Administrative Appointments

  • Faculty, Dept. Geological Sciences (2017 - Present)
  • Faculty Affiliate, Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University (2009 - Present)
  • Courtesy Professor, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University (2008 - Present)
  • Faculty, Environmental Earth System Science, Stanford University (2008 - Present)
  • Visiting Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2008 - 2009)
  • Faculty, IPER Program, Stanford University (2005 - Present)
  • Chair, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University (2004 - 2007)
  • Faculty, Earth Systems Program, Stanford University (2002 - Present)
  • Professor, Stanford University (2001 - Present)
  • Co-Director, Stanford/USGS SHRIMP RG ion-microprobe facility (2001 - 2004)
  • Short term Visitor, Smithsonian Institute (1997 - 1997)
  • Visiting Investigator, Carnegie Institution of Washington Geophysical Laboratory (1997 - 1997)
  • Professor, Dartmouth College (1994 - 2001)
  • Chair, Dartmouth College Department of Earth Sciences (1992 - 1996)
  • Associate Professor, Dartmouth College (1989 - 1994)
  • Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College (1987 - 1989)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Geophysical Laboratory (1985 - 1987)

Honors & Awards

  • Gustav Steinman Medal, German Geological Society (2019)
  • Senckenberg Research Award, Senckenberg Institute, Germany (2015)
  • Elected Fellow, American Geophysical Union (2013)
  • Alexander Winchell Distinguished Alumni Award, Syracuse University (2012)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Research Award, Germany (2012)
  • Elected Fellow, Geochemical Society (2009)
  • Frederick Hall Professor of Mineralogy and Geology, . (1997)
  • Elected Fellow, Mineralogical Society of America (1994)
  • Pat and John Rosenwald Professorship, . (1992-1997)
  • Presidential Young Investigator Award, National Science Foundation (1989-1994)
  • Jerry Goldstein Award for Research, . (1989)
  • Achievement Medal, United States Coast Guard (1978)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Editor, American Journal of Science (2009 - Present)
  • Co-director, Environmental Measurements Laboratory, SES (2008 - Present)
  • Co-director, Stanford/USGS Ion Microprobe Facility (2001 - 2004)
  • Associate Editor, Geological Society of America Bulletin (1993 - 1996)
  • Associate Editor, Geology (1992 - 1995)
  • Associate Editor, American Journal of Science (1989 - 2009)

Program Affiliations

  • Center for East Asian Studies

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Harvard University, Geology and Geophysics (1985)
  • M.A., Dartmouth College, Earth Sciences (1981)
  • B.S., Syracuse University, Earth Sciences (1979)

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

I use stable and radiogenic isotopes to understand Earth system history. These studies examine the link between climate, tectonics, biological, and surface processes. Projects include: 1) examining the terrestrial climate history of the Earth focusing on periods of time in the past that had CO 2-levels similar to the present and to future projections; and 2) addressing how the chemical weathering of the Earth's crust affects both the long- and short-term carbon cycle. Field areas for these studies are in the Cascades, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, the European Alps, Tibet and the Himalaya and the Southern Alps of New Zealand.

International Collaborations
Much of the research that I do has an international component. Specifically, I have collaborations with: 1) the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Center in Frankfurt Germany as a Humboldt Fellow and 2) the Chinese University of Geosciences in Bejiing China where I collaborate with Professor Yuan Gao.

I teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate level in isotope biogeochemistry, Earth system history, and the relationship between climate, surface processes and tectonics.

Professional Activities
Editor American Journal of Science; Co-Director Stanford Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory (present);Chair, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences (2004-07); Co-Director Stanford/USGS SHRIMP Ion microprobe facility (2001-04)


  • Research project, Stanford



  • Research project, Stanford


    Cascade mountains

  • Research project, Stanford


    rocky mountains

  • Research project, Stanford


    Sierra Nevada

  • Research project, Stanford


    new zealand

  • Research project, Stanford



2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

  • Doctoral (Program)
    Xueyao Cheng

All Publications

  • Drier winters drove Cenozoic habitat expansion in North America. AGU Advances Kukla, T., Rugenstein, J., Ibarra, D., Winnick, M., Stromberg, C., Chamberlain, P. 2022; 3

