School of Engineering
Showing 71-80 of 85 Results
Jason Cornelius
Lecturer, Aeronautics and Astronautics
BioDr. Jason Cornelius is an aerospace engineer in the Aeromechanics Office at NASA Ames Research Center. His research interests are at the intersection of high-performance GPU computing and machine learning towards aerospace vehicle design optimization. Jason has supported the NASA Dragonfly New Frontiers Mission since its inception in 2016, focusing on the rotor aerodynamic and structural design. He is now PI for the Digital Transformation Prototype Project, “Multi-fidelity ML-based Surrogate Models for Terrestrial and Planetary Aerial Vehicles” and the NASA ARC Center Innovation Fund project, “Surrogate-based Design Optimization for a Long-Range Mars Rotorcraft.” Dr. Cornelius received his PhD from the Pennsylvania State University as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. He received the 2023 AIAA Young Professional of the Year Award and has received best paper awards for his work in machine-learning rotor aerodynamic design optimization.
Outside of work, Jason has spent considerable time in both Russia and China, where he learned new languages and explored different cultures. His main goal is to build strong teams to solve some of the world's toughest engineering problems.
Google Scholar: -
Lori Cottle
Director of Student and Academic Services, Management Science and Engineering
Current Role at StanfordDirector of Student and Academic Services in the Department of Management Science and Engineering
Manages and directs student and academic services for 500 bachelor, master, and doctoral students, including degree progress, graduate student funding, graduate admission, course scheduling, commencement, graduate student orientation, and website content for admission and academics. Oversees graduate and undergraduate student policy compliance and procedures. Liaison between the students and the faculty, between the department and the School of Engineering, and between the department and central offices at Stanford. -
Steve Cousins
SRC Executive Director, Robotics Center
Current Role at StanfordExecutive Director of the Stanford Robotics Center
Jasmine M. Cox
Ph.D. Student in Electrical Engineering, admitted Autumn 2020
ENGR 240 Grader, Electrical Engineering - Student ServicesBioJasmine Cox is a PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering. She received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Applied Mathematics from Boise State University in 2020. During her undergraduate academic career, Jasmine was a Ronald E. McNair Scholar and a member of the Advanced Nanomaterials and Manufacturing Laboratory focusing on additive manufacturing of flexible hybrid electronics. Her current research as a member of Prof. Debbie G. Senesky’s group, EXtreme Environment Microsystems Lab (XLab), explores the synthesis, fabrication, and characterization of devices and materials in extreme environments that can be found in space.