School of Medicine

Showing 4,291-4,300 of 4,710 Results

  • Maxine Umeh Garcia

    Maxine Umeh Garcia

    Instructor, Neurosurgery

    BioMaxine was born and raised in Sacramento, CA and transferred to UC Merced in 2007 after attending a community college for 2 years. She received her B.S. in Developmental Biology with a minor in Psychology in 2010. During the last year of her undergrad, Maxine was invited to do research in the lab of Dr. Michael Cleary, studying nervous system development. Because of this research experience, Maxine decided to stay at UC Merced to pursue her Master’s in Quantitative and Systems Biology, graduating in 2013. Immediately after graduating, she started her Ph.D. at UC Davis, where her research centered on triple negative breast cancer – a type of breast cancer that has a high incidence in Black and African women.

    After completing her PhD in Biochemistry, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology with an emphasis in Translational Research in 2019, Maxine became a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University in the department of Neurosurgery. Dr. Umeh Garcia’s research focuses on breast cancers that metastasize (or travel) to the brain. Maxine was recently promoted to an instructor position in her department after receiving a major career development award from the National Cancer Institute (K99/R00), which will fund the remainder of her postdoctoral research and provide 3 years of funding for Maxine to establish her own independent research lab. Using her background in bench research, informatics, and translational research, Dr. Umeh Garcia hopes to bring together biologists, data scientists, and clinicians to make important advances in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, as a women and underrepresented minority, Dr. Umeh Garcia is keenly interested in mentoring women and underrepresented students, and in developing novel strategic approaches to increasing diversity in biomedical sciences and academic research.

  • Crystal Unzueta, MD

    Crystal Unzueta, MD

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Primary Care and Population Health

    BioDr. Unzueta is a board-certified family medicine physician. She specializes in providing primary care services to people of all ages. Her services include annual check-ups, monitoring chronic conditions, and performing minor in-office procedures.

    She is also a clinical assistant professor in the Stanford School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine.

    Dr. Unzueta’s practice focuses on providing compassionate and comprehensive care. She specializes in providing bilingual and bicultural care for patients in underserved populations. She has traveled to Belize on a medical mission to provide free, basic primary care to vulnerable communities. Her mentoring work includes building a network of Latino medical students to help support each other throughout medical school. She has also worked on numerous volunteer projects, such as researching the benefits of a community yoga program for minorities in underserved areas.

  • Alexander Eckehart Urban

    Alexander Eckehart Urban

    Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Major Laboratories and Clinical Translational Neurosciences Incubator) and of Genetics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsComplex behavioral and neuropsychiatric phenotypes often have a strong genetic component. This genetic component is often extremely complex and difficult to dissect. The current revolution in genome technology means that we can avail ourselves to tools that make it possible for the first time to begin understanding the complex genetic and epigenetic interactions at the basis of the human mind.

  • PJ Utz

    PJ Utz

    Professor of Medicine (Immunology and Rheumatology)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe long-term research goal of the Utz laboratory is to understand autoimmunity, autoantibodies, and how tolerance is broken and can be reestablished.

  • Sivakamasundari V

    Sivakamasundari V

    Instructor, Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

    BioMy research interests are focused on understanding the molecular basis of early development and stem cells, as it is often aberrations in stem cells or signaling mechanisms between tissues that lead to diseased states, including tumor development and cancer progression. Knowledge of stem cells and development is also critical to develop appropriate cell-based therapies for various diseases or injuries. My prior and current works take advantage of both traditional techniques (gene targeting, lineage tracing) and state-of-the-art technologies (Single cell RNA sequencing, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq), Imaging Mass Cytometry) to elucidate fundamental molecular mechanisms underlying signaling in tissue biology.

  • Randall Vagelos, MD

    Randall Vagelos, MD

    Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI. Congestive Heart Failure New Medical Therapies Prognostic Evaluation Selection for Cardiac Transplantation II. Screening for Myocardial Necrosis New ECG Monitoring Devices New Serum Markers III. Screening for CAD Patients Who Have Received Radiation Rx Diabetics Being Considered for Renal Transplantation
    IV. Advanced coronary and valvular disease, evaluationg candidacy for high risk interventions.