School of Engineering
Showing 31-40 of 302 Results
Feng Pan
Postdoctoral Scholar, Materials Science and Engineering
BioFeng Pan is a postdoctoral scholar with Prof. Jennifer A. Dionne in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford. He received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin Madison, advised by Prof. Randall H. Goldsmith, and M.S. in Physical Chemistry at Texas A&M University, advised by Prof. Simon W. North, and B.S. in Chemistry at Jilin University (China). His research expertise spans several aspects, including plasmonics, nanophotonics, and single-particle microresonator microscopy and spectroscopy, planar laser-induced fluorescence for molecular tagging velocimetry and thermometry in gaseous flows.
William Pan
Masters Student in Electrical Engineering, admitted Autumn 2022
BioI am a junior at Stanford University studying Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. My goal in life is to build the future through translational medical technologies and purposeful ventures.
Things I have built: health{hacks}, bicompatible hydrogel ostomy adhesive, kinesthetic latticed programmable tape