B.A. (1979) in Comparative Literature and Music, Dartmouth College
M.A. (1982) and Ph.D. (1988) in Music (History and Literature), University of California, Berkeley.
Academic positions: I have taught at the University of California, Los Angeles (1988-89) and the University of California, Berkeley (2005). Since 1990 I have been in the Music Department at Stanford University: Assistant Prof. 1990-1996, Associate Prof. 1997-2006, Professor 2007- 2022; Professor emeritus 2022-present (on callback 2022-24).
Fellowships and awards: DAAD, NEH, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Professional societies: American Musicological Society, Society for Music Theory
Editorial Board memberships: JAMS (editor-in-chief, 1999-2001); Journal of Musicology, WagnerSpectrum, The Wagner Journal, Nineteenth-Century Music Review
• My Ph.D. thesis looked at the critical and philosophical-aesthetic contexts of Richard Wagner’s writings on music from the 1840s through the 1860s, in particular debates about the nature of musical “form” and “content” in so-called absolute music vs. program music and texted music (opera, music drama). These issues were the focus of my first book, Wagner’s Musical Prose: Texts and Contexts (Cambridge University Press, 1995). Wagner and 19th-century opera studies have remained at the center of my work, with three edited volumes on Wagner: Cambridge Opera Handbook on Der fliegende Holländer (2000), The Cambridge Companion to Wagner (2008), and Wagner and his World (2009).
• Other long-standing research topics include Beethoven reception, Mendelssohn’s orchestral music, Wagner and anti-Semitism, Eduard Hanslick and the idea of “absolute music,” critical debates around the “New German School,” and Romantic music and visual culture.
• More recently I have been interested in music and 19th century theatrical melodrama, music and the “Gothic,” and American musical theater
• Current publication projects include: a three-volume annotated edition of selected music criticism and other journalism of Eduard Hanslick (1824-1904) in translation, in collaboration with Alexander Wilfing (Austrian Academy of Sciences / Center for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage), and a monograph Hanslick v. Wagner and the Verdict of History
• My earlier teaching at Stanford included, in addition to graduate history seminars, general education courses on Liszt and Romanticism, the symphony, Beethoven, and music appreciation, as well as beginning theory and graduate-level tonal analysis.
• An Introduction to Opera (Music 2C), 2011-2024
• Among the Freshman introductory seminars I have taught are Music 16N (Music, Myth, and Modernity: Wagner’s Ring cycle and Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings) and Music 34N (Performing America: The Broadway Musical).
• Graduate seminar topics include 19th century “neo-classicism,” music and visual culture, the operas of Richard Wagner, approaches to professional writing about music, eco-criticism and ideas of nature in Romantic music, Mahler’s symphonies, theories of beauty and the formation of musical taste
Academic Appointments
Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, Music
Administrative Appointments
Professor, Music (Musicology), emeritus, Stanford University (2024 - Present)
Professor, Music (Musicology), emeritus (50% call-back), Stanford University (2022 - 2024)
Professor, Music (Musicology), Stanford University (2007 - 2022)
Visiting Associate Prof, Music, University of California, Berkeley (2005 - 2005)
Associate Professor, Music (Musicology), Stanford University (1997 - 2007)
Affiliated faculty: German Studies, Stanford University (2002 - Present)
Assistant Professor, Music (Musicology), Stanford University (1989 - 1996)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Music, University of California, Los Angeles (1988 - 1989)
Teaching Assistant, U.C. Berkeley (1981 - 1983)
Honors & Awards
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2005)
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1995)
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1994)
Research Fellowship for University Teachers, National Endowment for the Humanities (1993)
University Of California Club Fellowship, University Of California (1987)
Dissertation Fellow, Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities (1986-1987)
Alfred Hertz and Sarah Unna Scholarships in Music, University of California (1984-1985)
Regents Fellowship and Alfred Hertz Memorial Scholarship in Music, University of California (1983-1984)
Lulu J. Blumberg Memorial Fellowship in Music, University of California, Berkeley (1980-1981)
Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Beta Kappa Society (1979)
Stephen J. Schlossmacher Award (Department of German), 1st Prize, Dartmouth College (1979)
Gerald Tracy Memorial Scholarship (piano), Dartmouth College (1978-1979)
Academic Citations in Italian 1, Music 59, Russian 1, Dartmouth College (1975-1978)
Rufus Choate Scholar (1st honor group), Rufus Choate (1975-1976)
Rufus Choate Scholar (1st honor group), Rufus Choate (1978-1979)
Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations
Faculty Search Committee Member, Stanford University (1992 - 2023)
