School of Engineering
Showing 1-50 of 72 Results
Matthew Bahls
Director of Major Gifts, School of Engineering - External Relations
Current Role at StanfordDevelopment Officer for the School of Engineering
Richard Bahr
Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering
BioAcademic experience:
Presently advising the Stanford SystemX Alliance, and the EE/CS AHA! Research center as an adjunct prof. Formerly the executive director of the SystemX Alliance, and a consulting professor at Stanford.
Commercial experience:
Presently an advisor, consultant and mentor to a number of startup companies primarily in the computing and wireless spaces. Formerly the SrVP responsible for Wi-Fi technology at Qualcomm, and before that the engineering executive responsible for the MIPS microprocessor and Cray supercomputer development at SGI.
Education: BSEE and MSEE from MIT.
For more extensive background, please consult my linked in profile: -
Craig Barratt
Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering
BioActing director of System X and instructor for EE310 in Winter and Spring 2023-24.
I received MSEE and Ph.D. (EE) degrees at Stanford long ago, and a BS (math and physics) and BE (EE) from the University of Sydney, Australia (even longer ago).
After a career in the tech industry at several startups and large companies, I currently serve on a couple of public and private company boards, and I'm on the advisory board of Stanford's Center for Digital Health. I also contribute to some open source projects.
See my bio at -
Takoua El Bejaoui
Research Associate, Program-Coleman, T.
Current Role at StanfordResearch and Design Engineer
Lab Safety Coordinator -
Younes Bensouda Mourri
Adjunct Lecturer, Computer Science
BioYounes was born and raised in Morocco. He currently teaches Artificial Intelligence on campus and online at Stanford University. He has worked on Coursera's #1 Course: Machine learning and #1 Specialization: Deep Learning. Younes co-created 3 Artificial Intelligence courses for graduate students at Stanford. He also designed and taught the Natural Language Processing Specialization on Coursera with Lukasz Kaiser.