member of the Goldman School advisory board (2002 -2012), and as a Quarterly Chair of the Commonwealth Club of California, the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum.
Pérez Henríquez holds a Masters and a Ph.D. in Public Policy from UC Berkeley, a law degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), a diploma in Public Policy from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM), and a certificate in Compared Environmental US – EU Law & Policy from Indiana University, Leiden & Rotterdam Universities.
Academic Appointments
Sr Research Scholar, The Bill Lane Center for the American West
Precourt Energy Scholar, Precourt Institute for Energy
2024-25 Courses
- Energy, Clean Innovation & Sustainability
PUBLPOL 153 (Spr) -
Prior Year Courses
2023-24 Courses
- Energy, Clean Innovation & Sustainability
PUBLPOL 153 (Win)
2022-23 Courses
- Energy, Clean Innovation & Sustainability
PUBLPOL 153 (Spr)
- Energy, Clean Innovation & Sustainability
All Publications
Key Theoretical, Policy, and Implementation Experience Considerations for the Mexican ETS: Toward an Equitable and Cost-Effective Compliance Phase
Towards an Emissions Trading System in Mexico: Rationale, Design and Connections with the Global Climate Agenda
Springer. 2022: 3-31
View details for DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82759-5_1
Sensors for Sustainable Smart Cities: A Review
2021; 11 (17)
View details for DOI 10.3390/app11178198
View details for Web of Science ID 000694095800001
Conscious Mobility for Urban Spaces: Case Studies Review and Indicator Framework Design
2023; 13 (1)
View details for DOI 10.3390/app13010333
View details for Web of Science ID 000909027100001
The Importance of Robust Datasets to Assess Urban Accessibility: A Comparable Study in the Distrito Tec, Monterrey, Mexico, and the Stanford District, San Francisco Bay Area, USA
2022; 12 (23)
View details for DOI 10.3390/app122312267
View details for Web of Science ID 000895723200001
EEG-Based Tool for Prediction of University Students' Cognitive Performance in the Classroom.
Brain sciences
2021; 11 (6)
This study presents a neuroengineering-based machine learning tool developed to predict students' performance under different learning modalities. Neuroengineering tools are used to predict the learning performance obtained through two different modalities: text and video. Electroencephalographic signals were recorded in the two groups during learning tasks, and performance was evaluated with tests. The results show the video group obtained a better performance than the text group. A correlation analysis was implemented to find the most relevant features to predict students' performance, and to design the machine learning tool. This analysis showed a negative correlation between students' performance and the (theta/alpha) ratio, and delta power, which are indicative of mental fatigue and drowsiness, respectively. These results indicate that users in a non-fatigued and well-rested state performed better during learning tasks. The designed tool obtained 85% precision at predicting learning performance, as well as correctly identifying the video group as the most efficient modality.
View details for DOI 10.3390/brainsci11060698
View details for PubMedID 34073242
Assessing Urban Accessibility in Monterrey, Mexico: A Transferable Approach to Evaluate Access to Main Destinations at the Metropolitan and Local Levels
Applied Sciences
2021; 16 (Advances on Smart Cities and Buildings)
View details for DOI 10.3390/11167519
Energy sources for sustainable transportation and urban development
Transportation, Land Use, and Environmental Planning
Elsevier. 2020: 281-298
View details for DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815167-9.00015-3
- California Innovations @ the Water Energy Nexus (WEN) Routledge Handbook of the Resource Nexus Routledge. 2017: 468-485
- High-Speeed Rail and Sustainability - Decision-making and the Political Economy of Investment Routledge Explorations inn Environmental Studies edited by Pérez Henríquez, B. L., Deakin, E. earthscan from Routledge978. 2017
Carbon Governance, Climate Change and Business Transformation
Routledge advances in climate change
edited by Bumpus , A., Tansey, J.
Routledge. 2015; 978-0-415-81690-8
View details for DOI 10.4324/9780203375327
- The problem of climate change: Challenges and opportunities in carbon governance Carbon Governance, Climate Change and Business Transformation Routledge. 2014: 27-54
Environmental Commodities Markets and Emissions Trading Towards a Low-Carbon Future
RFF Press - Routledge . 2013
View details for DOI 10.4324/9781936331918
- Sustainable Sillicon Valley: A Model Regional Partnership Enhancing the Effectiveness of Sustainability Partnerships: Summary of Workshop The National Academies Press. 2009
- Information technology: The unsung hero of market-based environmental policies Resources 2004; 152 (Fall/Winter): 9-12