Terry Karl
Gildred Professor in Latin American Studies, Emerita
Political Science
Gildred Professor of Political Science and Latin American Studies (Emeritus)
Bass All-University Fellow for Excellence in Teaching (Emeritus)
International War Crimes and Human Rights Investigator
Terry Lynn Karl earned her Ph.D. (with distinction) from Stanford University. After serving on the faculty in the Government Department of Harvard University, she joined Stanford University’s Department of Political Science in 1987. She served as director of the Center for Latin American Studies for twelve years when it was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a “center of excellence.” She currently works as a war crimes/human rights investigator/ expert witness for several judicial systems: the U.S. (Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security/War Crimes Division), Spain, El Salvador, Colombia, and elsewhere, and non-governmental organizations.
An expert in international and comparative politics, Karl has conducted field research, held visiting appointments, or led workshops on oil politics and extractive resources, democratization and/or human rights throughout Latin America, West Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. She has published widely, with special emphasis on the politics of oil-exporting countries and conflict, transitions from authoritarian rule, problems of democratization, South American and Central America politics, the politics of inequality, U.S. foreign policy, and the resolution of civil wars. A multilingual scholar, her work has been translated into at least 25 languages.
Honors for Research and Teaching: Karl was awarded the Latin American Studies Guillermo O’Donnell Prize in March 2023 for her work on democratization and human rights. She previously received a Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, from the University of San Francisco and the Miriam Roland Volunteer Service Prize from Stanford University for her “exceptional commitment to public service in the cause of human rights and social justice.” The Latin American Studies Association awarded her the Oxfam Martin Diskin Prize in Toronto in 2010 for “excellence in combining scholarship and policy activism.” Karl has won all of Stanford’s major teaching awards offered during her tenure: the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (1989), the Stanford Medal for Faculty Excellence Fostering Undergraduate Research (1994), and the Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching (1997), which is the University's highest academic prize. At Harvard, she was chosen as Radcliffe’s “mentor of the year.” She has been recognized for “exceptional teaching throughout her career,” resulting in her permanent appointment as a Stanford Bass All-University Fellow and the Gildred Chair in Latin American Studies. As an untenured professor in 1982, Karl is also known as the first woman to charge a major university with protecting sexual harassers and regain her career, resulting in an apology by Harvard’s President Bacow four decades later and a forthcoming Harvard honor.
Recent Media: Karl has most recently appeared (2020-22) in the Washington Post, Forbes, Politico, Slate, New York Times, NBC, BBC, NPR, Newsweek, Fox News, USA Today, , the Guardian, El Faro, El Comercio, La Prensa Grafica, El Mundo, El Pais, El Nuevo Herald, Just Security, the Conversation, The Council of Foreign Relations, This Day Live, Analitica, El Impulso, Jewish News in Northern California, and the Chronicle of Higher Education on issues ranging from crimes against humanity to the politics of oil to combating sexual harassment.
Administrative Appointments
Director, Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University (1990 - 2002)
Visiting Professor, European University Institute (2002 - 2003)
Visiting Professor, Instituto Juan March (2000 - 2000)
Visiting Scholar, Human Sciences Research Council (1997 - 1997)
Visiting Professor, European University Institute (1997 - 1997)
Visiting Scholar, Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley (1984 - 1985)
Assistant Professor, Department of Government, Harvard University (1982 - 1985)
Research Associate, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (1981 - 1985)
Instructor, Department of Political Science, Stanford University (1980 - 1980)
Research Associate, Universidad Central de Venezuela (1977 - 1979)
Instructor, Merrill College, University of California, Santa Cruz (1977 - 1977)
William R. and Gretchen Kimball University Fellow in for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford University (2002 - 2007)
Honors & Awards
