Academic Appointments

  • Emeritus Faculty, Acad Council, Music

Administrative Appointments

  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University (1969 - 1971)
  • Assistant Professor, Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester (1971 - 1972)
  • Acting Assitant Professor, Stanford University (1972 - 1974)
  • Assistant Professor, Stanford University (1974 - 1980)
  • Associate Professor, Stanford University (1980 - Present)

Honors & Awards

  • Fellowship, National Endowment for the Humanities-Newberry Library (1976)
  • Stanford-Mellon Junior Faculty Fellowship, Stanford University (1978 - 1979)
  • Summer Fellowship, Stanford University (1982 - 1985)
  • Albert Schweitzer Medal, St. Joseph Office of the Poor (1991)
  • Thomas Binkley Award, Early Music America (2010)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Member, American Musicological Society
  • Member, Church Music Association of America
  • Member, Consociatio Internationalis Musicae Sacrae
  • Member, Dante Society of America
  • Member, International Machaut Society
  • Member, Latin Liturgy Association
  • Member, Medieval Academy of America
  • Member, Medieval Association of the Pacific
  • Member, Plainsong and Medieval Music Society
  • Member, Dutch Musicological Society
  • Member, College Board Examining Committee for Advanced Placement in Music (1972 - 1980)
  • President, Renaissance Conference of Northern California (1980 - 1981)
  • Member, Advisory Board, National Endowment for the Humanities, documentary on Sumatran music (1983 - 1985)
  • Chairman, Stanford University Subcommittee on Distribution Requirements (1983 - 1984)
  • Chairman, Stanford Western Culture Program (1984 - 1985)
  • President, Northern California Chapter, American Musicological Society (1987 - 1991)
  • Acting Chairman, Department of Music, Stanford University (1989 - 1989)
  • Chairman, Bay Area Chapter, Latin Liturgy Association (1991 - Present)
  • Member, Performance Committee for the Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society (2005 - 2008)
  • Member, Haskins Medal Committee of the Medieval Academy of America (2005 - 2008)
  • President, Church Music Association of America (2005 - Present)
  • Editor, Sacred Music (2006 - Present)
  • Member, Board of Directors, Friends of Music, Stanford University (2000 - Present)
  • Member, Board of Directors, Associates of Stanford University Libraries (2004 - 2007)
  • Director, Stanford Early Music Singers, Stanford University (1972 - Present)
  • Choirmaster, St. Ann Choir, Palo Alto (1964 - 1966)
  • Choirmaster, St. Ann Choir, Palo Alto (1967 - 1969)
  • Choirmaster, St. Ann Choir, Palo Alto (1973 - Present)
  • Organist, St. Ann Choir, Palo Alto (1988 - Present)
  • Quarterly services of Compline, Stanford Memorial Church (2001 - Present)

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Stanford University (1969)
  • M.A., University of Washington (1963)
  • B.A., University of Washington (1963)

