
Lazar Fleishman studied at a music school and the Music Academy in Riga, Latvia before graduating from Latvian State University in 1966. His first scholarly papers (on Pushkin, the Russian elegy, and Boris Pasternak) were published during his university years. He emigrated to Israel in 1974, where his academic career began at the Department for Russian Studies and the Department of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was co-founder and co-editor of the series Slavica Hierosolymitana: Slavic Studies of Hebrew University (1977-1984). He was Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley (1978-1979; 1980-1981), The University of Texas at Austin (1981-1982), Harvard, and Yale (1984-1985) before joining the Stanford faculty in 1985. He also taught at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Princeton, Latvian State University, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), and the University of Vienna, Austria. His research interests encompass the history of 19th and 20th century Russian literature (especially, Pushkin, Pasternak, and Russian modernism); poetics; literary theory; 20th-century Russian history; Russian émigré literature, journalism and culture. He is the founder of the series Stanford Slavic Studies (1987-present), editor of the series Studies in Russian and Slavic Literatures and History (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2007-present) and co-editor of the series Verbal Art: Studies in Poetics (Fordham, formerly Stanford University Press).

Academic Appointments

  • Professor, Slavic Languages and Literatures

Administrative Appointments

  • Visiting Professor, Universitat Wien (2011 - 2011)
  • Visiting Professor, Universitat Wien (2010 - 2010)
  • Member, Editorial Board, Stanford University Press (2002 - 2004)
  • Visiting Professor, Charles University (2001 - 2001)
  • Visiting Professor, Latvian University (2001 - 2001)
  • Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley (1999 - 1999)
  • Visiting Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities (1998 - 1998)
  • Chairman, Slavic Department, Stanford University (1991 - 1994)
  • Professor, Slavic Department, Stanford University (1985 - Present)
  • Senior Research Fellow, Russian Institute, Columbia University (1985 - 1985)
  • Visiting Professor, Yale University (1984 - 1984)
  • Visiting Professor, Harvard University (1984 - 1984)
  • Associate Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Comparative Literature, Slavic Department (1981 - 1985)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Texas, Slavic Department (1981 - 1982)
  • Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley (1980 - 1981)
  • Visiting Associate Professor, University of California, Berkeley (1978 - 1979)
  • Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University, Department of Comparative Literature, Slavic Department (tenure) (1977 - 1981)

Honors & Awards

  • Award "From the History of the Elegy during the Pushkin Epoch", The Latvian State University, Riga (1967)
  • Fellowship, The Guggenheim Foundation (1987)
  • Alexander von Humboldt-Forschungspreis, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1994 - 1995)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation re-invitation, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2000)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation re-invitation, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2011)
  • Research Fellow with Rank of Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University, Center for the Study of Slavic Languages and Literature (1974 - 1977)
  • Visiting Fellow, Council of the Humanities, Princeton University (2003)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Member of the Editorial Board, Wiener Slawistisches Jahrbuch (2012)