Named one of Time Magazine’s “10 Ideas that are changing the world”, Time Magazine (2008)
Bryce Wood Book Award, First Honorable Mention, Latin American Studies Association (1998)
Twelve Stars Prize, European Union (1995)
Commencement Speaker for the Senior Class of 2004, Stanford University (2004)
Outstanding Departmental Advising Award, Stanford University (1998-1999)
Walter J. Gores Prize for Excellence in Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching, Stanford University (1997)
Alan Cox Medal for Faculty Excellence Fostering Undergraduate Research, Stanford University (1994)
Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford University (1988-1989)
Radcliffe/Harvard Mentorship Award for Excellence in Teaching, Harvard University (1983)
The Miriam Aaron Roland Volunteer Service Prize, Stanford University (2007)
Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, College of Arts and Sciences, University of San Francisco (2005)
Order of Rio Branco, Republic of Brazil (1997)
Appointed the Gildred Professor of Latin American Studies, Stanford University (2004)
POSCO Visiting Fellowship, East-West Center (2004)
Fellowship, Rockefeller Foundation (2001-2002)
Fellowship with Mary Kaldor, London School of Economics, Ford Foundation (2001-2002)
Fellowship, Shaler Adams Foundation (2000)
Fellowship, Shaler Adams Foundation (2001)
Fellowship, Shaler Adams Foundation (2002)
Fellowship, Shaler Adams Foundation (2003)
Fellowship, Human Sciences Research Council (1997)
Faculty Undergraduate Research Award, Undergraduate Research Opportunities, Stanford University (1992)
Research Support, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University (1981)
Dissertation Award, Social Science Research Council (1977-1979)
Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, United States Department of Education (1977-1979)
Doherty Dissertation Fellowship, Stanford University (1977)
Fellowship, Stanford University (1975-1977)
Awarded the "12 Stars Environmental Prize", European Union (EEC)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Member, Advisory Committee and Peer Consultant, United Nations Development Report (2002 - 2002)
Member, Advisory Committee, Caspian Revenue Oil Watch, Open Society Institute (2002 - 2002)
Member, Advisory Committee, Council on Foreign Relations Domestic Politics and American Foreign Policy Project (1994 - Present)
Member, Research Council, International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy (1994 - Present)
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Democracy (1999 - Present)
Member, Editorial Board, World Policy Journal (1987 - Present)
Member, Editorial Board, Hemisfile (1990 - 2000)
Member, Advisory Council, Helen Kellogg Institute for International Relations, Notre Dame University (1992 - 2000)
Member, Social Science Research Council, Selection Committee (1998 - 1998)
Member, Social Science Research Council, Selection Committee (1999 - 1999)
Democracy and Governance Consultant to Management Systems International project, Agency for International Development (1996 - 1996)
Member, "Group of Lisbon," Advisory Council, European Commission (1992 - Present)
Board of Directors Member, General Services Foundation (1994 - 1997)
Member, Board of Directors, Vesper Society (1993 - 1996)
Member, Board of Directors, CINTERANDES (1994 - 1997)
Chair, Media Task Force, Latin American Studies Association (1995 - 1995)
Chair, Media Task Force, Latin American Studies Association (1993 - 1993)
Consultant, International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, Montreal, Canada (1994 - 1994)
Consultant, MacArthur Foundation (1996 - 1996)
Consultant, MacArthur Foundation (1994 - 1994)
Consultant, MacArthur Foundation (1992 - 1992)
Consultant, MacArthur Foundation (1990 - 1990)
Consultant, MacArthur Foundation (1988 - 1988)
Consultant, MacArthur Foundation (1993 - 1993)
Consultant, Ford Foundation (1992 - 1992)
Consultant, Ford Foundation (1990 - 1990)
Consultant, Ford Foundation (1988 - 1988)
Member, Visiting Committee, Helen Kellogg Institute for International Relations, Notre Dame University (1991 - 1991)
Member, Nominating Committee, Latin American Studies Association (1985 - 1985)
Member, Executive Board, Committee on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Harvard University (1982 - 1985)
Member, Executive Committee, New England Council on Latin American Studies (1984 - 1984)
Reviewer, American Political Science Review
Reviewer, Comparative Politics
Reviewer, World Politics
Reviewer, Latin American Research Review
Reviewer, Journal of Latin American Politics
Reviewer, Studies in Comparative International Development
Reviewer, Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs.
