
Leifer's engineering design thinking research is focused on instrumenting design teams to understand, support, and improve design practice and theory. Specific issues include: design-team research methodology, global team dynamics, innovation leadership, interaction design, design-for-wellbeing, and adaptive mechatronic systems. We are now using the intersection of two critical paradigms, Neuroscience Analytics and Design Synthesis, to advance NeuroDesign

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Founding Director, Stanford Center for Innovation and Design Research (SCIDR) (2919 - Present)
  • Founding Director, Leifer NeuroDesignScience Program (2018 - Present)
  • Founding co-director, Hasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program (HPDTRP) (2007 - Present)
  • Founding Director, Center for Design Research at Stanford University (1984 - Present)
  • Founding Director, Stanford University Learning Lab (1997 - 2001)
  • Founding Director, Stanford Rehabilitation Engineering Research and Development Center at the Palo Alto VA (1978 - 1989)

Honors & Awards

  • Visiting Professor, Norwegian Institute of Systems Engineering, Kongsberg, Norway (2016)
  • Visiting Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland (2011-2012)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Saint Gallen, Switzerland (2011-2012)
  • Honorary Fellow, Design Society (2011)
  • Hedersdoktor (Honorary Doctorate), Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (2009)
  • Visiting Professor and ASEE Transactions Fellow, University of Tokyo, Japan (2007)
  • Teaching Innovation Award, ASME (1997)
  • Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, National Academia of Engineering (1965)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Founding Member, Design Society (DS) (1987 - Present)
  • Founding Member, Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America (RESNA) (1976 - Present)
  • Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (1969 - Present)
  • Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) (1980 - Present)
  • Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (1980 - Present)
  • Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (1978 - Present)

Professional Education

  • BS, Stanford University, Engineering Science (1962)
  • MS, Stanford University, Product Design - Art (1963)
  • PhD, Stanford University, Biomedical Engineering - Neuroscience (1969)


  • Adegboyega Mabogunje, Neeraj Sonalkar, Larry J. Leifer, Shashikant Khandelwal. "United States Patent United States Patent 9710787 Systems and Methods for Representing, Diagnosing, and Recommending Interaction Sequences", Leland Stanford Junior University, Jul 18, 2017
  • Toye, G, and Leifer, L.. "United States Patent U.S. Patent Application No. 14,557,205 Television Systems Incorporating Separate A/V Processing Systems and Television Displays", Leland Stanford Junior University, Oct 15, 2014
  • Yen, S., Fruchter, R., and Leifer, L.. "United States Patent 7,458,013 Concurrent Voice to Text and Sketch Processing with Synchronized Replay", Leland Stanford Junior University, Nov 25, 2008
  • Yen, S., Fruchter, R., and Leifer, L.. "United States Patent 6,724,918 System and Method for Indexing, Accessing and Retrieving Audio/Video with Concurrent Sketch Activity", Leland Stanford Junior University, Apr 20, 2004
  • Steele, R., Gonsalves, R., and Leifer, L.. "United States Patent 5,973,694 Method of Communication Using Sized Icons, Text, and Audio", Lingraphicare America, Inc., Nov 26, 1999
  • Steele, R., Gonsalves, R., and Leifer, L.. "United States Patent 5,169,342 Method of Communicating with a Language Deficient Patient", Lingraphicare America, Inc., Dec 8, 1992
  • Jameson, J., and Leifer, L.. "United States Patent 4,756,655 The direct link manipulator glove for space suit applications", none, Jul 2, 1986

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

Our "designXlab" at the Stanford Center for Design Research (CDR) has long (30+ years) been focused on Engineering Design Team dynamics at global collaboration scale working with corporate partners in my graduate course ME310ABC. In our most recent studies we have added Neuroscience visualization of brain activity using fMRI and fNIRS. In doing so we have launched "NeuroDesign" as a professional discipline.

All Publications

  • Transdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in UX Design: A Program Review and AR Case Studies APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL Liu, W., Lee, K., Gray, C. M., Toombs, A. L., Chen, K., Leifer, L. 2021; 11 (22)
  • Situated emotion and its constructive role in collaborative design: A mixed-method study of experienced designers Design Studies Ge, X., Leifer, L., Shui, L. 2021; 75
  • Meaningful Age-Friendly Design. Case Studies on Enabling Assistive Technology Zallio, M., Berry, D., Leifer, L. J., Ahram, T., Falcao, C. SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG. 2020: 779–90
  • When Tough Times Make Tough Designers: How Perplexing Experiences Shape Engineers' Knowledge and Identity INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Ge, X., Leifer, L. 2020; 36 (2): 650–63
  • Regenerative Learning: A Process Based Design Approach INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Mabogunje, A., Sonalkar, N., Leifer, L., Parasker, N., Beam, M. 2020; 36 (2): 732–48
  • Investigating the Influence of Designers' Cognitive Characteristics and Interaction Behaviors in Design Concept Generation JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN Jablokow, K. W., Sonalkar, N., Edelman, J., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 2019; 141 (9)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.4043316

    View details for Web of Science ID 000478718800001

  • Introduction: Reflections on Working Together-Through and Beyond Design Thinking DESIGN THINKING RESEARCH: MAKING DISTINCTIONS: COLLABORATION VERSUS COOPERATION Leifer, L., Meinel, C., Plattner, H., Meinel, C., Leifer, L. 2018: 1–12
  • What If We Have Become Trees? Mabogunje, A., Sonalkar, N., Leifer, L. TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS. 2018: 686–94
  • BEYOND DESIGN THINKING - WHOSE PERSPECTIVE IS DRIVING THE PEOPLE-CENTRIC APPROACH TO CHANGE? Berglund, A., Leifer, L., Berg, A., Bohemia, E., Buck, L., Gulden, T., Kovacevic, A., Pavel, N. DESIGN SOC. 2017: 613–18
  • Smartphone-Based System for Learning and Inferring Hearing Aid Settings JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF AUDIOLOGY Aldaz, G., Puria, S., Leifer, L. J. 2016; 27 (9): 732-749


    Previous research has shown that hearing aid wearers can successfully self-train their instruments' gain-frequency response and compression parameters in everyday situations. Combining hearing aids with a smartphone introduces additional computing power, memory, and a graphical user interface that may enable greater setting personalization. To explore the benefits of self-training with a smartphone-based hearing system, a parameter space was chosen with four possible combinations of microphone mode (omnidirectional and directional) and noise reduction state (active and off). The baseline for comparison was the "untrained system," that is, the manufacturer's algorithm for automatically selecting microphone mode and noise reduction state based on acoustic environment. The "trained system" first learned each individual's preferences, self-entered via a smartphone in real-world situations, to build a trained model. The system then predicted the optimal setting (among available choices) using an inference engine, which considered the trained model and current context (e.g., sound environment, location, and time).To develop a smartphone-based prototype hearing system that can be trained to learn preferred user settings. Determine whether user study participants showed a preference for trained over untrained system settings.An experimental within-participants study. Participants used a prototype hearing system-comprising two hearing aids, Android smartphone, and body-worn gateway device-for ∼6 weeks.Sixteen adults with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss (HL) (ten males, six females; mean age = 55.5 yr). Fifteen had ≥6 mo of experience wearing hearing aids, and 14 had previous experience using smartphones.Participants were fitted and instructed to perform daily comparisons of settings ("listening evaluations") through a smartphone-based software application called Hearing Aid Learning and Inference Controller (HALIC). In the four-week-long training phase, HALIC recorded individual listening preferences along with sensor data from the smartphone-including environmental sound classification, sound level, and location-to build trained models. In the subsequent two-week-long validation phase, participants performed blinded listening evaluations comparing settings predicted by the trained system ("trained settings") to those suggested by the hearing aids' untrained system ("untrained settings").We analyzed data collected on the smartphone and hearing aids during the study. We also obtained audiometric and demographic information.Overall, the 15 participants with valid data significantly preferred trained settings to untrained settings (paired-samples t test). Seven participants had a significant preference for trained settings, while one had a significant preference for untrained settings (binomial test). The remaining seven participants had nonsignificant preferences. Pooling data across participants, the proportion of times that each setting was chosen in a given environmental sound class was on average very similar. However, breaking down the data by participant revealed strong and idiosyncratic individual preferences. Fourteen participants reported positive feelings of clarity, competence, and mastery when training via HALIC.The obtained data, as well as subjective participant feedback, indicate that smartphones could become viable tools to train hearing aids. Individuals who are tech savvy and have milder HL seem well suited to take advantages of the benefits offered by training with a smartphone.

    View details for DOI 10.3766/jaaa.15099

    View details for Web of Science ID 000384630200006

    View details for PubMedID 27718350

  • Visualising professional vision interactions in design reviews CODESIGN-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COCREATION IN DESIGN AND THE ARTS Sonalkar, N., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L., Roth, B. 2016; 12 (1-2): 73-92
  • Design Thinking: A New Foundational Science for Engineering INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Mabogunje, A., Sonalkar, N., Leifer, L. 2016; 32 (3): 1540-1556
  • Developing a Design Thinking Curriculum for Venture Creation in Resource-Constrained Environment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Sonalkar, N., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 2016; 32 (3): 1372-1384
  • Understanding driver responses to voice alerts of autonomous car operations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VEHICLE DESIGN Koo, J., Shin, D., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. 2016; 70 (4): 377-392
  • Hands-Free Image Capture, Data Tagging and Transfer Using Google Glass: A Pilot Study for Improved Wound Care Management PLOS ONE Aldaz, G., Shluzas, L. A., Pickham, D., Eris, O., Sadler, J., Joshi, S., Leifer, L. 2015; 10 (4)


    Chronic wounds, including pressure ulcers, compromise the health of 6.5 million Americans and pose an annual estimated burden of $25 billion to the U.S. health care system. When treating chronic wounds, clinicians must use meticulous documentation to determine wound severity and to monitor healing progress over time. Yet, current wound documentation practices using digital photography are often cumbersome and labor intensive. The process of transferring photos into Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) requires many steps and can take several days. Newer smartphone and tablet-based solutions, such as Epic Haiku, have reduced EMR upload time. However, issues still exist involving patient positioning, image-capture technique, and patient identification. In this paper, we present the development and assessment of the SnapCap System for chronic wound photography. Through leveraging the sensor capabilities of Google Glass, SnapCap enables hands-free digital image capture, and the tagging and transfer of images to a patient's EMR. In a pilot study with wound care nurses at Stanford Hospital (n=16), we (i) examined feature preferences for hands-free digital image capture and documentation, and (ii) compared SnapCap to the state of the art in digital wound care photography, the Epic Haiku application. We used the Wilcoxon Signed-ranks test to evaluate differences in mean ranks between preference options. Preferred hands-free navigation features include barcode scanning for patient identification, Z(15) = -3.873, p < 0.001, r = 0.71, and double-blinking to take photographs, Z(13) = -3.606, p < 0.001, r = 0.71. In the comparison between SnapCap and Epic Haiku, the SnapCap System was preferred for sterile image-capture technique, Z(16) = -3.873, p < 0.001, r = 0.68. Responses were divided with respect to image quality and overall ease of use. The study's results have contributed to the future implementation of new features aimed at enhancing mobile hands-free digital photography for chronic wound care.