  • Member ofthe Editorial Board, Studia Slavica (2011)
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Collana di Europa Orientalis (2010)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Culture of Russian Diaspora: Emigration and Memoirs (2009 - 2009)
  • Editor, Studies in Russian and Slavic Literatures and History (2007)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Russian Jews in America/Russkie evrei v Amerike. Vols. 2, 3, 4 (2007 - 2010)
  • Co-Editor, Verbal Art: Studies in Poetics (2006)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Russian Culture in Europe (2006)
  • Member, Editorial Board, Baltic Archive. Russian Culture in the Baltics (2006 - 2006)
  • Member of the Editorial board, Little Silver Age (2005)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Russia Abroad. Materials and Studies (2002)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Russia Abroad (2002)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, From the Other Shore: Russian Writers Abroad. Past and Present (2001)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, The Pushkin Anniversary Miscellany (1999 - 1999)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, The Pushkin Miscellany (1997 - 1997)
  • Co-editor, Stanford Slavic Studies (1987)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Literary Archives of the Russian Emigration (1983 - 1983)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Modern Russian Literature and Culture (1980)
  • Co-editor, Slavica Hierosolymitana (1977 - 1984)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Studien und Texte (1977 - 1984)

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Latvian State University, Exams (1968)
  • Ph.D., The State University of Tartu, Exams (1968)

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Boris Pasternak's Unknown Questionnaire From Medieval Russian Culture to Modernism: Studies in Honor of Ronald Vroon Fleishman, L. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. 2012: 323–330
  • From Medieval Russian Culture to Modernism. Studies in Honor of Ronald Vroon edited by Fleishman, L., Ospovat, A., Poljakov, F. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 2012
  • The Acromonogram Rhymes in Lev Gomolitsky Venok. Studia slavica Stefano Garzonio sexagenario oblata. In Honor of Stefano Garzonio, Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 2012; 41: 161-169
  • From the History of Russian Emigre Press: V. M. Despotuli in his letters to K. G. Kromiadi Istoriia literatury. Poetika. Kino. Sbornik v chest' Marietty Omarovny Chudakovoi Superfin, G., Fleishman, L. Moscow: O.G.I. 2012: 453–544
  • Notes on the Russian Emigre Literature Sviaz' vremen Fleishman, L. 2012; 4: 112-124
  • Russia's First Consul in Independent Latvia Avoti. Trudy po balto-rossiiskim otnosheniiam i russkoi literature. V chest' 70-letiia Borisa Ravdina, Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L., Jekabson, E. 2012; 42: 67-214
  • Once more about Pasternak and Stalin Pasternakovskii sbornik. Stat'i i publikatsii Fleishman, L. 2011: 372-392
  • Lev Gomolitskii. Russian Period Writings Sochineniia russkogo perioda edited by Belosevska, L., Mitzner, P., Fleishman, L. Moscow: Vodolei Publishers. 2011; I - III
  • C.M.Bowra, N.A. Nilsson and Boris Pasternak: The Initial Nomination of Boris Pasternak for a Nobel Prize in Literature Rossiia i Zapad. Sbornik v chest' K. M. Azadovskogo Fleishman, L. Moscow: NLO. 2011: 537–591
  • Boris Pasternak on the Short List of the Nobel Prize Candidates Ot Kibirova k Pushkinu. Sbornik v chest' 60-letiia NA. Bogomolova Fleishman, L., Jangfeldt, B. Moscow: NLO. 2011: 622–673
