Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Showing 21-40 of 47 Results
Hayden Kantor
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsFood and agriculture; ethnographic writing; rhetorics of capitalism; ethics of care; culture and history of India and South Asia
Nora Kassner
BioNora Kassner (she/they) is a career-track Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University. Educated at the University of California, Santa Barbara with a Ph.D. in history and a concentration in feminist studies, Nora’s research explores the operation of race, gender, and sexuality in 20th century U.S. child welfare policy. Her dissertation, “Hard to Place: Gay and Lesbian Foster Families and the Remaking of U.S. Family Policy,” won the 2024 John D’Emilio award for the best dissertation in U.S. LGBTQ studies from the Organization of American Historians. Nora is currently in the process of adapting this dissertation into a monograph. Prior to their academic career, Nora worked as a community organizer, and a commitment to public engagement remains central to their work.
Valerie Kinsey
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Writing and Critical Thinking Instruction; Institutional Rhetorics; Rhetorics of Race and Gender; Creative Writing; Philosophy and Rhetoric; Historiography; American History and Literature
Raechel Lee
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: 20 - 21st century Latin American Literatures and Cultures; Creative Writing; Translation; Poetry
Helen Lie
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Communication Pedagogy; Visual Communication; Presentation Skills
Sangeeta Mediratta
PWR Lecturer
BioSangeeta Mediratta returns to PWR after a sojourn in Stanford Global Studies as Associate Director. She has served as Teaching Fellow and then Lecturer over five years in the past and returns with ever-greater enthusiasm for the teaching of writing and for working with her students. At Stanford, she has taught classes on rhetoric and writing, literature and film. Her PWR classes currently focus on maps, borders, networks, objects, and objectification. She loves learning about and helping her students develop their personalized research projects.
She completed her Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego in English Literature. Her dissertation :Bazaars, Cannibals, and Sepoys: Sensationalism and Transnational Cultures of Empire" studied at the ways texts, objects, and spectacles in the U.S. and Britain drew upon imperial stories and objects to critique contemporary social evils such as slavery, class injustice, and the Corn Laws. She has also written on world cinema, popular culture, disability studies, as well as gender and race studies.
Her current research focuses on the materiality of writing and on how students use culture as a way to build campus communities. She is also interested in student activism and empathy as a mode of living, connecting, writing, and being. -
Kevin C. Moore
BioKevin C. Moore is a Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR), and the Coordinator of PWR's Notation in Science Communication. He holds a PhD in English from UCLA (2013). Prior to arriving at Stanford, he taught in the Writing Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2013-2019). His research interests include science and rhetoric, propaganda studies, Ralph Ellison, and writer's block. Dr. Moore's work has appeared in Arizona Quarterly, Arts, Writing on the Edge, African American Review, Composition Studies, MAKE, Souciant, and the Santa Barbara Independent, as well as collections such as Ralph Ellison in Context (Cambridge University Press 2021) and Creative Ways of Knowing in Engineering (Springer 2017). He also writes fiction and creative nonfiction.
Gabrielle Moyer
Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Poetics of Art History; The Relation of Ethics and Aesthetics; Analytic Philosophy; Essayism
Eldon Pei
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSpecialisation: world cinema; documentary film; post-war visual cultures; East and Southeast Asian studies; propaganda; media, technology and society; critical theory; postcolonialism
John Peterson
Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATIONS: Social Media and Changes to Mass Media; Art Versus Commerce; Liberal Arts Education & Public Schools; Social/Racial Justice; Consumer Culture; Music & Film; Technology & Learning; Public Policy
Sarah Pittock
Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Writing Across the Curriculum; Writing In the Disciplines; Tutoring Pedagogy
Emily Polk
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Facilitation and Mobilization of Social Movements in the Digital and Public Spheres; Communication of Community-Led Responses to Climate Change; the Role and Impact of Scholar Activism; Participatory Research; Rhetoric of Sustainability and Environmental Humanities; Rhetoric of Global and Local Development
Stephanie Reist
BioStephanie Virginia Reist is a Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University. Before joining PWR, she was a lecturing fellow in Stanford's COLLEGE Program. Prior to coming to Stanford, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Education Department at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, financed by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. She completed a PhD in Romance Studies with a focus on Latin American Cultural Studies as well as a Master's in Public Policy at Duke University in 2018. She holds a BA in Comparative Literature from Williams College.
Her research and writing focus on issues of race, public policy, Black feminisms, cultural production, youth, and urban belonging in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Specifically, she is interested in the relationship between youth movements and access to higher education in Rio's predominately black, working class urban peripheries. As part of her commitment to public scholarship, her writing has been featured in RioOnWatch, Times Higher Education, The Independent and Jacobin Magazine.
She also co-directed a short documentary on expanded access to higher education in Brazil that can be seen here: -
Rebecca Richardson
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: The Rhetoric of Inspiration and Self-Help; Nineteenth-Century Literature; Environmental Studies; History of Political Economy; The Medical Humanities; Expressive Writing and Self-Reflection
Katherine Rothschild
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsFourth wave feminism has offered many opportunities for activism from anonymous or covert places, such as X and Tiktok. How effective are these new forms of linguistic activism?
Kim Savelson
Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Design Thinking for Writing & Research; Science and Health Communication; Storytelling; Creativity Studies; Innovation Across the Disciplines
Julia Schulte
Current Research and Scholarly Interestspeer review, reading strategies, reflection, native speakerism in ESL
Lynn Sokei
BioLynn Sokei holds a PhD in English from the University of Colorado at Boulder and an MFA in Fiction from Arizona State University.