Library Committee (chair), Music Department, Stanford University (2012 - Present)
Member, Editorial board, Journal of Musicology (2012 - Present)
Member, Advisory board, Cambridge Wagner Encyclopedia (2009 - 2013)
Member, Advisory board, Wagner Journal (2007 - Present)
Manuscript Reader, Routledge (Taylor & Francis) (2020 - Present)
Manuscript Reader, Nineteenth-Century Music Review (2024 - Present)
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Musicological Society (1999 - 2001)
Member, Editorial board, Nineteenth-Century Studies (2000 - Present)
Member, Editorial Advisory Board, The Cambridge Wagner Encyclopedia (2009 - 2013)
Member, Editorial board, Cambridge Opera Journal (2003 - 2023)
Member, Advisory board, Nineteenth-Century Music Review (2004 - Present)
Member, Advisory board, Wagner Spectrum (2005 - Present)
Member, Advisory board, Columbia University Press (2006 - Present)
Manuscript Reader, Journal of the American Musicological Society
Manuscript Reader, Cambridge Opera Journal
Manuscript Reader, Music & Letters
Manuscript Reader, Music Analysis
Manuscript Reader, Music Theory Spectrum (2014 - 2015)
Manuscript Reader, Journal of Musicological Research
Manuscript Reader, Nineteenth-Century Studies
Manuscript Reader, The Musical Quarterly
Manuscript Reader, Journal of Musicology
Manuscript Reader, Bloomsbury Academic (2023 - 2023)
Manuscript Reader, Schirmer Books
Manuscript Reader, Cambridge University Press
Manuscript Reader, Harvard University Press
Manuscript Reader, Yale University Press
Manuscript Reader, Northeastern University Press
Manuscript Reader, Princeton University Press
Manuscript Reader, University of California Press
Manuscript Reader, University of Rochester Press (Boydell & Brewer)
Manuscript Reader, Oxford University Press
Manuscript Reader, W. W. Norton
Manuscript Reader, University of Chicago Press
Graduate Studies Committee (chair), Music Department, Stanford University (2012 - 2014)
Member, AMS-50 graduate fellowship committee (application reader 2012), Stanford University (2009 - 2012)
External review committee member, Department of Music, University of California, Santa Cruz (2011 - 2011)
Member, Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, steering committee, Stanford University (2008 - 2010)
Member, Selection Committee, Stanford University Humanities Center fellowships (2008 - 2008)
Member, Stanford University Committee on Libraries, Stanford University (2007 - 2009)
Member, Editorial/advisory board, Wagner Journal (UK) (2007 - Present)
Referee, American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) (2006 - 2006)
Member, Advisory board, Columbia Themes in Philosophy, Social Criticism, and the Arts (2006 - Present)
Member, Advisory board, WagnerSpectrum (Germany, UK, US) (2005 - Present)
Member, Advisory Board, Nineteenth-Century Music Review (2004 - Present)
Member, Editorial Board, Cambridge Opera Journal (2003 - Present)
Member, Search Committee, Head of Music Library (2002 - 2002)
Member, Steering Committee, Stanford University (2001 - Present)
Chair, Music Department, Stanford University (2000 - 2001)
Member, Editorial Board, Nineteenth-Century Studies (2000 - Present)
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Musicological Society (1998 - 2001)
President, Northern/Central California Chapter of the American Musicological Society (1997 - 1999)
Member, Council of the American Musicological Society (1996 - 1999)
Member, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (2011 - 2012)
Member, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (2004 - 2005)
Member, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Member, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (1996 - 1997)
Member, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (1989 - 1992)
Chair, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (1991 - 1992)
Chair, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (1999 - 2000)
Chair, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (2004 - 2005)
Chair, Graduate Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (2011 - 2012)
Chair, Library Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (2011 - 2012)
Chair, Library Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
Chair, Library Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (2001 - 2002)
Chair, Library Committee, Music Department, Stanford University (1992 - 1993)
Member, Program Committee, American Musicological Society, Northern California Chapter (1992 - 1992)
Professional Education
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Music (History and Literature) (1988)
M. A., University of California, Berkeley, Music (History and Literature) (1982)
B. A., Dartmouth College, Comparative Literature and Music (1979)
Current Research and Scholarly Interests
This book project will involve a series of essays about the status of "beauty" as an aesthetic and critical concept in musical discourse and practice from the later 18th century through the advent of musical "modernism," starting with the reception of Wagner in the 1880s to c. 1900. The project seeks to mediate between philosophical conceptions of beauty (Kant and British aestheticians of the 18th century), criticism (Eduard Hanslick, centrally), and compositional practice over the long 19thC.
