
Roya is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University, Multi-Robot Systems Laboratory. She received her bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and her Ph.D. in control theory, with minors in optimization and machine learning from the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on enabling safe robot autonomy powered by generative AI in interactive, open-world environments. Roya has received the NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, the UC Berkeley Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, and the UC Berkeley Chancellor’s Award. She was recognized as a rising star in EECS and Aerospace Engineering. Outside of her research, she has served as the robotics mentor at Stanford AI4ALL outreach program that aims to increase diversity in artificial intelligence.

Stanford Advisors

All Publications

  • Intention Communication and Hypothesis Likelihood in Game-Theoretic Motion Planning IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS Chahine, M., Firoozi, R., Xiao, W., Schwager, M., Rus, D. 2023; 8 (3): 1223-1230
  • Coordination of Autonomous Vehicles and Dynamic Traffic Rules in Mixed Automated/Manual Traffic Firoozi, R., Quirynen, R., Di Cairano, S., IEEE IEEE. 2022: 1030-1035