Stanford University

Showing 1-10 of 262 Results

  • Oliver O. Aalami, MD

    Oliver O. Aalami, MD

    Clinical Professor, Surgery - Vascular Surgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsWe launched a national precision medicine PAD trial called, VascTrac ( This trial is mobile phone based and leverages Apple's ResearchKit Platform to monitor a patient's activity both pre- and post-intervention. We are validating mobile phone surveillance for PAD patients and are currently enrolling.

  • Sumaira Z. Aasi, MD

    Sumaira Z. Aasi, MD

    Clinical Professor, Dermatology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsHigh risk squamous cell carcinoma; frozen histopathology; reconstructive surgery.

  • Fahim Abbasi

    Fahim Abbasi

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine

    BioDr. Fahim Abbasi specializes in diagnosis and treatment of prediabetes and insulin resistance. Dr. Abbasi has a special interest in prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease through lifestyle modifications.

  • Jonathan Abel

    Jonathan Abel

    Adjunct Professor

    BioJonathan S. Abel is a Consulting Professor at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) in the Music Department at Stanford University, working in music and audio applications of signal and array processing, parameter estimation and acoustics. He is also a co-founder of Seismic Innovations, LLC, and Seismic Services, LLC, companies specializing in microseismic signal processing. Abel was a co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of the GRAMMY Award winning Universal Audio, Inc. He was previously a researcher at NASA/Ames Research Center, Chief Scientist of Crystal River Engineering, Inc., and a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Yale University. As an industry consultant, Abel has worked with Apple, Dolby, FDNY, LSI Logic, L3 Technologies, LR Baggs, Native Instruments, SAIC, Sennheiser, Sigma Cubed, Triple Ring, and the U.S. NRL on projects in professional audio, GPS, fire department siting and deployment, medical imaging, room acoustics measurement, audio effects processing, passive sonar, and microsiesmic signal processing. He holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from Stanford University, and an S.B. from MIT, all in electrical engineering. Abel is a Fellow of the Audio Engineering Society for contributions to audio effects processing.

  • Tom Abel

    Tom Abel

    Professor of Particle Physics and Astrophysics and of Physics
    On Leave from 10/01/2023 To 06/30/2024

    BioWhat were the first objects that formed in the Universe? Prof. Abel's group explores the first billion years of cosmic history using ab initio supercomputer calculations. He has shown from first principles that the very first luminous objects are very massive stars and has developed novel numerical algorithms using adaptive-mesh-refinement simulations that capture over 14 orders of magnitude in length and time scales. He currently continues his work on the first stars and first galaxies and their role in chemical enrichment and cosmological reionization. His group studies any of the first objects to form in the universe: first stars, first supernovae, first HII regions, first magnetic fields, first heavy elements, and so on. Most recently he is pioneering novel numerical algorithms to study collisionless fluids such as dark matter which makes up most of the mass in the Universe as well as astrophysical and terrestrial plasmas. He was the director of the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology and Division Director at SLAC 2013-2018.

  • Oscar J. Abilez

    Oscar J. Abilez

    Senior Scientist, Cardiothoracic Surgery - Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Abilez' interests are aimed at elucidating how various biophysical and biochemical perturbations regulate early cardiovascular development across time and length scales that span several orders of magnitude, using human pluripotent stem cells as a model system.

  • Gillian Abir

    Gillian Abir

    Clinical Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    BioGillian Abir graduated from Glasgow University (UK) in 1998. After initially undertaking parts of surgical residency and emergency medicine residency, she completed her anesthesiology residency training in Glasgow and Sheffield (UK). Following this she undertook an obstetric anesthesiology fellowship-equivalent at Stanford University School of Medicine and is currently a Clinical Professor.
    Gillian is the Associate Division Chief and Clinical Director for the Division of Obstetric Anesthesiology and the residency program coordinator for obstetric anesthesiology.
    Gillian has published several manuscripts and book chapters, and is the lead anesthesiologist in the multidisciplinary obstetric simulation team. She is a member of the obstetric disaster preparedness committee and labor and delivery patient safety committee, amongst several other committees. She is the co-chair of the simulation committee and a member of the patient safety and international outreach committees in the Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology.
    Gillian has an interest in global health and is a member of the Board of Directors of Kybele Inc. ( for which she regularly volunteers to teach obstetric anesthesiology in other countries.