Vice Provost and Dean of Research
Showing 1-10 of 14 Results
Tina Ha
Licensing Operations Manager, Office of Technology Licensing (OTL)
BioTina is responsible for royalty sharing agreements, system support for licensing terms, overall database (4D) support for the office, cross-functional operations and process improvements and special projects. Tina also leads a team of financial analysts and specialist - Sin, Jevan, and Stacey.
Serena Hanes
Licensing Coordinator, Office of Technology Licensing (OTL)
BioSerena is a Licensing Coordinator at Stanford OTL, supporting various projects for the licensing and strategic alliances teams. Since she rejoined Stanford in 2023, she has been involved in coordinating overall process efficiencies and project management for the teams. She brings well over a decade of technology transfer experience after previously working as the Stanford Innovation Project Administrator and Licensing Liaison within OTL, and as the IP Manager at Cornell's Center for Technology Licensing.
Shawn Harlan
Administrative Associate, Office of Technology Licensing (OTL)
Current Role at StanfordAssistant to the Associate Vice Provost at OTL
Brian Hie
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
BioI am an Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Stanford University, the Dieter Schwarz Foundation Stanford Data Science Faculty Fellow, and an Innovation Investigator at Arc Institute. I supervise the Laboratory of Evolutionary Design, where we conduct research at the intersection of biology and machine learning.
I was previously a Stanford Science Fellow in the Stanford University School of Medicine and a Visiting Researcher at Meta AI. I completed my Ph.D. at MIT CSAIL and was an undergraduate at Stanford University.