Stanford University
Showing 2,501-2,550 of 2,720 Results
Kristine Luce
Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
BioDr. Luce is a Psychologist and Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine. She received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Kent State University. She completed a pre-doctoral internship at the Seattle Veterans Hospital and a post-doctoral research fellowship at Stanford University in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Luce has clinical and research experience with eating-related disorders and is the Co-Director of the Stanford Adult Eating Disorders Program. In addition, Dr. Luce treats anxiety and mood disorders and has specialized clinical training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
Manuel Lucena Giraldo
Overseas Studies - Madrid, Bing Overseas Studies
BioManuel Lucena-Giraldo is Research Scientist in the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, CSIC, and Director of the Chair of Spanish and Hispanic Heritage from the Universities of Madrid, Adjunct Professor in IE Business School/IE University and Affiliate professor in ESCP Business School Europe. He was Visiting Scholar at Harvard University and Visiting Professor at Gothenburg University ((Sweden), Tufts University (Boston), Javeriana University (Colombia), IVIC (Venezuela), Colegio de Mexico, University of the Andes (Chile and Colombia) and St. Antony´s College (Oxford). He was Education Attaché in the Spanish Embassy in Colombia and held foreign education positions. His publications include a number of books on travels, scientific expeditions, cities, images of nations, empires or globalization. He is professor of Writing (Non-Fiction) in Cursiva, Penguin Random House School; Member of the board in Hispania Nostra and Revista de Occidente and adviser in National Geographic-History. He is a member of the Royal Academy of History from Spain and belongs to the Section Committee of the European Academy.
Linda Lucian
Sr. Manager, Translational Programs, School of Medicine - MDRP'S - Biodesign Program
Current Role at StanfordPrimary Biodesign role of Translation Project Manager for the eight internal funding programs administered through Biodesign. Stanford- Coulter TRPP Award, NIH funded Spectrum-Medtech Award, Wu Tsai Neuroscience:Translate Award, Innovation Fellowship Extension Award, Innovation Course Extension Award, Faculty Fellowship Award, NEXT Award, and Robert Howard Next Step Award.
David Luckham
Professor (Research) of Electrical Engineering, Emeritus
BioProfessor (Research) Emeritus of Electrical Engineering.
Research Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 1977 to 2003.
Vinton Hayes Senior Research Fellow, Harvard University, 1976.
Senior Research Associate, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1972-1977.
Associate Professor, UCLA Computer Science Department, 1970-1972.
Professor Luckham's research and consulting activities in software technology include multi-processing and business processing languages, event-driven systems, complex event processing, commercial middleware, program verification, systems architecture modelling and simulation, and artificial intelligence (automated deduction and reasoning systems).
Prof. Luckham has held faculty and invited faculty positions in both mathematics and computer science at eight major universities in Europe and the United States. He has been an invited lecturer, keynote speaker, panelist, and USA delegate at many international conferences and congresses. Until 1999 he was a member of the Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford University and directed the Program Analysis and Verification Project. He taught courses on Artifical Intelligence and automated deduction, programming languages and program verification, the Anna verification system, systems prototyping and simulation languages, and Complex Event Processing. He was one of the founders of Rational Software, Inc. in 1981.
In the past he has served on review committees during the DoD Ada Language design competition, and was a Distinguished Reviewer on the DoD Ada9X design project. In 1993-94 he was a member of the TRW Independent Assessment Team tasked with reviewing the FAA's Advanced Automation System for the FAA, and in 1994-96 he was a distinguished reviewer for the DoD High Level Language for modelling and simulation. He has published four books and over 100 technical papers; two ACM/IEEE Best Paper Awards, several papers are now in historical anthologies and book collections. His 2002 book is a benchmark introduction to complex event processing, "The Power of Events" . His 2012 book , "Event Processing for Business" documents current applications of Complex Event Processing in many areas of Information Technology. -
Samantha Ludin
Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
BioDr. Ludin is a licensed clinical psychologist (PSY32172) who specializes in the treatment of trauma, relationship concerns, sexual health, and identity-related concerns. She serves patients through the PTSD, THRIVE, and Sexual Dysfunction Clinics at Stanford School of Medicine and at the Confidentiality Support Team at Stanford University. Dr. Ludin received a master's degree in Education and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Virginia. She completed her doctoral internship at the University of Michigan Mary A. Rackham Institute, where she received specialized training in the treatment of couples and families. Dr. Ludin completed her postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford School of Medicine.