Member, American Association of University Women
Member, American Political Science Association
Member, Council on Foreign Relations
Member, Latin American Studies Association
Member, Society for Comparative Research
Member, Inter-American Dialogue
Professional Education
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of San Francsico, Human Rights (2005)
Ph.D., Stanford University, Political Science (1982)
M.A., Stanford University, Political Science (1976)
B.A., Stanford University, Humanities Special Programs (1970)
2023-24 Courses
Independent Studies (3)
- Directed Reading in Environment and Resources
ENVRES 398 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Directed Research in Environment and Resources
ENVRES 399 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Senior Thesis
INTNLREL 198 (Aut, Win, Spr)
- Directed Reading in Environment and Resources
All Publications
- Oil Wars edited by Karl, T. L., Kaldor, M., Said, Y. London: Pluto Press. 2007
- From Democracy to Democratization and Back A Diversity of Democracy: In Honor of Philippe C. Schmitter edited by Crouch, C., Streck, W. London: Elsevier. 2007
- The Political Challenges of Escaping the Resource Curse Escaping the Resource Curse: Optimal Strategies and Best Practices for Oil and Gas Exporting Developing Countries edited by Humphreys, M., Sachs, J., Stiglitz, J. New York: Columbia University Press. 2007
- Tumultuous Times: Latin America in the 1960s: A Debate Forum, Latin American Studies Association 2006; XXV (2)
- Understanding the Resource Curse Covering Oil: A Guide to Energy and Development. edited by Tsalik, S., Schriffin, A. New York: Open Society Institute. 2005
Latin America - Virtuous or perverse cycle
Workshop on the Quality of Democracy and Human Development in Latin America
UNIV NOTRE DAME PRESS. 2004: 187–195
View details for Web of Science ID 000227416200005
- The Vicious Cycle of Inequality in Latin America What Justice? Whose Justice? edited by Wickham-Crowley, T. P., Eckstein, S. E. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2004
- The Social and Political Consequences of Oil Encyclopedia of Energy edited by Cleveland, C. San Diego: Elsevier. 2004
- The Nature of the Political Transition in El Salvador: Advances and Setbacks in Democratic Consolidation: A Comment El Salvador’s Democratic Transition Ten Years After the Peace Accord edited by Arson, C. Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center. 2003
- Accident or Intent? Reneging on Democratic Promotion in Venezuela British Journal of Latin American Studies 2003
- “Not on Your Vita:” The Relevance of Comparative Politics for Public Life American Political Science Association/Comparative Politics 2003; 14 (2): 14-19
- Democracia, Desarrollo, y Estado de Derecho Democracia, desarrollo humano y ciudadanía. edited by Iazetta, O., O'Donnell, G. e., Vargas-Cullell, J. Argentina: editorial Homo Sapiens. 2003
- The Oil Trap TIQ 2003
- Bottom of the Barrel: Africa’s Oil Boom and the Poor Catholic Relief Services Press. 2003
- Comparing Modes of Transition to Democracy Between the East and the South Romanian Journal of Political Science 2002; 2 (1)
- Democratic Governance for Human Development United Nations Development Report 2002 Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2002
- Deepening Democracy by Tackling Democratic Deficits United Nations Development Report 2002 Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2002
Economic inequality and democratic instability
2000; 11 (1): 149-156
View details for Web of Science ID 000084819200020
- Crude Calculations: OPEC Lessons for Caspian Leaders Energy and Politics in Central Asia and the Caucasus edited by Ebel, R., Menon, R. New York: Rowman and Littlefield. 2000
- Democratization and Inequality in Latin America: Chile as a Test Case From Frei to Frei 2000
- Electoralism: Why Elections are not Democracy The International Encyclopedia of Elections edited by Rose, R. Congressional Quarterly Books. 2000
- The Venezuelan Revolution of 1958 The Encyclopedia of Political Revolutions edited by Goldstone, J. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly. 2000
- The Perils of Petroleum: Reflections on The Paradox of Plenty The Journal of International Affairs 1999; 53 (1)
- War Transitions Versus Peace Transitions The Challenge of Democratic Transitions in Post-Conflict Situations United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, Geneva. 1999
- State-Building and Petro-Revenues The Geopolitics of Oil, Gas and Ecology in the Caucasus and Caspian Basin Berkeley Program in Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies. 1998