    View details for DOI 10.1029/2021AV000566

  • The PATCH Lab v.1.0: A database and workspace for Cenozoic terrestrial paleoclimate and environmental reconstruction American Journal of Science Kukla, T., Rugenstein, , J., Driscoll, , E., Ibarra, D., Chamberlain, P. 2022; 322: 1089-1123
  • Triple oxygen isotope systematics of diatom opal-A to opal-CT to microquartz in deep sea sediments. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Ibarra, D., Yanchilina, , A., Lloyd, M., Methner, K., Chamberlain, P., Yam, R., Shemesh, A., Stolper, D. 2022; 320: 304-323
  • Clumped isotope constraints on warming and precipitation seasonality in Mongolia sue to Altai uplift. American Journal of Science Caves Rugenstein, J., Methner, K., Kukla, T., Mulch, A., Lüdecke, T., Wacker, U., Feibig, J., Meltzer, A., Wegmann , K., Zeitler, P., Pazzaglia,, F., Chamberlain, P. 2022; 322: 28-24
  • Reconstructing past elevations from triple oxygen isotopes of lacustrine chert: Application to the Eocene Nevadoplano, Elko Basin, Nevada, USA. Frontiers in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Ibarra, D., Kukla, T., Methner, K., Mulch, A., Chamberlain, P. 2021; 9: . 633687
  • Triple oxygen isotope paleoaltimetry of crystalline rocks Frontiers in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Chamberlain, P., Ibarra, D., Kukla, T., Methner, K., Gao, Y. 2021; 9: 633687
  • High-resolution paleotopography of the John Day region, Oregon, USA. Frontiers in Earth and Planetary Sciences. Kukla, T., Ibarra, D., Caves Rugenstein, J., Gooley, J., Mullins, C., Kramer, S., Moragne, D., Chamberlain, P. 2021
  • Terrestrial climate in mid-latitude East Asia from the latest Cretaceous to the earliest Paleogene: A multiproxy record from the Songliao Basin in northeastern China Earth Science Reviews Gao, Y., Ibarra, D., Caves Rugenstein, J., Chen, J., Kukla, T., Methner, K., Gao, Y., Huang, H., Lin, Z., Zhang, I., Dangpeng, X., Carroll, A., Graham, S., Chamberlain, P., Wang, C. 2021; 216: 103572.
  • Amazon resilience to past and present drying Global and Planetary Change Kukla, T., Ahlstrom, A., Maezum, S., Chevalie, M., Lu, Z., Winnick, M., Chamberlain, P. 2021; 202: 103520
  • Warm high-elevation Mid-latitudes during the Miocene Climatic Optimum: Paleosol clumped isotope temperatures from the Northern Rocky Mountain USA .Paleooceanography and Paleoclimatology Methner, K., Mulch, A., Feibig, J., Krsnik, E., Loffer, N., Bajnai, C., Chamberlain, P. 2021; 36
  • Constraints on surface temperatures 3.4 billion years ago based on triple oxygen isotopes of cherts from the Barberton Greenstone Belt South Africa, and the problem of sample selection. American Journal of Science Lowe, D., Ibarra, D., Drabon, N., Chamberlain, P. 2020; 320: 790-814
  • Triple oxygen isotopes of meteoric hydrothermal system – implications for paleoaltimetry Geochemical Perspective Letters Chamberlain, P., Ibarra, D., Lloyd, M., Kukla, T., Sharp, Z., Gao, Y., Sjostrom, D. 2020; 15: 6-9
  • Atmospheric flow deflection in the late Cenozoic Sierra Nevada Earth and Planetary Science Letters Mix, H., Caves Rugenstein, J., Winnick, M., S, R., Kukla, T., Rich, A., Chamberlain, P. 2019; 518: 76-85
  • Sedimentary and isotopic data reveal Paleogene topographic and climatic evolution of the Northern Rocky Mountains Geological Society of America Bulletin Schwartz, T., Methner, K., Mulch, A., Graham, S., Chamberlain, P. 2019; 131: 1203-1223
  • Modeling the evolution of land plants and the silicate weathering feedback. American Journal of Science Ibarra, D., Caves, J., Bachan, A., Lau, K., Thomas, D., Lee, J., Boyce, K., Chamberlain, P. 2019; 318: 1-43
  • The sensitivity of terrestrial 18O gradients to hydroclimate. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres Kukla, T., Winnick, M., Maher, K., Ibarra, D., Chamberlain, P. 2019; 124: 563-582
  • The potential for metamorphic thermal pulses to develop during compaction-driven fluid flow Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems Meng, T., Ague, J. J., Chu, X., Baxter, E. F., Sullivan, N., Chamberlain, C. P., Rumble, D. 2018; 19: 232-256
  • The evolution of hydroclimate in Asia over the Cenozoic: A stable-isotope perspective Earth Science Reviews, Caves, J., Chamberlain, P. 2018; 185: 129-156
  • Lacustrine biogeochemical cycling and Ocean Anoxic Event 3 in the Turonian-Coniacian Qingshankou Formation Songliao Basin of northeast China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters Jones, M., Ibarra, D., Gao, Y., Sageman , B., Selby, D., Chamberlain, P., Graham, S. 2018; 484: 41-52
  • Testing for rapid thermal pulses in metamorphism by modeling garnet growth-diffusion-resorption profiles in a UHT metamorphic “hot spot”, New Hampshire Journal of Petrology, Chu, X., Ague, J., Tian, M., Baxter, E., Rumble, D., Chamberlain, P. 2018; =59: 1939-1964
  • Dual wet-states in western North America during the Plio-Pleistocene Geology, Ibarra, D., Oster, J., Winnick, M., Caves, J., Chamberlain, P. 2018; 46: 355-358
  • Late Miocene uplift of the Tian Shan and Altai and reorganization of Central Asia Climate GSA Today Caves, J., Bayshashov, B., Zhamagara, A., Ritch, A., Ibarra, D., Sjostrom, D., Mix, H., Winnick, N., Chamberlain, P. 2017; 26: 20-26
  • Concentration-discharge patterns of weathering products from global rivers Acta Geochimica Ibarra, D., Moon, S., Caves, J., Chamberlain, P., Maher, K. 2017; 36: 405-409
  • Stable isotope paleoaltimetry: Paleotopography as a key element in the evolution of landscapes and life Mountains, climate and biodiversity Mulch, A., Chamberlain, P. Wiley. 2017
  • A hot and high Eocene Sierra Nevada Geological Society of America Bulletin Mix, H., Ibarra, D., Mulch, A., Graham, S., Chamberlain, C. P. 2016; 16: 531-542
  • The Neogene de-greening of Central Asia. Geology Geology Caves, J., Moragne, D., Ibarra, D., Bayshashov, B., Gao, Y., Jones, M., Zhamangara, A., Arzhannikova, A., Chamberlain, P. 2016; 44: 887-890
  • Differential weathering of basaltic and granitic catchments from concentration-discharge relationships Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Ibarra, D., Caves, J., Moon, S., Thomas, D., Hartman, J., Chamberlain, P. 2016; 190: 265-293
  • Eo-Oligocene proto-Cascades topography revealed by clumped (Δ47) and oxygen isotope (δ18O) geochemistry (Chumstick Basin, WA, USA) Tectonics Methner, K., Feibig, J., Umhoefer, , P., Chamberlain, P., Mulch, A. 2016; 35: 546-564
  • Rapid Middle Eocene temperature change in western North America Earth and Planetary Science Letters Methner, K., Mulch, A., Fiebig, H., Wacker, A., Graham, S., Chamberlain, C. P. 2016; 450: 132-139
  • Mid-latitude terrestrial climate of East Asia linked to global climate in the Late Cretaceous Geology Gao, Y., Ibarra, D., Wang, C., Caves, J., Chamberlain, C. P., Graham, S., Wu, H. 2015; 43: 287-290

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G36427.1

  • A mechanistic analysis of Early Eocene latitudinal gradients of isotopes in precipitation Geophysical Research Letters Winnick, M., Caves, J., Chamberlain, P. 2015; 42
  • Eocene and Miocene extension, meteoric fluid infiltration, and core complex formation in the Great Basin (Raft River Mountians, Utah) Tectonics Methner, K., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Wells, M., Cosca, M., Gottardi, R., Geblin, A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2015; 34: 680-693
  • Role of the westerlies in Central Asia over the Cenozoic Earth and Planetary Science Letters Caves, J. K., Winnick, M. J., Graham, S., Sjostrom, D., Mulch, A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2015; 428: 33-43
  • Quantifying closed-basin lake temperature and hydrology by inversion of oxygen isotope and trace element paleoclimate records American Journal of Science Ibarra, D., Chamberlain, C. P. 2015; 315: 781-808
  • Paleogene surface uplift and its impact on terrestrial paleoenvironments and mammalian communities in western North America Paleobios Eronen, J. T., Janis, C. M., Chamberlain, C. P., Mulch, A. 2015; 282

