Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Showing 11-20 of 300 Results
Kurt Denver Campbell
Overseas Studies - Cape Town, Bing Overseas Studies
BioProf. Kurt Campbell is the Director at the Michaelis School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town. He is a past Harvard University fellow and visiting scholar at the University of Minnesota, Indiana University and the American University in Cairo. He has developed productive interdisciplinary dialogues as an artist, curator and academic writer. South Africa’s recent political past and the accompanying legacies often feature in his research. Crucially, this focus is not to re-inscribe the ideas of ‘race’ or ‘apartheid’, but rather to assist with a final critique of these boundaries and thus contribute to a potentially richer self-concept for individuals as they move in the intellectual world. His recent research is dedicated to South African rock art epistemology after apartheid.