  • Paraboly: Studies in Russian Modernist Literature and Culture. In Honor of John E. Malmstad edited by Bogomolov, N., Fleishman, L., Lavrov, A., Poljkov, F. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. 2011
  • Foreword Family Correspondence. 1921-1960 Pasternak, B., Fleishman, L. edited by Slater, M. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press. 2010: VII-VIII
  • Responses of the Russian Emigres in Paris to the 1939-1940 Soviet-Finnish 'Winter War' Issledovaniia po lingvistike i semiotike: Sbornik statei k iubileiu Viach. Vs.Ivanova Fleishman, L. Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury. 2010: 483–500
  • Russian Emigration's Encounter with "Doctor Zhivago": Boris Pasternak and the "Cold War" Stanford Slavic Studies. Fleishman, L. 2009; 38: 499
  • A Poetess-Terrorist Elena Ferrari. Erifilli. Stikhotvoreniia Fleishman, L. 2009: 29–71
  • Konstantin Bal'mont's Unknown 'Self-Portrait' in Verse Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii. Sbornik v chest' 60-letiia Aleksandra Vasil 'evicha Lavrova Fleishman, L. Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie. 2009: 741–750
  • Boris Pasternak's University Notes ''Marburg" Borisa Pasternaka: Temy i variatsii Fleishman, L. Moscow: RGGU. 2009: 157–224
  • Cubism and the Semantics of Verse in Early Maiakovskii Wortkunst-Erzdhlkunst-Bildkunst. Festschrift fur Aage A. Hansen-Love Fleishman, L. edited by Grubel, v., Schmid, W. Munich: Verlag Otto Sagner. 2008: 176–191
  • Sankirtos. Studies in Russian and Eastern European Literature, Society and Culture. In Honor of Tomas Venclova edited by Bird, R., Fleishman, L., Poljakov, F. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. 2008
  • Under the Sword of Damocles: On One Unnoticed 1940 Latvian Book Sankirtos. Studies in Russian and Eastern European Literature, Society and Culture. In Honor of Tomas Venclova edited by Bird, R., Fleishman, L., Poljakov, F. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag. 2008: 364–420
  • The Dawn of the 'Tamizdat' Russian Literature and the West: A Tribute for David M. Bethea, Stanford Slavic Studies Dolinin, A., Fleishman, L., Livak, L. 2008: 282-325
  • Latvijas krievu prese 20.gadsimta divdesmitajos un trissdesmitajos gados Sarunas. X. Lekcijas un diskusijas Fleishman, L. Riga: Jauna Akademija. 2008: 223–228
  • On One Enigmatic Poem Interpretatsiia i avangard (Interpretation and the Avant-garde. A Collection of Essays) Fleishman, L. 2008: 78–86
  • After the "Trest": Toward the History of Nikolai Tsurikov's Essay "To the Memory of Those Who Have Died" (1927) The Real Life of Pierre Delalande. Studies in Russian and Comparative Literature to Honor Alexandre Dolinin edited by Bethea, D. M., Fleishman, L., Ospovat, A. 2007: 442–511
  • From Pushkin to Pasternak. Selected works on the poetics and history of Russian literature Fleishman, L. Moscow: NLO. 2006
  • The Poet's Love Affair Eternity's Hostage: Selected Papers from the International Pasternak Conference at Stanford, May 2004 Fleishman, L. 2006: 548–654
  • The Expulsion of lntellectuals from Soviet Russia in 1922 Russian Berlin 1920-1945. An International scholarly conference, 16-18 December 2002 edited by Fleishman, L. Moscow: Russkii Put'. 2006: 92–106
  • An Unrealized Publication of Pasternak's "My Sister Life" in Riga A Century Perspective: In Honor of Olga Raevsky Hughes and Robert P. Hughes Fleishman, L. 2006: 244–261
  • Russian Berlin 1920-1945. An International scholarly conference 16-18 December 2002 edited by Fleishman, L. 2006: 463
  • A Poetess-Terrorist De la litterature russe. Melanges offerts a Michel Aucouturier Fleishman, L. edited by Depretto, C. 2005: 142–159
  • A Forgotten Episode in Literary Life of Russian Berlin Trilistnik: A Festschrift for Roman Timenchik Fleishman, L. Moscow: Vodolei. 2005: 473–495
