Stanford University

Showing 1-100 of 110 Results

  • Lisa Zaba, MD, PhD

    Lisa Zaba, MD, PhD

    Associate Professor of Dermatology

    BioLisa Zaba M.D. Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Dermatology, and Director of the Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) multi-disciplinary clinic and member of the supportive oncodermatology group at the Stanford Cancer Center. She runs a lab focusing on the immunology of MCC and the treatment and prognostic implications of immune checkpoint inhibitor and targeted therapy rashes. Dr. Zaba completed medical school at Cornell University, PhD in immunology at Rockefeller University, Residency and Post-Doc at Stanford University in 2013.

  • Janine Zacharia

    Janine Zacharia


    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsInterested in new forms of foreign correspondence, how stories go viral, the intersection between technology/social media and national security. Middle East/Israel is my main area of reporting expertise.

  • Sanno Zack

    Sanno Zack

    Clinical Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Zack is involved with ongoing research related to the treatment of adolescent and adult trauma (Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - TF-CBT; Prolonged Exposure - PE), and the effective provision of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to adolescent girls and women with disorder of emotion regulation. She additionally studies Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for adolescent girls with anxiety. More broadly she is interested in the impact of Evidenced Based Treatments on improving quality of life, and helping individuals find the right match for clinical care. Research is conducted through the Early Life Stress and Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Program at Stanford Children's Hospital and the Stanford Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program.



    Clinical Professor, Emergency Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsHigh altitude medicine, AMS, HACE, HAPE, cold injuries, including hypothermia and frostbite, emergency medical services, wilderness medicine, mountain rescue, thrombosis, international medicine, travel medicine, emergency medicine, resuscitation

  • Greg Zaharchuk

    Greg Zaharchuk

    Professor of Radiology (Neuroimaging and Neurointervention)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsImproving medical image quality using deep learning artificial intelligence
    Imaging of cerebral hemodynamics with MRI and CT
    Noninvasive oxygenation measurement with MRI
    Clinical imaging of cerebrovascular disease
    Imaging of cervical artery dissection
    MR/PET in Neuroradiology
    Resting-state fMRI for perfusion imaging and stroke

  • Dessi Zaharieva

    Dessi Zaharieva

    Instructor, Pediatrics - Endocrinology and Diabetes

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsThe 4T (Teamwork, Targets, Technology, and Tight Control) Exercise Study focuses on addressing the attitudes & barriers to exercise for families and newly diagnosed youth with type 1 diabetes (T1D). We are currently establishing feasibility and understanding physical activity patterns and behaviours in newly diagnosed youth with T1D using wearable activity trackers. This work also involves delivering structured exercise education to families and youth with T1D over telehealth.

  • Hengameh Zahed, MD, PhD

    Hengameh Zahed, MD, PhD

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurology & Neurological Sciences

    BioDr. Zahed is a board-certified, fellowship-trained neurologist with the Stanford Medicine Movement Disorders Center. She is also a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurological Sciences.

    She diagnoses and treats a wide range of movement disorders including Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia, and ataxia. She creates a personalized treatment plan for each of her patients using a variety of treatment options, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological options, deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment for Parkinson's disease and tremors, and botulinum toxin injections for movement disorders and spasticity.

    Prior to joining Stanford University, Dr. Zahed completed a neurology residency and fellowship in movement disorders at University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where she also earned her MD and PhD in biomedical sciences. Dr. Zahed’s research interests include understanding the genetic and electrophysiological underpinnings of movement disorders and investigating applications of wearable technologies to monitor symptoms and improve the quality of life in patients with movement disorders. She also participates in clinical trials of new therapeutics for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.

    Dr. Zahed has published in Movement Disorders, Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, The Journal of Clinical Investigation, American Journal of Human Genetics, Cell, and other peer-reviewed journals. She has presented to her peers at international, national, and regional meetings. These meetings have included the International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, the Hereditary Disease Foundation Symposium, the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, and the Society for Neuroscience.

    Dr. Zahed is a member of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society.

  • Natalie M. Zahr

    Natalie M. Zahr

    Assistant Professor (Research) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Major Laboratories)

    BioNatalie M. Zahr received a graduate education in the basic sciences including the study of neuro- pharmacology, physiology, and anatomy. After completing her graduate training in electrophysiology, she began a postdoctoral fellowship as a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scientist. Her work focuses on translational approaches using in vivo MR imaging and spectroscopy in studies of human with Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) and in rodent models of alcohol exposure with the goal of identifying mechanisms of alcohol effects on the brain. Her human studies include participants with HIV, those co-morbid for HIV and AUD and recently, aging individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Her position allows her to explore emerging MR technologies and apply them to test relevant hypotheses. Before joining Stanford, she taught at several local institutions including UC Berkeley extension and Santa Clara University where she enjoyed sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm for learning with students.

