David Palumbo-Liu
Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor and Professor, by courtesy, of English
Comparative Literature
I am the Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor at Stanford University, and Professor of Comparative Literature and, by courtesy, English.
My fields of interest include human rights, environmental justice, race, ethnicity, social and cultural criticism, literary theory and criticism. I have published in each of these areas, including seven books and numerous articles that have been translated into Chinese, German, French and Portuguese. My most recent book is Speaking Out of Place: Regaining our Political Voice (Haymarket Books, 2021).
Reviews include:
"Months after the most historic protests in our lifetimes, we continue to confront the same stubborn inequities, crises and catastrophes. This stubborn continuity compels us to reevaluate our common assumptions about the nature of the problem. It compels us to renew our political commitments to change but not necessarily in the same ways that we have before. Most of all, the ongoing suffering and despair in our societies compel us to think anew and creatively for effective, sometimes new and sometimes drawing on the historical ways that ordinary people have confronted the powerful. It compels us to be radical by grabbing hold at the root of our problem—a neoliberal, capitalist world order built on human suffering and abject inequality.
David Palumbo-Liu’s Speaking Out of Place is a deeply moral and utterly human meditation on the nature of our despair but the means by which it can be transformed. Most of all, he argues that what is missing is our sense of place, belonging and mutuality that, when intact, showcases our connection and potential for solidarity in our shared struggle for a humane and just world. Is the exact book we need for the troubled historical moment through which we are living." —Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, author of From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation
I am the founding editor of the e-journal Occasion: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities.
While pursuing a PhD in comparative literature (field of emphasis: classical Chinese poetry) at Berkeley, I began working in Asian American studies as well, teaching courses on Asian American history and literature. Upon completion of the PhD, I accepted a joint appointment as assistant professor in Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and Department of English, where I taught courses on Chinese literature and American ethnic literature, literary criticism and theory, and comparative literature.
In 1990, I joined the Department of Comparative Literature at Stanford. Part of my duties was to help establish Asian American Studies. I was a founding faculty member of Stanford’s Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE), which was established in 1997. From 1999 to 2005 I served as director of the Program in Modern Thought and Literature. During that period I helped initiate and organize major conferences on Rational Choice Theory and the Humanities and World-Systems Analysis, among other events. Speakers included Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Jon Elster, Kenneth Arrow, Regenia Gagnier, John Dupre, Bruce Robbins, Linda Hutcheon, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Anna Tsing, Michael Watts, Michael Hardt, and many others.
In 1998 I spent the fall term teaching courses on immigration, decolonization, and exoticism at the Stanford Program in Paris. In autumn 2011 I taught at the Oxford campus and gave a series of talks at Wadham and Brasenose colleges, and at the Rothermere American Institute at Oxford.
I am a past president of the American Comparative Literature Association, former member of the Executive Council of the Modern Language Association, and a former chair of the Stanford Faculty Senate.
I write online for The Nation, Truthout, Jacobin, Al Jazeera.