Chase A. Ludwig, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology (Research/Clinical Trials)
Masters Student in Biomedical Data Science, admitted Autumn 2023Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research focuses on understanding high and pathologic myopia and their retinal sequelae, including retinal detachments, myopic traction maculopathy, and myopic macular degeneration. By leveraging informatics and big data analytics, I aim to uncover strategies that prevent and treat the progression of these complex and devastating conditions. My work takes advantage of the retina’s unique role as the only visible portion of the central nervous system, allowing for discoveries in ophthalmology that have the potential to impact broader fields of medicine.
I am actively seeking medical students and residents interested in ophthalmology or vitreoretinal surgery to assist with writing projects and data analytics. If you are passionate about advancing the understanding and management of myopia, I invite you to join me in tackling one of the most pressing global challenges in eye care. -
David Luenberger
Professor of Management Science and Engineering, Emeritus
BioDavid G. Luenberger received the B.S. degree from the California Institute of Technology and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University, all in Electrical Engineering. Since 1963 he has been on the faculty of Stanford University. He helped found the Department of Engineering-Economic Systems, now merged to become the Department of Management Science and Engineering, where his is currently a professor.
He served as Technical Assistant to the President's Science Advisor in 1971-72, was Guest Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (1986), Visiting Professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1976), and served as Department Chairman at Stanford (1980-1991).
His awards include: Member of the National Academy of Engineering (2008), the Bode Lecture Prize of the Control Systems Society (1990), the Oldenburger Medal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1995), and the Expository Writing Award of the Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (1999) He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (since 1975).
His overall interest is the application of mathematics to issues in control, planning, and decision making. He has worked in the technical fields of control theory, optimization theory and algorithms, and investment theory for portfolios and project evaluation. He has published six major textbooks: Optimization by Vector Space Methods, Linear and Nonlinear Programming (jointly with Yinyu Ye), Introduction to Dynamic Systems, Microeconomic theory, Investment Science, and Information Science. He has published over eighty journal papers. -
Charlotte Luff
Postdoctoral Scholar, Psychiatry
BioCharlotte is a postdoctoral scholar in the lab of Professor Luis de Lecea. Her research interests include the brain phenomena underpinning non-invasive neuromodulation such as focused ultrasound and electrical brain stimulation, and in the de Lecea lab she studies this with relation to sleep and addiction. Charlotte completed her PhD in the Interventional Systems Neuroscience lab of Dr Nir Grossman at Imperial College London. Her PhD research focused on uncovering the biophysical mechanism of temporal interference (TI) brain stimulation, primarily using electrophysiology and computational modelling. During her PhD, Charlotte spent a year as a visiting PhD student in Professor Ed Boyden’s lab at MIT, where she was trained in automated in-vivo patch clamp. Previously, Charlotte completed a BSc in Biomedical Science at King’s College London, and an MRes in Experimental Neuroscience at Imperial College London.
Emanuele Lugli
Assistant Professor of Art and Art History
BioEmanuele Lugli is an art historian who specializes in late medieval and early modern Italian painting, urban culture, trade, and fashion. His theoretical concerns include questions of scale and labor, the history of technology, and the reach of intellectual networks.
An expert in the history of measurements, Emanuele has written a trilogy on the topic. The first book, Unità di Misura: Breve Storia del Metro in Italia (Il Mulino, 2014), reconstructs the revolution triggered by the introduction of the metric system in nineteenth-century Italy. The second, The Making of Measure and the Promise of Sameness (University of Chicago Press, 2019), searches for the foundations of objectivity through an examination of how measurement standards were created, displayed, and envisioned by medieval communities. The third, Measuring in the Renaissance: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2023), highlights measurement as a pervasive creative activity, which erases information as much as it generates it.
Emanuele has also written a study on hair and the bodily minuscule in shaping concepts of beauty and desire in Renaissance Florence, titled Knots of the Violence of Desire in Renaissance Florence (University of Chicago Press, 2023). He co-edited a collection of essays on the role of size in art making, titled To Scale, with Professor Joan J. Kee of the University of Michigan (Hoboken, Wiley-Blackwell: 2015). Currently, he is working on books about the idea of "love at first sight" and Italian painter Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614).
In addition to his academic research projects, Emanuele regularly writes for magazines and newspapers such as The Guardian, Slate, Il Sole 24 Ore, Domani, Vogue, and Vanity Fair.