  • Pushkin's Poem "Iz Pindemonti'' Sarunas. Fleishman, L. Riga: Jauna Akademija. 2005: 140–148
  • Verse Between Speech and Music (An Analysis of Selvinsky' s Poem "A Gipsy Waltz on Guitar") Word, Music, History: A Festschrift for Caryl Emerson, Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 2005; 29-30: 628-656
  • Peter Krupnikow Deutschland, Russland und das Baltikum. Beitrdge zu einer Geschichte wechselvoller Beziehungen. Festschrift zum 85. Geburtstag von Peter Krupnikow Fleishman, L. edited by Anton, v., Luks, L. Koln u.a.: Bohlau Verlag. 2005: 380–382
  • Analysieren als Deuten. Wolf Schmid zum 60. Geburtstag edited by Fleishman, L., Goelz, C., Hansen-Loewe, A. A. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press. 2004
  • Free Subjectivity Boris Pasternak: Sobranie Sochinenii vII tomakh Fleishman, L. Moscow: Slovo. 2004: 5–60
  • Hostage of Eternity: Reflections on the life of Boris Pasternak Hoover Digest Fleishman, L. 2004: 226-237
  • Poetry as Prose: Narrator in Pushkin's "Poltava" Analysieren als Deuten. Wolf Schmid zum 60. Geburtstag edited by Fleishman, L., Goelz, C., Hansen-Loewe, A. A. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press. 2004: 299–335
  • Andrey Siniavski 127 pisem o liubvi Fleishman, L. Moscow: Agraf. 2004: 5–12
  • The Soviet CounterIntelligence Operation "The Trust" and Russian Emigre Journalism Fleishman, L. Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie. 2003
  • Semantic Structure ofPushkin's Poem "The Gypsy'' Pushkin v XXI veke (Pushkin in XXI Century. A Collection of Essays Dedicated to Professor Iu. Chumakov's 80th Birthday) Fleishman, L. 2003: 201–211
  • Stat'i o Pasternake Fleishman, L. 2003
  • Latvijas krievu prese 20.gadsimta divdesmitajos un trissdesmitajos gados Sarunas. IV. Lekcijas un diskusijas Fleishman, L. Riga: Jauna Akademija. 2003: 94–99
  • Lev Sergeevich Sidiakov Daugava Fleishman, L. 2002: 159-160
  • About This Book and Its Compiler Sobranie stikhotvorenii [Solomon Bart. Collected Poems], Stanford Slavic Studies Bart, S. edited by Hessen, D., Fleishman, L. 2002: 13–32
  • Proceedings of the Aleksandr Pushkin Bicentennial International Conference at Stanford Fleishman, L. 2001: 509
  • The First Publication of Pasternak's Essay on Chopin V krugu Zhivago. [In Zhivago's Circle. A Collection of Articles], Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 2000; 22: 239-250
  • Once more about Pasternak and Stalin V krugu Zhivago. [In Zhivago's Circle. A Collection of Articles], Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 2000; 22: 66 - 86
  • Slavic Curator of Stanford Libraries Wojciech Zalewski Histrico-Bibliographical Studies Fleishman, L. 2000; 8: 158-160
  • Pushkin in Russian Warsaw Pushkin i kul'tura russkogo Zarubezh'ia Fleishman, L. 2000: 109–143
  • Pasternak e il futurismo prerivoluzionario La Russia di Pasternak. Dal futurismo al ''Dottor Zivago'' Fleishman, L. Milano: Feltrinelli Editore. 1999: 27–40
  • Aleksej Remizov's Hoaxes Studies in Modern Russian and Polish Culture and Bibliography. Essays in Honor ofWojciech Zalewski, Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 1999; 20: 146-176
  • An Undisclosed "Crime" of lsaac Babel Essays in Poetics, Literary History and Linguistics Presented to Viacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov on the Occasion of His Seventeenth Birthday Fleishman, L. Moscow: OGI. 1999: 382–406
  • Essays in Poetics, Literary History and Linguistics Presented to Viacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday Fleishman, L. Moscow: OGI,. 1999
  • Boris and Pre-revolutionary Futurism The Pasternak Readings Fleishman, L. 1998; II: 244-258
