Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Showing 1-5 of 5 Results
Sivakamasundari V
Instructor, Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
BioMy research interests are focused on understanding the molecular basis of early development and stem cells, as it is often aberrations in stem cells or signaling mechanisms between tissues that lead to diseased states, including tumor development and cancer progression. Knowledge of stem cells and development is also critical to develop appropriate cell-based therapies for various diseases or injuries. My prior and current works take advantage of both traditional techniques (gene targeting, lineage tracing) and state-of-the-art technologies (Single cell RNA sequencing, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq), Imaging Mass Cytometry) to elucidate fundamental molecular mechanisms underlying signaling in tissue biology.
Ayelet Voskoboynik
Assistant Professor (Research) of Biology
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsWe study the mechanisms by which animals differentiate between self and non-self, and how stem cells and immune cells coordinate to form tissues during development, regeneration, transplantation, and aging. By leveraging the natural stem cell-mediated development, regeneration, and chimerism in the colonial chordate Botryllus schlosseri, we investigate stem cell competition and the decline in regenerative capacity during aging.