    View details for DOI 10.1098/rspb.2015.0136

  • Rapid change in western North American high-elevation rainfall patterns during the Mid Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) American Journal of Science Mulch, A., Chamberlain, C. P., Cosca, M., Teyssier, C., Methner, K., Graham, S. A. 2015; 315: 317-336
  • New estimates of silicate weathering rates and uncertainties in global rivers Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Moon, S., Chamberlain, C. P., Hilley, G. E. 2014; 134: 257-274
  • Quantifying the isotopic “Continental Effect” Earth and Planetary Science Letters Winnick, M., Chamberlain, P., Caves, J., Welker, J. 2014; 406: 123-133
  • Aridification of Central Asia and uplift of the Altai and Hangay Mountains: Stable Isotope Evidence American Journal of Science Caves, J. K., Sjostrom, D. J., Mix, H. T., Winnick, M. J., Chamberlain, C. P. 2014; 314: 1171-1201
  • Heavy metals in produce from urban farms in the San Francisco Bay area. Food Additives and Contaminants – Part B Kohrmann, H., Chamberlain, C. P. 2014
  • Stable isotopic records of hydrologic change and paleotemperature from smectite in Cenozoic Western North America Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Mix, H. T., Chamberlain, C. P. 2014; 141: 532-546
  • The role of Neogene grassland expansion and aridification on the isotopic composition of continental precipitation Global Biogeochemical Cycles Chamberlain, C. P., Winnick, M., Mix, H. T., Chamberlain, S. D., Maher, K. 2014
  • Hydrologic regulation of chemical weathering and the geologic carbon cycle Science Maher, K., Chamberlain, C. P. 2014; 343: 1502-1504
  • Evolution of Early Cenozoic topography, climate and stable isotopes of precipitation in the North America Cordillera American Journal of Science Feng, R., Poulson, C. J., Werner, M., Chamberlain, C. P., Mix, H. T., Mulch, A. 2013; 313: 613-648
  • Interuptions of the ancient Shu Civilization: triggered by climate change or natural disaster? International Journal of Earth Sciences Wen, X. Y., Bai, S., Zeng, N., Chamberlain, C. P., Wang, C. S., Huang, C. M., Zhang, Q. 2013; 102: 933-947
  • Possible regional tectonic controls on mammalian evolution in western North America Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Kent-Corson, M. L., Barnosky, A. D., Mulch, A., Carrasco, M. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2013; 387: 17-26
  • Stable isotopic evidence of background El-Nino circulation in Pliocene Western United States Climates of the Past Winnick, M., Welker, J. M., Chamberlain, C. P. 2013; 9: 903-912
  • Grassland expansion as an instrument of hydrologic change in Neogene Western North America Earth and Planetary Science Letters Mix, H. T., Winnick, M. J., Mulch, .., Chamberlain, C. P. 2013; 377-378: 73-83
  • Hydrothermal alteration of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area (South China) Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Derkowski, A., Bristow, T. F., Wampler, J. M., Srodon, J., Marynowski, L., Elliott, W. C., Chamberlain, C. P. 2013; 107: 279-298
  • Discovery of an ultrahigh-temperature metamorphic blister in the Southern Acadian Orogen, USA Geology Ague, J. J., Eckert, J. O., Xu, C., Baxter, E. F., Chamberlain, C. P. 2013
  • Stable isotopic evidence for climate and basin evolution of the Late Cretaceous Songliao Basin, China Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology Chamberlain, C. P., Wan, X., Graham, S. A., Carroll, A. R., Doebbert, A. C., Sageman, B., Blisniuk, P., Kent-Corson, M., Wang, Z., et al 2013; 385: 106-124
  • Early Cenozoic topography, morphology, and tectonics of the northern Sierra Nevada and western Basin and Range GEOSPHERE Cassel, E. J., Graham, S. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Henry, C. D. 2012; 8 (2): 229-249

    View details for DOI 10.1130/GES00671.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000302767800001

  • Coupled basin-detachment systems as paleoaltimetry archives of the western North American Cordillera Earth and Planetary Science Letters Gebelin, A., Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Chamberlain, C. P. 2012; 335-336: 36-47
  • Cenozoic climatic and topographic evolution of the Western North America Cordillera American Journal of Science Chamberlain, C. P., Mix, H. T., Mulch, A., Hren, H. T., Kent-Corson, M. L., Davis, S. J., Horton, T. W., Graham, S. A. 2012; 312: 213-262
  • Climatic control of denudation in the glaciated landscape of the Washington Cascades Nature Geoscience Moon, S., Chamberlain, C. P., Blisniuk, K., Levine, N., Rood, D. H., Hilley, G. 2011; 4: 469-473
  • Cenozoic migration of topography in the North American Cordillera GEOLOGY Mix, H. T., Mulch, A., Kent-Corson, M. L., Chamberlain, C. P. 2011; 39 (1): 87-90

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G31450.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000285696000024

  • Diachronous isotopic and sedimentary responses to topographic changes as indicators of mid-Eocene hydrologic reorganization in western United States Basin Research Kent-Corson, M. l., Mulch, A., Graham, S. A., Carroll, A. R., Ritts, B. D., Chamberlain, C. P. 2010: 1365-2117
  • Stable isotope records of late Miocene precipitation and elevational patterns in the central Andean foreland Earth and Planetary Science Letters Mulch, A., Uba, C. E., Strecker, M., Schoenberg, R., Chamberlain, C. P. 2010; 290: 173-182
  • Competition between erosion and reaction kinetics in controlling silicate weathering rates Earth and Planetary Science Letters Hilley, G. E., Chamberlain, C. P., Moon, S. G., Willet, S. D. 2010; 293: 191-199
  • δ18O and δD of streamwaters across the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau: Implications for moisture sources and paleoelevation reconstructions Earth and Planetary Science Letters Hren, M. T., Bookhagen, B., Blisniuk, P., Booth, A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2010; 288: 20-32
  • Geomorphic controls on lacustrine isotopic compositions: Evidence from the Laney Member, Green River Formation (Wyoming) Geological Society of America Bulletin Doebbert, A., Carroll, A., Mulch, A., Chetel, L., Chamberlain, C. P. 2010; 122: 236-252
  • Pedogenic carbonate carbon isotopic constraints on paleoprecipitation: Evolution of desert in the Pacific Northwest, USA, in response to topographic development of the Cascade Range Chemical Geology Takeuchi, A., Hren, M. T., Smith, S. V., Chamberlain, C. P., Larson, P. B. 2010; 277: 323-335

    View details for DOI 10.2475/07.2009.02

    View details for Web of Science ID 000270467100002

  • Cenozoic tectonic and topographic evolution of the northern Sierra Nevada, California, through stable isotope paleoaltimetry in volcanic glass GEOLOGY Cassel, E. J., Graham, S. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2009; 37 (6): 547-550

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G25572A.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000266655500020