  • In Memory of B.S. Wassermann The Pushkin Miscellany Fleishman, L. 1997: 7–10
  • Boris Pasternak's Lehrjahre: Unpublished Philosophical Notes, Abstracts, and Synopses Stanford Slavic Studies Harder, H. B., Dorzweiler, S., Fleishman, L. 1996; 11: 799
  • Foreword Collected Poems Andreev, V., Fleishman, L. 1995
  • The Black Goblet Festschrift fuer Hans-Bernd Harder zum 60. Geburtstag Fleishman, L., Pasternak, B. Muenchen: Verlag Otto Sagner. 1995: 51–82
  • Boris Pasternak and Russian Christianity Christianity and the Eastern Slaves: Russian Literature in Modern Times Fleishman, L. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1995: 288–301
  • Marburg in Boris Pasternak's Life and "Safe-Conduct" Pasternak-Studien I. Beitraege zum Internationalen Pasternak-Congress 1991 in Marburg Fleishman, L. edited by Dorzweiler, v., Harder, H. Muenchen: Verlag Otto Sagner. 1993: 59–74
  • Boris Pasternak. [In Italian] Fleishman, L. Bologna: Il Mulino. 1993
  • Pasternak and Lenin Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 1992; IV: 97-135
  • Pasternak and the Transformation Group Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 1992; IV: 328-347
  • From the Futurist Period of Pasternak's Biography Russkaia Literatura XX Veka: Issledovaniia Amerikanskikh Uchenykh Fleishman, L. Sankt-Petersburg: Petro-Rif. 1992: 110–155
  • From the History of Russian and Soviet Culture Materials from the Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 1992; 5: 273
  • From 'Patrick's Notes' to 'Doctor Zhivago' Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriia literatury i iazyka Fleishman, L. 1991; 50 (2): 114-123
  • Pasternak's Letter to Stalin Russkaja Mysl (La Pensee Russe) Fleishman, L. 1991: VI-VII
  • Facing Moloch (Pasternak in 1937) The Independent Gazette (Moscow) Fleishman, L. 1991: 7
  • The First Soviet Monograph on Boris Pasternak Novyi Mir (Moscow) Fleishman, L. 1991: 252 - 256
  • On One Enigmatic Poem Daniil Kharms and the Poetics of the Absurd: Essays and Materials edited by Cornwell, N., Fleishman, L. London: Macmillan. 1991: 159–169
  • In Lieu of a Preface Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L. 1990; 3 (1): 9 - 10
  • PASTERNAK,BORIS - THE POET AND HIS POLITICS - FLEISHMAN,L (Book Review) RUSSIAN HISTORY-HISTOIRE RUSSE Book Review Authored by: Cheron, G. 1990; 17 (4): 471-472
  • Pasternak and Bukharin in the 1930s Druzhba Narodov Fleishman, L. 1990: 249–259
  • During the 'Great Terror' Years (A chapter from Boris Pasternak in the Thirties) Daugava Fleishman, L. 1990: 108-124
  • Maxim Gorky and the 1922 Trial of Socialist-Revolutionaries Druzhba Narodov (Friendship of Peoples, Moscow) Fleishman, L., Raevsky-Hughes, O., Hughes, R. 1990: 231-239
  • During the 'Great Terror' Years (A chapter from Boris Pasternak in the Thirties) Daugava Fleishman, L. 1990: 114-122
  • Response to the Questionnaire on Boris Pasternak Le Messenger Fleishman, L. 1990; 158: 223-225
  • An Analysis of Boris Pasternak's Poem "Tak nachinaiut ...'' Pasternak's Poetics. Zeszyty naukowe Wyzszej szkoly pedagogicznej w Bydgoszczy. Studia filologiczne Fleishman, L. 1990; 31 (12): 65-90
  • From the Hoover Institution Archives Russkaia Mysl' Fleishman, L. 1989: 8-9
  • Stanford Slavic Studies edited by Brown, J., Fleishman, L., Freidin, G., Schupbach, R. 1989; II
  • The Poetry of Boris Pasternak Poems Fleishman, L., Pasternak, B. Paris: YMCA Press. 1989: 7–22
  • Materials on Anna Akhmatova in the Hoover Institution Archives Akhmatovskii Sbornik Fleishman, L. 1989: 165-193
  • Boris Pasternak and His Times. Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Pasternak edited by Fleishman, L. Oakland: Berkeley Slavic Specialties. 1989
  • Pasternak and Bukharin in the 1930s Pasternak and His Times Fleishman, L. Berkeley: Berkeley Slavic Specialties. 1989: 171–188