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Cipriano de Rore: New Perspectives on His Life and Music (Book Review) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY Book Review Authored by: Mahrt, W. 2019; 72 (3): 871–75
  • Gregorian Chant in the Season of Lent ANTIPHON-A JOURNAL FOR LITURGICAL RENEWAL Mahrt, W. 2017; 21 (2): 93–114
  • Responsory prosae and the post-Christmas 'Choir Solemnities' at Salisbury Cathedral PLAINSONG & MEDIEVAL MUSIC Mahrt, W. P. 2016; 25 (1): 27-36
  • Additional Chants for the Congregation SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2015; 142 (2): 52-55
  • Singing the Ordinary of the Mass: A Response to Jared Ostermann SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2015; 142 (2): 38-45
  • The Choral Ordinary in the Ordinary Form SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2015; 142 (1): 22-29
  • Hearing the Gradual, Qui sedes, Domine, super Cherubim SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2015; 142 (1): 46-50
  • The New Musical Evangelization SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2014; 141 (1): 3-9
  • Palestrina's Sicut Cervus: A Motet Upon a Parallelismus Membrorum SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2014; 141 (1): 34-41
  • Victoria's Doubting-Thomas Motet, O decus apostolicum SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2013; 139 (3): 45-53
  • Repetition, Time, and Recollection SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2013; 139 (3): 4-7
  • Ziprianus, Sicut cervus: A Phrygian Motet in a Familiar Text SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2013; 140 (1): 24-30
  • Gospel Sacred Music Mahrt, W. P. 2013; 140 (1): 3 - 5
  • Music and the Sacrality of the Two Forms Benedict XVI and the Roman Missal Mahrt, W. P. edited by Rutherford, J. E. Dublin: Four Courts Press. 2013
  • Microphone Sacred Architecture Mahrt, W. P. 2013
  • Gregorian Chant and the Rosary SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2012; 139 (1): 49-52
  • Background Music SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2012; 139 (1): 3-6
  • The Propers of the Mass as Integral to the Liturgy Psallite Sapienter: Benedict XVI and Beauty in Sacred Music Mahrt, W. P. edited by Twomey, D. V., Rutherford, J. E. Dublin: Four Courts Press. 2012: 149–162
  • The Musical Shape of the Liturgy Mahrt, W. P. 2012
  • Ars Celebrandi SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2012; 139 (4): 3-6
  • Microphone Sacred Music Mahrt, W. P. 2012; 139 (2): 3 - 6
  • The Communion Tollite hostias and Heinrich Isaac's Setting from the Choralis Constantinus SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2011; 138 (3): 22-31
  • Relative Goods SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2011; 138 (3): 3-5
  • Kyrie "Cunctipotens Genitor Deus" Alternatim SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2011; 138 (2): 29-33
  • Active Participation and Listening to Gregorian Chant SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2011; 138 (1): 19-31
  • Motets SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2011; 138 (1): 3-6
  • Focus Sacred Music Mahrt, W. P. 2011; 138 (2): 3 - 7
  • Singing at Mass SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2011; 138 (4): 3-5
  • Acoustics, Liturgy, and Architecture in Medieval English Cathedrals Music, Dance and Society: Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Memory of Ingrid G. Brainard Mahrt, W. P. edited by Buckley, A., Cyrus, C. J. Kalamazoo, Mich.: Medieval Institute Publications. 2011: 251–259
  • The Choralis Constantinus and the Organ Heinrich Isaac and Polyphony for the Proper of the Mass in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance Mahrt, W. P. edited by Burn, D. J., Gasch, S. Turnhout: Brepols. 2011: 141–156
  • Can Kyrie Lux et Origo and Kyrie Te Christe Rex Supplices Be Sung by the Congregation? SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2010; 137 (3): 50-53
  • The Place of Hymns SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2010; 137 (3): 3-5
  • The Gradual and the Responsorial Psalm SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2010; 137 (2): 20-32
  • The Languages of the Liturgy SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2010; 137 (2): 3-6
  • Antiphonale Romanum, vol 2 (Book Review) SACRED MUSIC Book Review Authored by: Mahrt, W. 2010; 137 (1): 72-75
  • Words, Words SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2010; 137 (1): 3-5
  • Practical Sacrality SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2010; 137 (4): 3-5
  • The Role of Old Sarum in the Processions of Salisbury Cathedral The Study of Medieval Manuscripts of England: Festschrift in Honor of Richard W. Pfaff Mahrt, W. P. edited by Brown, G. H., Voigts, L. E. Tournhout, Belgium: Brepols. 2010: 129–141
  • Ad orientem and Music SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2009; 136 (3): 3-5
