Graduate School of Education
Showing 141-150 of 161 Results
Megumi E. Takada
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2021
Other Tech - Graduate, Lemons ProgramBioMegumi Takada is a doctoral candidate in the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University. Her research centers around children’s literacy experiences in the elementary school years, with a special interest in designing literacy instruction that promotes student agency and school belonging. Her most recent work focuses on translingual writing, working with elementary school teachers to design writing instruction that leverages multilingual students' language and literacy practices. Her work is driven by her former experience as a public school teacher in South Korea and Seattle, as well as her transnational, translingual experiences growing up cross-culturally in California and Japan. She is a recipient of the Fulbright teaching fellowship and graduated from Wellesley College with a degree in neuroscience and elementary teaching credentials.
スタンフォード大学教育学部で博士課程の研究を進めています。研究は主に小学生の読み書き・バイリンガル教育についてです。デザイン思考を取り入れて近所の公立小学校と連携しながら研究をしています。読み書きの授業に生徒達のアイデンティティ・言語・文化などを取り込んで、子どもたちにとって学校が居心地の良い場所、興味を持って楽しく勉強できる場所にしていこうと思っています。スタンフォード大学入学前は韓国で英語の先生として働き、その後はシアトルの公立小学校で1年生の担任をしていました。主にアメリカで生まれ育ちましたが、高校時代は関西で過ごしました。今後もこのような研究を通して、バイリンガル・マルチリンガルの子ども達、日本とアメリカを行き来する子ども達を支援できたらと思っています。 -
Brenda Valdes
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2024
Other Tech - Graduate, Padilla ProgramCurrent Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research explores the complex relationship between sociocultural context and educational experiences, with a specific emphasis on adolescent students. I am particularly drawn to investigating the resilience and adaptive mechanisms employed by immigrant students as they integrate to the host country.
Robert D. Wachtel Pronovost
Ph.D. Student in Education, admitted Autumn 2020
Other Tech - Graduate, LDT Learning, Design and TechnologyCurrent Research and Scholarly InterestsMy (in-progress) dissertation is a year-long single-case study to examine the pedagogical practices of an experienced, highly regarded makerspace teacher in a public elementary school as they balance constraints and stakeholder expectations to facilitate maker-centered learning for all students.