Selected Criticism of Eduard Hanslick (1824-1904), Austrian Academy of Sciences: Center for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage and Stanford University (5/1/2022 - 6/1/2026)
3-volume edition of music criticism and other journalism of Austrian writer, critic, aesthetician, and music historian Eduard Hanslick (1824-1904), edited, translated, and annotated in collaboration with Dr. Alexander Wilfing (Austrian Academy of Sciences: Center for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage)
Bäckerstraße 13 1010 Wien / Vienna, Austria
- Alexander Wilfing, Research fellow, project leader, Austrian Academy of Sciences: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
For More Information:
2023-24 Courses
- An Introduction to Opera
MUSIC 2C (Aut) - Performing America: The Broadway Musical
MUSIC 34N (Spr) -
Independent Studies (7)
- Concentrations Project
MUSIC 198 (Win, Spr) - Independent Study
MUSIC 199 (Aut, Win, Spr, Sum) - Independent Study
MUSIC 299 (Aut, Win, Spr) - PhD Dissertation Proposal
MUSIC 398 (Win, Spr) - Practicum Internship
MUSIC 390 (Sum) - Readings in Music Theory
MUSIC 321 (Win, Spr, Sum) - Research in Musicology
MUSIC 302 (Win, Sum)
- Concentrations Project
Prior Year Courses
2022-23 Courses
- An Introduction to Opera
MUSIC 2C (Aut) - Performing America: The Broadway Musical
MUSIC 34N (Spr)
2021-22 Courses
- An Introduction to Opera
MUSIC 2C (Aut) - Broadway Songbook
MUSIC 186F, TAPS 186F (Spr) - Performing America: The Broadway Musical
MUSIC 34N (Spr)
- An Introduction to Opera
All Publications
The Idea of Nature
2020: 205-231
View details for Web of Science ID 000606741500011
The Owl, the Nightingale and the Jew in the Thorn-bush: Relocating Anti-Semitism in Die Meistersinger
2016; 28 (1): 1-35
View details for DOI 10.1017/S095458671600001X
View details for Web of Science ID 000380960600001
Wagner after Freud: Stages of Analysis
2015; 31 (1-2): 116-133
View details for DOI 10.1093/oq/kbv005
View details for Web of Science ID 000356181600006
- Absolute music Issues in the Aesthetics of Music: Musicological Perspectives edited by Downes, S. London and New York: Routledge. 2014
- Music and the Gothic Imaginary: Visualizing the ‘Bleeding Nun’ from Matthew Lewis’s The Monk to Charles Gounod’s La Nonne sanglante Art, Theatre and Opera in Paris 1750-1850 edited by Hibberd, S., Wrigley, R. Burlington VT and Aldershot, Hants. UK: Ashgate Publishing. 2014
Wagner and the 'Makart Style'
2013; 25 (3): 225-260
View details for DOI 10.1017/S0954586713000116
View details for Web of Science ID 000330351100001
- Wagner, Richard Oxford Bibliographies Online: Music Oxford University Press. 2013
- On Wings of Song: Representing Music as Agency in Nineteenth Century Culture Music and Representation edited by Walden, J. Cambridge University Press. 2013: 103–26
- Il Caso Wagner Leitmotive: The Wagner Quarterly 2012: 6–26
- Das Rheingold Wagner-Handbuch edited by Lütteken, L. Kassel: Bärenreiter, and Stuttgart: Metzler. 2012: 341–47
- Wagner in Academia: Past, Present, and Future Quo Vadis Wagner: Approaching the Bicentennial edited by Holman, J. K. Wagner Society of Washington D.C.. 2012: 49–70