  • Yulia Zak, MD

    Yulia Zak, MD

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Surgery - General Surgery

    BioDr. Yulia Zak earned her medical degree from SUNY Downstate Medical Center before completing general surgery residency at Stanford University and advanced minimally invasive gastrointestinal and bariatric fellowship training at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Zak is certified by the American Board of Surgery and American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. She has also completed the Stanford Surgical Education and Simulation fellowship and was previously an Assistant Program Director for the general surgery residency program at Mount Sinai Beth Israel. Dr. Zak joined the faculty at Stanford in 2018 and is the current Fellowship Associate Program Director. Her current clinical practice is focused on bariatrics, foregut and abdominal wall procedures. Her academic interests include quality improvement, surgical education, and bariatric outcomes.

  • Emily Juliette Zakem

    Emily Juliette Zakem

    Assist Prof (By Courtesy), Earth System Science

    BioEmily Zakem is a Principal Investigator at the Department of Global Ecology at the Carnegie Institution for Science. Previously, she was a Simons Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in Marine Microbial Ecology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She completed her Ph.D. in Climate Physics and Chemistry in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In her research, she aims to improve understanding of the connections between microbial ecosystems, global biogeochemistry, and the climate system. She uses theory and mathematical models to understand how microbial ecology drives carbon, nitrogen, and other elemental cycling. She develops broadly applicable models of microbial populations, grounded in underlying chemical and physical constraints, in order to robustly predict the biogeochemistry of past, present, and future environments.

  • Jamil Zaki

    Jamil Zaki

    Professor of Psychology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research focuses on the cognitive and neural bases of social behavior, and in particular on how people respond to each other's emotions (empathy), why they conform to each other (social influence), and why they choose to help each other (prosociality).

  • Sandra Zaky

    Sandra Zaky

    Clinical Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology - Radiation Therapy

    BioDr. Zaky is a board certified Radiation Oncologist. She received a Bachelor’s of Science in Biomedical/Electrical Engineering at Marquette University. She worked in research and development as an Engineer, and eventually received a Masters of Science in Immunology from Albany Medical College. Her research thesis focused on a novel therapy to treat hormone-receptor positive breast cancer. She continued to study breast cancer with her research during her Radiation Oncology residency; she integrated her research in the laboratory with her clinical research in triple-negative breast cancer. Since completing residency, she has worked as a general radiation oncologist, and her special interests include breast cancer, skin cancer, CNS tumors and stereotactic radiotherapy.

  • Abdul K. Zalikha, M.D.

    Abdul K. Zalikha, M.D.

    Clinical Instructor, Orthopaedic Surgery

    BioDr. Zalikha's passion centers on the surgical and nonsurgical care of musculoskeletal conditions and transformational advancements in medicine. After graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Florida, supported by multiple scholarships, he engaged in multiple research fellowships in Japan and Germany. Achieving a 100th percentile score on his Medical College Admission Test, as per his official score report, he earned his MD from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine on a full tuition scholarship. Dr. Zalikha completed his orthopaedic surgery residency at the Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University, where he honed his skills on some of the most challenging trauma, penetrating injury, and complex fracture cases. Currently, he is an adult reconstruction fellow in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Stanford Medicine. With over 30 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, Dr. Zalikha is committed to advancing medical knowledge and exploring innovative approaches to patient care, including the potential for new technologies to fundamentally transform the practice of medicine.

  • Isheeta Zalpuri

    Isheeta Zalpuri

    Clinical Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Child Development

    BioDr. Isheeta Zalpuri is a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist. She specializes in the treatment of pediatric anxiety and mood disorders.
    Dr. Zalpuri has a special interest in faculty development, professional development of trainees, physician well-being and cultural psychiatry.

