Xitong Wang
Ph.D. Student in Bioengineering, admitted Summer 2022
Ph.D. Minor, Computer Science
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High-resolution spiral real-time cardiac cine imaging with deep learning-based rapid image reconstruction and quantification.
NMR in biomedicine
2023: e5051
The objective of the current study was to develop and evaluate a DEep learning-based rapid Spiral Image REconstruction (DESIRE) and deep learning (DL)-based segmentation approach to quantify the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) for high-resolution spiral real-time cine imaging, including 2D balanced steady-state free precession imaging at 1.5 T and gradient echo (GRE) imaging at 1.5 and 3 T. A 3D U-Net-based image reconstruction network and 2D U-Net-based image segmentation network were proposed and evaluated. Low-rank plus sparse (L+S) served as the reference for the image reconstruction network and manual contouring of the left ventricle was the reference of the segmentation network. To assess the image reconstruction quality, structural similarity index, peak signal-to-noise ratio, normalized root-mean-square error, and blind grading by two experienced cardiologists (5: excellent; 1: poor) were performed. To assess the segmentation performance, quantification of the LVEF on GRE imaging at 3 T was compared with the quantification from manual contouring. Excellent performance was demonstrated by the proposed technique. In terms of image quality, there was no difference between L+S and the proposed DESIRE technique. For quantification analysis, the proposed DL method was not different to the manual segmentation method (p > 0.05) in terms of quantification of LVEF. The reconstruction time for DESIRE was ~32 s (including nonuniform fast Fourier transform [NUFFT]) per dynamic series (40 frames), while the reconstruction time of L+S with GPU acceleration was approximately 3 min. The DL segmentation takes less than 5 s. In conclusion, the proposed DL-based image reconstruction and quantification techniques enabled 1-min image reconstruction for the whole heart and quantification with automatic reconstruction and quantification of the left ventricle function for high-resolution spiral real-time cine imaging with excellent performance.
View details for DOI 10.1002/nbm.5051
View details for PubMedID 37926525