- Eduard Hanslick Routledge Companion to the Philosophy and Music edited by Gracyk, T., Kania, A. London and New York: Routledge. 2011: 360–70, 380–90
- Richard Wagner Routledge Companion to the Philosophy and Music edited by Gracyk, T., Kania, A. London and New York: Routledge. 2011: 360–70, 380–90
- In the realm of the senses: sight, sound and the music of desire in Tristan und Isolde Richard Wagner: Tristan und Isolde edited by Gross, A. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2011: 69–94
- Berückend wie ein Zauber, aber nicht beglückend wie ein Kustwerk’: Eduard Hanslicks Bewertung von Richard Wagner als musiktheatralischer Maler und Regisseur Eduard Hanslick zum Gedenken: Bericht des Symposions Anlass seines 100. Todestages edited by Antonicek, T., Gruber, G., Landerer, C. Tutzing: Schneider. 2010: 233–48
- Hanslick contra Wagner Wagner and his World edited by Grey, T. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009: 409–25
- Hans von Bülow on Richard Wagner’s Faust Overture Wagner Journal 2009; 3 (3): 4-28
- Debacle at the Paris Opéra Wagner and his World edited by Grey, T. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009: 347–71
- The Musical Language of Das Rheingold Leitmotive: The Wagner Quarterly 2009; 23 (2): 6-20, 17-31
- Catulle Mendès Visits Tribschen Wagner and his World edited by Grey, T. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009: 230–36
- Wagner and his World edited by Grey, T. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009
- Wagner, Offenbach, and Aristophanes: Classical Comedy, Modern Music, and Cultural politics in 1870 Wagner and his World edited by Grey, T. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009
- Recollections of Villa Wahnfried from Wagner’s American Dentist Wagner and his World edited by Grey, T. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009
- Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient and Wagner’s Dresden Wagner and his World edited by Thomas, T. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009: 201–29
- The Complete Program Notes of Richard Wagner Wagner and his World edited by Grey, T. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2009: 479–522
- The Jewish question The Cambridge Companion to Wagner Cambridge University Press. 2008: 12
- Leitmotif, temporality, and musical design in the Ring The Cambridge Companion to Wagner Cambridge University Press. 2008: 6
- Wagner and the Art of the Theatre Opera Quarterly 2008
- The Cambridge Companion to Wagner Cambridge University Press. 2008
- Richard Wagner: Autobiographical Sketch (to 1842) The Wagner Journal 2008; 2 (1): 42-58
- Meister Richard’s apprenticeship: the early operas (1833-40) The Cambridge Companion to Wagner Cambridge University Press. 2008: 2
Late Beethoven: Music, thought, imagination (Book Review)
2007; 60 (1): 222-231
View details for Web of Science ID 000246201200009
- Magnificent Obsession: Tristan und Isolde as the Object of Musical Analysis Music, Theatre, and Politics in Germany, 1848-1933 edited by Bacht, N. Ashgate. 2006: 51–78
Commentary: Opera in the age of revolution
2006; 36 (3): 555-?
