Dongjae Shin
Postdoctoral Scholar, Photon Science, SLAC
My current research focuses on the design of catalytic materials. I have studied atomistic phenomena on catalytic surfaces to develop materials with improved catalytic capability under the philosophy of rational design. To achieve this goal, I use computational approaches, e.g., first-principles calculations and artificial intelligence (AI). Applications include heterogeneous catalysis for exhaust emission control, hydrogen production, and utilization of emission gas to realize carbon neutralization.
Professional Education
Bachelor of Science, University of Seoul (2016)
Master of Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Energy, Environment, Water and Sustainability (2018)
Doctor of Philosophy, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Chemical Engineering (2023)
Stanford Advisors
Kirsten Winther, Postdoctoral Research Mentor
Thomas Jaramillo, Postdoctoral Faculty Sponsor