Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Showing 101-150 of 220 Results
Doree Allen
Senior Lecturer in Oral Communication at the Center for Teaching and Learning
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsPoetics of the performed text, voice and gender, leadership communication, speaking in museum settings, pedagogy of aesthetic development, Readers' Theatre, healing and the arts, the rhetoric of stage presence
Supphanat Anantachaisophon
Undergraduate, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
BioAn undergraduate from Thailand. I am interested in Energy Science.
Mutallip Anwar
BioMutallip Anwar completed his PhD in Language & Rhetoric at the University of Washington. Prior to joining PWR, he taught college writing courses at the University of Washington and Highline College. His primary teaching and research interests include rhetoric and composition studies, language education, discourse analysis, and translation.