  • Edward Zalta

    Edward Zalta

    Sr. Research Scholar

    BioDr. Edward N. Zalta is a Senior Research Scholar at the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University. He obtained an honors B.A. from Rice University in 1975, and a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst in 1981. His research specialties include metaphysics/ontology, philosophy of mathematics, computational metaphysics, philosophical and philosophy of logic, and intensional logic, among others. Zalta has published two books (*Abstract Objects: An Introduction to Axiomatic Metaphysics*, D. Reidel, 1983; and *Intensional Logic and the Metaphysics of Intentionality*, MIT Press, 1988), as well as articles in the Journal of Philosophy, Mind, the Journal of Philosophical Logic, Noûs, and elsewhere. He has taught courses and lectured at universities around the world and is the recipient of the K. Jon Barwise Prize (2016, awarded by the American Philosophical Association, Committee on Computing and Philosophy) and the Covey Award (2009, awarded by the International Association for Computing and Philosophy). Zalta also designed the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy <> and now serves as its Principal Editor. For further information, see <>.

  • Roham Zamanian

    Roham Zamanian

    Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine)

    Current Research and Scholarly Interests1. Development and evaluation of prognostic and diagnostic integral biomarkers in PAH.

    2. Prevalence and Treatment of Insulin Resistance in PAH.

    3. Role of inflammation and proteomic signature in PAH

    4. Development of novel therapeutics (bench to bedside) including FK506 & Elastase Inhibition in PAH.

    5. Assessment of Vasoreactivity (gain and loss) in pulmonary arterial hypertension

    6. Assessment of microvascular function in PAH.

  • Richard Zare

    Richard Zare

    Marguerite Blake Wilbur Professor of Natural Science and Professor, by courtesy, of Physics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research group is exploring a variety of topics that range from the basic understanding of chemical reaction dynamics to the nature of the chemical contents of single cells.

    Under thermal conditions nature seems to hide the details of how elementary reactions occur through a series of averages over reagent velocity, internal energy, impact parameter, and orientation. To discover the effects of these variables on reactivity, it is necessary to carry out studies of chemical reactions far from equilibrium in which the states of the reactants are more sharply restricted and can be varied in a controlled manner. My research group is attempting to meet this tough experimental challenge through a number of laser techniques that prepare reactants in specific quantum states and probe the quantum state distributions of the resulting products. It is our belief that such state-to-state information gives the deepest insight into the forces that operate in the breaking of old bonds and the making of new ones.

    Space does not permit a full description of these projects, and I earnestly invite correspondence. The following examples are representative:

    The simplest of all neutral bimolecular reactions is the exchange reaction H H2 -> H2 H. We are studying this system and various isotopic cousins using a tunable UV laser pulse to photodissociate HBr (DBr) and hence create fast H (D) atoms of known translational energy in the presence of H2 and/or D2 and using a laser multiphoton ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer to detect the nascent molecular products in a quantum-state-specific manner by means of an imaging technique. It is expected that these product state distributions will provide a key test of the adequacy of various advanced theoretical schemes for modeling this reaction.

    Analytical efforts involve the use of capillary zone electrophoresis, two-step laser desorption laser multiphoton ionization mass spectrometry, cavity ring-down spectroscopy, and Hadamard transform time-of-flight mass spectrometry. We believe these methods can revolutionize trace analysis, particularly of biomolecules in cells.

  • Christopher K. Zarins

    Christopher K. Zarins

    Walter Clifford Chidester and Elsa Rooney Chidester Professor of Surgery, Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsHemodynamic factors in atherosclerosis, pathogenesis of, aortic aneurysms, carotid plaque localization and complication, anastomotic intimal hyperplasia, vascular biology of artery wall, computational fluid dynamics as applied to blood flow and vascular disease.

  • Howard Zebker

    Howard Zebker

    Professor of Electrical Engineering and of Geophysics

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsResearch
    My students and I study the surfaces of Earth and planets using radar remote sensing methods. Our specialization is interferometric radar, or InSAR. InSAR is a technique to measure mm-scale surface deformation at fine resolution over wide areas, and much of our work follows from applying this technique to the study of earthquakes, volcanoes, and human-induced subsidence. We also address global environmental problems by tracking the movement of ice in the polar regions. whose ice mass balance affects sea level rise and global climate. We participate in NASA space missions such as Cassini, in which we now are examining the largest moon of Saturn, Titan, to try and deduce its composition and evolution. Our work includes experimental observation and modeling the measurements to best understand processes affecting the Earth and solar system. We use data acquired by spaceborne satellites and by large, ground-based radar telescopes to support our research.

    I teach courses related to remote sensing methods and applications, and how these methods can be used to study the world around us. At the undergraduate level, these include introductory remote sensing uses of the full electromagnetic spectrum to characterize Earth and planetary surfaces and atmospheres, and methods of digital image processing. I also teach a freshman and sophomore seminar course on natural hazards. At the graduate level, the courses are more specialized, including the math and physics of two-dimensional imaging systems, plus detailed ourses on imaging radar systems for geophysical applications.