- Democratization y globalizacion en America Latina: Un nuevo marco para el debate Revista de Ciencias Sociales 1998; 81
- The Limits to Competition Luchterhand. 1997
- Limites a Competicão Lisboa: Publicações Europa-America. 1997
- The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and Petro-States Berkeley: University of California Press. 1997
- Democratization Around the Globe: Opportunities and Risks The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment edited by Jameson, K. P., Wilber, C. K. McGraw Hill. 1996; 6th
- How Much Inequality Can Democracy Stand? Constructing Democracy in Markets: Comparing Latin America and Asia edited by Diamond, L., Lowenthal, A. Washington, D.C.: International Forum for Democratic Studies. 1996
- Dilemmas of Democratization in Latin America Democracy and Development in Latin America: Patterns and Cycles edited by Camp, R. A. Delaware: Scholarly Resources Inc. 1996: 21–46
The hybrid regimes of Central America
1995; 6 (3): 72-86
View details for Web of Science ID A1995UK68400007
- Democracy in Central America The Encyclopedia of Democracy. edited by Lipset, S. M. Washington: Library of Congress. 1995
- Modes of Transition in Latin America, Southern and Eastern Europe Transitions to Democracy: Comparative Perspectives from Southern Europe, Latin America and Eastern Europe edited by Pridham, G. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth. 1995: 153–172
- Dilemmas of Democratization in Latin America, Transitions to Democracy: Comparative Perspectives from Southern Europe, Latin America, and Eastern Europe edited by Pridham, G. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth. 1995: 271–293
- Limites a Competicão Lisboa: Publicações Europa-America. 1995
- What Democracy Is... and Is Not Transitions to Democracy: Comparative Perspectives from Southern Europe, Latin America and Eastern Europe edited by Pridham, G. Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Press. 1995: 3–16
- Oscar Arias The Encyclopedia of Democracy edited by Lipset, S. M. Washington: Library of Congress. 1995
- The Limits to Competition Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. 1995
- Limites a la Competivite Quebec: Boreal. 1995
- I Limiti della Competitività Roma: Manifestolibri. 1995
- Democracy in Venezuela The Encyclopedia of Democracy edited by Lipset, S. M. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. 1995
- Rómulo Betancourt The Encyclopedia of Democracy. edited by Lipset, S. M. Washington: Library of Congress. 1995
- From an Iron Curtain of Coercion to a Paper Curtain of Concepts: Grounding Transitologists or Confining Students of Post-Communism? Slavic Review 1995; 54 (4)
- Comparing Neo-Democracies: Origins, Trajectories, and Outcomes Conversations About Democratization and Economic Reform edited by Armijo, L. E. University of Miami: North-South Center. 1995
1994; 53 (1): 173-185
View details for Web of Science ID A1994NM01700010
- The Venezuelan Petro-State and the Crisis of "Its" Democracy Venezuelan Democracy Under Stress edited by McCoy, J. New Brunswick: Transaction Press. 1994
- The Hybrid Regimes of Central America Project Latin America 2000, Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame. 1994
- Democratization Around the Globe: Opportunities and Risks World Security: Challenges for a New Century edited by Klare, M. T., Thomas, D. C. New York: St. Martin's Press. 1994: 43–62
- Grenzen aan de Concurrentie Brussel: VUB Press. 1994
- Los modelos de democracia emergentes en la Europa meridional y del Este y en la América del Sur y Central Cuadernos de la Cátedra Fadrique Furio Ceriol Valencia: Universitat de Valencia. 1994: 21–43
- What Democracy Is... and Is Not The Global Resurgence of Democracy. edited by Plattner, M. F., Diamond, L. D.C.: Johns Hopkins University Press. 1993
- Qué es y no es la democracia? Sistema 1993: 17-30
- Mi A Demokrácia Es Mi Nem? Beszélö, Uj folyam 1993; IV (11)
1992; 71 (2): 147-164
View details for Web of Science ID A1992HN57500010
- La revolución negociada de El Salvador América Latina Internacional 1992; 9 (32)
- What Kinds of Democracies are Emerging in South America, Central America, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe? Bound to Change: Consolidating Democracy in Central Europe edited by Volten, P. New York: IEWSS. 1992: 42–68
- Dilemas de democratización en América Latina Foro Internacional 1991; XXXI
