Stanford University

Showing 291-300 of 2,254 Results

  • Jarosław Kapuściński

    Jarosław Kapuściński

    Associate Professor of Music

    BioJarosław Kapuściński is an intermedia composer and pianist born in Poland. He studied piano and composition at the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw and furthered his education in multimedia and intermedia art during doctoral studies at the University of California, San Diego, and a residency at Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada.

    Kapuściński presented his works at numerous gallery and concert venues worldwide, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the National Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, National Arts Centre in Canada, EMPAC, ZKM and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. He has also received awards for his intermedia art at the UNESCO Film sur l'Art Festival in Paris, the VideoArt Festival in Locarno, and the International Festival of New Cinema and New Media in Montréal.

    Apart from his career as a composer and performer, Kapuściński is also an educator. He has lectured internationally and held positions at institutions such as McGill University in Montreal and the Conservatory of Music at the University of the Pacific. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of Composition at Stanford University.

  • Kavita Kar

    Kavita Kar

    Undergraduate, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

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  • Shraman Kar

    Shraman Kar

    Undergraduate, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

    BioShraman is passionate about building technology projects using artificial intelligence and state-of-the-art large language models to solve problems of the community and the environment. Shraman's passion project, Foodle ( built on technology and artificial intelligence could make a difference in solving hunger and food waste at the same time. He wanted to share his knowledge and ideas with as many youths as possible so that together they can build technology products for the communities.

    To unleash the potential of AI for social good Shraman cofounded a 501(c)(3) organization Community AI ( in the year 2000. They created a customized course of Machine Learning suitable for a wide range of school-going youth and delivered via free camps. The camps became very popular and they could mentor students from 58 countries and all 50 US states. The members have several projects to help the community and the environment- ranging from automatic trash segregation to detecting wildfire before it happens and many more. To encourage more students to build AI-driven projects we provided funds/prizes via the AI Fair called Sustainability and Community AI Fair (

  • Shreyas Kar

    Shreyas Kar

    Undergraduate, Computer Science

    BioShreyas is an undergraduate Computer Science and Math (double major) student and a researcher at Stanford Partnership in AI-Assisted Care (PAC - group, as part of Stanford Vision and Learning (SVL) lab under Professor Fei-Fei Li and Professor Ehsan Adeli. He is interested in using Artificial Intelligence & Technology to better our community and environment. He founded a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Community AI (, to unleash the power of artificial intelligence for social good and empower youth. Earlier, he worked for the PORTAL group at Harvard Medical School as a member of Research Science Institute (RSI). His research there focussed on quantifying the impact of EHR-Discontinuity on prediction modeling algorithms. His LinkedIn profile is:

  • Omer Karaduman

    Omer Karaduman

    Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Technology at the Graduate School of Business and Center Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and at the Precourt Institute for Energy

    BioPrior to coming to Stanford, Omer completed his Ph.D. in Economics at MIT in 2020, and got his bachelor's degree in Economics from Bilkent University in 2014.

    His research focuses on the transition of the energy sector towards a decarbonized and sustainable future. In his research, he utilizes large datasets by using game-theoretical modeling to have practical policy suggestions.