School of Medicine

Showing 381-390 of 898 Results

  • Neha Shirish Joshi, MD MS

    Neha Shirish Joshi, MD MS

    Clinical Scholar, Pediatrics
    Postdoctoral Scholar, Neonatal and Developmental Medicine

    BioNeha S Joshi, MD MS is a Clinical Scholar in the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Stanford University. Her clinical responsibilities include caring for hospitalized children at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford as a board certified Pediatric Hospitalist, and neonatal resuscitation and the care of level I/II late preterm and term newborns as a Neonatal Hospitalist. Dr. Joshi completed her MD with Distinction at the University of California San Francisco, followed by both residency in Pediatrics and fellowship in Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Stanford University. Dr. Joshi additionally completed a Masters in Clinical Research and Epidemiology at Stanford University. Her research program seeks to identify and implement high value care practices for late preterm and term infants during the birth hospitalization. Dr. Joshi's prior work has included the development of a clinical examination-based approach to identifying late preterm and term infants at risk for early onset sepsis; this work won the Jennifer Daru Memorial Award for manuscript with most potential to impact clinical care. Dr Joshi is currently working on identifying evidence-based admission criteria, clinical benchmarks, and quality markers for late preterm infants. Dr. Joshi's work has been supported by the NIH F32 Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award, the Gerber Foundation, and the Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute.

  • Shashank V. Joshi, MD

    Shashank V. Joshi, MD

    Professor (Teaching) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Child Development) and, by courtesy of Pediatrics and, of Education
    On Partial Leave from 10/15/2023 To 10/01/2024

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Joshi's teaching and research focuses on increasing knowledge and effectiveness of school mental health, youth wellbeing, positive psychology, pediatric psychotherapy and medication interventions. Areas of study include: the therapeutic alliance in medical care, structured psychotherapy interventions, cultural issues in pediatrics, wellbeing promotion and suicide prevention in schools settings, and faculty development in graduate medical education.

  • Pooja Kakar

    Pooja Kakar

    Member, Maternal & Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsAs a breastfeeding medicine physician, I am passionate about advocating for mother-infant dyads and supporting their breastfeeding journeys. Additionally, I am interested studying and addressing disparities in initiation and duration of breastfeeding, particularly in lower-resourced populations, by building and advancing community partnerships.

    I am also interested in the use of digital health tools to advance upstream determinants of health in community-based settings. My current funded research projects include: 1) Providing a telehealth-based, weight control program to children with obesity from lower-income, racial and ethnic minority families (Gardner GOALS) and 2) Assessing and addressing disparities in healthy behaviors in families from under-resourced settings through the use of a secure, multilingual mobile neighborhood app (Our Voice: Beyond Clinic Walls).

  • Julia Kaltschmidt

    Julia Kaltschmidt

    Associate Professor of Neurosurgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe lab’s primary research interest is to understand how specific neuronal circuits are established. We use mouse genetics, combinatorial immunochemical labeling and high-resolution laser scanning microscopy to identify, manipulate, and quantitatively analyze synaptic contacts within the complex neuronal milieu of the spinal cord and the enteric nervous system.

  • Kathleen Kan

    Kathleen Kan

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Urology

    BioDr. Kathleen Kan is a fellowship-trained pediatric urologist with a clinical practice based at LPCH and additional outreach programs in the South Bay. Her current practice includes general, endoscopic and complex reconstructive procedures and a clinical counseling interest in kidney stone disease and differences in sexual differentiation. She currently serves as the Associate Program Director of the Urology residency program.

    Her current research is focused on understanding why health elementary schoolchildren develop new bladder and bowel problems.

  • Matthew Kanan

    Matthew Kanan

    Professor of Chemistry

    BioAssociate Professor of Chemistry Matthew Kanan develops new catalysts and chemical reactions for applications in renewable energy conversion and CO2 utilization. His group at Stanford University has recently developed a novel method to create plastic from carbon dioxide and inedible plant material rather than petroleum products, and pioneered the study of “defect-rich” heterogeneous electro-catalysts for converting carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to liquid fuel.

    Matthew Kanan completed undergraduate study in chemistry at Rice University (B.A. 2000 Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa). During doctoral research in organic chemistry at Harvard University (Ph.D. 2005), he developed a novel method for using DNA to discover new chemical reactions. He then moved into inorganic chemistry for his postdoctoral studies as a National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he discovered a water oxidation catalyst that operates in neutral water. He joined the Stanford Chemistry Department faculty in 2009 to continue research into energy-related catalysis and reactions. His research and teaching have already been recognized in selection as one of Chemistry & Engineering News’ first annual Talented 12, the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, Eli Lilly New Faculty Award, and recognition as a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Environmental Mentor, among other honors.

    The Kanan Lab addresses fundamental challenges in catalysis and synthesis with an emphasis on enabling new technologies for scalable CO2 utilization. The interdisciplinary effort spans organic synthesis, materials chemistry and electrochemistry.

    One of the greatest challenges of the 21st century is to transition to an energy economy with ultra-low greenhouse gas emissions without compromising quality of life for a growing population. The Kanan Lab aims to help enable this transition by developing catalysts and chemical reactions that recycle CO2 into fuels and commodity chemicals using renewable energy sources. To be implemented on a substantial scale, these methods must ultimately be competitive with fossil fuels and petrochemicals. With this requirement in mind, the group focuses on the fundamental chemical challenge of making carbon–carbon (C–C) bonds because multi-carbon compounds have higher energy density, greater value, and more diverse applications that one-carbon compounds. Both electrochemical and chemical methods are being pursued. For electrochemical conversion, the group studies how defects known as grain boundaries can be exploited to improve CO2/CO electro-reduction catalysis. Recent work has unveiled quantitative correlations between grain boundaries and catalytic activity, establishing a new design principle for electrocatalysis, and developed grain boundary-rich copper catalysts with unparalleled activity for converting carbon monoxide to liquid fuel. For chemical CO2 conversion, the group is developing C–H carboxylation and CO2 hydrogenation reactions that are promoted by simple carbonate salts. These reactions provide a way to make C–C bonds between un-activated substrates and CO2 without resorting to energy-intensive and hazardous reagents. Among numerous applications, carbonate-promoted carboxylation enables the synthesis of a monomer used to make polyester plastic from CO2 and a feedstock derived from agricultural waste.

    In addition to CO2 chemistry, the Kanan group is pursuing new strategies to control selectivity in molecular catalysis for fine chemical synthesis. Of particular interest in the use of electrostatic interactions to discriminate between competing reaction pathways based on their charge distributions. This effort uses ion pairing or interfaces to control the local electrostatic environment in which a reaction takes place. The group has recently shown that local electric fields can control regioselectivity in isomerization reactions catalyzed by gold complexes.