
Frank Marsh is the Finance and Administrative Coordinator with Stanford Introductory Studies (SIS), under the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE). Frank arrived at Stanford in 2019, but his family has been a part of Stanford University's history since 1970. His mother Joyce started off in the mail room, working her way up into working as an accounting controller without a college education. "Anything can be learned" is a personal mantra Frank has taken to heart due to his mother's experience at Stanford University, and the fact that he's currently working in fiance when he got his degree in Marketing.His middle name "Akeem" was taken after the main character in the 1988 movie "Coming to America".

Current Role at Stanford

Finance and Administrative Coordinator for Stanford Introductory Studies (SIS)

Education & Certifications

  • BA, California State University, East Bay, Marketing (2010)