  • Collected Poems Bonjev, B. edited by Fleishman, L. Berkeley, Berkeley Slavic Specialties. 1988; I
  • On One Enigmatic Poem Stanford Slavic Studies Fleishman, L., Kharms, D. 1987; 1: 247 - 258
  • Stanford Slavic Studies edited by Fleishman, L., Freidin, G., Schupbach, R., Todd, W. M. 1987; III
  • Collected Poems Bojnev, D. edited by Fleishman, L. Berkeley, Berkeley Slavic Specialties. 1987; II
  • The Memoirs of Andrei Bely Andrey Bely: Spirit of Symbolism edited by Fleishman, L., Malmstad, J. Cornell University Press. 1987: 216–241
  • Among Philosophers: From the Commentaries to Pasternak's "Safe-Conduct" Semiosis. Semiotics and the History of Culture Fleishman, L. 1984: 70–76
  • Boris Pasternak in the Thirties Fleishman, L. Jerusalem, The Magnes Press. 1984
  • Ossip Mandelstam, par Nikita Struve The Russian Review Fleishman, L. 1984: 289-290
  • Mandelshtam's Unknown Article Wiener Slawistischer Almanach Fleishman, L. 1983; 11: 451 - 460
  • Russian Berlin, 1921-1923 (Literary-Historical Documents in the B .I. Nicolaevsky Collection at the Hoover Institution) Felishman, L., Hughes, O. R., Hughes, R. P. Paris, YMCA-Press. 1983
  • Notes on the Russian Emigre Literature Une ou deux litteratures russes Fleishman, L. 1981: 63 - 77
  • Slavica Hierosolymitana. Slavic Studies of the Hebrew University edited by Fleishman, L., Ronen, O., Segal, D. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. 1981; V-VI
  • Boris Pasternak in the Twenties Fleishman, L. Muench en, Wilhelm Fink Verlag. 1981
  • Out of B. Pasternak's Correspondence (D. S. Mirsky and Pasternak Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1981; V - VI: 535-542
  • Maksim Gorky and A. E. Kogan's Publishing Projects Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1979: 268–273
  • Slavica Hierosolymitana. Slavic Studies of the Hebrew University edited by Fleishman, L., Ronen, O., Segal, D. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. 1979; IV
  • Introductory Notes Fleishman, L. Bremen, K-Presse. 1979: 100
  • Semantic Structure of Pushkin's Poem "The Gypsy" Russian Romanticism. Studies in the Poetic Codes edited by Nilson, N. A., Fleishman, L. 1979: 94–109
  • Mayakovsky's Death as a Literary Fact Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1979: 126–130
  • The History of the "Tsentrifuga'' Boris Pasternak. 1890- 1960. Colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle Fleishman, L. 1979: 19 - 42
  • From the Futurist Period of Pasternak's Biography Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1979: 79–113
  • Aleksandr Blok's Unknown Autograph Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1979: 256–257
  • The Bezymenskii Episode in Mandelshtam's "Journey to Armenia" Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1978: 193–197
  • Slavica Hierosolymitana. Slavic Studies of the Hebrew University edited by Fleishman, L., Ronen, O., Segal, D. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. 1978; III
  • Jabotinsky's Unknown bouts-rimes Slavica Hierosolymitana Berberova, N. edited by Fleishman, L. 1978: 389–390
  • B. Tomashevskii's Letter to V. Shklovskii about the "Formal Method" (Publication with an introductory article) Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1978: 384–388
  • Aesthetic and Cultural Problems of the Literature of the Russian Emigration in the First Third of the 20th Century Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L., Boldt, F., Segal, D. 1978; 3: 75-88
  • From the Commentaries to Remizov's "Kukkha". Konkrektor ofthe Obezvelvolpa Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1977: 185–193
  • Introductory Notes Fleishman, L. Bremen, K-Presse. 1977: 100