Academic Appointments
Professor, Comparative Literature
Professor (By courtesy), English
Administrative Appointments
Chair, Breadth Governance Board, Stanford (2014 - 2016)
Chair, Faculty Senate, Stanford (2013 - 2014)
Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor and Professor of Comparative Literature and, by courtesy, English, Stanford University (2012 - Present)
Professor of Comparative Literature, and, by courtesy, English., Stanford University (2001 - 2012)
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, Stanford University (1995 - 2001)
Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center (1994 - 1995)
Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature, Stanford University (1990 - 1994)
Assistant Professor, English and the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University (1988 - 1990)
Research Fellow, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University (1985 - 1986)
Honors & Awards
Nominated Finalist, Endowed Flexner Lectureship, Bryn Mawr College (2008)
Offered Jackman Chair in Arts and Humanities, University of Toronto (2007)
Louise Hewlett Nixon Chair, Stanford (2011)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Director, Undergraduate Program, Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity, Stanford University (2012 - 2015)
Director, Department of Comparative Literature, Stanford University (2009 - 2013)
Director, Asian American Studies Program, Stanford University (2009 - 2013)
Member, Executive Committee, Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University (2009 - Present)
Member, Executive Committee, Division of Literatures, Cultures and Languages, Stanford University (2009 - Present)
Director of the Program in Modern Thought & Literature, Stanford University (1999 - 2005)
Director, Asian American Studies Program, Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Director, Asian American Studies Program, Stanford University (2002 - 2004)
Director, Asian American Studies Program, Stanford University (2005 - 2006)
Director, Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University (2006 - 2007)
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Comparative Literature, Stanford University (2005 - 2006)
Founder and editor of Occasion, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities
Chair, Academic Senate, Stanford University (2013 - 2014)
Vice-Chair, Academic Senate, Stanford University (2012 - 2013)
Member, Steering Committee of Academic Senate, Stanford University (2012 - 2013)
Member, Committee on Undergraduate Standards and Practices, Stanford University (2012 - 2013)
Member, Committee on Undergraduate Research, Stanford University (2012 - Present)
Member, Governing Board on Writing, Stanford University (2012 - 2013)
Vice-Chair, Academic Senate, Stanford University (2010 - 2011)
Member, Steering Committee, Academic Senate, Stanford University (2010 - 2011)
Member, Francophone search committee, Division of Literature, Cultures and Languages (DLCL), Stanford University (2010 - 2010)
Member, Sohn reappointment committee, Department of English, Stanford University (2010 - 2010)
Member, Persian search committee, Comparative Literature, Stanford University (2009 - 2009)
Member, Masters in Liberal Arts Advisory Committee, Stanford University (2009 - Present)
Director of Graduate Studies, Stanford University (2009 - 2010)
Chair, Committee on Committees of Faculty Senate, Stanford University (2009 - 2010)
Member, Academic Senate, Stanford University (2009 - 2011)
Member, Division of Literature, Cultures and Languages (DLCL), Planning and Personnel Committee, Stanford University (2008 - Present)
Member, Arabic search committee, Stanford University (2008 - 2008)
Member, University Committee on Faculty Staff Human Resources, Stanford University (2008 - Present)
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Stanford University (2008 - 2008)
Director of Graduate Admissions, Stanford University (2008 - 2008)
Chair, José David Saldívar hiring committee, Stanford University (2008 - 2008)
Member, Search Committee for Middle Eastern Scholar (Abassi Program), Stanford University (2006 - 2007)