    View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0121179

    View details for Web of Science ID 000353331500009

    View details for PubMedID 25902061

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4406552

  • Empirical Studies of Designer Thinking: Past, Present, and Future JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN Dinar, M., Shah, J. J., Cagan, J., Leifer, L., Linsey, J., Smith, S. M., Hernandez, N. V. 2015; 137 (2)

    View details for DOI 10.1115/1.4029025

    View details for Web of Science ID 000348069800001

  • Hands-free image capture, data tagging and transfer using Google Glass: a pilot study for improved wound care management. PloS one Aldaz, G., Shluzas, L. A., Pickham, D., Eris, O., Sadler, J., Joshi, S., Leifer, L. 2015; 10 (4)


    Chronic wounds, including pressure ulcers, compromise the health of 6.5 million Americans and pose an annual estimated burden of $25 billion to the U.S. health care system. When treating chronic wounds, clinicians must use meticulous documentation to determine wound severity and to monitor healing progress over time. Yet, current wound documentation practices using digital photography are often cumbersome and labor intensive. The process of transferring photos into Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) requires many steps and can take several days. Newer smartphone and tablet-based solutions, such as Epic Haiku, have reduced EMR upload time. However, issues still exist involving patient positioning, image-capture technique, and patient identification. In this paper, we present the development and assessment of the SnapCap System for chronic wound photography. Through leveraging the sensor capabilities of Google Glass, SnapCap enables hands-free digital image capture, and the tagging and transfer of images to a patient's EMR. In a pilot study with wound care nurses at Stanford Hospital (n=16), we (i) examined feature preferences for hands-free digital image capture and documentation, and (ii) compared SnapCap to the state of the art in digital wound care photography, the Epic Haiku application. We used the Wilcoxon Signed-ranks test to evaluate differences in mean ranks between preference options. Preferred hands-free navigation features include barcode scanning for patient identification, Z(15) = -3.873, p < 0.001, r = 0.71, and double-blinking to take photographs, Z(13) = -3.606, p < 0.001, r = 0.71. In the comparison between SnapCap and Epic Haiku, the SnapCap System was preferred for sterile image-capture technique, Z(16) = -3.873, p < 0.001, r = 0.68. Responses were divided with respect to image quality and overall ease of use. The study's results have contributed to the future implementation of new features aimed at enhancing mobile hands-free digital photography for chronic wound care.

    View details for DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0121179

    View details for PubMedID 25902061

    View details for PubMedCentralID PMC4406552

  • The insight-value-perception (iVP) model for user-centered design TECHNOVATION Shluzas, L. M., Leifer, L. J. 2014; 34 (11): 649-662
  • User, Use & Utility Research The Digital User as New Design Perspective in Business and Information Systems Engineering BUSINESS & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Brenner, W., Oesterle, H., Petrie, C., Uebernickel, F., Winter, R., Karagiannis, D., Kolbe, L., Krueger, J., Plattner, H., Leifer, L., Lamberti, H., Leimeister, J. M., Schwabe, G., Zarnekow, R. 2014; 6 (1): 55-61
  • User Experience in Training a Personalized Hearing System 3rd International Conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability (DUXU) Aldaz, G., Haydell, T., Szafer, D., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN. 2014: 3–14
  • Preliminary Considerations on Shikake Design Process Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) Matsumura, N., Leifer, L. IEEE. 2013: 324–328
  • 'Finding One's Way': Re-Discovering a Hunter-Gatherer Model based on Wayfaring INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Steinert, M., Leifer, L. J. 2012; 28 (2): 251-252
  • Applying bioinformatics analysis principles to CADdata to better characterize and improve the design process Nguyen, P., T., Steinert, M., Carroll, A., Leifer, L. 2012
  • EAGER: AnalyzeD - Analyzing Engineering Design Activities, poster presentation at the 2012 NSF Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, sponsored by the National ScienceFoundation’s Division of Civil Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Steinert, M., Jablokow, K., Leifer, L. 2012
  • Redefining customer value in Lean Product Development. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology (JEDT) Gudem, M., Steinert, M., Welo, T., Leifer, L. 2012; 10: 1726-0531
  • Dancing with Ambiguity: causality behavior, design thinking, and triple-loop learning”. international management journal: Information, Knowledge, Systems Management (IKSM) Special Issue one Complex Socio-Technical Systems, ISSN Leifer, L., Steinert, M. 2012: 1389-1995
  • Applying Bioinfomatics Analysis Principles to CAD Data to Better Characterize and Improve the Design Process Nguyen, P., Steinert, M., Carroll, A., Leifer, L. 2012
  • Leveraging Team-Information Interactions to Reveal Project Workflows in Measuring and Increasing Productivity of Knowledge Workers, Media X Research Report Senescu, R., Fischer, M., Steinert, M., Head, A., Schwegler, B., Leifer, L. 2012
  • “Finding One’s Way” Re-Discovering a Hunter-Gatherer Model based on Wayfaring,International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE), Special Issue on Design Education: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Steinert, M., Leifer, L. 2012; 28: 1932-2008
  • MONITORING DESIGN THINKING THROUGH IN-SITU INTERVENTIONS 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) Lande, M., Sonalkar, N., Jung, M., Han, C., Banerjee, B., Leifer, L. DESIGN SOC. 2011: 384–393
  • CUSTOMER VALUE IS NOT A NUMBER - INVESTIGATING THE VALUE CONCEPT IN LEAN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) Gudem, M., Steinert, M., Welo, T., Leifer, L. DESIGN SOC. 2011: 167–177
  • Designing to Maximize Value for Multiple Stakeholders: A Challenge toMed-Tech Innovation Aquino Shluzas, L., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. 2011
  • A framework for reflection in innovation design Currano, R., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. 2011
  • Customer value is not a number – Investigating the value concept in Lean Product Development Gudem, M., Steinert, M., Welo, T., Leifer, L. 2011
  • Preparing tomorrow’s medical device designers and entrepreneurs. Aquino Shluzas, L., Leifer, L., J. 2011
  • Customer value is not a number – Investigating the value concept inLean Product Development Gudem, M., Steinert, M., Welo, T., Leifer, L. 2011
  • What designers can learn from artists and architects about the philosophy within conceptualization Petersen, S., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. 2011
  • A Method to Study Affective Dynamics and Performance in Engineering Design Teams Jung, M., F., Leifer, L., J. 2011
  • A Unified Innovation Process Model forEngineering Designers and Managers Skogstad, P., Leifer, L. edited by Meinel, C., Leifer, L., Plattner, H. 2011
  • A Unified Innovation Process Model for Engineering Designers and Managers In Design Thinking Skogstad, P., Leifer, L. edited by Meinel, C., Leifer, L., Plattner, H. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2011: 19–43
  • Design Loupes: A bifocal study to improve the management of engineering design innovation by co-evaluation of the design process and information sharing activity Design Thinking Research - Studying Co-Creation in Practice Currano, B., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. edited by Plattner, H., Meinel, C., Leiffer, L. Springer. 2011: 91–107
  • Engineering teamperformance and emotion affective interaction dynamics as indicators of design teamperformance. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Jung, M. F., Leifer, L. J., Gross, J. J., Hinds, P., Steinert, R. 2011
  • Designing to Maximize Value for Multiple Stakeholders: A Challenge to Med-Tech Innovation Aquino Shluzas, L., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. 2011
  • Design Thinking Understand -Improve - Apply. Christoph, M., Leifer, L., Plattner, H. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2011
  • Dancing with Ambiguity: Causality Behavior, Design Thinking, and Triple-loop-learning. Information, Knowledge, Systems Management Leifer, Jarry, J., Steinert, M. 2011; 1 (10): 151-173
  • Dancing with Ambiguity: Causality Behavior, Design Thinking, and Triple-loop-learning Information, Knowledge, Systems Management Leifer, Larry, J., Steinert, M. 2011; 1 (10): 151–173

