Current Role at Stanford

As the operations and technology specialist for Stanford Libraries Conservation Services, I manage collection logistics and lab documentation practices, including conservation database development, metadata creation, and related digital workflows. I work with colleagues throughout the Libraries to track rare materials in transit to and from the Conservation Lab, to plan preservation projects and workflows, and to document the pivotal work of Conservation staff.

Beyond Stanford, I collaborate with conservators and informatics specialists around the world to assess practical concerns regarding technology and publish research aimed at establishing shared methodologies for the creation of conservation data and metadata in libraries and museums.

All Publications

  • Metadata for Conservators: Overcoming Obstacles to Digitising Conservation Documentation Journal of Digital Media Management Lieu, R. 2022; 10 (4): 314-322
  • Modelling Linked Data for Conservation: A Call for New Standards KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies Lieu, R., Campagnolo, A. 2022; 6 (3)

    View details for DOI 10.18357/kula.232

  • Digitizing Conservation: Developing data models for preservation data Archiving Conference Lieu, R. 2021; 1 (1): 28-32