SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Showing 101-110 of 136 Results
Axel Brachmann
Research Technical Manager, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Current Role at StanfordDivision Director (SLAC)
Cameron Bravo
Casual - Nonexempt, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
BioBorn in Kansas City, Missouri and attended high school in Peculiar (Ray-Pec). Undergraduate studies at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, the Paul Scherrer Institute, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). Studied ASIC design after helping characterize the PSI46 pixel chip used in the CMS detector. Graduate education at UCLA searching for Electroweak Sphalerons in proton-proton collisions with the CMS experiment while working on the muon system. Wrote BaryoGEN, a new Monte Carlo generator, to study all possible B+L violating fermion configurations potentially generated via Sphalerons and/or Instantons. Interests include front-end detector electronics, DAQ systems, gas detectors, Si detectors, non-perturbative physics (especially within the Standard Model), High-Multiplicity Electroweak Boson production, and exotic dark matter models. Currently working with the Heavy Photon Search (HPS) experiment on the Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) sub-system and searching dark sector models with an A' lighter than the dark matter threshold, SIMPs, and true muonium.