Member, Steering Committee, Faculty Senate, Stanford University (2002 - 2003)
Member, Faculty Senate of the Academic Council, Stanford University (2000 - 2002)
Member, Faculty Senate of the Academic Council, Stanford University (2002 - 2004)
Member, University Committee on Committees, Stanford University (2001 - 2002)
University Committee on Committees, Stanford University (2003 - 2004)
Member, University Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid, Stanford University (1999 - 2002)
Chair, University Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid, Stanford University (2001 - 2002)
Member, Provost’s Diversity Action Council, Stanford University (2001 - Present)
Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Diversity, Stanford University (2001 - Present)
Director, Program in Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford University (1999 - Present)
Director, Asian American Studies, Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Director, Asian American Studies, Stanford University (2002 - Present)
Member, Faculty, Sophomore College, Stanford University (1998 - 2002)
Member, Faculty, Sophomore College, Stanford University (2009 - 2010)
Dean’s Task Force on Diversity, Stanford University (1998 - 1998)
Placement Advisor, Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford University (1996 - 1996)
Placement Advisor, Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford University (1997 - 1997)
Director, Division of Cultures and Languages Honors College, Stanford University (1996 - 1996)
Director, Division of Cultures and Languages Honors College, Stanford University (1997 - 1997)
Member, Humanities and Sciences Selection Committee, Mellon Fellows, Stanford University (1996 - 1996)
Member, Program in Modern Thought and Literature, Committee in Charge, Stanford University (1995 - Present)
Director, Comparative Literature Graduate Admissions, Stanford University (1995 - 1995)
Chair, Center for East Asian Studies Awards Committee, Stanford University (1995 - 1995)
Member, Center for East Asian Studies Steering Committee, Stanford University (1995 - 1995)
Member, Asian American Studies Curriculum Committee, Stanford University (1995 - 1998)
Member, Steering Committee, Program in Comparative Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University (1995 - 1998)
Member, Editorial Board, Stanford University Press, Stanford University (1993 - 1996)
Chair, Editorial Board, Stanford University Press, Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Member, Screening Committee for External Fellowships, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University (1991 - 1993)
Member, Committee in Charge of Humanities Honors Program, Stanford University (1991 - 1993)
Member, Faculty committee, Irvine Foundation Grant for Multicultural Curriculum, Stanford University (1991 - 1993)
Member, Asian American Studies Faculty Group, Stanford University (1990 - Present)
Member, Cultural Studies Faculty Research Group, Stanford University (1990 - 1995)
Member, Comparative Literature Department Advisory Committee, Stanford University (1990 - 1993)
Member, Faculty committee on Asian American Studies Curriculum Development, Stanford University (1990 - 1995)
Member, Ad hoc Committee on Race and Ethnicity, American Studies Program, Stanford University (1990 - 1991)
Member, National Advisory Board, Manilatown Heritage Foundation
Reader, American Literary History
Reader, American Quarterly
Reader, China Review International
Reader, CLEAR: Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews
Reader, Contemporary Literature
Reader, Diacritics
Reader, Differences: a Journal of Feminist Studies
Reader, LIT: Literature, Interpretation, Theory
Reader, Palgreave Press
Reader, Journal of the Modern Language Association
Reader, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
Reader, Duke University Press
Reader, Harvard University Press
Reader, Princeton University Press
Reader, Temple University Press
Reader, University of California Press
Reader, University of Minnesota Press
Project reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities
Fellowship Evaluator, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Fellowship Evaluator, National Science Council, Taiwan
Fellowship Nominator, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Member, Editorial Board, Modern Languages Association of America publication series
Member, Editorial Board, Resource Guides for the Literatures of America
Member, Editorial Board, Stanford Literature Review (1990 - 1995)
Member, Editorial Board, Stanford University Press (1993 - 1996)
Chair, Editorial Board, Stanford University Press (1995 - 1996)
Co-editor, Temple University Press series
Co-editor, Asian American History and Culture
Editorial Collective, Positions--East Asia Culture Critique
Contributing Editor, Review of Education, Pedagogy, Cultural Studies
Member, William Riley Parker Prize Selection Committee, Modern Languages Association (2006 - 2008)
Member, Program Committee, Modern Languages Association (2006 - 2008)
Member, Executive Board, Association for Asian American Studies (2005 - 2007)
Member, Nominating Committee, Modern Languages Association (2004 - 2006)
Member, Executive Committee, MLA Division on Asian Literatures (1989 - 1989)
Member, MLA Committee, Languages and Literatures of America (1989 - 1992)
Member, Advisory Board, American Comparative Literature Association (1984 - 1985)
Program Affiliations
Center for East Asian Studies
Center for Human Rights and International Justice
Modern Thought and Literature
Professional Education
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Comparative Literature (Chinese, French, English) (1988)
M.A., University of California, Berkeley, Comparative Literature (Chinese, French, English) (1988)
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, Comparative Literature (Chinese, French, English) (1988)
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
Human Rights, Social Justice, Ethics, Race and Ethnicity
2024-25 Courses
- Comparative Fictions of Ethnicity
AMSTUD 51Q, COMPLIT 51Q, CSRE 51Q (Spr) - Difficult Texts
COMPLIT 347 (Aut) - Emergent Thinking: Abolition and Climate Change
COMPLIT 207B, CSRE 207 (Aut) - Literature and Belonging
COMPLIT 161 (Sum) - Living Through Catastrophe
COMPLIT 146, COMPLIT 349 (Win) - Scholarship and Activism
COMPLIT 316, CSRE 216A (Aut, Win, Spr) -
Independent Studies (11)
- Graduate Independent Study
MTL 398 (Win, Spr) - Honors Thesis Oral Presentation
DLCL 199 (Spr) - Honors Thesis Seminar
DLCL 189B (Win) - Honors Thesis Seminar
DLCL 189C (Spr) - Independent Research
COMPLIT 194 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Individual Work
AMSTUD 195 (Win) - Individual Work
ENGLISH 198 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Qualifying Paper
MTL 390 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Reading for Orals
MTL 399 (Win, Spr) - Research Course
ENGLISH 398 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Revision and Development of a Paper
ENGLISH 398R (Aut, Sum)
- Graduate Independent Study
Prior Year Courses
2023-24 Courses
- Ancestors & Money: The Reparations Work Required of People with Racial & Class Privilege
CSRE 2SI (Win) - Comparative Fictions of Ethnicity
AMSTUD 51Q, COMPLIT 51Q, CSRE 51Q (Spr) - Emergent Thinking: Abolition and Climate Change
AFRICAAM 207, COMPLIT 207B, CSRE 207 (Aut) - Human Rights and World Literature
COMPLIT 57 (Sum) - Orals, Publication and Dissertation Workshop
ENGLISH 398W (Aut) - Scholarship and Activism for Justice
COMPLIT 316, CSRE 316 (Aut, Win, Spr) - Senior Seminar
COMPLIT 199 (Win) - Solidarity - Histories, Literatures, Rationales
COMPLIT 164, COMPLIT 364, CSRE 164 (Spr)
2022-23 Courses
- Comparative Fictions of Ethnicity
AMSTUD 51Q, COMPLIT 51Q, CSRE 51Q (Spr) - Comparative Literature Pro-seminar
COMPLIT 346 (Win) - Confronting Emotions in the Climate Sciences
MED 246, SUSTAIN 223 (Win) - Emergent Thinking: Abolition and Climate Change
AFRICAAM 207, COMPLIT 207B (Win) - Graduate Studies Colloquium
COMPLIT 397 (Aut, Win, Spr) - Scholarship and Activism for Justice
COMPLIT 316 (Aut, Win, Spr) - What Is Comparative Literature?