    Professional Activities
    InSAR Review Board, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2006-present); editorial board, IEEE Proceedings (2005-present); NRC Earth Science and Applications from Space Panel on Solid Earth Hazards, Resources, and Dynamics (2005-present); Chair, Western North America InSAR (WInSAR) Consortium (2004-06); organizing committee, NASA/NSF/USGS InSAR working group; International Union of Radioscience (URSI) Board of Experts for Medal Evaluations (2004-05); National Astronomy and Ionospheric Center, Arecibo Observatory, Visiting Committee, (2002-04; chair, 2003-04); NASA Alaska SAR Facility users working group (2000-present); associate editor, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (1998-present); fellow, IEEE (1998)

  • James L. Zehnder, M.D.

    James L. Zehnder, M.D.

    Professor of Pathology (Research) and of Medicine (Hematology)
    On Leave from 09/01/2024 To 11/01/2024

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy main research and clinical interests include molecular pathogenesis of acquired cytopenias, genetic testing for inherited non-malignant hematologic disorders, next-generation sequencing approaches to T and B cell clonality testing, somatic mutations in cancer and assessment of minimal residual disease in cancer patients.

  • Emmett Zeifman

    Emmett Zeifman


    BioEmmett Zeifman is a Canadian architect and educator who teaches in the Sustainable Architecture and Engineering and Urban Studies programs at Stanford. He is principal of NOUNS, an architecture practice based in the Bay Area, with built projects completed or underway in Bridgehampton, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and elsewhere. His research focuses on modern architecture and its relation to contemporary urbanism, housing and low-carbon approaches to construction. Prior to joining the faculty at Stanford, he taught architecture full-time at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2022-24), Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation (2017-21), and SCI-Arc (2014-17). He received his M.Phil in Architecture by Research from the University of Cambridge, where he was the 2013-14 Yale Bass Scholar in Architecture, his M.Arch ('11) from the Yale University School of Architecture, and his B.A. ('06) in English literature from McGill University. He recently curated the exhibition Towards a Newer Brutalism: Solar Pavilions, Appliance Houses and Other Topologies of Contemporary Life (2024) at the Harvard Graduate School of Design, which placed rarely seen materials from the Alison and Peter Smithson Archive in dialogue with experimental projects by Àbalos & Herreros, b+, Shigeru Ban, Ensamble Studio, Lacaton & Vassal, Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotor, and others.

    Prior to founding NOUNS, he was founding principal of the design practice Medium Office in New York and Los Angeles, with Alfie Koetter, and was architectural designer on a number of super-tall and mixed-use projects in the United States and Southeast Asia at Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates in New York. With Constance Vale, he led the design and construction of the "central hub," a temporary pavilion for the acclaimed opera production Hopscotch in downtown Los Angeles. He was co-founding editor of the independent publication Project: A Journal for Architecture (2011-18), and assistant editor of the Yale publication Rethinking Chongqing: Mixed-Use and Super-Dense (2015), which also featured his photography throughout. His design work and criticism have been widely exhibited and published, and his editorial efforts have been supported by the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. In addition to his teaching, he has served as critic and juror and participated in panels and public discussions at numerous institutions, including Barnard, Columbia, Cooper Union, CUNY, Harvard, MIT, Pratt, SCI-Arc, Storefront for Art and Architecture, UCLA, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, USC, Van Alen Institute, Washington University, and Yale.

  • Mira Zein

    Mira Zein

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences - Medical Psychiatry

    BioDr. Zein received her dual bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology and Physiological Science at UCLA and worked initially as a healthcare consultant, developing programs that improve healthcare access for vulnerable populations. She returned to school to pursue a Masters in Public Health at Johns Hopkins University; her research foci were disaster response interventions for physical and mental health and the impact of the built environment on public health. During her masters, she worked with the International Rescue Committee in Baltimore to help address the acculturation and psychological stress the Baltimore refugee population faced in resettlement.

    Dr. Zein completed her medical training at McGill University. During medical school she continue to pursue interests in global and cultural health, focusing on national and local clinical projects to support refugee and asylum seeker access to medical and mental health treatment as part of CFMS. She was awarded the Mona Bronfman Sheckman Prize in Psychiatry for her work. During her psychiatry residency training at New York University (NYU), Dr. Zein continued pursuing her interest in global mental health, working as a group leader for refugees/asylum seekers in the Bellevue Survivors of Torture program, and the Association for Culture and Psychiatry.

