Stanford University

Showing 21-27 of 27 Results

  • Ann Thresher

    Ann Thresher

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Philosophy

    BioAnn C Thresher is an applied ethicist working as part of the new school for sustainability at Stanford University. She received her PhD from the University of California, San Diego, working in the philosophy of science and environmental-ethics, and has two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Sydney, one in Philosophy and one in Physics. She was a graduate fellow at the Institute for Applied Ethics at UC San Diego, and a 2022 Heinrich Hertz fellow at the University of Bonn.

    Her work focuses on emerging environmental technologies and, in particular, what risks we’re warranted in taking to solve environmental crises. As part of this, she works extensively with scientists and policy-makers to help identify and solve the ethics questions that arise out of their work. Current projects include papers on gene-drives, modelling, moratoriums, geo-engineering, and our obligations to future generations. She is also interested in the philosophy of space science and expansion and is currently working on the ethical problems of telescope siting as part of the Next Generation Event Horizon Telescope's HPC working group.

  • Jamele Christa Watkins

    Jamele Christa Watkins

    Postdoctoral Scholar, German Studies

    BioJamele Watkins researches and teaches on issues of race and gender in contemporary German performance, film, and literature (broadly speaking). She is currently working on a book project that focuses on Black internationalism and the solidarity campaigns for Angela Davis in the GDR. She completed her doctoral studies in German at UMass Amherst with the completion of dissertation, “The Drama of Race.” She has also studied at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, and Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.

  • Benjamin Xie

    Benjamin Xie

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Philosophy

    BioEmbedded EthiCS Fellow based at the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society and the Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI).
    I design tools to contextualize data for equitable computing education, community advocacy, and AI design.
    I engage in the fields of computing education, human-computer interaction, and AI Ethics.