  • Stable isotopic constraints on the tectonic, topographic, and climatic evolution of the northern Tibetan Plateau Earth and Planetary Science Letters Kent-Corson, M. L., Ritts, B. D., Zhuang, G., Bovet, P. M., Graham, S. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2009; 282: 158-166
  • Detecting changes in habitat-scale bee foraging in a tropical fragmented landscape using stable isotopes Forest Ecology and Management Brosi, B. J., Daily, G. C., Chamberlain, C. P., Mills, M. 2009; 258: 1846–1855
  • Paleogene landscape evolution of the Laramide foreland:Stable isotopic evidence of topographic and hydrologic development in the central North American Cordillera Geological Society of America Bulletin Davis, S. J., Mulch, A., Carroll, A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2009; 121: 100-116
  • Stable isotope foodweb analysis and mercury biomagnefication in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) Polar Research Horton, T. W., Blum, J. D., Xie, Z., Hren, M., Chamberlain, C. P. 2009; 28: 443-454
  • Constraints on the metamorphic evolution of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis from geochronologic and petrologic studies of Namche Barwa Geological Society of America Bulletin Booth, A. L., Chamberlain, C. P., Kidd, W. F., Zeitler, P. K. 2009; 121: 385-407
  • Oxygen and hydrogen isotope evidence for a temperate climate 3.42 billion years ago Nature Hren, M. T., Tice, M., Chamberlain, C. P. 2009; 462: 205-208
  • Geochemical traces of CO2-rich fluid flow along normal faults in central Italy GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL Agosta, F., Mulch, A., Chamberlain, P., Aydin, A. 2008; 174 (2): 758-770
  • A Miocene to Pleistocene climate and elevation record of the Sierra Nevada Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Mulch, A., Sarna-Wojcicki, A. M., Perkins, M. E., Chamberlain, C. P. 2008; 19: 6819–6824
  • Capture of high-altitude precipitation by a low-altitude Eocene lake, western U. S., Wyoming Geology Carroll, A. R., Doebbert, A., Booth, A. L., Chamberlain, C. P., Rhodes-Carson, M., Smith, M., Johnson, C. M., Beard, B. L. 2008; 36: 791-794
  • The effect of drainage reorganization on paleoaltimetry studies: An example from the Paleogene Laramide foreland Earth and Planetary Science Letters Davis, S. J., Wiegland, B. A., Carroll, A. R., Chamberlain, C. P. 2008; 275: 258-268
  • The relationship between tectonic uplift and chemical weathering rates in the Washington cascades: Field measurements and model predictions AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Hren, M. T., Hilley, G. E., Chamberlain, G. P. 2007; 307 (9): 1041-1063

    View details for DOI 10.2475/09.2007.01

    View details for Web of Science ID 000253135700001

  • Uplift, erosion and phosphorous limitation in terrestrial ecoystems Ecosystems Porder, S., Vitousek, P. M., Chadwick, O. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Hilley, G. E. 2007; 10: 158-170
  • Stable isotope paleoaltimetry in orogenic belts - The silicate record in surface and crustal geological archives Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry Mulch, A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2007; 66: 89-118
  • Stable isotope paleoaltimetry of Eocene Core Complexes, northern North America Cordillera Tectonics Mulch, A., Teyssier, C., Cosca, M. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2007; 26
  • Major ion chemistry of the Yarlung Tsangpo/Brahmaputra river: Chemical weathering, erosion, and CO2 consumption in the southern Tibet Plateau and Eastern Syntaxis of the Himalaya Geochimica Cosmochmica Acta Hren, M. T., Chamberlain, C. P., Hilley, G. E., Bookhagen, B. 2007; 71: 2207-2235
  • Historic decline in primary productivity in western Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea: isotopic analysis of northern fur seal teeth Marine Ecology Progress Series Newsome, S. D., Etnier, M. A., Kurle, C. M., Waldbauer, J. R., Chamberlain, C. P., Koch, P. L. 2007; 332: 211-224
  • Reconstructing grassland vegetation and paleotemperatures using carbon isotope ratios of bison tooth enamel GEOLOGY Hoppe, K. A., Paytan, A., Chamberlain, P. 2006; 34 (8): 649-652

    View details for DOI 10.1130/G22745.1

    View details for Web of Science ID 000239937200011

  • Hydrogen isotopes in Eocene river gravels and paleoelevation of the Sierra Nevada SCIENCE Mulch, A., Graham, S. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2006; 313 (5783): 87-89


    We determine paleoelevation of the Sierra Nevada, California, by tracking the effect of topography on precipitation, as recorded in hydrogen isotopes of kaolinite exposed in gold-bearing river deposits from the Eocene Yuba River. The data, compared with the modern isotopic composition of precipitation, show that about 40 to 50 million years ago the Sierra Nevada stood tall (>/=2200 meters), a result in conflict with proposed young surface uplift by tectonic and climatic forcing but consistent with the Sierra Nevada representing the edge of a pre-Eocene continental plateau.