    She also became interested in models of Integrated Behavioral Health (IBH) to provide better access to mental health services within primary care and other settings. She founded the Integrated Behavioral Health resident working group and designed a two-year resident training program in the Collaborative Care Model, and developed a Collaborative Care model in one of NYU Langone-Brooklyn's FQHC sites. She completed residency as a chief resident and won awards for Excellence in Resident Teaching as well as for humanism and clinical excellence in the Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program

    Dr. Zein completed her Consult Liaison Fellowship at Stanford and has remained as clinical faculty. She previously currently served as an attending psychiatrist on the General, Intensive Care, and ED-Psychiatry Consult service. She currently works as the Psychiatric Director for Integrated Behavioral Health. She initially the model for the Stanford Primary Care Clinic serving Cisco employees and their families. She is currently working on expanding Integrated Behavioral health to other Stanford Primary Care Clinics, and has worked with Stanford's Digital Health Team to start and expand psychiatry e-consults for primary care. She also works as the Behavioral Health Director for Cisco, applying principles of organizational psychiatry and public health to assess company behavioral health strategy and provide support for Cisco employees and their families. Additionally, Dr Zein is part of the Stanford Mental Health lab where she supervises and completes evaluations for refugee and asylum seekers, and teaches Neuroscience and Psychopharmacology for the Psychiatry Residents

  • Michael Zeineh

    Michael Zeineh

    Associate Professor of Radiology (Neuroimaging and Neurointervention)

    BioDr. Michael Zeineh received a B.S. in Biology at Caltech in 1995 and obtained his M.D.-Ph.D. from UCLA in 2003. After internship also at UCLA, he went on to radiology residency and neuroradiology fellowship both at Stanford. He has been faculty in Stanford Neuroradiology since 2010. He spearheads many initiatives in advanced clinical imaging at Stanford, including clinical fMRI and DTI. Simultaneously, he runs a lab with the goal of discovering new imaging abnormalities in neurodegenerative disorders, with a focus on detailed microcircuitry in regions such as the hippocampal formation using advanced, multi-modal in vivo and ex vivo methods, with applications to neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and mild traumatic brain injury.

  • Jamie Zeitzer

    Jamie Zeitzer

    Professor (Research) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Sleep Medicine)

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Zeitzer is a circadian physiologist specializing in the understanding of the impact of light on circadian rhythms and other aspects of non-image forming light perception.
    He examines the manner in which humans respond to light and ways to manipulate this responsiveness, with direct application to jet lag, shift work, and altered sleep timing in teens. Dr. Zeitzer has also pioneered the use of actigraphy in the determination of epiphenomenal markers of psychiatric disorders.

  • Dan Zeltzer

    Dan Zeltzer

    Visiting Assistant Professor

    BioDan Zeltzer is a tenured faculty member at the Tel Aviv University Berglas School of Economics and an affiliate of both IZA and CESifo. An applied microeconomist, he earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University and specializes in Health Economics. For the academic year 2023/4, Dan is a visiting assistant professor at Stanford's Economics Department. His research is currently directed towards understanding the transformation in healthcare driven by advancements in digitization, emerging care models such as urgent care centers and telemedicine, and the innovative applications of predictive modeling and artificial intelligence.

  • Amanda Zerbe

    Amanda Zerbe

    Early Career Climate Law Fellow

    BioAmanda Zerbe (she/her) joined Stanford Law School as an Early Career Climate Law Fellow in March 2023, where she works closely with the Climate and Energy Policy Program and the Environmental and Natural Resources Law and Policy Program. She previously worked as a Legal Fellow at the Institute for Policy Integrity at New York University School of Law.

    Amanda graduated in 2021 from Stanford Law School with a joint M.S. degree from the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER) at Stanford University, where she was a Knight-Hennessy Scholar. During law school, she interned at Earthjustice and at the California Air Resources Board.

    Prior to law school, Amanda facilitated projects related to big data for development and climate action at the United Nations Global Pulse as a John Gardner Public Service Fellow. She also worked at the Flora Family Foundation. She holds bachelors’ degrees with distinction from Stanford University.

  • Bing Melody Zhang

    Bing Melody Zhang

    Clinical Associate Professor, Pathology

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy main research interests lie in the following areas:
    1) HLA testing for BMT/solid organ transplantation
    2) NGS-based TCR/Ig clonality/MRD testing
    3) HLA testing in cellular therapy and oncology
    4) Genetic/genomic testing for malignant and non-malignant hematologic disorders
    5) HLA-related disease association/drug hypersensitivity testing.