  • Offertory Chants with Repeats: Two Jubilate Deos, Precatus est Moyses, De profundis, and Domine in auxilium SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2009; 136 (3): 47-50
  • An Unusual Chain of Thirds: The Introit Miserere Mihi, Domine SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2009; 136 (2): 48-50
  • From Elevation to Communion: Pierre de La Rue, O salutaris hostia SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2009; 136 (1): 53-55
  • Saying and Singing SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2009; 136 (1): 3-6
  • The Masses of William Byrd SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2009; 136 (4): 42-48
  • Gregorian Chant: Invention or Restoration? SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2009; 136 (4): 78-78
  • Viennese Classical Masses? SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2009; 136 (4): 3-5
  • "Pride of Place" (Gregorian chant) SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2008; 135 (3): 3-4
  • On the 'Graduale Romanum' and the papal Masses SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2008; 135 (2): 3-7
  • 'Passer invenit': A communion on a simile SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2008; 135 (1): 30-34
  • Sing to the Lord SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2008; 135 (1): 44-51
  • Aesthetics revisited (Music of the St. Louis Jesuits) SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2008; 135 (1): 3-4
  • The Masses of William Byrd A Byrd Celebration: Lectures at the William Byrd Festival Mahrt, W. edited by Turbet, R. Richmond, Virginia: Church Music Association of America. 2008: 87–94
  • William Byrd's Art of Melody A Byrd Celebration: Lectures at the William Byrd Festival Mahrt, W. edited by Turbet, R. Richmond, Virginia: Church Music Association of America. 2008: 113–122
  • The Economy of Byrd's Gradualia A Byrd Celebration: Lectures at the William Byrd Festival Mahrt, W. edited by Turbet, R. Richmond, Virginia: Church Music Association of America. 2008: 151–157
  • Grave and Merrie, Major and Minor: Expressive Paradoxes in Byrd's Cantiones Sacrae, 1589 A Byrd Celebration: Lectures at the William Byrd Festival Mahrt, W. P. edited by Turbet, R. 2008: 131–137
  • The Sacred Sacred Music Mahrt, W. P. 2008; 135 (4): 3 - 5
  • Two narrative communions: 'Dicit Dominus, Implete Hydrias Aqua' and 'Fili, Quid Fecisti Nobis Sic?' SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2007; 134 (3): 21-24
  • Lasso as mannerist: 'Adoramus Te, Christe' (Orlando di Lasso) SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2007; 134 (1): 40-44
  • Toward a revision of 'Music in Catholic Worship' Conference on Revision of Music in Catholic Worship Mahrt, W. CHURCH MUSIC ASSOC AMER. 2007: 54–60
  • The Astonishing Output of Lasso Sacred Music Mahrt, W. P. 2007; 134 (1): 50–52
  • On the Apostolic Exortation Sacred Music Mahrt, W. P. 2007; 134 (2): 3 - 4
  • It's the music SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2007; 134 (4): 3-4
  • On the Style of Lasso’s Missa sesquialtera Die Münchner Hofkapelle des 16. Jahrhunderts im europaischen Kontext Mahrt, W. P. edited by Göllner, T., Schmid, B. Munich: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 2007: 415–433
  • The Criterion of Beaty Sacred Music Mahrt, W. 2007; 134 (1): 3
  • Summorum Pontificum Sacred Music Mahrt, W. P. 2007; 134 (3): 3 - 5
  • New directions for sacred liturgy (Church music) SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2006; 133 (3): 3-5
  • 'Expectans exspectavi' and 'Meditabor': Mode-two offertories with unusual endings SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2006; 133 (2): 25-29
  • Guillaume de Machaut and Reims: Context and meaning in his musical works (Book Review) SACRED MUSIC Book Review Authored by: Mahrt, W. 2006; 133 (2): 35-36
  • Gregorian chant as a paradigm of sacred music SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2006; 133 (1): 5-14
  • Reflections on 'Kyrie Orbis Factor' SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2006; 133 (1): 24-27
  • A future of chant SACRED MUSIC Mahrt, W. 2006; 133 (1): 3-4
  • Yonge Versus Watson and the Translation of Italian Madrigals John Donne Journal Mahrt, W. P. 2006; 25: 245–266
  • Façade as Spectacle: Ritual and Ideology at Wells Cathedral The Medieval Review Mahrt, W. P. 2005
  • Some Musical Sources and Their Context Stanford University Libraries Imprint Mahrt, W. 2004
  • Dante’s Musical Progress in the Commedia The Echo of Music: Essays in Honor of Marie Louise Göllner Mahrt, W. edited by Sullivan, B. Warren, Mich.: Harmonie Park Press. 2004: 63–73
  • To Transpose or Not to Transpose Early Music America Mahrt, W. P. 2004; 10 (4): 48f