    View details for DOI 10.1126/science.1125986

    View details for Web of Science ID 000238850200036

    View details for PubMedID 16825568

  • Rising mountain ranges SCIENCE Poage, M. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2006; 311 (5760): 478-479
  • Ammunition is the principal source of lead accumulated by California Condors re-introduced to the wild Environmental Science and Technology Church, M. E., Roberto, G., Risebrough, R. W., Sorenson, K., Chamberlain, C. P., Farry, S., Heinrich, W., Rideout, B. A., Smith, D. R. 2006; 40: 6143-6150
  • Stable isotopic evidence for an early Tertiary elevation gradient in the Great Plains-Rocky Mountain region Tectonics, climate and landscape evolution Sjostrom, D. J., Bren, M. T., Horton, T. W., Waldbauer, J. R., Chamberlain, C. P. edited by Willet, S. D., Hovius, N., Brandon, M. T., Fisher, D. Geological Society of America. 2006: 309–319
  • Cenozoic topographic and climatic response to changing tectonic boundary conditions in western North America Earth and Planetary Science Letters Kent-Corson, M. L., Sherman, L. S., Mulch, A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2006; 252: 453-466
  • Sources of exposure of the New Hampshire population to arsenic in public and private drinking water supplies Chemical Geology Peters, S. C., Blum, J. D., Karagas, M. R., Chamberlain, C. P., Sjostrom, D. J. 2006; 228: 72-84
  • Stable isotopic evidence for Neogene paleotopography and paleoclimate of the central Basin and Range Province Geological Society of America Bulletin Horton, T. W., Chamberlain, C. P. 2006; 118: 475-490
  • Stable isotopic and rare earth evidence for recent ironstone pods within the Archean Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Hren, M. T., Lowe, D. R., Tice, M. M., Byerly, G., Chamberlain, C. P. 2006; 70: 1457-1470
  • Stable isotope records of Cenozoic climate and topography, Tibetan plateau and Tarim basin AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Graham, S. A., CHAMBERLAIN, C. P., Yue, Y. J., Ritts, B. D., Hanson, A. D., Horton, T. W., Waldbauer, J. R., Poage, M. A., Feng, X. 2005; 305 (2): 101-118
  • Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios in freshwater chert as indicators of ancient climate and hydrologic regime Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Abruzzese, M. J., Waldbauer, J. R., Chamberlain, C. P. 2005; 69: 1377-1390
  • Influence of uplift, weathering and base cation supply on past and future CO2 levels. A history of atmospheric CO2 and its effects on plants, animals and ecosystems Waldbauer, J. R., Chamberlain, C. P. edited by Ehleringer et al, .. Springer Verlag. 2005: 166–184
  • Climatic and ecologic changes during Miocene surrface uplift in the Southern Patagonian Andes Earth and Planetary Science Letters Blisniuk, P. M., Stern, L. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Idleman, B., Zeitler, P. K. 2005; 230: 125-142
  • Pleistocene to Recent dietary shifts in California Condors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Chamberlain, C. P., Waldbauer, J. R., Fox-Dobbs, K., Newsome, S. D., Koch, P. L., Smith, D. R., Church, M. E., Chamberlain, S.D., Sorenson, K.J., Risebrough, R. 2005: 16707-16711
  • Oxygen isotopic compositon and U-Pb discordance in zircon Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Booth, A. L., Kolodny, Y., Chamberlain, C. P., Schmitt, A. K., McWilliams, M., Wooden, J. 2005; 69: 4895-4905
  • Comparing naturally occurring stable isotopes of nitrogen, carbon and strontium as markers for Atlantic salmon juvenile rearing locations Canadian Journal of Fisheries Kennedy, B., Chamberlain, C. P., Ninslow, K., Blum, J. D., Folt, C. 2005; 62: 58-67
  • Strontium isotopes, hydrothermal systems and steady-state chemical weathering in active mountain belts Earth and Planetary Science Letters Chamberlain, C. P., Waldbauer, J. R., Jacobson, A. D. 2005; 238: 351-366
  • Eocene uplift and Miocene subsidence of the great Basin and southern Sierra Nevada American Journal of Science Horton, T. W., Sjostrom, D. J., Abruzzese, M. J., Poage, M. A., Waldbauer, J. R., Hren, M., Wooden, J., Chamberlain, C. P. 2004; 304: 862-888
  • Oxygen isotope records of goethite from ferricrete deposits indicate regionally varying Holocene climate change in the Rocky Mountain region Quaternary Research Sjostrom, D. J., Hren, M. T., Chamberlain, C. P. 2004; 61: 64-71
  • U-Pb zircon constraints on the tectonic evolution of southeastern Tibet American Journal of Science Booth, A. L., Zeitler, P. K., Kidd, W. S. F., Wooden, J., Liu, Y., Idleman, B., Hren, M., Chamberlain, C. P. 2004; 304: 889-929
  • Upper crustal fluid flow in the Outboard region of the Southern Alps, New Zealand Geofluids Upton, P., Craw, D., Caldwell, T. G., Koons, P. O., James, Z., Wannamaker, P. E., Jiracek, G. J., Chamberlain, C. P. 2003; 3: 1-12
  • Climatic and tectonic controls on chemical weathering in the New Zealand Southern Alps Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta Jacobson, A. D., Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P., Craw, D., Koons, P. O. 2003; 76: 29-46
  • Monthly strontium/calcium oscillations in symbiotic coral aragonite: biological effects limiting the precision of the paleotemperature proxy Geophysical Research Letters Meibom, A. E., Stage, M., Wooden, J., Constanz, B. R., Dunbar, R. B., Owen, A., Grumet, N., Bacon, C. R., Chamberlain, C. P. 2003; 30: 711-714
  • Fluid flow and the Heart Mountain Fault: A stable isotopic, fluid inclusion and geochronologic study Geofluids Douglas, T. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Poage, M. A., Abruzzese, M., Shultz, S., Henneberry, J., Layer, P. 2003; 3: 13-32
  • Extreme 34S depletions in ZnS at the Mike gold deposits, Carlin Trend, Nevada: Evidence for bacteriogenic supergene sphalerite Geology Bawden, T. M., Einaudi, M. T., Bostick, B. C., Meibom, A., Wooden, J., Norby, J. W., Orobona, M. J. T., Chamberlain, C. P. 2003; 31: 913-916
  • Are high 3He/4He ratios in oceanic baalts an indicator of deep-mantle plume component? Earth and Planetary Sciences Meibom, A., Anderson, D. L., Sleep, N. H., Frei, R., Chamberlain, C. P., Hren, M. T., Wooden, J. J. 2003; 208: 197-204
  • Analyzing trophic transfer of heavy metals in stream food webs using nitrogen isotopes Science of the Total Environment Quinn, M. R., Feng, X., Folt, C. L., Chamberlain, C. P. 2003; 317: 73-89
  • Oxygen, carbon and strontium isotopic constraints on timing and sources of crustal fluids in an active orogen: South Island, New Zealand Journal of New Zealand Geology and Geophysics Horton, T. W., Blum, J. D., Craw, D., Koons, P. O., Chamberlain, C. P. 2003; 46: 457-471
  • Re-Os isotopic evidence for long-lived heterogeneity and equilibration processes in the Earth's upper mantle NATURE Meibom, A., Sleep, N. H., CHAMBERLAIN, C. P., Coleman, R. G., Frei, R., Hren, M. T., Wooden, J. L. 2002; 419 (6908): 705-708


    The geochemical composition of the Earth's upper mantle is thought to reflect 4.5 billion years of melt extraction, as well as the recycling of crustal materials. The fractionation of rhenium and osmium during partial melting in the upper mantle makes the Re-Os isotopic system well suited for tracing the extraction of melt and recycling of the resulting mid-ocean-ridge basalt. Here we report osmium isotope compositions of more than 700 osmium-rich platinum-group element alloys derived from the upper mantle. The osmium isotopic data form a wide, essentially gaussian distribution, demonstrating that, with respect to Re-Os isotope systematics, the upper mantle is extremely heterogeneous. As depleted and enriched domains can apparently remain unequilibrated on a timescale of billions of years, effective equilibration seems to require high degrees of partial melting, such as occur under mid-ocean ridges or in back-arc settings, where percolating melts enhance the mobility of both osmium and rhenium. We infer that the gaussian shape of the osmium isotope distribution is the signature of a random mixing process between depleted and enriched domains, resulting from a 'plum pudding' distribution in the upper mantle, rather than from individual melt depletion events.

