School of Medicine

Showing 31-40 of 131 Results

  • Timothy Durazzo

    Timothy Durazzo

    Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Public Mental Health and Population Sciences)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe mission of the Durazzo BRASS lab is to better understand how the interplay between biomedical, psychological and social factors influence treatment outcome in Veterans and civilians seeking treatment for alcohol and substance use disorders. To accomplish this mission, our multidisciplinary team integrates information from advanced neuroimaging, neurocognitive assessment, psychodiagnostic and genotyping methods to identify the biopsychosocial factors associated with relapse and sustained sobriety. Veteran's Administration and Stanford funded Clinical trials are currently being conducted by the BRASS lab that evaluate repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques as novel complementary treatments to reduce the high rate of relapse experienced by individuals with alcohol and substance abuse disorders. The ultimate goal of our multidisciplinary research program is to promote the development of more effective biomedical and behavioral treatments for alcohol and substance use disorders through consideration of the brain biology, psychology and social circumstances of each individual.

  • David Eagleman

    David Eagleman

    Adjunct Professor, Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences

    BioDavid Eagleman is a neuroscientist, bestselling author, and Guggenheim Fellow. Dr. Eagleman’s areas of research include sensory substitution, time perception, vision, and synesthesia. He also studies the intersection of neuroscience with the legal system, and in that capacity he directs the non-profit Center for Science and Law. Eagleman is the writer and presenter of The Brain, an Emmy-nominated television series on PBS and BBC. He is the author of 8 books, including Livewired, The Runaway Species, The Brain, Incognito, and Wednesday is Indigo Blue. He is also the author of a widely adopted textbook on cognitive neuroscience, Brain and Behavior. His internationally bestselling book of literary fiction, SUM, has been translated into 32 languages, turned into two operas, and named a Best Book of the Year by Barnes and Noble. Dr. Eagleman has been a TED speaker, a guest on the Colbert Report, and profiled in the New Yorker magazine. He has launched several neuroscience companies from his research, including Neosensory and BrainCheck.

  • William O Faustman

    William O Faustman

    Clinical Professor (Affiliated), Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences
    Staff, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    BioDr. Faustman received his doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Mississippi and completed his internship at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System. He has an active interest in training, administration, forensic practice, and clinical care in inpatient psychiatry. His research interests have focused on severe mental illness with an emphasis in areas such as cognition and clinical assessment.. He serves as a member of the Stanford IRB and coordinates the American Psychological Association accredited postdoctoral fellowship program at the VA Palo Alto. He holds Chartered Psychologist status with the British Psychological Society,

  • Howard H Fenn MD

    Howard H Fenn MD

    Clinical Associate Professor (Affiliated), Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences

    BioCurrent CV available on request to

    Inpatient psychiatry attending at VA HCS Palo Alto for over 30 years.
    Medical Director, Geriatric Psychiatry unit, VA HCSC Palo Alto/Menlo Park for 10 years
    Outpatient psychiatrist at Palo Alto Medical foundation/Sutter for 15 years

    Lead Editor, Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry, Springer, 2019

    Consultation practice on legal issues and court testimony for >40 years
    Expert consultant/witness for Coleman vs. California Department of Corrections for 4 years
    Qualified Medical Examiner (QME) for Division of Worker's Compensation for 15 years
    Compensation and Pension Unit, VA HCS Palo Alto for 5 years

    Psychiatric Issues in Cognitive Impairment -- Stanford/VA Alzheimer's Center (SVAAC)
    Legal Aspects of Geriatric Psychiatry (Stanford/VA Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship
    Didactic topics on inpatient psychiatry rotation for Stanford Geriatric Psychiatry fellows

    Program Director, Stanford/VA Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship, 3 years
    Site Director, Inpatient Psychiatry Rotation/Geriatric Medicine Fellowship --6 years

    Lead Editor of textbook, Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry, published by Springer in 2019.
    Slide presentations published by the American Society of Clinical Pharmacology (ASCP), editor Ira Glick, MD, entitled:
    --Pharmacological Treatment of PTSD
    --Behavioral and Psychological symptoms of Dementia
    Chapters, review articles on topics of Medication management for Major Neurocognitive Disorder with Behavioral Disturbance
    Chapter in Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry, in On-Call Geriatric Psychiatry (2016), Springer.

  • Becky Fullmer

    Becky Fullmer

    Administrative Associate 3, Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences

    Current Role at StanfordBecky provides administrative support to Dr. Carolyn Rodriguez and the Rodriguez Lab within the School of Medicine's Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department.

  • Ansgar Furst

    Ansgar Furst

    Clinical Associate Professor (Affiliated), Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences
    Staff, Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences

    BioDr. Furst is a Clinical Associate Professor (affiliated) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and of Neurology and Neurological Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. He is a Principal Investigator and Director of the California War Related Illness and Injury Study Center (WRIISC) Advanced Fellowship Post-Doctoral program and Associate Director of Neuroimaging. He is also a Senior Research Scientist at the Polytrauma System of Care (PSC) at VA Palo Alto Health Care System. Dr. Furst serves as Associate Editor for the journal Frontiers in Neurology and is a member of the editorial board of NEUROLOGY. His research focuses on chronic multisymptom illness, traumatic brain injury, sleep, pain and neurodegenerative diseases.

    For more information please visit:

    Member of:
    Center for Sleep and Circadian Sciences

    Faculty Affiliate:
    Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance

  • Jessica E. Gonzalez

    Jessica E. Gonzalez

    Soc Science Rsch Asst 3, Psych/Public Mental Health & Population Sciences

    BioJessica E. Gonzalez, MSW is the Associate Director for the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network Coordinating Office (NCO). The MHTTC NCO is part of the Center for Dissemination and Implementation (CDI) in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. Through the MHTTC School Mental Health Initiative, Jessica is coordinating the work of 12 centers that provide training and technical assistance to the mental health and school mental health workforce to increase the use of evidence-based mental health prevention, treatment, and recovery support services for students across the United States.

    Jessica has worked in the community as a social worker providing mental health services in school and outpatient clinic settings to children and adolescents of diverse socioeconomic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. In addition, she has over 10 years of experience in project management and coordination for research and evaluation in the areas of early childhood learning and development, special education, post-secondary education attainment, and delivery of school mental health services. Jessica has also worked for several high school and college programs in the area seeking to improve educational outcomes for first-generation and low-income students of color.