COMPLIT 101 (Aut) - Why is Climate Change Un-believable? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Action
COMPLIT 107 (Sum)
2021-22 Courses
- Comparative Fictions of Ethnicity
AMSTUD 51Q, COMPLIT 51Q, CSRE 51Q (Win, Spr) - Emergent Thinking: Abolition and Climate Change
AFRICAAM 207, COMPLIT 207B (Win) - Graduate Studies Colloquium
COMPLIT 397 (Aut, Win, Spr) - Realism and the Impossible Nation
COMPLIT 325 (Spr) - Scholarship and Activism for Justice
COMPLIT 316 (Aut, Win, Spr) - Who Belongs at Stanford? Discussions of a Different Sort of Education
COMPLIT 15SC, CSRE 11SC (Sum) - Why is Climate Change Un-believable? Interdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Action
COMPLIT 207 (Sum)
- Ancestors & Money: The Reparations Work Required of People with Racial & Class Privilege
Stanford Advisees
Adam Klein -
Doctoral Dissertation Reader (AC)
David Morales, Myungin Sohn -
Orals Chair
Antonio Lopez -
Doctoral Dissertation Advisor (AC)
Christine Xiong -
Master's Program Advisor
Fatoumata Barrie, Noelle Villanueva -
Doctoral (Program)
Harry Carter, Muge Gedik, Luo Jia, Jennifer Lee, Anita Too
All Publications
Ethics before Comparison
2020; 72 (3): 259–71
View details for DOI 10.1215/00104124-8255295
View details for Web of Science ID 000579871400001
Influence of a dopamine pathway additive genetic efficacy score on smoking cessation: results from two randomized clinical trials of bupropion
2013; 108 (12): 2202-11
To evaluate the associations of treatment and an additive genetic efficacy score (AGES) based on dopamine functional polymorphisms with time to first smoking lapse and point prevalence abstinence at end of treatment among participants enrolled into two randomized clinical trials of smoking cessation therapies.Double-blind pharmacogenetic efficacy trials randomizing participants to active or placebo bupropion. Study 1 also randomized participants to cognitive-behavioral smoking cessation treatment (CBT) or this treatment with CBT for depression. Study 2 provided standardized behavioural support.Two hospital-affiliated clinics (study 1), and two university-affiliated clinics (study 2).A total of 792 self-identified white treatment-seeking smokers aged ≥18 years smoking ≥10 cigarettes per day over the last year.Age, gender, Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence, dopamine pathway genotypes (rs1800497 [ANKK1 E713K], rs4680 [COMT V158M], DRD4 exon 3 variable number of tandem repeats polymorphism [DRD4 VNTR], SLC6A3,3' VNTR) analyzed both separately and as part of an AGES, time to first lapse and point prevalence abstinence at end of treatment.Significant associations of the AGES (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.10, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.06-1.14, P = 0.009) and of the DRD4 VNTR (HR = 1.29, 95% CI = 1.17-1.41, P = 0.0073) were observed with time to first lapse. A significant AGES by pharmacotherapy interaction was observed (β standard error = -0.18 [0.07], P = 0.016), such that AGES predicted risk for time to first lapse only for individuals randomized to placebo.A score based on functional polymorphisms relating to dopamine pathways appears to predict lapse to smoking following a quit attempt, and the association is mitigated in smokers using bupropion.
View details for DOI 10.1111/add.12325
View details for PubMedCentralID PMC3834197
- Thinking Big Occupy the Future edited by Grusky, D. B., Reich, R., Satz, D., McAdams, D. MIT Press. 2012: 222–232
- University of California, Berkeley Duke University Press. 2011
- The Deliverance of Others: Reading Literature in a Global Age Duke University Press. 2011
- Method and Congruity Blackwell Companion to Comparative Literature edited by Behdad, A., Thomas, D. Wiley-Blackwell. 2011
- Pre-emption, the Future, the Imagination America and the Misshaping of a New World Order edited by Gunn, G., Gutierrez-Jones, C. University of California Press. 2011
Teaching the Canon
2010; 27 (3): 11-14
View details for Web of Science ID 000282534200003
- Immanuel Wallerstein and the Problem of the World: System, Scale, Culture edited by Robbins, B., Tanoukhi, N., Palumbo-Liu, D. Duke University Press. 2010