    View details for DOI 10.1038/nature01067

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  • Stable isotopic evidence for a pre-Middle Miocene rainshadow in the western Basin and Range: implications for the surface uplift of the Sierra Nevada Tectonics Poage, M. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2002; 21: 1-10
  • Characterization of fluids during active orogenesis and metamorphism: Nanga Parbat, Pakistan Himalaya American Journal of Science, v Chamberlain, C. P., Koons, P. O., Meltzer, A. S., Park, S. K., Craw, D., Zeitler, P., Poage, M. A. 2002; 302: 726-748
  • Structural controls on tectonically driven fluid flow and mesothermal gold mineralization Tectonophysics Craw, D., Koons, P. O., Horton, T., Chamberlain, C. P. 2002; 348: 135-153
  • Mechanical links between erosion and metamorphism in Nanga Parbat, Pakistan Himalaya American Journal of Science Koons, P. O., Zeitler, P. K., Chamberlain, C. P., Craw, D., Meltzer, A. S., Park, S. K. 2002; 302: 749-773
  • Land use and geological controls on the major element and isotopic (d15N and 87Sr/86Sr) geochemistry of the Connecticut River watershed, USA Chemical Geology Douglas, T. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Blum, J. D. 2002; 189: 19-34
  • Linking the breeding and wintering ranges of a neotropical migrant songbird using stable isotopes Science Rubenstein, D. R., Chamberlain, C. P., Holmes, R. T., Ayres, M. P., Waldbauer, J. R., Graves, G. R., Tuross, N. C. 2002; 295: 1062-1065
  • Hydrothermal arsenic enrichment in an active mountain belt, Southern Alps, New Zealand Chemical Geology Horton, T., Chamberlain, C. P., Craw, D. 2001; 177: 323-339
  • Crustal reworking at Nanga Parbat, Pakistan, I. Evidence for erosionally mediated thermal-mechanical coupling Tectonics Zeitler, P. K., Koons, P.O., P., Bishop M., Chamberlain, C. P., Craw, D., Edwards, M. A., Hamidullah, S., Jan, M. Q., Khan, A. A., Khattak, M. U., W., Kidd, Mackie, R. L., S., Meltzer A., K., Park S., A., Pecher, A., Poage M., A., Sarker D., Seeber, L., Shroder, J.F. 2001; 20: 712-728
  • Erosion, Himalayan Geodynamics and the Geomorphology of Metamorphism Geology Today Zeitler, P. K., Meltzer, A. S., Koons, P. O., Craw, D., Hallet, B., Chamberlain, C. P., Kidd, W., Park, S., Seeber, L., Bishop, M., Shroder, J. 2001; 11: 4-9
  • The Ca/Sr and Sr isotope systematics of a Himalayan glacial chronosequence: Carbonate versus silicate weathering rates as a function of landscape surface age Geochem Cosmochim Acta Jacobson, A. D., Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P., Poage, M., Sloan, V. F. 2001; 66: 13-27
  • A combined surface and geochemical analysis of metal fluxes in a historically mined region: A case study from the New World Mining District, MT Environmental Geology Hren, M. T., Chamberlain, C. P., Magilligan, F. J. 2001; 40: 1334-1346
  • Empirical relationships between elevation and the stable isotope composition of precipitation: considerations for studies of paleoelevation change American Journal of Science Poage, M. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 2001; 301: 1-15
  • Stable isotopes examined across a migratory divide in Scandinavian willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus trochilus and Phylloscopus trochilus acredula) reflect their African (Winter), quarters Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Chamberlain, C. P., S., Bensch, Feng, X., Akesson, S., Andersson, T. 2000; 267: 43-48
  • Fluids in a backthrust regime (Southern Alps, New Zealand) Journal of Geochemical Exploration Upton, P., Caldwell, T., Chamberlain, C.P., Craw, D., James, Z., Jiracek, G.J., Koons, P.O., Wannamaker, P.E. 2000; 69: 517-521
  • Gold mineralisation near the Main Divide, upper Wilberforce valley, Southern Alps, New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics Becker, J. A., Craw, D., Horton, T., Chamberlain, C. P. 2000; 43: 199-215
  • The origin of soil organic matter in Taylor Valley, Antarctica: A legacy of climate change Ecology Burkins, M. B., Virginia, R. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Wall, D. H. 2000; 81: 2377-2391
  • Evidence for Holocene climate change in the northern Rockies from a goethite-rich ferricrete chronosequence Chemical Geology Poage, M. A., Sjostrom, D. J., Goldberg, J., Chamberlain, C. P., Furniss, G. 2000; 166: 327-340
  • Reconstructing the paleotopography of mountain belts from the isotopic composition of authigenic minerals Geology Chamberlain, C. P., Poage, M. A. 2000; 28: 115-118
  • Massif-wide metamorphism and fluid evolution at Nanga Parbat, northwestern Pakistan American Journal of Science Poage, M. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Craw, D. 2000; 300: 463-482
  • Oxygen isotope studies of illite/smectite and clinoptilolite from Yucca Mountain: implications for paleohydrological conditions Earth and Planetary Science Letters Feng, X., Faiia, A., WoldeGabriel, G., Aronson, J. L., Poage, M., Chamberlain, C. P. 1999; 171: 95-106
  • Isotopic tracing of animal migration Isotopes as Indicators of Environmental Change Chamberlain, C. P., Blum, J. B. edited by McDonnell, .., Kendal, .. USGS. 1999
  • Chemical weathering and the lithologic controls of water chemistry in a high-elevation river system: Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming and Montana Water Resources Research Horton, T., Chamberlain, C. P., Fantle, M., Blum, Joel D. 1999; 35: 1643-1655
  • Near-surface expression of a young mesothermal gold mineralizing system, Sealy Range, Southern Alps, New Zealand Mineralum Depositia Templeton, A. S., Craw, D., Koons, P., Chamberlain, C. P. 1999; 34: 163-172
  • Topographic development of the Southern Alps recorded by the isotopic composition of authigenic clay minerals, South Island, New Zealand Chemical Geology Chamberlain, C. P., Poage, M., Craw, D., Reynolds, R. 1999; 155: 279-294
  • Natural abundance of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in potential sources of organic matter to soils of Taylor Valley, Antarctica Antarctic Journal of the United States 1996 Review Issue Burkins, M. B., Chamberlain, C. P., Virginia, R. A., Freckman, D. W. 1998; 31: 209-210
  • N15 enrichment in agricultural catchments: field patterns and applications to tracking Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Chemical Geology Harrington, R. R., Kennedy, B. P., Chamberlain, C. P., Blum, J. D., Folt, C. L. 1998; 147: 281-294
  • Isotope systematics of granites and gneisses of the Nanga Parbat Massif, Pakistan Himalaya American Journal of Science Gazis, C. A., Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P., Poage, M. A. 1998; 298: 673-698
  • Fluid flow during active oblique convergence: A Southern Alps model from mechanical and geochemical observations Geology Koons, P. O., Craw, D., Cox, S. C., Upton, P., Templeton, A. S., Chamberlain, C. P. 1998; 26: 159-162
  • Carbonate versus silicate weathering in the Raikot watershed within the High Himalayan Crystalline Series Geology Blum, J. D., Gazis, C. A., Jacobson, A. D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1998; 26: 411-414
