
Arvind Karunakaran is an Assistant Professor at Stanford University in the Department of Management Science and Engineering. He is a Core faculty of the Center for Work, Technology, and Organization (WTO), Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP), and a faculty affiliate of the Stanford Institute for Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) and the Digital Economy Lab (DEL).

His research examines authority and accountability in the workplace, especially in the context of technological change. He received his Ph.D. from the MIT Sloan School of Management. His current research examines human-AI augmentation in the workplace. He specializes in ethnographic and field-based methods (e.g., participant observations, interviews), examining the empirical and theoretical puzzles discovered during fieldwork that existing research cannot fully explain. He complements these methods with comparative-historical analysis of primary archival data and quantitative/computational analysis of large-corpus of textual data.

His research has been published in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Annals, Research Policy, and Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, and recognized with awards from professional associations such as the American Sociological Association (ASA), Academy of Management (AOM), Industry Studies Association (ISA), Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA).

Selected Publications:
Karunakaran, A. Frontline Professionals in the Wake of Social Media Scrutiny: Examining the Processes of Obscured Accountability. Forthcoming, Administrative Science Quarterly.

Karunakaran, A. 2022. Status-Authority Asymmetry between Professions: The Case of 911 Dispatchers and Police Officers, Administrative Science Quarterly, 67(2), 423-468.

Karunakaran, A. 2022. In Cloud We Trust? Co-opting Occupational Gatekeepers to Produce Normalized Trust in Platform-mediated Interorganizational Relationships, Organization Science, 33(3), 1188–1211

Karunakaran, A, Orlikowski, W.J., and Scott, S.V. 2022. Crowd-based Accountability: Examining how Social Media Commentary Reconfigures Organizational Accountability, Organization Science, 33(1), 170-193.

Van Angeren, J., and Karunakaran, A. 2023. Anchored Inferential Learning: Platform-specific Uncertainty, Venture Capital Investments by the Platform Owner, and the Impact on Complementors, Organization Science, Forthcoming. **Equal Contribution**

Rahman, H., Weiss, T., and Karunakaran, A. 2023. The Experimental Hand: Examining How Platform-based Experimentation Reconfigures Worker Autonomy. Academy of Management Journal, Forthcoming. **Equal Contribution**

Rahman, H., Karunakaran, A.,and Cameron, L. Taming Platform Power: Taking Accountability into Account in the Management of Platforms. Academy of Management Annals, 66(6), 1803–1830. **Equal Contribution**

Academic Appointments

Honors & Awards

  • Recipient, W. Richard Scott Article Award, Organizations, Occupations, and Work (OOW) Section, American Sociological Association (2024)
  • Recipient, Responsible Research in Management Award, Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) and the Academy of Management Fellows Group (2024)
  • Recipient, Future of Organizations Inaugural Fellowship, Organization Design Community (2024)
  • Runner-up, ASQ Best Paper based on a Dissertation, Administrative Science Quarterly (2023)
  • Recipient, LERA/AILR Best Papers, Labor and Employment Relations Association Annual meeting (2023)
  • Fellowship, CASBS (Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences) Summer Institute (2023)
  • Finalist, Best Conference Paper Award, OMT Division, AOM Annual Meeting (2023)
  • Jagdeep & Roshni Singh Faculty Fellow, Stanford University (2022)
  • Recipient, Best Published Paper, Communications, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology, American Sociological Association (2022)
  • Recipient, William H. Newman Best Dissertation Paper, Academy of Management (2019)
  • Recipient, Louis Pondy Best Dissertation Paper, Organization and Management Theory (OMT) division, Academy of Management (2019)
  • Honorable Mention, Junior Theorist Award, Theory Section, American Sociological Association (2019)
  • Recipient, Giarratani Rising Star Award, Industry Studies Association (2022)
  • Recipient, Gerardine DeSanctis Best Dissertation Paper, Communications, Technology, and Organizing (CTO) Division, Academy of Management (2019)
  • Recipient, Best Conference Paper, Communications, Technology, and Organizing (CTO) Division, Academy of Management (2019)
  • Recipient, Emerging Scholar in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Industry Studies Association (2019)
  • LERA Best Papers, Labor and Employment Relations Association (2019, 2021, 2022)
  • Finalist, Best Submission with Practical Implications, MOC Division/Behavioral Science and Policy Association, AOM (2019)
  • Runner-up, Best Paper in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Industry Studies Association (2022)
  • Runner-up, Best Working Paper Award, Technology, Innovation Management, and Entrepreneurship, INFORMS (2019)
  • Recipient, Best Doctoral Dissertation, Association of Information Systems (AIS)/Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (2018)
  • Honorable Mention, Shils-Coleman Memorial Award, Theory Section, American Sociological Association (2018)
  • Recipient, Best Graduate Student Paper, Communications, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology, American Sociological Association (2017)
  • Recipient, Best Paper (Macro Track), East Coast Doctoral Conference, Organized by Columbia University and NYU (2017)
  • Ethnography Fellow, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago (2017)
  • Recipient, Donald R. Cressey Award for the Most Outstanding Dissertation Project, Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy (2016)
  • Recipient, Above & Beyond Call of Duty Award (top 2% of reviewers), Organization and Management Theory (OMT) section, AOM (2013)
  • Recipient, Vincent Cerf Graduate Student Paper Award, Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (2012)