  • Recordings by Stanford Early Music Singers of Medieval and Renaissance pieces Recorded Anthology for A History of Music in Western Culture Mahrt, W. edited by Bond, M. E. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 2003
  • Male and Female Voice in Two Virelais of Guillaume de Machaut Machaut's Music: New Interpretations Mahrt, W. edited by Leach, E. E. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer. 2003: 221–230
  • Gamut, Solmization, and Modes A Performer’s Guide to Medieval Music Mahrt, W. edited by Duffin, R. W. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press. 2002
  • Notation and Editions A Performer’s Guide to Medieval Music Mahrt, W. edited by Mahrt, R. W. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press. 2000
  • Chant A Performer’s Guide to Medieval Music Mahrt, W. edited by Duffin, R. W. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press. 2000
  • The Interplay of Language and Music in Machaut’s Virelai ‘Foy Porter' Tradition and Ecstasy—The Agony of the Fourteenth Century Mahrt, W. edited by Deusen, N. v. Ottawa: Instute of Medieval Music. 1997: 235–250
  • Machaut’s Virelai Foy porter in manuscript Conference on the History of the Book Mahrt, W. 1996
  • Grammatical and Rhetorical Aspects of Troubadour Melodies The Cultural Milieu of the Troubadours and Trouvères Mahrt, W. edited by Deusen, N. v. Ottawa: Instute of Medieval Music. 1994: 116–124
  • Brahms’ Reminiscences Newsletter of the American Brahms Society Mahrt, W. 1994: 1 - 4
  • Introduction: About Leonard G. Ratner Convention in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Music Mahrt, W., Levy, J. M., Jamison, W. edited by Mahrt, W., Allanbrook, W. J., Levy, J. M. Stuyvesant, N.Y.: Pendragon Press. 1992: xi-xvii
  • Introduction: Lists of Writing and Compositions Convention in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Music Mahrt, W. edited by Mahrt, W., Allanbrook, W. J., Levy, J. M. Stuyvesant, N.Y.: Pendragon Press. 1992: xviii-xxi
  • Word-Painting and Formulaic Chant Cum angelis canere: Essays on Sacred Music and Pastoral Liturgy in Honour of Richard J. Schuler Mahrt, W. edited by Skeris, R. A. 1992: 113–144
  • Convention in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Music: Essays in Honor of Leonard G. Ratner edited by Mahrt, W., Allanbrook, W. J., Levy, J. M. Stuyvesant, N. Y.: Pendragon Press. 1992
  • Brahms and Reminscence: A Special Use of Classic Conventions Convention in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Music Mahrt, W. edited by Mahrt, W., Allanbrook, W. J., Levy, J. M. Stuyvesant, N.Y.: Pendragon Press. 1992: 75–112
  • The Aesthetics of the Cyclic Mass Newsletter of the San Francisco Early Music Society Mahrt, W. 1991
  • A Harvard Festsprach on Medieval Music Historical Performance: The Journal of Early Music America Mahrt, W. 1991; 4 (1): 38-39
  • Liturgy Ever Ancient, Ever New: What Do Traditionalists Have to Fear? Crisis, Mahrt, W. 1991; 9 (7): 31–34
  • THE DISCUSSION ABOUT PROPOSALS TO CHANGE THE WESTERN CULTURE PROGRAM AT STANFORD-UNIVERSITY MINERVA Kennedy, D., Perry, J., LOUGEE, C., McCall, M., Robinson, P., Gibb, J., BUSH, C. N., Brown, J., Dekker, G., King, B., CHACE, W., Camargo, C., Evans, J. M., REBHOLZ, R., Degler, C., Gelpi, B., ROSALDO, R., BUSH, C. N., Mahrt, W., RAYDEN, H., LINDENBERGER, H., Gelpi, A., Davis, G., Middlebrook, D., Kennedy, D., Phillips, D., Papasotiriou, H. 1989; 27 (2-3): 223-411
  • The Role of Music in the Camp In Song of Survival Mahrt, W. 1985
  • Gregorian Chant as a Fundamentum of Western Musical Culture Beiträge über die geistigen und künstlerischen Grundlagen der europäischen Musikkultur II Mahrt, W. edited by Overath, J. 1984: 286–293
  • Imogene Horsley (1919-1981) AMS newsletter Mahrt, W., Cohen, A., Houl, G., Ratner, L. G. 1982; 12 (1): 8
  • Guillaume Dufay’s Chansons in the Phrygian Mode Studies in Music from the University of Western Ontario Mahrt, W. 1980; 5: 81-98
  • Gregorian Chant as a Fundamentum of Western Musical Culture: An Introduction to the Singing of a Solemn High Mass Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Mahrt, W. 1979; 32 (3): 22-34
  • VIVALDI,ANTONIO (1678-1741) AND HIS SACRED MUSIC SACRED MUSIC MAHRT, W. P. 1978; 105 (4): 7-19
  • 'tUitnement kabinet, I and other recorder music Music Library Notes Mahrt, W. 1978; 34: 463 - 464
  • The Musical Shape of the Liturgy, Part IV: The Function of the Organ Sacred Music Mahrt, W. 1977; 104 (4): 3-18
  • Gregorian Chant as a Fundamentum of Western Musical Culture Report of the Sixth International Church Music Congress Mahrt, W. 1976: 85–105
  • ANTHOLOGY OF EARLY-RENAISSANCE MUSIC - GREENBERG,N, MAYNARD,P (Book Review) NOTES Book Review Authored by: MAHRT, W. P. 1976; 33 (2): 397-400
  • The Gregorian High Mass and Its Place in the University Sacred Music Mahrt, W. 1974; 103 (1): 10-16
  • Review: Heinrich Isaac, Messen - Martin Staehelin Journal of the American Musicology Society Mahrt, W. 1973; 26: 341-344