  • Oxygen isotope compositions of mixed-layer serpentine/chlorite and illite/smectite in the Tuscaloosa Formation (US Gulf Coast): Implications for pore fluids and mineralogic reactions Clays and Clay Minerals Ryan, P. C., Conrad, M. E., Brown, K., Chamberlain, C.P. 1998; 46: 357-368
  • Petrology and geochemistry of target rocks from the Bosumtwi impact structure, Ghana, and comparison with Ivory Coast tektites Geochim Cosmochim Acta Koeberl, C., Reimold, W. U., Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1998; 62: 2179-2196
  • Tectonically driven mixing between midcrustal fluids and surface-derived waters during Recent uplift of the Southern Alps, New Zealand Earth and Planetary Science Letters Templeton, A. S., Chamberlain, C. P., Koons, P., Craw, D. 1998; 154: 73-92
  • Carbon isotopes reveal soil organic matter dynamics following arid land shrub expansion Oecologia Connin, S. L., Virginia, R. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 1997; 110: 374-386
  • Dynamics of carbon storage in degraded aridland environments: A case study from the Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico, USA Combating Global Climate Change by Combating Land Degradation Connin, S. L., Virginia, R. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Huenneke, L. F., Harrison,, K., Schlesinger, W. edited by Squires, V. R., Glenn, E. P., Ayoub, A. T. United Nations Environment Programme. 1997: 132–148
  • Isotopic study of environmental change from disseminated carbonate in polygenetic soils Soil Science Society of America Journal Connin, S. L., Virginia, R. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 1997; 65: 1710-1722
  • Isotopic lessons in a beer bottle Journal of Geological Education Stern, L.A., Chamberlain, C.P., Blum, J.D., Fogel, M.L. 1997; 45: 157-161
  • Oxygen isotope evidence of climate change from pedogenic clay minerals in the Himalayan molasse Geochem Cosmochim Acta Stern, L. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Johnson, G. D. 1997; 61: 731-744
  • The use of isotope tracers for identifying populations of migratory birds Oecologia Chamberlain, C. P., Blum, J. B., Holmes, R. T., Sherry, T. W., Graves, G. R. 1997; 109: 132-141
  • Tracing natal origins of migrating Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) using stable isotopes Nature Kennedy, B. P., Folt, C., Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1997; 387: 766-767
  • Structure and fluid migration in a late duplex system forming the Main Divide in the central Southern Alps, New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics Cox, S. C., Craw, D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1997; 40: 359-373
  • An oxygen isotopic study of the Waits River/ Standing Pond contact in eastern Vermont: Preservation of diagenetic isotopic signatures during regional metamorphism American Journal of Science Vyhnal, C. R., Chamberlain, C. P. 1996; 296: 394-419
  • Assembly of the crystalline terranes of northwestern Himalaya and Karakoram, northwestern Pakistan The Tectonic Evolution of Asia Chamberlain, C. P., Zeitler, P. K. edited by Yin, A., Harrison, T. M. Cambridge University Press. 1996; Rubey Volume
  • Nd, Sr, O isotopic study of two syntectonic members of the New Hampshire Plutonic Series Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Lathrop, A. S., Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1996; 124: 126-138
  • Direct canopy nitrogen uptake of 15 N-labeled wet deposition by mature red spruce Canadian Journal of Forest Research Boyce, R. L., Friedland, A. J., Chamberlain, C. P., Poulson, S. R. 1996; 26: 1539-1547
  • Meteoric incursion, oxygen fronts, and gold mobility in the Dalradian metamorphic belt, southwest Scotland Mineral Deposita Craw, D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1996; 31: 365-373
  • Geochronologic constraints on syntaxial development, Nanga Parbat region, Paksitan Tectonics Winslow, D. M., Zeitler, P. K., Chamberlain, C. P., Williams, I. S. 1996; 15: 1292-1308
  • Stable isotopic evidence of vertical hydrogen microseepage, Little Buffalo Basin Oil Field, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium Bammel, B. H., Chamberlain, C. P., Birnie, R. W., Martin (ed.), R. L. 1995 : 53–68
  • Isotopic investigation of the Manson impact structure, Iowa: Identifying the origin of the melt sheet Special Paper 302: The Manson Impact Structure. Iowa: Anatomy of an Impact Crater Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P., Hingston, M. P., Koeberl, C. Geological Society of America. 1995
  • Metamorphism and melting of the lithosphere due to rapid denudation, Nanga Parbat Massif, Pakistan Journal of Geology Winslow, D. M., Chamberlain, C. P., Zeitler, P. K. 1995; 103: 395-409
  • Geochronologic constraints of the uplift and metamorphism along the Alpine Fault, South Island, New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics Chamberlain, C. P., Zeitler, P. K., Cooper, A. F. 1995; 38: 515-523
  • Direct evidence for a steep geotherm under conditions of rapid advection, western Himalaya, Pakistan Geology Winslow, D., Zeitler, P., Chamberlain, C. P. 1995; 22: 1075-1078
  • Fluids and thrusting the Heart Mountain Fault revisited Geology Templeton, A. S., Calhoun, S. J., Cholnoky, J. F., Manske, J., Sweeney, J., Violich, A., Chamberlain, C. P. 1995; 23: 929-932
  • Stable isotopic evidence of vertical hydrocarbon micorseepage, Little Buffalo Basin Oil Field, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming Bulletin of the Association of Petroleum Geochemical Explorationists Bammel, B. H., Chamberlain, C. P., Birnie, R. W. 1995; 10: 1-23
  • Nitrogen isotope variation of tree rings as a potential indicator of environmental change Chemical Geology Poulson, S. R., Chamberlain, C. P., Friedland, A. J. 1995; 125: 307-315
  • Isotopic and model observations of deformation and head-driven flow from the Southern Alps, New Zealand New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics Upton, P., Koons, P. O., Chamberlain, C. P. 1995; 38: 535-543
  • Timing and duration of Himalayan metamorphism within the Indian Plate, northwest Himalaya, Pakistan Journal of Geology Smith, H. A., Chamberlain, C.P., Zeitler, P.K. 1994; 102: 493-508
  • Isotopic evidence for closed-system anatexis at mid-crustal levels: An example from the Acadian Appalachians of New England Journal of Geophysical Research Lathrop, A. S., Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1994; 99: 9453-9468
  • Active hydrothermal systems during the recent uplift of Nanga Parbat, Pakistan Himalaya Journal of Geophysical Research Chamberlain, C. P., Zeitler, P. K., Barnett, D., Winslow, D., Poulson, S., Leahy, T., Hammer, J. 1994; 100: 439-454
  • Boiling fluids in a region of rapid uplift, Nanga Parbat Massif, Pakistan Earth and Planetary Science Letters Craw, D., Koons, P. O., Winslow, D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1994; 128: 169-182
  • Carbon isotope signature of environmental change found in fossil ratite eggshells from a South Asian Neogene sequence Geology Stern, L. A., Johnson, G. D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1994; 22: 419-422
  • Zinc and carbon colimitation of marine phytoplankton Nature Morel, F., Roberts, S., Lee, J., Yee, D., Chamberlain, C. P., Reinfelder, J. R. 1994; 369: 740-742
