School of Medicine

Showing 1-2 of 2 Results

  • Hirotaka Ieki

    Hirotaka Ieki

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Cardiovascular Medicine

    BioCardiologist in Japan.
    Research interest: precision medicine in cardiovascular disease. Genomics, Exposomics.

  • Hiroyuki Inoue

    Hiroyuki Inoue

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Cardiovascular Medicine

    BioPhysician-scientist passionate about bridging research findings and clinical practice
    - Board certified cardiologist with 10+ years clinical experience, focused on cardiovascular diseases including heart failure, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmia, and general internal medicine
    - Experience of 400+ cases as the primary operator in percutaneous coronary intervention, catheter ablation, and cardiac device implantation
    - Research expertise in extracelluler vesicles, regenerative medicine, genome editing and gene therapy

    Dr. Inoue joined the Yang lab in 2022. His research focuses on developing novel therapeutics for heart failure by targeting cardiomyocyte metabolism