  • Fanglin Zhang, MD., PhD.

    Fanglin Zhang, MD., PhD.

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Neurology & Neurological Sciences

    BioDr. Zhang is a board-certified, fellowship-trained neurologist. She serves as a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine.

    Dr. Zhang diligently excels in diagnosing and treating complex neurological conditions. Her clinical interests span a broad spectrum, with a current emphasis on intractable epilepsy and urgent stroke care. With each patient, Dr. Zhang forms a strong alliance focused on overcoming neurological disease and improving quality of life. She practices a patient-centered and evidence-based medicine.

    As a clinician educator, she finds joy in educating both patients and trainees. She also enjoys conducting cutting-edge clinical research. Her work has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, such as Neurological Sciences, Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, Neuroimage, Glia, Immunology, the Journal of Psychiatric Practice, Journal of Neuroimmunology, etc. Her current research interest includes clinical trials and a large cohort study of the impact of seizures on stroke outcomes.

    Among her many honors, Dr. Zhang has won a grant award from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Dr. Zhang shows a great enthusiasm in public welfare. She has earned recognition for volunteering her time and expertise at family health centers, hospitals, and schools.

  • Huaiyu Zhang

    Huaiyu Zhang

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine

    BioDr. Zhang obtained her MS in Neuroscience from the University of Southern California and earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Emory University. She completed both her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Emory University School of Medicine. Prior to joining Stanford in 2023, Dr. Zhang supported survivors of interpersonal violence at the University of California San Francisco Trauma Recovery Center for over seven years. Dr. Zhang embraces an integrative, contextualized, evidence-informed, and strength-based approach to teaching, supervision, and clinical care. She provides services in English and Mandarin.

  • Niushen Zhang

    Niushen Zhang

    Clinical Associate Professor, Neurology & Neurological Sciences

    BioDr. Niushen Zhang is a board-certified neurologist and Chief of the Headache and Facial Pain Division in the Department of Neurology. She has a special interest in developing personalized treatment plans for headache patients which incorporate the use of complementary and integrative medicine. She is the Chair of the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Special Interest Section of the American Headache Society (AHS). Her research interests include the connection between the gut microbiome and migraine and the impact of diet and nutrition on migraine. In addition, she participates in clinical trials of new headache treatments for migraine and cluster headache. Dr. Zhang is also actively involved in medical education. She is the Director of the Headache Fellowship Program at Stanford. She serves as the Co-Chair of the Headache Fellowship Directors Committee for the American Headache Society (AHS). She is also a curriculum developer for AHS's REACH Program. She spearheaded the design and creation of the AHS National Headache Fellowship Opportunities website which serves as a central resource for all headache fellowship applicants and promotes the AAN's unified fellowship application timeline.

    Dr. Zhang graduated from Yale University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. She earned an MD from the New York University School of Medicine. She completed neurology residency and fellowship in headache and facial pain at Stanford University.

  • Tian Yi Zhang, MD, PhD

    Tian Yi Zhang, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor of Medicine (Hematology)

    BioDr. Zhang is a board-certified hematologist. She is also an assistant professor of hematology at Stanford University School of Medicine. In addition to her medical degree, she holds a PhD in cellular and molecular immunology.

    In her clinical practice, she treats patients with all forms of hematological malignancies, offering specialized expertise in acute myeloid leukemia, including therapy-resistant cases. For each patient, she develops a personalized care plan encompassing novel treatment options.

    Her research activities include conducting early phase clinical trials, investigator initiated clinical trials (IITs), studying the immune repertoire in patients with myeloid malignancies, and exploring cholesterol metabolic dependencies of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

    She was the recipient of an A.P. Giannini Foundation fellowship award, which supports innovative research. The award helped fund Dr. Zhang’s study of how AML cells interact with other cells in bone marrow. A significant finding confirmed that AML cells secrete a protein that suppresses the production of red blood cells, the same protein that causes inflammation in disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease.

    Her many other honors include the National Cancer Institute Career Development (K08) Award, the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Research Training Award for Fellows, Stanford Cancer Institute - American Cancer Society (SCI-ACS) Pilot Grant and Best ASH Abstract Award two years in a row. She also has earned recognition from the National Institutes of Health and American College of Physicians.

    She has published her research findings on topics such as advanced therapy for high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes and reversal of bone marrow failure induced by AML. Her work has appeared in Leukemia & Lymphoma, Science Translational Medicine, Cancer Research, the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Immunology, and elsewhere.

