Stanford University Libraries
Showing 1-21 of 21 Results
Alison de Geus
Media Center Librarian, University Libraries
Current Role at StanfordMedia Center Librarian
Greta de Groat
Metadata Librarian for Electronic and Visual Resources, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordI catalog digital materials (CD-ROMs, online monographs, websites, databases, video games, etc.) as well as videos, spoken word sound recordings, and general oddball stuff. If you can show it to me, i can catalog it! I also serve as a metadata consultant for digital projects. I have expertise in MARC, MODS, RDA, AACR2, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Library of Congress Classification, and an interest in the application of linked data to library metadata practices and infrastructure.
Catherine Descanzo
Sr. Assistant Head, Access Services (Circulation), University Libraries
BioI have oversight of the daytime and evening circulation, course reserves, and the student staffing programs in Access Services at Cecil H. Green Library. I also am currently leading the Circulation Subgroup as part of Stanford Libraries' migration to the new open source integrated library system called FOLIO.
Zoe Dilles
Map Librarian, Earth Sciences Library
BioAs Map Librarian, I am responsible for the stewardship of the Branner Earth Sciences Library Map Collection. This includes managing and coordinating the physical storage of paper maps, globes, and other cartographic materials as well as selecting new materials. I provide reference services, instruction, and outreach about the use of this collection and related library resources for teaching, learning, and research across diverse disciplines.
Quinn Dombrowski
Academic Technology Specialist in Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
BioQuinn Dombrowski (non-binary, any pronouns are fine) is the Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, and in the Library, at Stanford University. Prior to coming to Stanford in 2018, Quinn’s many DH adventures included supporting the high-performance computing cluster at UC Berkeley, running the DiRT tool directory with support from the Mellon Foundation, writing books on Drupal for Humanists and University of Chicago library graffiti, and working on the program staff of Project Bamboo, a failed digital humanities cyberinfrastructure initiative.
Quinn has a BA/MA in Slavic Linguistics from the University of Chicago, and an MLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since coming to Stanford, Quinn has supported numerous non-English DH projects, taught courses on non-English DH, started a Textile Makerspace, developed a tabletop roleplaying game to teach DH project management, explored trends in multilingual Harry Potter fanfic, and started the Data-Sitters Club, a feminist DH pedagogy and research group focused on Ann M. Martin’s 90’s girls series “The Baby-Sitters Club”. Quinn is currently co-VP of the Association for Computers and the Humanities along with Roopika Risam, and advocates for better support for DH in languages other than English. -
Niles Dorn
Center Services Support Specialist, David Rumsey Map Center
BioNiles Dorn received his BA in Physics & Astronomy from Pomona College. At the Map Center, he assists in overseeing operations and technology in service of making the collections more accessible to students, researchers and the public.
Kimberly Durante
Science Metadata Librarian, Data Management Services
BioAs the Science Metadata Librarian in the Reseach Data Services group, my primary role is to support the curation of geospatial data within the Stanford Digital Repository, the Stanford Spatial Data Infrastructure, and EarthWorks. I also provide one-on-one research consultations in data science tools, as well as workshops in Python toolkits such as GDAL, Pandas, and GeoPandas.