School of Humanities and Sciences

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  • Brittany (the Symsis) Linus

    Brittany (the Symsis) Linus

    Undergraduate, African and African American Studies
    Undergraduate, English

    BioBrittany Linus is a Nigerian-American UI designer, digital humanities scholar, and pleasure-activist. She believes self-care—even in the smallest form of a smile—is activism. Currently, Linus is completing a a creative honors thesis in collaboration with the Department of African and African American Studies (DAAAS) and the Institute for the Diversity in the Arts (IDA).

    Her thesis investigates how the digital phenomenon of Black modding, which is the deliberate integration of Black aesthetics in video games, is pleasure activism. Through her exploration, Black modding emerges as a liberatory act based in the reclamation of pleasure that oppression attempts to erase. By countering virtual Black erasure with using Black aesthetics that were blended and coded into existence for video gameplay, Black video game players become pleasure activists in self-determined ways with a common goal of feeling good.