    View details for DOI 10.3233/IKS-2012-0191

  • Engineering team performance and emotion affective interaction dynamics as indicators of design team performance Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.2011 Jung, M. F., Leifer, Larry, J., Gross, James, J., Hinds, P., Steinert, R. 2011
  • Determining the effect of tangible business processmodeling. Design Thinking –Studying Co-Creation in Practice Leifer, L., Luebbe, A., Weske, M. edited by Plattner, H., Meinel, C., Leifer, L. 2011: 1
  • CHARACTERIZING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN DESIGN - WHAT ABOUT THOSE IDEAS YOU GET IN THE SHOWER? 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) Currano, R. M., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. J. DESIGN SOC. 2011: 374–383
  • DESIGNING TO MAXIMIZE VALUE FOR MULTIPLE STAKEHOLDERS: A CHALLENGE TO MED-TECH INNOVATION 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) Shluzas, L. A., Steinert, M., Leifer, L. J. DESIGN SOC. 2011: 159–166
  • A METHOD TO STUDY AFFECTIVE DYNAMICS AND PERFORMANCE IN ENGINEERING DESIGN TEAMS 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) Jung, M. F., Leifer, L. J. DESIGN SOC. 2011: 244–253
  • A framework for design engineering education in a global context AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING Wodehouse, A. J., Grierson, H. J., Breslin, C., Eris, O., Ion, W. J., Leifer, L. J., Mabogunje, A. 2010; 24 (3): 367-378
  • Scrutinizing Gartner's Hype Cycle Approach Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET 10) Steinert, M., Leifer, L. IEEE. 2010
  • Scrutinizing Gartner's hype cycleapproach. Steinert, M., Leifer, L., J. 2010
  • Scrutinizing Gartner's Hype Curve approach Steinert, M., Leifer, L. 2010
  • Designing a tangible approach to business processmodeling. Design Thinking –Understand,, Improve, Apply. Springer Leifer, L., Luebbe, A., Weske, M. edited by Plattner, H., Meinel, C., Leifer, L. 2010: 1
  • Design thinking implementedin software engineering tools. Luebbe, A., Edelman, J., Steinert, M., Leifer, L., Weske, M. 2010
  • Open Education Resource I: Empirical Results on its Demand from an Economics and Management Faculty Steinert, M., Leifer, L. 2010
  • Design Thinking – Understand,Improve, Apply Luebbe, A., Weske, M. edited by Plattner, H., Meinel, C., Leifer, L. Springer. 2010
  • Pair Programming Performance: An emotionaldynamics point of view from marital pair counseling. Electronic Colloquium on Design Thinking Research (ECDTR) Jung, M., Chong, J., Leifer, L. 2010
  • Design thinking implemented in software engineering tools Luebbe, A., Edelman, J., Steinert, M., Leifer, L., Weske, M. 2010
  • Designing Perception-Action Theories – Theory-Building for Design Practice. Jung, M., Sonalkar, N., Mabogunje, A., Benerjee, B., Lande, M., Han, C., Leifer, L. J. 2010
  • Difficulties Student Engineers Face Designing the Future INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Lande, M., Leifer, L. 2010; 26 (2): 271-277
  • NAVIGATING THE BARRIERS TO INTERDISCIPLINARY DESIGN EDUCATION: LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE NSF DESIGN WORKSHOP SERIES ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences / Computers and Information in Engineering Conference Simpson, T. W., Parkinson, M., Celento, D., Chen, W., McKenna, A., Colgate, E., Norman, D., Papalambros, P., Gonzalez, R., Roth, B., Leifer, L. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2010: 627–637
  • The Systemic Correlation Between Mental Models and Sustainable Design: Implications for Engineering Educators INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Vanasupa, L., Burton, R., Stolk, J., Zimmerman, J. B., Leifer, L. J., Anastas, P. T. 2010; 26 (2): 438-450
  • Incubating Engineers and Hatching Design Thinkers: Mechanical Engineering Students Learning Design Through Ambidextrous Ways of Thinking Lande, M., Leifer, L. 2010
  • PHYSICIAN-DEVELOPER INTERACTION IN MEDICAL DEVICE DESIGN 5th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices Conference and Exposition Shluzas, L. A., Leifer, L. J. AMER SOC MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 2010: 45–46
  • DESIGNING OBJECTS THAT IMPROVE WITH USE 17th International Conference on Engineering Design Helms, M., Leifer, L. DESIGN SOC. 2009: 311–320
  • ANALYSIS OF VIRTUAL DESIGN COLLABORATION WITH TEAM COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 17th International Conference on Engineering Design Uflacker, M., Skogstad, P., Zeier, A., Leifer, L. DESIGN SOC. 2009: 275–286
  • Why a universal design project outcome performance measurement metric is needed – a discussion based on empirical research Stkogstad, P., Steinert, M., Gumerlock, K., Leifer, L. edited by NorellBergendahl, M., Grimheden, M., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Stanford's ME310 Course as anEvolution of Engineering Design. Carleton, T., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Introducing a “Ways of Thinking” Framework for Student Engineers Learning to Do Design Lande, M., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Why a universal design project outcome performance measurement metric is needed – a discussion based on empirical research Skogstad, P., Steinert, M., Gumerlock, K., Leifer, L. edited by Norell-Bergendahl, M., Grimheden, M. 2009
  • SpiderWebbing: A Paradigm for Engineering Design Conversations duringConcept Generation. Mabogunje, A., Eris, O., Sonalkar, N., Jung, N., Leifer, L. edited by McDonnell, J., Lloyd, P. 2009
  • Stanford’s ME310 Course as an Evolution of Engineering Design. Rajkumar Roy, EssamShehab Carleton, T., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Work in progress-student representations and conceptions of design and engineering. Lande, M., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Analysis ofvirtual design collaboration with team communication networks Uflacker, M., Skogstad, P., Zeier, A., Leifer, L. 2009
  • We needa universal design project outcome performance measurement metric: adiscussion based on empirical research. Skogstad, P., Steinert, M., Gumerlock, K., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: Affordances of Shared Models in Team Based Design Edelman, Antonio, J., Leifer, L., Banerjee, B., Sonalkar, N., Jung, M. 2009
  • Classifying Student Engineering Design ProjectTypes Lande, M., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Work In Progress – Student Representations and Conceptions of Design and Engineering Lande, M., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Spider Webbing: A Paradigm for Engineering Design Conversations during Concept Generation About: Designing; Analysing Design Meetings Mabogunje, A., Eris, O., Sonalkar, N., Jung, M., Leifer, L. 2009: 49-65
  • Prototyping to Learn: Characterizing Student Prototyping Activities Lande, M., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Analysis of Virtual Design Collaboration with Team Communication Networks Uflacker, M., Skogstad, P., Zeier, A., Leifer, L. 2009
  • Classifying Student Engineering Design Project Types Lande, M., Leifer, L., J. 2009
  • LOWERING BARRIERS TO DISTRIBUTED DESIGN RESEARCH COLLABORATION 17th International Conference on Engineering Design Sirkin, D. M., Sonalkar, N., Jung, M., Leifer, L. J. DESIGN SOC. 2009: 279–285
  • STUDENT FACEBOOK CONNECTIONS IN A GLOBAL PROJECT BASED ENGINEERING DESIGN COURSE 17th International Conference on Engineering Design Suzuki, A. "., Leifer, L. DESIGN SOCIETY. 2009: 215–226
  • WE NEED A UNIVERSAL DESIGN PROJECT OUTCOME PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT METRIC: A DISCUSSION BASED ON EMPIRICAL RESEARCH 17th International Conference on Engineering Design Skogstad, P., Steinert, M., Gumerlock, K., Leifer, L. DESIGN SOC. 2009: 473–484
  • Coaching product development teams: a conceptual foundation for empirical studies RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING DESIGN Reich, Y., Ullmann, G., Van der Loos, M., Leifer, L. 2009; 19 (4): 205-222
  • Stanford ME310 course as an evolution of engineering design. Carleton, T., Leifer, L. 2009
  • TANGIBLE BUSINESS PROCESS MODELING: A NEW APPROACH 17th International Conference on Engineering Design Edelman, J., Grosskopf, A., Weske, M., Leifer, L. DESIGN SOC. 2009: 485–493
  • HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: AFFORDANCES OF SHARED MODELS IN TEAM-BASED DESIGN 17th International Conference on Engineering Design Edelman, J. A., Leifer, L., Banerjee, B., Jung, M., Sonalkar, N., Lande, M. DESIGN SOC. 2009: 395–405
  • The design of implicit interactions: Making interactive systems less obnoxious DESIGN ISSUES Ju, W., Leifer, L. 2008; 24 (3): 72-84
  • An experiment in design pedagogy transfer across cultures and disciplines 6th Mudd Design Workshop Skogstad, P. L., Currano, R. M., Leifer, L. J. TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS. 2008: 367–76
  • Product Design and Intentional Emergence Facilitated by Serious Play Mabogunje, A., Hansen, P., Eris, O., Leifer, L. 2008
  • Coaching product development teams: A conceptual foundation Research in Engineering Design Reich, Y., Ullmann, G., Van der Loos, M., Leifer, L. 2008
  • An exploratory study of ambiguity for creative problem solving. Carleton, T., Cockayne, W., Leifer, L. 2008
  • Product Design and Intentional Emergence facilitated by Serious Play 7th NordDesign Conference 2007 Mabogunje, A., Hansen, P. K., Eris, O., Leifer, L. TALLINN UNIV TECH. 2008: 9–18
  • "Scholarship of Impact" framework in engineering education research: Learnings from the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education 37th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference Lande, M., Adams, R., Chen, H., Currano, B., Leifer, L. IEEE. 2007: 513–517
  • A Mediation Moderation Framework for Knowledge Coaching of Digital Libraries Jung, M., Mabogunje, A., Sonalkar, N., Eris, O., Leifer, L. 2007
  • Scholarship of impact Lande, M., Adams, R., S., Chen, H., L., Currano, R., Leifer, L., J. 2007
  • An Experiment in Design Pedagogy Transfer Across Cultures and Disciplines Skogstad, P., Currano, R., Leifer, L. 2007
  • Design, Design, and Design:An Overview of Stanford's Center for Design Research. Ju, W., Neeley, L., Leifer, L. 2007
  • A Reflective Approach to Learning in a Global Design Project Wodehouse, A., Breslin, C., Eris, O., Grierson, H., Ion, B., Jung, M., Leifer, L. J. 2007
  • Powerbrowsing – A Method to Accelerate Designers’ Familiarity with Video Information in Digital Libraries Sonalkar, N., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L., Eris, O., Jung, M. 2007
  • SWING - Simulation, workshops, interactive eNvironments and gaming: An integrated approach to improve learning, design, and strategic decision making 6th Biannual NordDesign 2006 Conference Mabogunje, A., Hansen, P. K., Eris, O., Leifer, L. UNIV ICELAND. 2006: 277–286
  • A model for building and sustaining communities of engineering education research scholars Adams, R., S., Allendoerfer, C., Bell, P., Chen, H., Fleming, L., Leifer, L. 2006
  • ConExSIR: A Dialogue-based Framework of Design Team Thinking and Discovery. In Chance Discoveries in Real World Decision Making Ozgure, E., Bergner, D., Jung, M., Leifer, L. 2006; 30: 329–344
  • Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching, and Learning. IEEE Engineering Management Review Dym, C., Agogino, A., Eris, O., Frey, D., Leifer, L. 2006; 1 (34): 65-92
  • SWING - Simulation, Workshops, Interactive eNvironments and Gaming: An Integrated Approach to Improve Learning, Design, and Strategic Decision Making Mabogunje, A., Hansen, P., Eris, O., Leifer, L. 2006
  • ConExSIR: A DialoguebasedFramework of Design Team Thinking and Discovery. In Chance Discoveriesin Real World Decision Making Eris, O., Bergner, D., Jung, M., Leifer, L. edited by Ohsawa, Y., Tsumoto, S. Studies in Computational Intelligence. Springer Berlin. 2006: 1
  • ConExSIR: A Dialogue-based Framework of Design Team Thinking and Discovery in Chance Discoveries in Real World Decision Making Eris, O., Bergner, D., Yung, M., Leifer, L. edited by Ohsawa, Y., Tsumoto, S. Springer-Verlag, London. 2006: 329–344
  • Culture coaching: A model for facilitating globally distributed collaborative work 36th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE 2006) Grimheden, M., Van der Loos, H. F., Chen, H. L., Cannon, D. M., Leifer, L. J. IEEE. 2006: 1669–1674
  • Experimental results using force-feedback cueing in robot-assisted stroke therapy IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING Johnson, M. J., Van der Loos, H. F., Burgar, C. G., Shor, P., Leifer, L. J. 2005; 13 (3): 335-348