2009; 47 (1): 81-90
View details for Web of Science ID 000269479400008
The Occupation of Form: (Re)theorizing Literary History
2008; 20 (4): 814-835
View details for DOI 10.1093/alh/ajn038
View details for Web of Science ID 000261490100012
- Blood, Visuality, and the New Multiculturalism Ways of Seeing, Ways of Speaking: The Integration of Rhetoric and Vision in Constructing the Real edited by Calendrillo, L. Parlor Press. 2008: 203–224
- Modernisms, Pacific and Otherwise Pacific Rim Modernisms edited by Gillies, M. A., Sword, H., Yao, S. University of Toronto Press. 2008: 34–52
- Rationality, Realism and the Poetics of Otherness: Coetzee’s Elizabeth Costello World Writing: Poetics, Ethics and Globalization edited by Gallagher, M. University of Toronto Press. 2008: 190–206
- Re-territorializing Asia Pacific: The Post September 11th Logic of Hegemony The Worlding Project: Doing Cultural Studies in the Era of Globalization edited by Wilson, R., Connery, C. L. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books. 2007: 187–204
- Atlantic to Pacific: James, Blackmur, Todorov and Intercontinental Form Shades of the Planet: American Literature as World Literature edited by Domock, W. C., Buell, L. Princeton University Press. 2007: 196–226
Preemption, perpetual war, and the future of the imagination
2006; 33 (1): 151-169
View details for Web of Science ID 000236260300008
- Rational and Irrational: Narrative in an Age of Globalization Minor Transnationalisms edited by Lionnet, F., Shih, S. Duke University Press. 2005
Re-imagining Asian American studies
2003; 29 (2): 211-219
View details for Web of Science ID 000228552100014
- Hybridities and Histories: Imaging the Pacific Rim Postborder City: Cultural Spaces of Bajalta California edited by Dear, M. Routledge. 2003
- The Morality of Form, or What's So Bad About 'Bad Writing'? Just Being Difficult?: Academic Writing in the Public Arena edited by Culler, J. Stanford University Press. 2003: 171–80
The operative heart (Remarks on Jean-Luc Nancy, L' 'Intrus')
2002; 2 (3): 87-108
View details for Web of Science ID 000180251300006
Multiculturalism now: Civilization, national identity, and difference before and after September 11th
2002; 29 (2): 109-127
View details for Web of Science ID 000177266200006
Civilization and dissent (Spetember 11th)
2002; 28 (1): 125-138
View details for Web of Science ID 000228551900013
Civilization and dissent (September-11, minority rights)
2001; 27 (3): 125-138
View details for Web of Science ID 000177785000014
- Modelling the Nation: the Asian/American Split Orientations: Mapping Studies in the Asian Diaspora edited by Chuh, K., Shimakawa, K. Duke University Press. 2001: 213–227
- Literary Studies, Multiculturalism, and Corporate Practicality The Future of Literary Studies edited by Gumbrecht, H. U., Moser, W. Edmonton: Canadian Comparative Literature Association Press. 2001: 56–60
- Against Race: Yes, But At What Cost? Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies 2001; 23 (1): 1-22
- The Operative Heart: On Jean-Luc Nancy’s L’intrus The New Centennial Review 2001; 2 (3): 87-108
- Multiculturalism Now: Civilization, National Identity, and Difference Before and After September 11th Boundary 2 2001; 29 (2): 109
MLA millennial questionnaire on university issues - Reply
2000; 115 (7): 2018-2018
View details for Web of Science ID 000166098700175
Assumed identities (Cultural politics)
2000; 31 (4): 765-780
View details for Web of Science ID 000165513100009
- Fables and Apedagogy: Lyotard’s Relevance for a Pedagogy of the Other Lyotard: Just Education edited by Standish, P., Dhillon, P. Routledge. 2000: 194–214
- Review of David Leiwei Li Imagining the Nation, in Studies in the Novel 2000
- Asian/American: Historical Crossings of a Racial Frontier Stanford University Press. 1999
- Awful Patriotism: The Politics of Knowing Diacritics 1999; 29 (1): 37-56
The utopias of discourse: On the impossibility of Chinese comparative literature
International Conference on Literature, History, Culture - Reenvisioning Chinese and Comparative Literature
View details for Web of Science ID 000084654600003