    Dr. Zhang is a member of the American Association of Cancer Research and American Society of Hematology. She advises and mentors Stanford medical students, residents and fellows. She delivers invited lectures to faculty and fellows. In addition, she has been an invited speaker on the topic of acute myeloid leukemia at the Association of Northern California Oncologists Update on Hematological Malignancies.

  • Heng Zhao

    Heng Zhao

    Member, Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy lab is focused on developing novel therapeutic methods against stroke using rodent models. We study protective effect of postconditioning, preconditioning and mild hypothermia. The rationale for studying three means of neuroprotection is that we may discover mechanisms that these treatments have in common. Conversely, if they have differing mechanisms, we will be able to offer more than one treatment for stroke and increase a patient’s chance for recovery.

  • Renee Zhao

    Renee Zhao

    Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and, by courtesy, of Materials Science and Engineering

    BioRuike Renee Zhao is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University where she directs the Soft Intelligent Materials Laboratory. Renee received her BS degree from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2012, and her MS and PhD degrees from Brown University in 2014 and 2016, respectively. She was a postdoc associate at MIT during 2016-2018 prior to her appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at The Ohio State University from 2018 to 2021.

    Renee’s research focuses on the development of stimuli-responsive soft composites for multifunctional robotic systems with integrated shape-changing, assembling, sensing, and navigation. By combining mechanics, polymer engineering, and advanced material manufacturing techniques, the functional soft composites enable applications in soft robotics, miniaturized biomedical devices, flexible electronics, and deployable and morphing structures.

    Renee is a recipient of the ARO Early Career Program (ECP) Award (2023), AFOSR Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) Award (2023), Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty (2022), ASME Henry Hess Early Career Publication Award (2022), ASME Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal (2022), ASME Applied Mechanics Division Journal of Applied Mechanics Award (2021), NSF Career Award (2020), and ASME Applied Mechanics Division Haythornthwaite Research Initiation Award (2018).

  • Moss Zhao

    Moss Zhao

    Instructor, Neurosurgery

    BioDr. Moss Zhao is an Instructor at Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University. He develops cutting-edge and clinically viable imaging technologies to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases across the lifespan. His specific areas of expertise include physiological modeling, arterial spin labeling, Bayesian inference, PET/MRI, and artificial intelligence. His scientific contributions could significantly improve the early detection of strokes and dementia as well as enrich the knowledge of brain development in the first two decades of life.

    Dr. Zhao received his DPhil at St Cross College of University of Oxford under the supervision of Prof. Michael Chappell. As an alumni mentor, he supports the career development of students of his alma mater. Since 2016, he has presented his work to more than 3000 delegates at international conferences and held leadership positions in professional societies. His research and teaching are supported by the American Heart Association, the National Institutes of Health, and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology.

  • Xiaolin Zheng

    Xiaolin Zheng

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering, of Energy Science Engineering and, by courtesy, of Materials Science and Engineering

    BioProfessor Zheng received her Ph.D. in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University (2006), B.S. in Thermal Engineering from Tsinghua University (2000). Prior to joining Stanford in 2007, Professor Zheng did her postdoctoral work in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. Professor Zheng is a member of MRS, ACS and combustion institute. Professor Zheng received the TR35 Award from the MIT Technology Review (2013), one of the 100 Leading Global Thinkers by the Foreign Policy Magazine (2013), 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant Award (2013), the Presidential Early Career Award (PECASE) from the white house (2009), Young Investigator Awards from the ONR (2008), DARPA (2008), Terman Fellowship from Stanford (2007), and Bernard Lewis Fellowship from the Combustion Institute (2004).

  • Yanhua Zheng

    Yanhua Zheng


    BioYanhua Zheng is a native Cantonese Speaker with more than 10 years of experience in education. She immigrated to the US in 2014 and received her combined B.A. and Masters in Chinese from San Francisco State University, one of the nations top-ranked Chinese language programs. She now lives in Palo Alto with her son and her husband. Yanhua is also an avid reader, writer, and artist.