  • Toward a Publication of Leonid Pasternak's Letter to Ch.N. Bialik Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1977; 1: 309-316
  • Slavica Hierosolymitana. Slavic Studies of the Hebrew University edited by Fleishman, L., Ronen, O., Segal, D. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. 1977; I
  • M. Kuzmin and Alban Berg Russian Literature Triquarterly (Ann Arbor) Volkov, S., Fleishman, L. 1977: 451-456
  • Toward an Interpretation of Blok's "Zakliat'e ognem i mrakom'' Slavica Hierosolymitana Fleishman, L. 1977; 1: 102-108
  • Afterword War and Peace (in Hebrew) Fleishman, L., Tolstoj, L. 1977: 655–662
  • Essays on Pasternak Fleishman, L. Bremen, K-Presse. 1977
  • B. Tomashevskii and the Moscow Linguistic Circle Semiotike: Trudy po Znakovym Sistemam Fleishman, L. 1977: 113–113
  • On the ''August'' Slavica Hierosolymitana Pasternak, B., Fleishman, L. 1977: 194-198
  • Some articles on Russian Literature Evreiskaia Entsiklopedia (Encyclopedia Judaica) Fleishman, L. 1976
  • B. Pasternak and A. Belyi. (Annotated publication, with an introductory article) Russian Literature Triquarterly (Ann Abor) Fleishman, L. 1976: 545 - 551
  • From B. Pasternak's Correspondence. (Letter to P. Vitjazev. Publication with introductory article and notes) Russian Literature Triquarterly (Ann Abor) Fleishman, L. 1976: 543-544
  • A Bibliography of the Works of Jury Lotman Analysis of the Poetic Text Lotman, J., Fleishman, L. Ann Arbor: Ardis. 1976: 299–309
  • Toward a History of Russian Avant-Garde (N. Oleinikov and the Oberiuts) Stikhotvoreniia (N. Oleinikov. Poems) Fleishman, L., Oleinikov, N. Bremen, "K-Presse,". 1975: 3–18
  • Toward a Characteristics of Early Pasternak Russian Literature Fleishman, L. 1975: 79-126
  • Bunin in Riga. A.K. Perov's memoirs Trudy po russkoi i slavianskoi filologii. XXIV. Literaturovedenie (Works on Russian and Slavic Philology, XXIV.) Fleishman, L., Isakov, S. G. 1975: 355–371
  • From the Last Leaves Kontinent/Continent (Paris) Ranrov, V., Fleishman, L. 1975; 7: 281-288
  • Jury Mikhailovich Lotman. An Essay-Tribute on the Fiftieth Annivrsary of His Birth Istoriograficheskii Sbornik. Studies in Historiography Fleishman, L. 1973; I (IV): 200-204
  • Jury Mikhailovich Lotman. An Essay-Tribute on the Fiftieth Annivrsary of His Birth Russian Literature Triquarterly (Ann Abor) Fleishman, L. 1973: 575-578
  • From Blok's Correspondence. (Letter of Blok to N. V. Rozanova and Letter of V. Rozanov to Blok, with annotations and an introductory article) Blokovskii Sbornik. II (Blok Miscellany: Proceedings ofthe Second Conference on Alexander Blok) Fleishman, L., Beliaev, S. 1972: 398-406
  • The "Centrifugue" and V. Mayakovskij Fleishman, L. 1972: 73–76
  • On a Poetic device in Baratynskij's Poetry Quinquagenario. A Philological Collection Presented to Prof Ju.M Lotman on his 50th Birthday Fleishman, L. 1972: 147–153
  • The First Year of the "Centrifugue" Fleishman, L. 1972: 71–73
  • A. Blok Between the Musaget and the Sirin (Letters to E. Metner) Fleishman, L., Frumkina, N. 1972: 385–97
  • A. Blok and Some Musical and Aesthetical Problems of His Time Blok i Muzyka (Blok and Music) Fleishman, L., Volkov, S. Leningrad-Moscow, Sovetskii Kompozitor. 1972: 85–114
  • Tartuskii universitet. Materialy XXVI nauchnoi studencheskoi konferencii Literaturovedenie. Lingvistika Fleishman, L. 1971: 34 - 37
  • B. Tomashevskii's Letters to V. Brjusov Semiotike: Trudy po Znakovym Sistemam Fleishman, L. 1971: 532–544
  • From the History of the Elegy during the Pushkin Epoch Pushkinskii Sbornik Fleishman, L. Uchenye Zapiski Latviiskogo Universiteta. 1968: 24–53
  • Pushkin's Artistic Quest in his Lyrical Poems of the 1820's Pushkinskii Sbornik (The Pushkin Collection) Fleishman, L. 1965: 22–25