- Review of Lisa Lowe, Immigrant Acts Amerasia Journal 1998; 24 (2): 183 - 185
- Review of Lisa Lowe Immigrant Acts Journal of Asian Studies 1998; 58 (3): 810 - 812
- Marie à Narita Streams of Cultural Capital edited by Palumbo-Liu, D., Gumbrecht Stanford University Press. 1997
- Streams of Cultural Capital: Transnational Cultural Studies edited by Gumbrecht, H. U., Palumbo-Liu, D. Stanford University Press. 1997
- Unhabituated Habituses Streams of Cultural Capital edited by Gumbrecht, H. U., Palumbo-Liu, D. 1997: 1–21
Guest column - Four views on the place of the personal in scholarship - Historical permutations of the place of race
1996; 111 (5): 1075-1078
View details for Web of Science ID A1996VJ22800004
1995; 7 (1): 161-168
View details for Web of Science ID A1995QH84900014
1995; 21 (1-2): 55-65
View details for Web of Science ID A1995RR43300005
- Universalisms and Minority Cultures differences: a journal of feminist cultural studies 1995; 7 (1): 188 - 208
- The Politics of Memory: Remembering History in Kogawa and Walker Memory and Cultural Politics : New Essays in Ethnic American Literatures edited by Singh, A., Skerrett Jr, J. T. Northwestern University Press. 1995: 211–226
- The Bitter Tea of Frank Capra: Hybridity and Modern Asian America positions: east asia culture critique 1995; 3 (3): 759-789
- On the Subject of Asian American Studies: Theorizing Asian American Studies Amerasia Journal 1995; 21 (1,2): 55-66
- Critical Introduction The Ethnic Canon: Histories, Institutions, Interventions University of Minnesota Press. 1995: 1–30
- The Ethnic Canon: Histories, Institutions, Interventions edited by Palumbo-Liu, D. University of Minnesota Press. 1995
- Terms of (In)difference: Cosmopolitanism, Cultural Politics, and the Future of Literary Studies Cadernos do Mestrado/Literatura 1995; 2 (14): 46-62
1994: 75-102
View details for Web of Science ID A1994PL00800004
1994; 6 (2): 365-381
View details for Web of Science ID A1994MU06500006
- Representing the Other as Self: Problematics of Self-Representation in Asian-American Literature Cultural Critique 1994; 28: 75 - 102
- Can Academics Teach Public Culture Review of Education/Pedagogy/Cultural Studies 1994; 16 (2): 163 - 170
- Cultural Capital in a Transcultural/Late Capitalist Age Stanford Literature Review 1993; 10 (1-2): 1-10
- Schrift und kulterelles Potential in China Schrift edited by Gumbrecht, H. U., Pfeiffer, K. L. Fink Verlag. 1993
- The Utopias of Discourse: On the Impossibility of Chinese Comparative Literature CLEAR: Chinese Literature--Essays, Articles, Reviews 1993; 14: 165 - 177
- The Poetics of Appropriation: The Literary Theory and Practice of Huang Tingjian (1045-1105) Stanford University Press. 1993
- Marie à Narita Stanford Literature Review 1993; 10 (1-2): 35-42
1991; 17 (3): 41-47
View details for Web of Science ID A1991GW11000004
- Discourse and Dislocation: The Rhetorical Strategies of Displacement LIT: Literature, Interpretation, Theory 1990; 2 (1): 1 - 8
- Extrême Orient/Extrême Occident in Literary Research/Récherche littéraire Journal of the International Comparative Literature Association 1990: 14 - 15
1989; 48 (4): 832-833
View details for Web of Science ID A1989CH55000034
- Towards a Poetics of Chinese Narrative: History/Rhetoric/Narrative Proceedings of the Tenth Triennial Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association 1982, Comparative Poetics edited by Guillén, C. New York: Garland Press. 1984: 632–636
- Some Observations on Huang Tingjian's Poetics Phi Theta Papers 1984; 16: 137 - 163
1983; 4 (4): 639-653
View details for Web of Science ID A1983SP74200002
- Ah-yü The Chinese P.E.N. 1983: 57-58
- Chinese `Symbolist` Verse of the 1920s: Li Chin-fa and Mu Mu-t'ien Tamkang Review 1981; 12 (1): 27 - 53
- Report on the Conference on Critical Approaches to the Modern Chinese Short Story, East/West Center Modern Chinese Literature 1981; 7: 1-2
- The Chih yan chai Commentary in the Perspective of Recent Western Theories of Literature Tamkang Review 1980; 10 (3,4): 471-493
- Michelle Loi, Poésie et politique en chine Modern Chinese Literature Newsletter 1978; 4 (1): 5 - 9