    Stroke is the leading cause of disability among adults in the United States. Behaviors such as learned nonuse hinder hemiplegic stroke survivors from the full use of both arms in activities of daily living. Active force-feedback cues, designed to restrain the use of the less-affected arm, were embedded into a meaningful driving simulation environment to create robot-assisted therapy device, driver's simulation environment for arm therapy (SEAT). The study hypothesized that force-feedback control mode could "motivate" stroke survivors to increase the productive use of their impaired arm throughout a bilateral steering task, by providing motivating feedback and reinforcement cues to reduce the overuse of the less-affected arm. Experimental results demonstrate that the force cues counteracted the tendency of hemiplegic subjects to produce counter-productive torques only during bilateral steering tasks (p < 0.05) that required the movement of their impaired arm in steering directions up and against gravity. Impaired arm activity was quantified in terms of torques due to the measured tangential forces on the split-steering wheel of driver's SEAT during bilateral steering. Results were verified using surface electromyograms recorded from key muscles in the impaired arm.

    View details for DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2005.850428

    View details for Web of Science ID 000231969500010

    View details for PubMedID 16200757

  • The effect of a telepointer on student performance and preference COMPUTERS & EDUCATION Adams, J., Rogers, B., Hayne, S., Mark, G., NASH, J., Leifer, L. 2005; 44 (1): 35-51
  • Using wikis and weblogs to support reflective learning in an introductoryengineering design course. Chen, H., Cannon, D., Gabrio, J., Leifer, L., Toye, G., Bailey, T. 2005
  • Design for well-being: Innovations for people Larsson, A., Larsson, T., Leifer, L., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Feland, J. 2005
  • Using Wikis and Weblogs to Support Reflective Learning in an Introductory Engineering Design Course Human Behavior in Design'05, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition Chen, H., L., Cannon, D., Gabrio, J., Leifer, L., Toye, G., Bailey, T. 2005: 95-105
  • Center for Design Research at Stanford University Leifer, L. edited by Clarkson, P., John, Claudia, E. 2005
  • Innovation Scenarios: Generating a Structure for a Toolkit Hansen, P., Bessant, J., Eris, O., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 2005
  • Pair Programming: When and Why it Works Chong, J., Plummer, R., Leifer, L., Klemmer, S., Eris, O., Toye, G. 2005
  • Using Wikis and Weblogs to Support Reflective Learning in an Introductory Engineering Design Course Chen, H., L., Cannon, D., Gabrio, J., Leifer, L., Toye, G., Bailey, T. 2005
  • Toward a Theory of Distributed Interdisciplinary Project-based Design Education Eris, O., Holliger, C., Leifer, L. 2005
  • An Exploration of Design Information Capture and Reuse in Textand Video Media Eris, O., Mabogunje, A., Jung, M., Leifer, L., Khandelwal, S., Hutterer, P. 2005
  • Using Wikis and Weblogs to Support Reflective Learning in an Introductory Engineering Design Course Human Behavior in Design'05, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition Chen, H., L., Cannon, D., Gabrio, J., Leifer, L., Toye, G., Bailey, T. edited by Gero, J., S., Lindemann, U. University of Sydney. 2005: 95–105
  • An Exploration of Design Information Capture and Reuse in Text and Video Media Eris, O., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L., Jung, M., Khandelwal, S., Neeley, L. 2005
  • Center for Design Research at Stanford University in “Design Process Improvement - A Review of Current Practice," Leifer, L., J. edited by Clarkson, John, P., Eckert, C. In press: publication year. 2005: 522–526
  • Engineering design thinking, teaching, and learning JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Dym, C. L., Agogino, A. M., Eris, O., Frey, D. D., Leifer, L. J. 2005; 94 (1): 103-120
  • Effective technology transfer to the undergraduate and graduate classroom as a result of a novel Ph.D. program IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION Adams, J. D., Rogers, B. S., Leifer, L. J. 2004; 47 (2): 227-231
  • Microtechnology, nanotechnology, and the scanning-probe microscope: An innovative course IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION Adams, J. D., Rogers, B. S., Leifer, L. J. 2004; 47 (1): 51-56
  • Comprehensive design engineering: Designers taking responsibility 4th Mudd Design Workshop Feland, J. M., Leifer, L. J., Cockayne, W. R. TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS. 2004: 416–23
  • Project-based learning for experimental design research Ju, W., Oehlberg, L., Leifer, L. 2004
  • What do designers really need? – an Explorative Experiment Before Developing Teaching Tools and Methods Hutterer, P., Eris, O., Jung, M., Leifer, L., Lindemann, U., Mabogunje, A. 2004
  • Modeling Product Development Knowledge Acquisition in Industry in The Role of Empirical Studies in Understanding and Supporting Engineering Design Eris, O., Leifer, L. edited by Subrahmanian, Sriram, R., Herder, P. Delft University Press. 2004: 1
  • Measuring the performance of online distributed team innovation (learning) services. e-Technologies in Engineering Education: Learning Outcomes Providing Future Possibilities Leifer, L., J., Culpepper, J., Ju, W., Cannon, D., Eirs, O., Ling, T. 2004; 16
  • Using the contextual skills matrix for PBL assessment INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION Cockayne, W., Feland, J. M., Leifer, L. 2003; 19 (5): 701-705
  • The iLoft Project: A Technologically Advanced Collaborative Design Workspace as Research Instrument Leifer, L., Milne, A., Winograd, T. 2003
  • Design research: methods and perspectives. Leifer, L., Laurel, B. The MIT Press.. 2003
  • Distributed Team Innovation: A Framework for Distributed ProductDevelopment Larsson, A., Torlind, P., Karlsson, L., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L., Larsson, T. 2003
  • Facilitating product development knowledge acquisition: Interaction between the expert and the team 3rd Mudd Design Workshop Eris, O., Leifer, L. TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS. 2003: 142–52
  • Design and evaluation of Driver's SEAT: A car steering simulation environment for upper limb stroke therapy ROBOTICA Johnson, M. J., Van der Loos, H. F., Burgar, C. G., Shor, P., Leifer, L. J. 2003; 21: 13-23
  • Accelerating product innovation - engineering peer-to-peer communication service adoption studies and metrics Engineering Design Conference 2002 Leifer, L., Eris, O., Culpepper, J., Mabogunje, A. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PUBLISHING LTD. 2002: 35–46
  • Facilitating Product Development Knowledge Acquisition: Interaction Between The Expert and The Team Eris, O., Leifer, L. 2002
  • Measuring the performance of online distributed team innovation (learning) services. Leifer, L., Culpepper, W., Cannon, D., Eris, O., Liang, T., Bell, D. 2002
  • Measuring the Performance of Online Distributed Team Innovation (learning) Services Leifer, L., Culpepper, J., Ju, W., Cannon, D., Eris, O., Liang, T. 2002
  • Accelerating Product Innovation: engineering peer-to-peer collaboration service adoption studies and metrics Leifer, L., Eris, O., Culpepper, J., Mabogunje, A. 2002
  • Building the Design Observatory: a core instrument for design research. Carrizosa, K., Eris, O., Mabogunje, A., Mine, A., Leifer, L. 2002
  • Principles for designing in motivation into a robotic stroke therapy device 24th Annual International Conference of the Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society/Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical-Engineering-Society (EMBS 2002 BMES) Johnson, M. J., Van der Loos, H. F., Burgar, C. G., Shor, P., Leifer, L. J. IEEE. 2002: 2339–2340
  • Product development process ontology 7th International Design Conference (DESIGN 2002) Mabogunje, A., Hansen, P. K., Eris, Z., Leifer, L. UNIV ZAGREB, FACULTY MECHANICAL ENGINEERING & NAVAL ARCHITECTURE. 2002: 197–202
  • ua-Labs: Socio-technical challenges in tele-rehabilitation, distant learning and universal access to continuing education 24th Annual International Conference of the Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society/Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical-Engineering-Society (EMBS 2002 BMES) Leifer, L. J., Wagner, J. J., Johnson, M. J., Van der Loos, H. F. IEEE. 2002: 2351–2352
  • Requirement volatility metrics as an assessment instrument for design team performance prediction Mudd Design Workshop II, Designing Design Education for the 21st Century Feland, J. M., Leifer, L. J. TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS. 2001: 489–92
  • Towards a Science of Engineering Design Teams Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 2001
  • Mapping Experience: learning from the experience of peers through socio-technical interactions Liang, T., Bell, D., G., Leifer, L. 2001
  • Unobtrusive Vital Signs Monitoring from a Multi-sensor Bed Sheet Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Kobayashi, H., Liu, G., Tai, Y., Y., Ford, J., S. 2001
  • The Product Development Process Ontology: Creating a Learning Research Community. Hansen, K., P., Mabogunje, A., Eris, O., Leifer, L. 2001
  • Developing Spaces for Design: The Implications of Collaboration Modalities and Attention Focus during Distributed Engineering Design Activity. Milne, A., Leifer, L. 2001
  • Designing a robotic stroke therapy device to motivate use of the impaired limb Johnson, M., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Burgar, C., G., Shor, P., Leifer, L., J. 2001
  • Senior Level Undergraduate Student teaching of an entire engineering elective course Extended Abstract Adams, J., D., Nash, Joash, J., Leifer, L. 2001: 10–13
  • The Effect of Robotic-Aided Therapy on Upper Extremity Joint Range of Motion and Pain Shor, P., C., Lum, P., S., Burgar, C., G., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Majmundar, M. 2001
  • A Statistical Study of How Differing Levels of Diversity Affect the Performance of Design Teams. Carrillo, A., G. 2001
  • Incorporating Incentives into Design Documentation Tools Lloyd, T., Leifer, L. 2001
  • Taking Atomic Force Microscope advances to the university classroom IEEE Aerospace Conference Adams, J. D., Priyadarshan, G., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. J., Quate, C. F., Ong, E. W., Ramakrishna, B. L. IEEE. 2001: 3673–3682
  • Incorporating incentives into design documentation tools 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 01) Lloyd, T., Leifer, L. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PUBLISHING LTD. 2001: 211–218
  • Product-based learning in an overseas study program: The ME110K course Mudd Design Workshop II, Designing Design Education for the 21st Century Cannon, D. M., Leifer, L. J. TEMPUS PUBLICATIONS. 2001: 410–15
  • Facilitating Product Development Knowledge Acquisition: Interaction Between The Expert and The Team. Proceedings of the 3rd Social Dimensions of Engineering Design Eris, O., Leifer, L. 2001
  • The Stanford Learning Lab 1997-2000 Stanford University Leifer, L., J. 2001