Professional Education

  • PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2018)

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

Areas of Research:
Sociology of Work and Occupations/Professions
Organization Theory
Technological/Organizational change

Authority in the Workplace
Accountability (Professional, Organizational, Algorithmic)

Social/Algorithmic Evaluation (of Job applicants, Employees, Startups)
Human-AI augmentation and Reskilling
Social Media Scrutiny
Conflicts in Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical Relations

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • Frontline Professionals in the Wake of Social Media Scrutiny: Examining the Processes of Obscured Accountability ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE QUARTERLY Karunakaran, A. 2024
  • Taming Platform Power: Taking Accountability into Account in the Management of Platforms Academy of Management Annals; **Equal Authorship** Rahman, H., Karunakaran, A., Cameron, L. 2024; 66 (6): 1803–1830
  • Anchored Inferential Learning: Platform-Specific Uncertainty, Venture Capital Investments by the Platform Owner, and the Impact on Complementors Organization Science **Equal Authorship** Van Angeren, J., Karunakaran, A. 2023

    View details for DOI 10.1287/orsc.2022.1607

  • The Experimental Hand: Examining How Platform-based Experimentation Reconfigures Worker Autonomy Academy of Management Journal, Forthcoming. **Equal authorship** Rahman, H., Weiss, T., Karunakaran, A. 2023

    View details for DOI 10.5465/amj.2022.0638

  • Crowd-Based Accountability: Examining How Social Media Commentary Reconfigures Organizational Accountability ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Karunakaran, A., Orlikowski, W. J., Scott, S. V. 2022; 33 (1): 170-193
  • Status-Authority Asymmetry between Professions: The Case of 911 Dispatchers and Police Officers ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE QUARTERLY Karunakaran, A. 2022; 67 (2): 423-468
  • In Cloud We Trust? Co-opting Occupational Gatekeepers to Produce Normalized Trust in Platform-Mediated Interorganizational Relationships ORGANIZATION SCIENCE Karunakaran, A. 2022; 33 (3): 1188-1211
  • Beyond the Buzz: Scholarly Approaches to the Study of Work JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INQUIRY Monteiro, P., Nicolini, D., Erickson, I., Cohen, L. E., Dokko, G., Corporaal, G. F., Karunakaran, A., Bechky, B. A., O'Mahony, S. 2024
  • Process-based ideology of participative experimentation to foster identity-challenging innovations: The case of Gmail and AdSense STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION Garud, R., Karunakaran, A. 2018; 16 (3): 273-303
  • Boundaries, breaches, and bridges: The case of Climategate RESEARCH POLICY Garud, R., Gehman, J., Karunakaran, A. 2014; 43 (1): 60-73
  • Toward a Model of Collaborative Information Behavior in Organizations JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Karunakaran, A., Reddy, M. C., Spence, P. 2013; 64 (12): 2437-2451

    View details for DOI 10.1002/asi.22943

    View details for Web of Science ID 000330129200003