Ron Fedkiw
Canon Professor in the School of Engineering
Computer Science
Web page: http://physbam.stanford.edu/~fedkiw
Fedkiw's research is focused on the design of new computational algorithms for a variety of applications including computational fluid dynamics, computer graphics, and biomechanics.
Honors & Awards
Award for Initiatives in Research, National Academy of Science
Fellowship, Packard Foundation
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, National Science Foundation
Sloan Research Fellowship, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Academy Award, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (2007)
Young Investigator Program Award, Office of Naval Research
Robert N. Noyce Family Faculty Scholarship, Stanford University
Professional Education
PhD, UCLA (1996)
2024-25 Courses
- Continuous Mathematical Methods with an Emphasis on Machine Learning
CS 205L (Win) - Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging
CS 148 (Aut) -
Independent Studies (17)
- Advanced Reading and Research
CS 499 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Advanced Reading and Research
CS 499P (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Curricular Practical Training
CS 390A (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Curricular Practical Training
CS 390B (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Curricular Practical Training
CS 390C (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Project
CS 399 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Project
CS 399P (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Work
CS 199 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Work
CS 199P (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Master's Research
CME 291 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Part-time Curricular Practical Training
CS 390D (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Ph.D. Research
CME 400 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Ph.D. Research Rotation
CME 391 (Win) - Programming Service Project
CS 192 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Senior Project
CS 191 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Supervised Undergraduate Research
CS 195 (Win) - Writing Intensive Senior Research Project
CS 191W (Aut, Win, Spr)
- Advanced Reading and Research
Prior Year Courses
2023-24 Courses
- Continuous Mathematical Methods with an Emphasis on Machine Learning
CS 205L (Win) - Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging
CS 148 (Aut)
2022-23 Courses
- Continuous Mathematical Methods with an Emphasis on Machine Learning
CS 205L (Win) - Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging
CS 148 (Aut)
2021-22 Courses
- Continuous Mathematical Methods with an Emphasis on Machine Learning
Stanford Advisees
Doctoral Dissertation Advisor (AC)
Sarah Jobalia, Trevor Maxfield -
Master's Program Advisor
Teland La, Kevin Li, Alice Liu, Megan Liu, Alex Nam, Adam Sun, Selena Sun -
Doctoral (Program)
Yitong Deng, Haodi He, Sarah Jobalia, Zhengfei Kuang, Kevli Li, Dalton Omens
All Publications
- High Resolution Sharp Computational Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Problems in Complex Geometries J. Sci. Comput. 2013; 54: 369-413
- Chimera Grids for Water Simulation 2013
- A Hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian Formulation for Bubble Generation and Dynamics 2013
- A New Grid Structure for Domain Extension SIGGRAPH 2013, ACM TOG 2013; 32: 63.1-63.8
- Implicit Surface Tension Formulation with a Lagrangian Surface Mesh on an Eulerian Simulation Grid J. Comp. Phys. 2012; 231: 2092-2115
- Simulating Free Surface Flow with Very Large Time Steps edited by Kry, P., Lee, J. 2012
- Mass and Momentum Conservation for Fluid Simulation edited by Bargteil, A., Panne, M., van de 2011
- A Novel Algorithm for Incompressible Flow Using Only a Coarse Grid Projection SIGGRAPH 2010, ACM TOG 2010
- Practical Animation of Compressible Flow for Shock Waves and Related Phenomena edited by Otaduy, M., Popovic, Z. 2010
- Accurate Tangential Velocities for Solid Fluid Coupling edited by Grinspun, E., Hodgins, J. 2009
- Energy Stability and Fracture for Frame Rate Rigid Body Simulations edited by Grinspun, E., Hodgins, J. 2009
- A Method for Avoiding the Acoustic Time-Step Restriction in Compressible Flow J. Comp. Phys. 2009; 228: 4146-4161
- A Mass Spring Model for Hair Simulation SIGGRAPH 2008, ACM TOG 2008; 27: 64.1-64.11
- Two-way Coupling of Rigid and Deformable Bodies edited by James, D., Gross, M. 2008
- Two-way Coupling of Fluids to Rigid and Deformable Solids and Shells SIGGRAPH 2008, ACM TOG 2008; 27: 46.1-46.9
- Wrinkled Flames and Cellular Patterns SIGGRAPH 2007, ACM TOG 2007; 26: 47.1-47.6
- Hybrid Simulation of Deformable Solids edited by Metaxas, D., Popovic, J. 2007
- Fracturing Rigid Materials IEEE TVCG 2007; 13: 370-378
- Volume Conserving Finite Element Simulation of Deformable Models SIGGRAPH 2007, ACM TOG 2007; 26: 13.1-13.6
- Simulating Speech with a Physics-Based Facial Muscle Model edited by Cani, M., P., Brien, J., O. 2006
- So Real It'll Make You Wet SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches and Applications 2006
- Impulse-Based PD Control for Joints and Muscles SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches and Applications 2006
- Robust Quasistatic Finite Elements and Flesh Simulation edited by Anjyo, K., Faloutsos, P. 2005