  • The product develoment process ontology - Creating a learning research community 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 01) Hansen, P. K., Mabogunje, A., Eris, O., Leifer, L. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PUBLISHING LTD. 2001: 171–177
  • Designing a robotic stroke therapy device to motivate use of the impaired limb 7th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2001) Johnson, M. J., Van der Loos, H. F., Burgar, C. G., Shor, P., Leifer, L. J. I O S PRESS. 2001: 123–132
  • Towards a science of engineering design teams 13th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 01) Mabogunje, A., Carrizosa, K., Sheppard, S., Leifer, L. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PUBLISHING LTD. 2001: 465–472
  • Analyzing requirements - Evolution in engineering design using the method of problem-reduction CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Eodice, M. T., Leifer, L. J., Fruchter, R. 2000; 8 (2): 104-114
  • Construction of social relationships between user and robot 7th RO-MAN International Workshop on Robot-Human Interactive Communication Wagner, J. J., Van der Loos, H. F., Leifer, L. J. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2000: 185–91
  • Analyzing Requirements-Evolution in Engineering Design Using the Method of Problem-Reduction Concurrent Enginnering Research Applications (CERA) Journal Eodice, M., Fruchter, R., Leifer, L. 2000; 8
  • Learning from experience of peers: an empirical study of knowledge sharing in a product design community Liang, T., Leifer, L. 2000
  • Learning from Peer Experience through Participation in Meaningful Work Leifer, L., Liang, T., Bell, D., G. 2000
  • Information Handling and Social Interaction of Multi-Disciplinary Design Teams in Conceptual Design: A Classification Scheme Developed from Observed Activity Patterns Milne, A., Leifer, L. 2000
  • Learning from Peer Experience through Participation in Meaningful Work. Leifer, L., Liang, T., Bell, D. 2000
  • Capturing Multimodal Design Activities in Support of Information Retrieval and Process Analysis Leifer, L., Yen, S. 2000
  • Project Memory Capture in Globally Distributed Facility Design Leifer, L., Reiner, K., Fruchter, R. 2000
  • Force cues applied during simulated driving can motivate paretic upper limb use. Johnson, M., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Burgar, C., G., Leifer, L., J. 2000
  • Paretic Limb Performance of Hemiparetic Subjects Using a Split-Wheel Car Steering Simulator for Upper Limb Therapy Johnson, M., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Burgar, C., G., Shor, P., Leifer, L., J. 2000
  • Control Strategies for Driver's SEAT: Simulation Environment for Arm Therapy Johnson, M., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Burgar, C., G., Shor, P., Leifer, L., J. 2000
  • Control strategies for a split-wheel car-steering simulator for upper limb stroke therapy. Johnson, M., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Burgar, C., G., Shor, P., Leifer, L., J. 2000
  • RECALL in Action Fruchter, R., Yen, S. edited by Fruchter, R., Roddis, K., Pena-Mora, F. 2000
  • Cultivating the Growth of Complex Systems Using Emergent Behaviours of Engineering Processes Byler, E. 2000
  • Analyzing the Activity of Multidisciplinary Design Teams in the Early Stages of Conceptual Design: Method and Measures. Leifer, L., Milne, Andrew, J. 2000
  • Re-use or Re-invent?: understanding and supporting learning from experience of peers in a product development community Liang, T., Leifer, L. 2000
  • KISS: Knowledge and Information Slider System Leifer, L., Fruchter, R., Reiner, K., Yen, S., Retik, A. 2000
  • Analyzing Engineering Requirements Using the Method of Problem-Reduction Journal of Concurrent Engineering and Research Applications (CERA) Eodice, Michael, T., Fruchter, R., Leifer, Larry, J. 2000; 8
  • Scaffolding the engineering design process - a social and data engineering approach Engineering Design Conference 2000 Leifer, L. J., Mabogunje, A. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PUBLISHING LTD. 2000: 833–839
  • User testing and design iteration of the ProVAR user interface 8th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interaction (RO-MAN 99) Wagner, J. J., Wickizer, M., Van der Loos, H. F., Leifer, L. J. IEEE. 1999: 18–22
  • Facilitating Tacit Knowledge Capture and Reuse in Conceptual Design Activities Yen, S., Fruchter, R., Leifer, L. 1999
  • User testing and design iteration of the ProVAR user interface Wagner, J., J., Wickizer, M., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Leifer, L., J. 1999
  • Needs Assessment and Evaluation of a Web-Based Information System for Self-Initiated Biomedical Education Tsai, M., C., Miller, S., J., Leifer, L., J., Yock, P., Melmon, K., L. 1999
  • Design of a Computer-Mediated Environment to Capture and Evaluate Knowledge Transfer and Learning: A case study in a large higher education class Yen, S., Wood, B., Nash, J., Leifer, L., J. 1999
  • ProVAR rehabilitation robot system architecture Van der Loos, H., Wanger, J., Smaby, N., Chang, K., Madriga1, O., Leifer, L. 1999
  • Driver's SEAT: Simulation Environment for Arm Therapy. Johnson, M., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Burgar, C., G., Leifer, L., J. 1999
  • The Ecology of Innovation in Engineering Design. Milne, A., Leifer, L. 1999
  • New dimensions in internet-based design capture and reuse. Liang, T., Cannon, D., Feland, J., Mabogunje, A., Yen, S., Yang, M., Leifer, L. J. 1999
  • Design of a low-impact pushrim Leifer, L., Richter, W., Axelson, P., Smith, J. 1999
  • User evaluations of three low-impact pushrim designs Leifer, L., Richter, W., vanRoosmalen, L., Chesney, D., Axelson, P. 1999
  • Shaping the Future of Technology-Augmented Learning Environments: Report on a Planning Charrette at Stanford University Leifer, L., Milne, A., Saunders, M. 1999
  • Principles of Design for Sustainable Technology-Augmented Learning Environments Leifer, L., Milne, A., Kerns, C. 1999
  • New Dimensions in Internet-Based Design Capture and Reuse Liang, T., Cannon, D., M. 1999
  • Issues on Deployment of Socio-technical Systems in Engineering Design Communities Leifer, L., Liang, T., Beskow, C. 1999
  • Capture and Analysis of Concept Generation and Development in Informal Media Yen, S., Fruchter, R., Leifer, L. 1999
  • User testing and design iteration of the ProVAR user interface. Wagner, J., J., Wickizer, M., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Leifer, L., J. 1999
  • ProVAR assistive robot interface Wagner, J., Smaby, N., Chang, K., Van der Loos, H., Burgar, C., Leifer, L. 1999
  • Towards a Theory of Engineering Requirements Definition Eodice, M., Fruchter, R., Leifer, L. 1999
  • The Place of Design Research in the World of Contemporary Philosophical Thought, and Vice-Versa: An Illustrative Example Cannon, D., M., Leifer, L., J. 1999
  • Learning By Design Stanford, CA, Stanford University. Leifer, L., Liang, T., Carrizosa, K. 1999
  • Product-Based Learning in an Overseas Study Program: The ME110K Course Cannon, D., M., Leifer, L., J. 1999
  • ProVAR Assistive Robot System Architecture Van der Loos, H., Wanger, J., Smaby, N., Chang, K., Madriga1, O., Leifer, L. 1999
  • Mechanical efficiency of low-impact pushrims Leifer, L., Richter, W., Chesney, D., Axelson, P. 1999
  • Toward a Pragmatic ontology for Product Development Projects in Small Teams Eris, O., Hansen, K., P., H., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L., J. 1999
  • Experience capture and reuse for complex system design-deployment: position paper based on our experience using the internet. Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems '99 Leifer, L., Liang, T., Cannon, D., Mabogunje, A., Yen, S., Yang, M. 1999: 1-5
  • VisionManager: A computer environment for design evolution capture CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Fruchter, R., Reiner, K., Leifer, L., Toye, G. 1998; 6 (1): 71-84
  • Reality brings excitement to engineering education Symposium on Computing Futures in Engineering Design Leifer, L., Sheppard, S. CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. 1998: 83–86
  • ME110K: An exploratory course in cross-cultural, project-based design education Cannon, D., M., Leifer, L., J. 1998
  • Cooperative Medical Decision Making and Learning by the Sharing of Web-based Electronic Notebooks and Logs, Tsai, M., C., Dev, P., Leifer, L., J., Melmon, K., L. 1998
  • Dual-agent user interface for an assistive robot Wagner, J., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Leifer, L., J. 1998
  • Dual-character based user interface design for an assistive robot Wagner, J., J., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Leifer, L., J. 1998
  • Augmenting a Design Capture and Reuse System Based on Direct Observations of Usage Liang, T., Cannon, D., Leifer, L. 1998
  • Assessment of technology-assisted learning in higher education: It requires new thinking by universities & colleges 28th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference on Moving from Teacher-Centered to Learner-Centered Education Sheppard, S. D., Reamon, D., Friedlander, L., KERNS, C., Leifer, L., Marincovich, M., Toye, G. IEEE. 1998: 141–145
  • Adaptive motion generation with exploring behavior for service robots Ota, J., Van der Loos, H., Leifer, L. 1998
  • Design team performance: Metrics and the impact oftechnology. Leifer, L. edited by C., S., a., Brown, S. 1998
  • Assessment of Technology-Assisted Learning in Higher Education: it requires new thinking by Universities & Colleges Sheppard, S., Reamon, D., Friedlander, L., Kerns, C., Leifer, L., Marincovich, M. 1998
  • Instrumenting the Collaborative-Learning Environment from pragmatic results to philosophical foundations Leifer, L., Toye, G. 1998
  • Product-Based-Learning @ Stanford University: design requirements for pragmatic results Leifer, L. 1998
  • Design Team Performance: Metrics and the impact of Technology in Evaluating Organizational Training Leifer, L., J. edited by Brown, S., M., Seidner, C. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998: 1
  • Design Team Performance: Metrics and the impact of Technology Leifer, L., J. edited by Brown, S., M., Seidner, C. 1998
  • Web-based information support for biomedical device design and education 10th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society Tsai, M. C., Dev, P., Leifer, L., Melmon, K. L. IEEE. 1998: 1192–1193
  • Design teaching: beyond design education with product-based-learning, electronic-learning portfolios, and global teams - Keynote paper Engineering Design Conference '98 Leifer, L. J. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING PUBLISHING LTD. 1998: 11–20
  • A model for peer and student involvement in course assessment 27th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Education - Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change (FIE 97) Sheppard, S., Johnson, M., Leifer, L. I E E E. 1997: 193–200
  • VIPRR: A virtually in person rehabilitation robot Leifer, L., J., Stepper, S., Schaeter, M., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F. 1997
  • Instrumentation and Metrics for collaborative Team-Design: predicting collorative team performance Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 1997
