Academic Appointments

  • Professor, Accounting

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

  • Doctoral Dissertation Co-Advisor (AC)
    Lydia Wang

All Publications

  • Stock Price Management and Share Issuance: Evidence from Equity Warrants ACCOUNTING REVIEW Barth, M. E., Gee, K. H., Israeli, D., Kasznik, R. 2021; 96 (5): 31-52
  • Unexpected distractions and investor attention to corporate announcements REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES Israeli, D., Kasznik, R., Sridharan, S. A. 2021
  • Bank earnings and regulatory capital management using available for sale securities REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES Barth, M. E., Gomez-Biscarri, J., Kasznik, R., Lopez-Espinosa, G. 2017; 22 (4): 1761-1792
  • International equity valuation: the relative importance of country and industry factors versus company-specific financial reporting information ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE Foster, G., Kasznik, R., Sidhu, B. K. 2012; 52 (3): 767-814
  • Employee stock options and future firm performance: Evidence from option repricings JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS Aboody, D., Johnson, N. B., Kasznik, R. 2010; 50 (1): 74-92
  • Executive stock-based compensation and firms' cash payout: the role of shareholders' tax-related payout preferences Conference on Uses of Accounting Data for Firm Valuation and Performance Measurement Aboody, D., Kasznik, R. SPRINGER. 2008: 216–51
  • Do firms understate stock option-based compensation expense disclosed under SFAS 123? REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES Aboody, D., Barth, M. E., Kasznik, R. 2006; 11 (4): 429-461
  • Firms' voluntary recognition of stock-based compensation expense JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Aboody, D., Barth, M. E., Kasznik, R. 2004; 42 (2): 123-150
  • SFAS No. 123 stock-based compensation expense and equity market values ACCOUNTING REVIEW Aboody, D., Barth, M. E., Kasznik, R. 2004; 79 (2): 251-275
  • Discussion of "Information distribution within firms: evidence from stock option exercises" Conference on Accounting and Economics in the New Economy Kasznik, R. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. 2003: 33–41
  • Does meeting earnings expectations matter? Evidence from analyst forecast revisions and share prices JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Kasznik, R., McNichols, M. F. 2002; 40 (3): 727-759
  • The impact of securities litigation reform on the disclosure of forward-looking information by high technology firms JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Johnson, M. F., Kasznik, R., Nelson, K. K. 2001; 39 (2): 297-327
  • Analyst coverage and intangible assets JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Barth, M. E., Kasznik, R., McNichols, M. F. 2001; 39 (1): 1-34
  • Purchase versus pooling in stock-for-stock acquisitions: Why do firms care? JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS Aboody, D., Kasznik, R., Williams, M. 2000; 29 (3): 261-286
  • CEO stock option awards and the timing of corporate voluntary disclosures JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS Aboody, D., Kasznik, R. 2000; 29 (1): 73-100
  • Share repurchases and intangible assets JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS Barth, M. E., Kasznik, R. 1999; 28 (2): 211-241
  • On the association between voluntary disclosure and earnings management JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Kasznik, R. 1999; 37 (1): 57-81
  • Revaluations of fixed assets and future firm performance: Evidence from the UK JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS Aboody, D., Barth, M. E., Kasznik, R. 1999; 26 (1-3): 149-178