Shannon Hervey
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Writing and Rhetoric Studies
Dr. Shannon Hervey has a BA in English, an MA in Rhetoric and Composition, and a PhD in English Literature all from the University of California, Riverside. Her work as a literary and cultural scholar focuses on American Literature and Culture from 1900 - present. In particular, she is interested in Cold War Literature and Culture, Popular American Literature and Culture, Young Adult Literature, Posthumanism, the Digital Humanities, Writing Pedagogy, and Multimodal Composition. Dr. Shannon Hervey is currently teaching a PWR 1 course titled, "The Rhetoric of Containment: Cold War Ideology Post 9/11" and a PWR 2 course titled, "The Rhetoric of Activism." She was most recently a University Writing Program instructor at UC Riverside where she was also a Mellon Research Fellow.
Academic Appointments
PWR Advanced Lecturer, Writing and Rhetoric Studies
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
SPECIALIZATION: Cold War Literature and Culture, Popular American Literature and Culture, Young Adult Literature, Posthumanism, the Digital Humanities, Writing Pedagogy, and Multimodal Composition
2024-25 Courses
- PWR 1 Workshop
PWR 1WW (Aut) - Writing & Rhetoric 1: Beyond Ivory Tower - Rhetoric of the University
PWR 1TRF (Sum) - Writing & Rhetoric 1: The Rhetoric of Wellness: Social Context of Mental & Physical Health
PWR 1SNB (Win, Spr) - Writing & Rhetoric 2: The Rhetoric of Bodies
PWR 2SNA (Aut) -
Prior Year Courses
2023-24 Courses
- PWR 1 Workshop
PWR 1WW (Aut) - Writing & Rhetoric 1: Beyond Ivory Tower - Rhetoric of the University
PWR 1TRF (Sum) - Writing & Rhetoric 1: The Rhetoric of Wellness: Social Context of Mental & Physical Health
PWR 1SNB (Win, Spr) - Writing & Rhetoric 2: The Rhetoric of Bodies
PWR 2SNA (Aut)
2022-23 Courses
- PWR 1 Workshop
PWR 1WW (Aut) - Writing & Rhetoric 1: Beyond Ivory Tower - Rhetoric of the University
PWR 1TRF (Aut, Sum) - Writing & Rhetoric 2: The Rhetoric of Bodies
PWR 2SNA (Aut)
2021-22 Courses
- PWR 1 Workshop
PWR 1WW (Aut, Spr) - Writing & Rhetoric 1: Beyond Ivory Tower - Rhetoric of the University
PWR 1TRF (Sum) - Writing & Rhetoric 1: The Rhetoric of Wellness: Social Context of Mental & Physical Health
PWR 1SNB (Spr) - Writing & Rhetoric 2: The Rhetoric of Bodies
PWR 2SNA (Aut, Win)
- PWR 1 Workshop