  • Reality Brings Excitement to Engineering Design Education Sheppard, S., Leifer, L. 1997
  • Designing High Performance Design Teams Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 1997
  • Using Noun Phrases to Monitor the Design Process Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 1997
  • The Stanford Learning Laboratory: a prospectus Leifer, L. 1997
  • Simulating Design Coordination: the Stanford-Aalborg empirical studies part(1) Hansen, K., P., H., Mabogunje, A., Larsen, J., Leifer, L. 1997
  • A Model for Peer and Student Involvement in Design Course Assessment Sheppard, S., Johnson, M., Leifer, L. 1997
  • The Effects on Electronic Documentation Tools on the Design Process Feland, J., Leifer, L. 1997
  • Moving the Internet into the Design Media Mix Cannon, D., M., Leifer, L. 1997
  • Collaborative mechatronic system design CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Fruchter, R., Reiner, K. A., Toye, G., Leifer, L. J. 1996; 4 (4): 401-412
  • Tele-service-robot: Integrating the socio-technical framework of human service through the InterNet-World-Wide-Web International Workshop on Biorobotics - Human/Robot Symbiosis Leifer, L., Toye, G., VANDERLOOS, M. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1996: 117–26
  • Engineering design notebook for sharing and reuse 4th IEEE Workshop on Enabling Technologies - Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 95) Hong, J., Toye, G., Leifer, L. J. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 1996: 27–35
  • 210-NP: Measuring the mechanical engineering design process 26th Annual conference on Frontiers in Education - Technology-Based Re-Engineering Engineering Education (FIE 96) Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. J. IEEE. 1996: 1322–1328
  • Collaborative Mechatronic Systems Design in Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications Toye, G., Fruchter, R., Reiner, K., Leifer, L. 1996
  • Characteristics of Collaboration in Engineering Design Teams: Mediating Design Progress through Social Interaction Analyzing Design Activity Brereton, M., F., Cannon, D., M., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. edited by Dorst, K., Christaans, H., Cross, N. Wiley, Chichester, UK. 1996: 1
  • Understanding Information Management in Conceptual Design Analyzing Design Activity Baya, V., Leifer, L., J. edited by Dorst, K., Christiaans, H., Cross, N. Wiley, Chichester, UK. 1996: 1
  • Commentary on article by J.W. Morehead and P.J. Shedd on Student Interviews: a vital role in the scholarship of teaching Journal Innovative Higher Education Sheppard, S., D., Leifter, L., J., Carryer, E. 1996
  • Collaboration in Design Teams: How Social Interaction Shapes the Product Analysing Design Activity Brereton, M., Cannon, D., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 1996: 37-53
  • The design and use of history list systems for rehabilitation robots. Technology and Disability Van der Loos, F., M., H., F., Leifer, L., J. 1996; 5:2: 177-196
  • Collaborative Mechatronic Systems Design Toye, G., Fruchter, R., Reinger, K., Leifer, L. 1996
  • 210-NP: Measuring the Mechanical Engineering Design Process Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. 1996
  • An Observational Methodology for Studying Group Design Activity in Mechanical Design: Theory and Methodology Tang, J., C., Leifer, L., J. edited by Waldron, W., Verlag, S. 1996: 52–70
  • Visionmanager: A computer environment for design evolution capture 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design Fruchter, R., Reiner, K., Leifer, L., Toye, G. KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL. 1996: 505–524
  • ME210-VDT: A managerial framework for measuring and improving design process performance. 25th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Education - Engineering Education for the 21st-Century Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L. J., Levitt, R. E., Baudin, C. I E E E. 1995: 448–454
  • ME210-VDT: A Managerial Framework for Measuring and Improving Design Process Performance Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L., J., Levitt, R., E., Baudin, C. 1995
  • Evaluating Product-Based-Learning Education Leifer, L. 1995
  • A Hypertext Design Notebook Hong, J., Leifer, L. 1995
  • Firmware Design Capture Leifer, L., Viste, M., J., Cannon, D., M. 1995
  • Tele-Service-Robot: integrating the socio-technical framework of human service through the InterNet-World-Wide-Web Leifer, L., Toye, G., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F. 1995
  • Rewarding the Curious Engineer Brereton, M., Leifter, L. 1995
  • The Design and Use of History List Systems for Rehabilitation Robots: Enhancing Safety and Performance through Activity Recording and Analysis Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Leifer, L. 1995
  • Using the WWW to Support Project-Team Formation Hong, J., Leifer, L. 1995
  • Personal Electronic Notebook with Sharing Hong, J., Toye, G., Leifer, L. 1995
  • Collaborative Mechatronic System Design Fruchter, R., Reiner, K., Toye, G., Leifer, L. 1995
  • Learning Fundamental Concepts in the Context of Hardware Design Brereton, M., F., Leifter, L., J. 1995
  • Understanding Design Information Handling Using Time and Design Information Measure Baya, V., Leifter, L., J. 1995
  • How Students Connect Engineering Fundamentals to Synthesis Activities Brereton, M., Sheppard, S., Leifer, L. 1995
  • Using the WWW to support project-team formation 25th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Education - Engineering Education for the 21st-Century Hong, J., Leifer, L. I E E E. 1995: 303–307
  • Students connecting engineering fundamentals and hardware design: Observations and implications for the design of curriculum and assessment methods 25th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Education - Engineering Education for the 21st-Century Brereton, M., Sheppard, S., Leifer, L. I E E E. 1995: 950–956
  • Creating an Advanced Collaborative Open Resource Network Coyne, R., Finger, Konda, S., Prinz, F., B., Siewiorek, D., P., Subrahmanian, E., Tenenbaum, J., M., Leifer, L. J. 1994
  • DeVAR Transfer from R&D to Vocational and Educational Settings Van der Loos, H., Machiel, F., H., Hammel, J., Leifer, Larry, J. 1994
  • Using the WWW for a Team-Based Engineering Design Class Hong, J., Toye, G., Leifer, L. 1994
  • A Study of Information Handling Behavior of Designers During Conceptual Design Baya, V., Leifter, Larry, J. 1994
  • The Palo Alto VA/Stanford Rehabilitation Robotics Program Van der Loos, H., Machiel, F., H., Hammel, J., Leifer, Larry, J. 1994
  • Development of a Prototype Design Process Recorder Based on Hypergraphs Hirose, A., Cannon, D., Leifer, L. 1994
  • Understanding Information Management in Conceptual Design Baya, V., Leifter, Larry, J. 1994
  • Collaboration in Engineering Design Teams: Mediating Design Progress through Social Interaction Brereton, M., Cannon, D., M., Mabogunje, A., Leifer, L., J. 1994
  • Synthesis Assessment Implementation Plan Synthesis Coalition 5th year report Leifer, L., J. 1994
  • QUALITY ASSESSMENT - INSTRUMENTING THE INDEPENDENT PROCESS VARIABLES DURING TEACHING AND LEARNING 23rd Annual Frontiers in Education Conference: Engineering Education - Renewing Americas Technology Leifer, L., GREENO, J., Brereton, M., Linde, C. I E E E. 1993: 343–348
  • SHARE: a Methodology and Environment for Collaborative Product Development Toye, G., Cutkosky, M., Leifer, L., Tenenbaum, J., Glicksman, J. 1993
  • 2-Ten-X: a model and methodology for improving product development performance Mabogunje, A., Baya, V., Brereton, M., Leifer, L. 1993
  • A Graphical Programming Language for Robots Operating in Lightly Structured Environments Lees, D., Leifer, L. 1993
  • Group Engineering Design Practice: the social construction of a technical reality Minneman, S., Leifer, L. 1993
  • Engineering Design Knowledge Recycling in Near-Real-Time Leifer, L., Baya, V., Toye, G., Baudin, C., Gevins-Underwood, J. 1993
  • An Exploration of Engineering Learning Brereton, M., F., Greeno, J., L., Linde, C., Leifer, L., J. 1993
  • Innovative Assessment of Innovative Curricula: video interaction analysis of Synalysis Exercises Brereton, M., Greeno, J., Leifer, L., Lewis, J., Linde, C. 1993
  • 2-TEN-X a model and methodology for improving product development performance. Mabogunje, A., Baya, V., Brereton, M., Leifer, L. 1993
  • Reconstructing Reality in Engineering Exercises: an experience in design, manufacture and use Brereton, M., F., Cupal, T., Leifer, L., J. 1993
  • An Experimental Study of Design Information Reuse, Baya, V., Baudin, C., Mabogunje, A., Toye, G., Leifer, L. 1992
  • Mapping Design Information Lakin, F., Baya, V., Cannon, D, M., Brereton, M., Toye, G., Leifer, L. 1992
  • A Tool and Protocol for Developing Reusable Design Knowledge Leifer, L. 1992
  • RUI: factoring the robot user interface Leifer, L. 1992
  • Center for Design Research Project Abstracts Leifer, L., J. 1991: 52
  • Visual Language Programming: for robot command-control in unstructured environments (plenary lecture) Leifer, L., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Lees, D. 1991
  • Instrumenting the Design Process: for real-time text-graphic design process records Leifer, L. 1991
  • An observational methodology for studying groupdesign activity. Research in Engineering Design Tang, J., Leifer, L. 1991; 4 (2): 209-219
  • Development of a Visual Language for Assistive Robot Command-Control Leifer, L. 1991
  • An observational methodology for studying group design activity. Research in engineering design Tang, J., Leifer, L. 1991; 4 (2): 209–219
  • An Observational Methodology for Studying Group Design Activity Research in Engineering Design Tang, J., C., Leifer, L., J. 1991; 2 (4): 209-219
  • A Knowledge-based Interface for Design Information Retrieval Leifer, L., Baudin, C., Gevins, J., Mabogunje, A., Baya, V. 1991
  • Center for Design Research Project Abstracts Leifer, L., J. 1990: 48
  • Telerobotics in Rehabilitation: Barriers to a Virtual Existence Leifer, L., Van der Loos, H., Michalowski, S. 1990
  • Center for Design Research SIMA Projects Stanford Institute for Manufacturing and Automation Symposium Leifer, L., J. 1990: 12
  • Speed and Accuracy for a Telerobotic Human/Machine System: Experiments with a Target-Threshold Control Theory Model for Fitts' Law Cannon, D., M., Leifer, L., J. 1990
  • Field Evaluation of a Robot Workstation for Quadriplegic Office Workers Van der Loos, H., Hammel, J., Lees, D., Chang, D., Perkash, I., Leifer, L. 1990
  • A Voice-Controlled Robot System as a Quadriplegic Programmer’s Assistant Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Hammel, J., M., Schwandt, D., Lees, D., Chang, D., Leifer, L. J. 1990
  • Failure Modes and Effects Recognition in the Tertiary Mirror Assembly Design, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Toye, G., Leifer, L., J. 1990
  • The Engineering Design Notebook: potential applications in Aircraft Conceptual Design Leifer, L. 1990
  • A Computation Model for a Robotic Arm Instructed by Natural Language Liang, L., Crangle, C., Leifer, L. 1990
  • Clinical evaluation of a desktop robotic assistant. Journal of rehabilitation research and development Hammel, J., Hall, K., Lees, D., Leifer, L., Van der Loos, M., Perkash, I., Crigler, R. 1989; 26 (3): 1-16