View details for Web of Science ID 000234747200014
- The Gothic Libertine: The Shadow of Don Giovanni in Early Romantic Music and Culture The Don Giovanni Moment edited by Goehr, L., Herwitz, D. New York: Columbia University Press. 2006: 75–106
'Death-devoted heart': Sex and the sacred in Wagner's 'Tristan and Isolde'. (Book Review)
2005; 61 (3): 763-766
View details for Web of Science ID 000227096500018
- 25 January 1911 – The Agency of the Past A New History of German Literature edited by Wallbery, D. Harvard University Press. 2005
- Richard Wagner, Last of the Titans Choice 2005
- Wagner's Musical Prose: Texts and Contexts New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism Cambridge University Press. 2005
- Die Meistersinger in the culture and Politics of German Nationalism Leitmotive 2004; 18 (1): 1, 3-7
- Der fliegende Holländer San Francisco Classical Voice 2004
- Masters and their Critics: Wagner, Hanslick, Beckmesser, and Die Meistersinger Representation and/in Die Meistersinger edited by Vaszonyi, N. University of Rochester Press. 2003: 165–189
- Wagner and the Legacy of French Grand Opera Cambridge Companion to Grand Opera edited by Charlton, D. Cambridge University Press. 2003: 321–43
- Music as natural language and the perception of evil in the Ring: Siegfried, Act 2, scene 3 19th-Century Music: Selected Proceedings of the 10th International Conference edited by Samson, J., Zon, B. 2003: 39–59
- Otello San Francisco Classical Voice 2002
- Wagner the Degenerate: Fin de Siècle Cultural 'Pathology' and the Anxiety of Modernism 19th-Century Studies 2002; 16: 73-92
- Wagner's Meistersinger as National Opera (1868-1945) Music and German National Identity edited by Potter, P., Applegate, C. University of Chicago Press. 2002: 78–104
- Wagner and his World Wagner Admires Meyerbeer edited by Grey, T. 2001: 335–46
- Historical Views and Documents The Mendelssohn Companion edited by Seaton, D. Greenwood Press: Westport CT. 2001: 534–50
- Opera and Music Drama (the later 19th Century) Cambridge History of Nineteenth-Century Music edited by Samson, J. Cambridge University Press. 2001: 371–423
- The Orchestral Music The Mendelssohn Companion edited by Seaton, D. Greenwood Press: Westport CT. 2001: 395–533
- Arshak II, Samson et Dalila, Die Meistersinger San Francisco Classical Voice 2001
- Selbstbehauptung oder Fremdmißbrauch? Zur Rezeptionsgeschichte der Meistersinger Deutsche Meister – Böse Geister? Nationale Selbstfindung in der Musik edited by Danuser, H., Münkler, H. Argus: Schliengen. 2001: 305–20
- Tappert, Wilhelm New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Oxford University Press. 2000
- Beethoven Hero Beethoven Forum 2000; 8: 207-23
- Fingal's Cave and Ossian's Dream: Music, Image, and Phantasmagoric Audition Music and the Visual Arts edited by Morton, M., Schmunck, P. L. New York and London: Garland. 2000: 63–99
- New German School New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Oxford University Press. 2000
- Brendel, Karl Franz New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Oxford University Press. 2000
- Luisa Miller, The Tsar's Bride San Francisco Classical Voice 2000
- Hanslick, Eduard New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Oxford University Press. 2000
- Richard Wagner: Der fliegende Holländer edited by Grey, T. Cambridge Opera Handbook series, Cambridge University Press. 2000
- Wolzogen, Paul Hans Freiherr von New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Oxford University Press. 2000
- Parsifal San Francisco Classical Voice 2000
- Wagner Ring cycle San Francisco Classical Voice 1999
- Leading Motives and Narrative Threads: Notes on the Leitfaden Metaphor and the Critical Pre-History of the Wagnerian Leitmotiv Musik als Text: Bericht über den internationalen Kongreß der Gesellschaft für Musikforschung Freiburg i. B. edited by Danuser, H., Plebuch, T. Kassel: Bärenreiter. 1999: 352–58
- La Favorite San Francisco Classical Voice 1999
- Eduard Hanslick on Wagner's Actors and Singers Wagner 1998; 19 (1): 34-40
- Tristan und Isolde San Francisco Classical Voice 1998
Tableaux-vivants: Landscape, history painting, and the visual imagination in Mendelssohn's orchestral music
1997; 21 (1): 38-76
View details for Web of Science ID 000070961700002
- Tableaux vivants: Landscape, History Painting, and the Visual Imagination in Mendelssohn's Orchestral Music Nineteenth-Century Music 1997; 21 (1): 38-76
