School of Humanities and Sciences
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Delphine Shaw
BioDr. Delphine Red Shirt (Oglala/ Sicangu) is the author of George Sword's Warrior Narratives:
Compositional Processes in Lakota Oral Tradition (Nebraska 2016), Winner of the 2017 Labriola
Center American Indian National Book Award, and Winner of the Electa Quinney Award for
Published Stories from the Electa Quinney Institute for American Indian Education at the
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is the author of Bead on an Anthill: A Lakota
Childhood (1997) and Turtle Lung Woman's Granddaughter (2002). At Stanford University she
teaches in the Language Department in Special Languages (Since 2010) and in the Center for
Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity (CSRE) as a Lecturer Native American Studies &
Instructor (Since 2014). Prior: Lecturer in the Program in Writing & Rhetoric (PWR).