Stanford University Libraries
Showing 1-10 of 18 Results
Magda Gad
Metadata Librarian for Middle East Resources, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordMetadata Librarian for Middle East Resources &
South Asian and Middle East team lead.
Metadata Services Department
Stanford Libraries. -
Christine N. Garcia
Geoscience Specimen Collections Curator & Manager, Earth Specimen Collection
Current Role at StanfordGeoscience Specimen Collection Curator and Manager
Danielle Gensch
State, Local, and International Government Information Librarian, Social Sciences Resource Group
BioI support research and preserve information produced about and by government agencies at the state, local, and international level. I assist with data and information resources from the State of California, school districts, transportation agencies, cities, counties, the United Nations, European Union, and many other IGOs. I was an attorney law for 23 years, representing government agencies, institutional investors, and non-profits in real estate and infrastructure transactions. I have worked with and for pension funds, transportation agencies, special districts, affordable housing builders, and tax credit purchasers. Before law school, I was a transportation planner in the Washington, D.C. metro area.
Kioumars Ghereghlou
Curator for Middle East Collections, Humanities Resource Group
Current Role at StanfordCurator for Middle East Collections
Michael Giarlo
Digital Library Software Engineer and Architect, Library Technology
Current Role at StanfordDigital Library Software Engineer & Architect