    A desktop vocational assistant robotic workstation was evaluated by 24 high-level quadriplegics from the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Spinal Cord Injury Center. The system is capable of performing daily living and vocational activities for individuals with high-level quadriplegia via voice control. Subjects were asked to use the robot to perform a repertoire of daily living activities, including preparing a meal and feeding themselves, washing their face, shaving, and brushing teeth. Pre- and post-test questionnaires, interviews, and observer assessments were conducted to determine the quality of the robot performance and the reaction of the disabled users toward this technology. Results of the evaluations were generally positive and demonstrated the usefulness of this technology in assisting high-level quadriplegics to perform daily activities and to gain a modicum of independence and privacy in their lives.

    View details for PubMedID 2754623

  • Rehabilitation Research and Development Center Progress Reports Journal of Rehabilitation R&D Leifer, L., J. 1989: 13
  • Design and Evaluation of a Vocational Desktop Robot Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Hammel, J., M., Schwandt, D., Lees, D., Leifer, L., J. 1989
  • The "Talking Glove": a Speaking Aid for Nonvocal Deaf and Deaf-Blind Individuals, Kramer, J., Leifer, L. 1989
  • Development and Evaluation of Computer-Aided Instruction for Spinal Cord Injury Patients Leifer, L., Lloyd, E., Hammel, J., Holloway, K., Perkash, I. 1989
  • Vocational and ADL Utility from Personal Assistant Telerobots NASA: Telerobotics Visual Definition of Current Capabilities, Washington DC Leifer, L., Michalowski, S., Loos, Van der, M. 1989: 10
  • Observations from an Empirical Study of the Workspace Activity of Design Teams Tang, J., C., Leifer, L., J. 1989
  • Center for Design Research Report Stanford Institute for Manufacturing and Automation Report 1989 Leifer, L., J. 1989: 35-66
  • FUNCTIONAL ELECTRICAL-STIMULATION IN THE USA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY Swain, I. D., Johnson, T., Schoenberg, A., Carlson, L., Peckham, H., MORTIMER, T., ZAJAK, F., Leifer, L., Meadows, P. 1988; 12 (2): 61-71
  • The Cutplane: a Tool for Interactive Solid Modeling ACM-SIGCHI Bulletin Edwards, L., Kessler, W., Leifer, L. 1988: 72-78
  • A framework for understanding the workspaceactivity of design teams. Tang, John, C., Leifer, Larry, J. 1988
  • Non-Homogeneous Redundancy Management for Fault Tolerant Robots Toye, G., Leifer, L., J. 1988
  • Clinical Evaluation of a Desktop Robotic Aid for Severely Physically Disabled Individuals Hammel, J., Hall, K., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Leifer, L., J. 1988
  • Controlling Dynamic Analysis Using Meta-Level Inference Brown, D., R., Leifter, L., J. 1988
  • Center for Design Research Report Stanford Institute for Manufacturing and Automation Report 1988 Leifer, L., J. 1988: 28
  • The Cutplane: A Tool for Interactive Solid Modeling SIGCHI Bulletin Edwards, L., Kessler, W., Leifer, L. 1988; 20 (2): 72-77
  • An Integrated Development Environment for Calibration Development Engineers Carryer, J., E., Leifer, L., J. 1988
  • An Innovative Alternatives Generator for Force Transducer Conceptual Design Wang, W, H. T., Mittal, S., Leifer, L. 1988
  • Assessing the Impact of Robotic Devices for the Severely Physically Disabled Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Michalowski, S, J., Hammel, J., Leifer, L., J., Stassen, H., G. 1988
  • Development of an Omnidirectional Mobile Vocational Assistant Robot Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Michalowski, S., J., Leifer, L., J. 1988
  • A Third Generation Desktop Robotic Assistant for the Severely Physically Disabled Lees, D., Crigler, B., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Leifer, L., J. 1988
  • Applications of Damped Least-Squares Methods to Resolve-Rate and Resolved-Acceleration Control of Manipulators ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control Wampler, C., W., Leifer, L., J. 1988; 110: 31-38
  • Rehabilitation Research and Development Center Report Veterans Administration Rehabilitation R&D Progress Reports Leifer, L., J. 1988: 93
  • The Use of a Voice Recognition System to Command a Rehabilitation Robot Lees, D., S., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Hammel, J., M., Leifer, L. 1988
  • A Framework for Understanding the Workspace Activity of Design Teams Tang, J., Leifer, L. 1988
  • Evaluation of a Table-Top Robotic Aid for Quadriplegics Hall, K., Glass, K., Hammel, J., Leifer, L., J., Perkash, I. 1987
  • Multi-Resolution Sensing for Interactive Robots Park, H., Leifer, L., J. 1987
  • An Expressive and Receptive Communication Aid for the Deaf, Deaf-Blind and Nonvocal, Kramer, J., Leifer, L. 1987
  • Design, Development and Evaluation of an EVA Prehensor Leifer, L., J., Jameson, J., LeBlanc, M., Wilson, D., Sabelman, E., Schwandt, D. 1987
  • Design of a Second Generation Desk-Top Robotic Aid Lees, D., Crigler, B., Van der Loos, H., Leifer, L., J. 1987
  • Object Localization Using Multi-resolution Sensing Park, H., Leifer, L., J. 1987
  • The Talking Glove: an expressive and receptive verbal communication aid for the deaf, deaf-blind and nonvocal Kramer, J., Leifer, L. 1987
  • On the Nature of Design and an Environment for Design System Design: Behavioral Perspectives on Designers, Tools, and Organizations Leifer, L., J. edited by Rouse, W., B., Boff, K., R. North-Holland. 1987: 65–70
  • Center for Design Research Report Stanford Institute for Manufacturing and Automation Report 1985 Leifer, L., J. 1987: 18
  • Automated Robotics Grasping by Use of Optical Proximity Sensors Lee, H., S., Leifer, L., J. 1987
  • Report on the Stanford/Ames Direct Link Spacesuit Prehensor Jameson, J., W., Leifer, L., J. 1987
  • Center for Design Research Report Stanford Institute for Manufacturing and Automation Report 1987 Leifer, L., J. 1987: 27
  • Prostheses in chief, Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, Leifer, L., J. edited by Shapiro, S., D. 1987: 797–805
  • Center for Design Research Report Stanford Institute for Manufacturing and Automation Report 1986 Leifer, L., J. 1987: 22
  • Rehabilitation Research and Development Center REPORT'86 Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center Leifer, L. 1986: 104
  • A Methodological Approach to Studying Group Design Tang, J., Leifer, L. 1986
  • Quasi-static Analysis: A Method for Predicting Grasp Stability Jameson, J., Leifer, L. 1986
  • Computer Configuration for a Robotic Manipulation Aid Michalowski, S., Leifer, L., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F. 1986
  • Quasi-Static Analysis: a Method for Predicting Grasp Stability Jameson, J., W., Leifer, L., J. 1986
  • Development of an Advanced Robotic Aid: from Feasibility to Utility Leifer, L., Michalowski, S., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F. 1986
  • Integrated Sensory Perception for Rehabilitative Robotic Aids Park, H., Leifer, L. 1986
  • Rule-Based Derivation for Kinematic Design Brown, D., R., Leifter, L., J., Curran, A. 1986
  • Design of an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot as a Manipulation Aid for the Severely Disabled Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Michalowski, S., Leifer, L. 1986
  • Rehabilitation Engineering Research and Development Center Progress Report Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Leifer, L. 1986; 3 (1): 43-56
  • Sensory Feedback in Upper Limb Prostheses: a Robotics Perspective Leifer, L. 1986
  • Design of an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot as a Manipulation Aid for the Severely Disabled Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Michalowski, S., Leifer, L. 1986
  • A Training and Reference Manual for an Interactive Robotic Aid Holloway, K., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Leifer, L., Perkash, I. 1986
  • Interactive development and evaluation of an independently accessible video education system for rehabilitation. The Journal of the American Paraplegia Society Tang, J. C., Lloyd, E. E., ENGELHARDT, K. G., Leifer, L., Perkash, I. 1985; 8 (2): 38-41