- Les Modes de transition en Amérique Latine, en Europe du Sud et de l'Est Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales 1991
- What Democracy Is... And Is Not Journal of Democracy 1991: 75-89
- Modes of Transition in Southern and Eastern Europe and South and Central America International Social Science Journal 1991: 269-284
- Modos de Transición en Europa del Sur, Europa del Este y América Latina Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales 1991
- Dilemas de la democratización en América Latina Estratégias para el desarrollo de la democracia: En Perú y América Latina edited by Cotler, J. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos. 1991
- Dilemmas of Democratization in Latin America Comparative Political Dynamics: Global Research Perspectives edited by Rustow, D., Erickson, K. P. New York: Harper Collins. 1991: 163–192
- Getting to Democracy: A Research Perspective The Transition to Democracy: Proceedings of a Workshop National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press: Washington, D.C.. 1991: 29–40
- Central America at the End of the Cold War Beyond the Cold War edited by Breslauer, G. W., Kreisler, H., Ward, B. Berkeley: Institute of International and Area Studies, University of California. 1991
- Dilemas de la democratización en América Latina Transiciones a la Democracia en Europa y América Latina edited by Solano, C. B., Barrios Horcasitas, J. L., Hurtado, J. Mexico: Grupo Editorial Miguel Angel Porrúa. 1991
CITY UNIV NEW YORK. 1990: 1–21
View details for Web of Science ID A1990ED23700002
- Dilemmas of Democratization in Latin America Comparative Politics 1990; 23 (1): 1-23
- The Christian Democratic Party and the Prospects for Democratization in El Salvador The Sociology of Developing Societies: Central America. edited by Flora, J., Rivas, E. T. New York: Monthly Review Press. 1989: 140–164
- Hégemonistes et entrepreneurs politiques: dépendence, démocratization et coopération dans les Amériques Etudes Internationales 1989; 86
- Hegemonistas y empresarios políticos: dependencia, democratización y cooperación en las Américas Estudios Internacionales num 1989; 22: 183-223
- El Salvador at the Crossroads: Negotiations or Total War: Interview with Salvador Samayoa World Policy Journal 1989: 321-355
- Exporting Democracy: U.S. Electoral Policy in El Salvador Crisis in Central America: Regional Dynamics and U.S. Policy in the 1980s edited by Hamilton, N. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 1988: 173–192
1987; 22 (1): 63-94
View details for Web of Science ID A1987F811100003
- Forging Peace: The Challenge of Central America Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1987
- La Palma and Ayaguayo: Brief Peaceful Encounters in a Long Civil War El Salvador: Central America in the Cold War edited by Gettleman, M. New York: Grove Press. 1986: 404–434
- The Logics of Hegemony: The United States as a Superpower in Central America Dominant Powers and Subordinate States: The United States in Latin America and the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe edited by Triska, J. North Carolina: Duke University Press. 1986: 218–238
- Regional Powers and Central American Peace: Mexico, Venezuela, and the Contadora Initiative Confronting Revolution: Security Through Diplomacy in Central America edited by Blachman, M., Leogrande, W., Sharpe, K. New York: Pantheon Press. 1986: 271–291
- Imposing Consent: Electoralism Versus Democratization in El Salvador Elections in Latin America edited by Drake, P., Silva, E. University of California, San Diego. 1986: 9–36
1985; 2 (2): 305-330
View details for Web of Science ID A1985AFM5100005
- Democracy by Design: The Christian Democratic Party in El Salvador The Central American Impasse edited by DiPalma, G., Whitehead, L. London: Croom Helm Publishers. 1985: 305–330
- Petroleum and Political Pacts: The Transition to Democracy in Venezuela Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Latin America edited by O'Donnell, G., Schmitter, P., Whitehead, L. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1985
1985; 2 (3): 589-592
View details for Web of Science ID A1985ALZ5300011
- La Reforme des entreprises d'état au Venezuela Problèmes Amérique Latine 1981
- Venezuela in Contemporary International Affairs The Monthly Report 1978: 12-30
- La administración Carter y las relaciones Venezuela/Estados Unidos Carter y América Latina edited by Borja, A. México: Cuadernos Semestrales, Estados Unidos, Perspectiva Latinoamericana, CIDE. 1978: 213–232
- Work Incentives in Cuba Latin American Perspectives 1975; II (7.4): 21-41