School of Engineering
Showing 1-56 of 56 Results
Ashwin Rao
Adjunct Professor, Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME)
BioMy current research and teaching is in Machine Learning (specifically RL) with applications to Financial Markets and Retail businesses. My academic origins are in Algorithms Theory and Abstract Algebra. More details on my background are here:
My Stanford Home Page:
CME 241 ("RL for Finance"), which I teach each Winter quarter: -
Stephen E Richardson
Professional-NX, Electrical Engineering
Justin S. Rogers
Research Oceanographer, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Staff, Civil and Environmental EngineeringBioPh.D. Civil & Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2016
M.S. Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006
B.S. Civil Engineering (Minor in Chemistry), University of Arizona, 2004
Research interests:
-Coastal resilience, risk, sea level rise, extreme events, compound hazards
-Impact of climate change on human and natural systems in coastal and nearshore environments
-Core model development for coastal applications, storm surge, tropical cyclones, flood risk, bottom boundary layers, turbulence, and multiscale physics.
I leverage the power of cloud computing, HPC systems and modern code frameworks, and adapt multiple analysis methods including dynamical models, machine learning, statistical methods, and field observations. -
Judith Romero
Chief Communications Officer, SCPD and Stanford Online, Stanford Engineering Center for Global and Online Education
Current Role at StanfordChief Communications Officer for the Stanford Engineering Center for Global & Online Education (CGOE) and Stanford Online. Responsible for web and social media sites, for public information and media relations, and for brand strategy and global marketing.
William Rose
Cs Fall Student, Computer Science
Undergraduate, Computer Science
Undergraduate, Earth & Planetary SciencesBioI'm an undergraduate in the Earth and Planetary Sciences and Computer Science departments. My work focuses on data-driven critical mineral exploration with Mineral-X.
Sebastian Alexander Russo
Student Employee, Computer Science
Undergraduate, Computer ScienceBioI'm studying computer science and other cool stuff!