    View details for PubMedID 3916297

  • Rehabilitation Research and Development Center Progress Report Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Leifer, L. 1985; 2 (1): 125-138
  • Factors in the Design and Development of an Interactive Human Robot Workstation Holloway, K., Leifer, L., Van der Loos, H. 1985
  • An Intelligent Control System Design Aid ASME Computers in Engineering, Boston Curran, A., Lefer, L. 1985: 65-71
  • missing title Buckly, C., E., Leifer, L., J. 1985
  • Interactive evaluation of voice control for a robotic aid AVIOS Journal Awad-Edwards, R., Engelhardt, K., G., Loos, V. d., M., H., F., Leifer, L., J. 1984
  • Interactive Evaluation of Voice Control for a Robotic Aid: Implications for Training and Applications Englhardt, K., Awad, R., Van der Loos, H., Boonzaier, D., Leifer, L. 1984
  • Vocational Applications of a Robotic Aid Holloway, K., Lockard, W., Engelhardt, K., Leifer, L. 1984
  • Evolution of a Vocabulary for Voice Control of a Robotic Aid Wicke, R., W., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Awad, R., Engelhardt, K., Leifer, L. 1984
  • Issues in Evaluation Englhardt, K., Perkash, I., Leifer, L. 1984
  • Evolution of a Vocabulary for Voice Control of a Robotic Aid Wicke, R., Van der Loos, H., Awad, R., Englhrdt, K., Leifer, L. 1984
  • Educating Engineering Students in a Life-Span Approach to Design Holloway, K., Engelhardt, K., Leifer, L. 1984
  • Third Party Reimbursement and the Diffusion of Rehabilitation Technology Awad, R., Engelhardt, K., Rogers, E., M., Leifer, L. 1984
  • Rehabilitative Robotics Journal of Medical Electronics Leifer, L. 1984: 85-91
  • Sensor Driven Manipulation for the Disabled Leifer, L., Elsasser, U., Michalowski, S. 1984
  • Interactive Evaluation of a Robotic Aid: A New Approach to Assessment Englhardt, K., Awad, R., Perkash, I., Leifer, L. 1984
  • Independent Access Video Education System for Rehabilitation American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Boston, MA Tang, J., Lloyd, E., Phillips, R., Engelhardt, K., Perkash, I., Wilmot, C., Leifer, L. J. 1984: 5
  • The Role of Sensors in a Robotic Manipulation Aid for the Severely Disabled Leifer, L., Michalowski, S. 1984
  • Sensor Requirements for Rehabilitation Robotics Leifer, L., Wampler, C., Conti, W., Waleska, J., Jameson, J. 1984
  • Rehabilitation Research and Development Center Report Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center Leifer, L. 1984: 88
  • The Development and Implementation of Guidelines for Design Development Proposals Axelson, P., Phillips, L., Leifer, L. 1983
  • The IMAGES Project - An Application of High Resolution Real Time Full Color Graphic Simulation to Rehabilitation Leifer, L., Zomlefer, M., La, W., Van der Loos, H., Goodrich, G. 1983
  • Environmental Control and Robotic Manipulation Aids IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine LeBlanc, M., Leifer, L. 1982: 16-22
  • Fast Interactive Control of a Manipulator for the Severely Disabled Buckly, C., E., Leifer, L., J. 1982
  • Rehabilitative Robotics: Objectives and Evolution Robotics Age Leifer, L. 1981: 4-16
  • Microcomputer Controlled Omnidirectional Mechanism for Wheelchairs IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Houston La, W., Koogle, T., Jaffe, D., Leifer, L. 1981: 326-329
  • The Use of Optical Barograph for the Study of Some Aspects of Pressure Sore Etiology American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Scottsdale Springhorn, M., Vistnes, L., Leifer, L. 1980: 9
  • A Curriculum for Smart Product Design Leifer, L. 1980
  • Nachweis von Stereopsis beiKindernMittelsStochastisherPunktstereogramme und der ZugehorigenEvozierten Potential at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, under the direction of Professor Max Anliker. Benno is now an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Eye Institute in Sans Switzerland. Leifer, L., Benno, P. 1980
  • Palo Alto VA Medical Center Rehabilitative Engineering Research and Development Center Report and Prospectus Bulletin of Prosthetics and Research Leifer, L. 1979; 31 (2): 48-68
  • Robotic Aids for the Severely Disabled -- Needs Assessment Leifer, L., Roth, B., Perkash, I., Kelley, D., Sachs, J. 1978
  • P300 Latency and Amplitude as a Function of Stimulus Information Processing Quantification of the Electroencephalogram, Vevey Leifer, L., Hart, S., Lee, A., Otto, D., Huff, E. 1975
  • Is Contingent Negative Variation Contingent Upon a Motor Response? Psychophysiology Donchin, E., Gerbrandt, L., Leifer, L., Tucker, L. 1972; 9 (2): 178-188
  • Computer Driven CRT Displays for Experiment Control and Monitoring Leifer, L. 1972
  • An Auditory Prompting Device for Behavioral Observation Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Leifer, A., Leifer, L. 1971; II: 376-378
  • Force Encodement in Muscle Fiber Discharge During Voluntary Isometric Contractions Engineering in Medicine and Biology, San Diego Leifer, L. 1970: 225
  • Is the Contingent Negative Variation Contingent on a Motor Response? American EEG Society Meeting, Chicago Donchin, E., Gerbrandt, L., Leifer, L. 1970: 8
  • Interdisciplinary Design as an Instructional Discipline Final Report the NSF Design Workshop Series Celeno, D., Chen, W., Colgate, E., Gonzalez, R., Leifer, L., McKenna, A. 2008, 2009
  • Design Teaching beyond design education with product-based-learning, electronic-learning-portfolios and global teams Leifer, L.
  • Cost-Performance Management through Knowledge Reuse in Large Scale Defense Projects: vision and proposed system architecture Feland, J., M., Nowak, M., L., Leifer, L., J.
  • Task-Specific Assessment of Robot Effectiveness: enhancing the independence of quadriplegics in the workplace Van der Loos, H., M., H., F., Hammel, J., Leifer, L.
  • Proceedings of ICED'09 Leifer, L. edited by Leifer, L., Skogstad, P., Seering, W. : 473–484
  • Development of an Advanced Robotic Aid: from Feasibility to Utility, reprinted from the RESNA'86 Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering, to the Interactive Robotic Aids - One Option for Independent Living: an International Perspective Leifer, L., Michalowski, S., Van der Loos, H., M., H., F. 1986, 1986