- Sickness or Redemption? 'Wagnerism' and the Consequences The Threat to the Cosmic Order: Psychological, Social, and Health Implications of Richard Wagner's "Ring of the Nibelung" Madison CT: International Universities Press. 1997: 143–60
- . . . wie ein rother Faden: On the origins of 'leitmotif' as critical construct and musical practice Music Theory in the 19th Century edited by Bent, I. Cambridge University Press. 1996: 187–210
- Richard Wagner and the Anti-Semitic Imagination Cambridge Opera Journal 1996; 8 (2): 185-97
- History in 'Living Pictures': Music, Drama, and Tableau in Early Romantic Opera Romance and Chivalry in Early 19th-Century French Painting edited by Sainty, E. London: The Matthiesen Gallery; New York: Stair, Sainty, Matthiesen inc.. 1996: 230–51
1995; 52 (2): 474-476
View details for Web of Science ID A1995TK80500031
- Musica Ficta (Figures of Wagner) Opera Quarterly 1995; 12 (2): 97-101
- Nüchterne Briefe aus Bayreuth: Vergeblicher Versuch im Jahre 1876, Zeit und Geister Richard Wagners zu bannen Music Library Association Notes 1994; 50: 85-88
- Eduard Hanslick on Wagner's Beethoven Wagner 1994; 15 (2): 51-7
- Halévy International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Richard Wagner: Theory and Theatre Music Library Association Notes 1993; 49: 1448-50
- Der Vampyr International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- I lituani International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Auber International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Don Pasquale International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Die Königin von Saba International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Fra diavolo International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. 1993
- Le prophète International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Marschner International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- La juive International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Goldmark International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Wagner's Lohengrin: Between grand opéra and Musikdrama Lohengrin (English National Opera Guide no. 47), edited by John, N. London: John Calder and New York: Riverrun Press. 1993: 15–32
- Nicolai International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. 1993
- La dame blanche International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Boieldieu International Dictionary of Opera edited by LaRue, S. London and Chicago: St. James Press. 1993
- Wagner and Beethoven: Richard Wagner’s Reception of Beethoven Current Musicology 1993; 52: 89-99
1992; 49 (2): 556-558
View details for Web of Science ID A1992KA85400032
1992; 16 (1): 92-99
View details for Web of Science ID A1992JT00300010
- Richard Wagner and the Nibelungs Music Library Association Notes 1992; 48: 556-8
- A Wagnerian Glossary The Wagner Compendium edited by Millington, B. London: Thames & Hudson; New York: Schirmer Books. 1992
- Working Habits The Wagner Compendium edited by Millington, B. London: Thames & Hudson; New York: Schirmer Books. 1992
- Patronage, Commissions and Royalties in Wagner's Day The Wagner Compendium edited by Millington, B. London: Thames & Hudson; New York: Schirmer Books. 1992
- Musical Background and Influences The Wagner Compendium edited by Millington, B. London: Thames & Hudson; New York: Schirmer Books. 1992
- Attitudes Toward Contemporary Composers The Wagner Compendium edited by Millington, B. London: Thames & Hudson; New York: Schirmer Books. 1992
- The Beethoven Legacy The Wagner Compendium edited by Millington, B. London: Thames & Hudson; New York: Schirmer Books. 1992
- Metaphorical Modes in 19th-Century Music Criticism: Image, Narrative, and 'Idea' Music and Text: Critical Inquiries edited by Scher, S. P. Cambridge, London, and New York: Cambridge University Press. 1991: 93–117
- Verdi's 'Groundswells': Surveying an Operatic Convention Analyzing Opera: Verdi and Wagner edited by Abbate, C., Parker, R. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1989: 153–180
- Beethoven's Critics: Aesthetic Dilemmas and Resolutions During the Composer's Lifetime 19th-Century Music 1989; 12 (3): 257-62
1988; 12 (1): 3-22
View details for Web of Science ID A1988Q727000001
- Idee und Begriff des musikalischen Kunstwerks Music Library Association Notes 1985; 41: 727-8
- Opera, The Extravagant Art University Publishing 1985; 15