Stanford University Libraries
Showing 61-80 of 433 Results
Freja H Cole
Sound Archives Metadata Librarian, Archive of Recorded Sound
BioAs Sound Archives Metadata Librarian, I create metadata for music audio recordings in the Archive of Recorded Sound. Before arriving at Stanford, I worked in public services at the Indiana University William and Gayle Cook Music Library.
Catherine Nicole Coleman
Research Director, Humanities+Design, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research
Affiliate, Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA)BioNicole is Digital Research Architect for the Stanford University Libraries and Research Director for Humanities+Design, a research lab at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis. Nicole works at the intersection of the digital library and digital scholarship as a lead architect in the design and development of practical research services. She is currently leading an initiative within the Library to identify and enact applications of artificial intelligence —machine perception, machine learning, machine reasoning, and language recognition— to make the collections of maps, photographs, manuscripts, data sets and other assets more easily discoverable, accessible, and analyzable.
At Humanities + Design she has led the design and development of numerous tools for data visualization and analysis including Palladio, Breve, and Data Pen. The lab encourages and supports collaboration between researchers from the humanities and design to encode interpretive method in tools for data analysis. Lessons learned in that work have proven essential to improving the design of machine learning based tools for research. -
Lorna Corbetta
Evening Supervisor & Head of Reserves, Art and Architecture Library
BioAs Evening Supervisor, I oversee the hiring, training, and supervision of the dozen or so students who work for the library. In addition, I manage all the Course Reserves for art and architecture classes. I also maintain and prepare all Bowes special collections (Art Locked Stacks)
Nathan Coy
Sound Archives Librarian, Archive of Recorded Sound
Current Role at StanfordNathan provides research support to users of the Archive of Recorded Sound and works to provide resources that empower those inquiring into our shared recorded history.
Tom Cramer
Associate University Librarian, University Librarian's Office
Current Role at StanfordAssociate University Librarian &
Director, Digital Library Systems & Services
Chief Technology Strategist
Stanford University Libraries -
Alison de Geus
Media Center Librarian, University Libraries
Current Role at StanfordMedia Center Librarian
Greta de Groat
Metadata Librarian for Electronic and Visual Resources, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordI catalog digital materials (CD-ROMs, online monographs, websites, databases, video games, etc.) as well as videos, spoken word sound recordings, and general oddball stuff. If you can show it to me, i can catalog it! I also serve as a metadata consultant for digital projects. I have expertise in MARC, MODS, RDA, AACR2, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Library of Congress Classification, and an interest in the application of linked data to library metadata practices and infrastructure.
Catherine Descanzo
Sr. Assistant Head, Access Services (Circulation), University Libraries
BioI have oversight of the daytime and evening circulation, course reserves, and the student staffing programs in Access Services at Cecil H. Green Library. I also am currently leading the Circulation Subgroup as part of Stanford Libraries' migration to the new open source integrated library system called FOLIO.