  • Oxygen isotope zoning in garnet - a record of volatile transport Geochem Cosmochim Acta Chamberlain, C. P., Conrad, M. E. 1993; 57: 2613-2629
  • Synchronous anatexis, metamorphism, and rapid denudation at Nanga Parbat (Pakistan Himalaya) Geology Zeitler, P. K., Chamberlain, C. P., Smith, H. A. 1993; 21: 347-350
  • Reply to comment by B. Harte and T.J. Dempster: Metamorphic zones and field gradients in orogenic belts: Tectonic controls of metamorphic field gradients Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters Sonder, L. J., Chamberlain, C. P. 1993; 116: 181-184
  • Petrologic and isotopic studies in metamorphic rocks of eastern Vermont and western New Hampshire Fieldtrip Guide Rumble, D., Ferry, J. M., Spear, F. S., Chamberlain, C. P. Geological Society of America Fieldtrip Guide. 1993
  • Sequence and correlation of tectonic and metamorphic events in southeastern Vermont Fieldtrip Guide Thompson, J. B., Rosenfeld, J. L., Chamberlain, C. P. Geological Society of America. 1993
  • Isotopic comparison of K-T Boundary impact glass with melt rock from the Chicxulub and Manson impact structures Nature Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P., Hingston, M. P., Koeberl, C., Marin, L. E., Schuraytz, B. C., Sharpton, V. L. 1993; 364: 325-327
  • Oxygen isotope constraints on the origin of impact glasses from the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Science Blum, J. D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1992; 257: 1104-1107
  • Laser-based, in situ measurements of fine-scale variations in the d18O values of hydrothermal quartz Geology Conrad, M. E., Chamberlain, C. P. 1992; 20: 812-816
  • Tectonic controls of metamorphic field gradients Earth and Planetary Science Letters Sonder, L. J., Chamberlain, C. P. 1992; 111: 517-535
  • Stable isotopic evidence for regional-scale fluid migration in a Barrovian metamorphic terrane, Vermont, USA Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Stern, L. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Barnett, D. E., Ferry, J. M. 1992; 112: 475-489
  • Documentation of Neogene regional metamorphism in the Himalayas of Pakistan using U-Pb in monazite Earth and Planetary Science Letters Smith, H. A., Chamberlain, C. P., Zeitler, P. K. 1992; 113: 93-105
  • Petrogenetic and tectonic significance of young leucogranites from the northwestern Himalaya, Pakistan Tectonics Zeitler, P. K., Chamberlain, C. P. 1991; 10: 729-741
  • Oxygen isotope zoning in garnet Science Chamberlain, C. P., Conrad, M. E. 1991; 254: 403-406
  • Petrologic and isotopic studies in metamorphic rocks of eastern Vermont and western New Hampshire Fieldtrip Guide Chamberlain, C. P. Geological Society of America. 1991
  • The relative scales of thermally- and fluid infiltration-driven metamorphism in fold nappes, New England, USA American Mineralogist Barnett, D., Chamberlain, C. P. 1991; 76: 713-727
  • The relative permeabilities of quartzites and schists during active metamorphism at mid-crustal levels Journal of Geophysical Research Letters Chamberlain, C. P., Conrad, M. E. 1991; 18: 959-962
  • Constraints on the evolution of the northwestern Himalaya from geochronologic and petrologic studies of Babusar Pass, Pakistan Journal of Geology Chamberlain, C. P., Zeitler, P. K., Erickson, E. 1991; 99: 829-849
  • Metamorphic evidence for an inverted crustal section, with constraints on the Main Karakorum Thrust, Baltistan, Northern Pakistan Journal of Metamorphic Petrology Allen, T. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 1991; 9: 403-418
  • Apparent isobaric cooling paths from granulites: Counter-examples from British Columbia and New Hampshire Geology Selverstone, J., Chamberlain, C. P. 1990; 18: 307-310
  • Acadian age from quartz-graphite veins at Bristol, New Hampshire: evidence for synmetamorphic transfer of heat by fluids Geology Zeitler, P. K., Barreiro, B., Chamberlain, C., Rumble III, D. 1990; 18: 626-629
  • The effect of net-transfer reactions on the isotopic composition of minerals Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Chamberlain, C. P., Ferry, J. M., Rumble, D. III 1990; 105: 322-336
  • Heat producing elements and the thermal and baric patterns of metamorphic belts Science Chamberlain, C. P., Sonder, L. 1990; 250: 763-769
  • Clues from regional metamorphism Journal of Geoscience Translations (Chinese) Chamberlain, C. P., Day, Howard W. 1990; 2: 12-15
  • Thermal consequences of conductivity contrasts in the crust Earth and Planetary Science Letters Allen, T. A., Chamberlain, C. P. 1989; 93: 392-404
  • Hydrothermal graphite veins and Acadian granulite facies metamorphism, New Hampshire, USA Fluid Movements - Element Transport and Composition of the Deep Crust Rumble III, D., Chamberlain, C. P., Zeitler, P. K., Barreiro, B. edited by Bridgewater, D. 1989: 117–120
  • Implications of thermal and baric structure for controls on metamorphism: northern New England, USA Geological Society, London, Special Publications Day, H. W., Chamberlain, C. P. 1989; 43 (1)
  • The influence of fluids on the thermal history of a metamorphic terrain: New Hampshire, USA Geological Society, London, Special Publications Chamberlain, C. P., Rumble, D. 1989; 43 (1): 203-213
  • Styles of Metamorphism with Depth in the Central Acadian High, New England Contribution 63 edited by Chamberlain, C. P., Robinson, P. University of Massachusetts. 1989
  • Petrologic constraints on the tectonic development of the Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif, Himalayas Geological Society of America Special Paper 232 Chamberlain, C. Page, Jan, M. Qasim, Zeitler, P. K. 1989: 23-32
  • The dynamics of the suture between the Kohistan island arc and the Indian plate in the Himalaya of Pakistan Journal of Metamorphic Geology Chamberlain, C. Page, Zeitler, P.K., Jan, M.Q. 1989; 7: 135-149
  • Thermal anomalies in a regional metamorphic terrain: An isotopic study of the role of fluids Journal of Petrology Chamberlain, C. Page, Rumble, D. III 1988; 29: 1215-1232
  • Crustal cooling rates inferred from homogenization of metamorphic garnets Earth and Planetary Science Letters Muncill, G. E., Chamberlain, C. Page 1988; 87: 390-396
  • The influence of deformation on the pressure-temperature paths of metamorphism Geology Chamberlain, C. Page, Karabinos, P. 1987; 15: 42-44
  • Evidence for the repeated folding of isotherms during regional metamorphism Journal of Petrology Chamberlain, C. Page 1986; 27: 63-89
  • The Acadian thermal history of the Merrimack Synclinorium in New Hampshire Journal of of Geology Chamberlain, C. Page, England, P. C. 1985; 93: 593-602
  • Scapolite: alkali atom configurations, antiphase domains, and compositional variations American Mineralogist Chamberlain, C. Page, Docka, J. A., Post, J. E., Burnham, C. W. 1985; 70: 134-140
  • Pressure, temperature, and metamorphic zonation studies of pelitic schists in the Merrimack Synclinorium American Mineralogist Chamberlain, C. Page, Lyons, J. B. 1983; 68: 530-540
  • Cleanup procedure for contaminated oil prior to fingerprinting by Gas Chromatography and Infrared Spectroscopy Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Frame, G. M., Flanigan, G. A., Chamberlain, C., Page 1982; 29: 39-36