- Automatic Determination of Facial Muscle Activations from Sparse Motion Capture Marker Data SIGGRAPH 2005, ACM TOG 2005; 24: 417-425
- Pre-stabilization for Rigid Body Articulation with Contact and Collision SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches and Applications 2005
- A Fast Hybrid k-Means Level Set Algorithm for Segmentation 2005
- Space Battle Pyromania SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches and Applications 2005
- Fast 3D Muscle Simulations using a New Quasistatic Invertible Finite-Element Algorithm 2005
- Facial Muscle Activations from Motion Capture 2005
- Making a Computational Splash Computer Science, Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field The National Academies Press, Washington. 2004: 61–64
- Directible Photorealistic Liquids edited by Boulic, R., Pai, D. 2004
- Invertible Finite Elements for Robust Simulation of Large Deformation edited by Boulic, R., Pai, D. 2004
- A Crystalline, Red Green Strategy for Meshing Highly Deformable Objects with Tetrahedra 12th Int. Meshing Roundtable 2003: 103-114
- Using the Particle Level Set Method and a Second Order Accurate Pressure Boundary Condition for Free Surface Flows edited by Kawahashi, M., Ogut, A., Tsuji, Y. 2003
- Melting a Terminatrix SIGGRAPH 2003 Sketches and Applications 2003
- Big Bangs SIGGRAPH 2003 Sketches and Applications 2003
- Shock Capturing, Level Sets and PDE Based Methods in Computer Vision and Image Processing: A Review on Osher's Contribution J. Comput. Phys. 2003; 185: 309-341
- Robust Treatment of Interfaces for Fluid Flow and Computer Graphics Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, Springer-Verlag, New York edited by Hou, T., Tadmor, E. Springer-Verlag, New York. 2003: 153–164
- Simulation and Animation of Fire and Other Natural Phenomena in the Visual Effects Industry Western States Section, Combustion Institute, Fall Meeting, UCLA 2003
- Simulating Natural Phenomena for Computer Graphics Geometric Level Set Methods in Imaging, Vision and Graphics edited by Osher, S., Paragios, N. Springer Verlag, New York. 2003: 461–479
- Simulation of Clothing with Folds and Wrinkles edited by Breen, D., Lin, M. 2003
- Finite Volume Methods for the Simulation of Skeletal Muscle edited by Breen, D., Lin, M. 2003
- The Ghost Fluid Method for Viscous Flows Innovative Methods for Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations edited by Hafez, M., Chattot, J., J. World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey. 2002: 111–143
- A Second Order Accurate Symmetric Discretization of the Poisson Equation on Irregular Domains J. Comput. Phys. 2002; 176: 205-227
- A Fully Conservative Ghost Fluid Method & Stiff Detonation Waves 2002
- A General Technique for Eliminating Spurious Oscillations in Conservative Schemes for Multiphase and Multispecies Euler Equations Int. J. Nonlinear Sci. and Numer. Sim. 2002; 3: 99-106
- The Penultimate Scheme for Systems of Conservation Laws: Finite Difference ENO with Marquina's Flux Splitting Innovative Methods for Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations edited by Hafez, M., Chattot, J., J. World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey. 2002: 49–85
- Visual Simulation of Smoke SIGGRAPH 2001 2001: 23-30
- A Quasi-Conservative Approach to the Multiphase Euler Equations without Spurious Pressure Oscillations Advances in Scientific Computing edited by Shi, Z., C., Mu, M., Xue, W. Science Press Beijing/New York. 2001: 106–115
- Level Set Method for Thin Film Epitaxial Growth J. Comput. Phys. 2001; 167: 475-500
- A Numerical Method for Two Phase Flow Consisting of Separate Compressible and Incompressible Regions J. Comput. Phys. 2001; 166: 1-27
- Level Set Methods: An Overview and Some Recent Results J. Comput. Phys. 2001; 169: 463-502
- Fast Surface Reconstruction using the Level Set Method 2001
- The Ghost Fluid Method for Discontinuities and Interfaces Godunov Methods edited by Toro, E., F. Kluwer, New York. 2001: 309–317
- Practical Animation of Liquids SIGGRAPH 2001 2001: 15-22
- Simplified Upwind Discretization of Systems of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws Containing Advection Equations J. Comput. Phys. 2000; 157: 302-326
- A Boundary Condition Capturing Method for Poisson's Equation on Irregular Domains J. Comput. Phys. 2000; 160: 151-178
- A Boundary Condition Capturing Method for Multiphase Incompressible Flow J. Sci. Comput. 2000; 15: 323-360
- An Isobaric Fix for the Overheating Problem in Multimaterial Compressible Flows J. Comput. Phys. 1999; 148: 545-578
- A Non-Oscillatory Eulerian Approach to Interfaces in Multimaterial Flows (The Ghost Fluid Method) J. Comput. Phys. 1999; 152: 457-492
- The Ghost Fluid Method for Deflagration and Detonation Discontinuities J. Comput. Phys. 1999; 154: 393-427
- Efficient Characteristic Projection in Upwind Difference Schemes for Hyperbolic Systems (The Complementary Projection Method) J. Comput. Phys. 1998; 141: 22-36
- Numerical Methods for a One-Dimensional Interface Separating Compressible and Incompressible Flows Barriers and Challenges in Computational Fluid Dynamics edited by Venkatakrishnan, V., Salas, M., Chakravarthy, S. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 1998: 155–194
- Numerical Methods for a Mixture of Thermally Perfect and/or Calorically Perfect Gaseous Species with Chemical Reactions J. Comput. Phys. 1997; 132: 175-190