Stanford University Libraries
Showing 11-20 of 77 Results
Ebru Cetin Milci
Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy, Metadata Department
BioEbru Cetin Milci
Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy
PhD, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, Turkish Philology (2014)
Dr. Ebru Çetin Milci serves as a Metadata Specialist for Turkish Resources & Complex Copy at Stanford University. She is in charge of cataloging a diverse array of materials, including modern and historical Turkish resources, with a particular focus on monographs, lithographs, political and cultural ephemera, as well as Stanford Library's extensive Ottoman world holdings.
Ebru Çetin Milci has over 15 years of experience in teaching Turkish language and literature at high schools and Galatasaray University. Beyond her contributions to academia, Dr. Cetin Milci has also held positions at companies such as Facebook, where she has shared her language expertise.
Dr. Çetin Milci's expertise as a linguist extends to Arabic, Persian, Armenian, and various branches of Turkic languages, while her academic research centers on the history of Turkish/Turkic languages, particularly the 17th and 18th-century Gregorian Zone Kipchak Turkish law texts that was written with Armenian scripts. She is proficient in Turkish, Ottoman, Kipchak branch Turkic languages, Armenian, Arabic, and Persian. -
Alison de Geus
Media Center Librarian, University Libraries
Current Role at StanfordMedia Center Librarian
Greta de Groat
Metadata Librarian for Electronic and Visual Resources, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordI catalog digital materials (CD-ROMs, online monographs, websites, databases, video games, etc.) as well as videos, spoken word sound recordings, and general oddball stuff. If you can show it to me, i can catalog it! I also serve as a metadata consultant for digital projects. I have expertise in MARC, MODS, RDA, AACR2, Library of Congress Subject Headings, Library of Congress Classification, and an interest in the application of linked data to library metadata practices and infrastructure.
Catherine Descanzo
Sr. Assistant Head, Access Services (Circulation), University Libraries
BioI have oversight of the daytime and evening circulation, course reserves, and the student staffing programs in Access Services at Cecil H. Green Library. I also am currently leading the Circulation Subgroup as part of Stanford Libraries' migration to the new open source integrated library system called FOLIO.
Arcadia Falcone
Metadata Coordinator, Metadata Department
Current Role at StanfordMetadata Coordinator and Head, Metadata Design Unit
Metadata Services, Stanford Libraries