  • Quan Zhou

    Quan Zhou

    Instructor, Neurosurgery

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsCurrent Research Focus: molecular targeted theranostic imaging of brain tumor and enhanced drug delivery

    Areas of Insterests: molecular imaging, theranostics, fluorescence-guided surgery, brain tumor, drug delivery

    Dr. Zhou has made substantial contributions to the growing biomedical research field of Molecular Imaging. Molecular imaging emerged in the mid twentieth century as a highly specialized discipline at the intersection of molecular biology and in vivo imaging, focusing on imaging molecules of medical interest within intact living subjects. Dr. Zhou’s research addresses some of the nation’s most pressing issues related to the development of effective approaches for accurate detection of human diseases and improving their treatment outcome. Her innovations in molecular imaging technology enables the visualization, characterization, and quantification of biologic processes taking place at the cellular and subcellular levels. The multiple and numerous potentialities of Quan’s work are applicable to the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, neurological and cardiovascular diseases. Her strong education background in biological sciences and biomedical engineering followed by postdoctoral training in translational and clinical research have helped her develop multiple disease-specific molecular probes and imaging strategies for early cancer diagnosis, image-guided surgery, therapeutic delivery prediction and at-risk cardiovascular plaque detection. Her research also contributes to improving the treatment of these disorders by testing and optimizing the execution of new interventions. Her work is expected to have a major economic impact due to earlier disease detection and personalized therapy.

    Dr. Zhou’s research has led to emergence of novel solutions and opportunities, in particular, for molecular imaging of cancer and other diseases, for discovering, leveraging and integration of cancer biomarker and tumor microenvironment information, and for novel approaches to acquire real-time high-resolution contrast enhanced visualization of tumor margin and optimization based on imaging depth, quality and speed. Dr. Zhou has been able to formulate the involved clinical and biological problems into biomedical engineering frameworks and find ways to exploit a variety of modern techniques and approaches from photoacoustic imaging, fluorescence-guided surgery, micro-electromechanical systems and therapeutic delivery strategies in developing elegant and effective solutions. Her work in the Neurosurgery Department and Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford involves research related to developing tumor-specific molecular probes, advanced imaging methods and therapeutic delivery systems for adult and pediatric patients with malignant brain cancers to improve margin detection, enhance resection accuracy, and improve treatment outcome.

  • Wenhui Zhou

    Wenhui Zhou

    Clinical Scholar, Radiology
    Resident in Rad/Breast Imaging

    BioWenhui was born in Southeast China and then immigrated to the San Francisco Bay Area as a teenager. He attended the University of California, Davis under a Regent Scholarship, and graduated with highest honors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Wenhui subsequently pursued training in medicine and translational research in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) at Tufts University. In the Laboratory of Dr. Charlotte Kuperwasser, Wenhui studied the regulation and function of transcription factors in triple-negative breast cancer with the goal of improving cancer diagnosis and therapeutics. Additionally, he pursued clinical research examining image-guided ablative therapy as a front-line treatment option for renal cancer under the mentorship of Dr. Ronald Arellano at Massachusetts General Hospital. Outside of his clinical and academic interests, Wenhui enjoys food, taking walks, listening to NPR, and spending time with family and friends.

  • Xueguang Zhou

    Xueguang Zhou

    Kwoh-Ting Li Professor of Economic Development and Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsInstitutional changes in contemporary Chinese society.

  • Yiqun Zhou

    Yiqun Zhou

    Associate Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures and, by courtesy, of Classics

    BioResearch Areas:
    - Chinese and comparative women’s history

    - Early Chinese literature

    - Ming-Qing fiction

    - China-Greece comparative studies

    -Reception of classical antiquity in modern China

  • Han Zhu

    Han Zhu

    Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

    BioDr. Zhu is an Assistant Professor of Medicine whose clinical and research expertise focuses on cardio-oncology and cardio-immunology. She specializes in the cardiovascular care of patients undergoing therapies for cancer, with a particular focus on the effects of immunotherapies on the heart. She received a bioengineering degree from MIT, medical degree from Case Western Reserve University, and completed clinical cardiology fellowship and internal medicine residency training at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Zhu’s laboratory focuses on myocarditis, cardiac inflammation, and the effects of cancer therapeutics on the cardiovascular system. Her current research employs clinical data, bio-banked samples, and in vivo/in vitro preclinical models in combination with single-cell technologies to study immune-based toxicities in the heart. Dr. Zhu's clinic sees cardio-oncology and cardio-immunology patients and her lab focuses on devising new methods for minimizing cardiovascular complications in the cancer and autoimmune patient populations.

  • Maisa Ziadni, PhD

    Maisa Ziadni, PhD

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDevelopment and testing of novel interventions for chronic pain.
    Understanding mechanisms of treatment among patients with chronic with pain.
    Understanding predictors of opioid use among patients with chronic pain.

  • Claudia Zielke

    Claudia Zielke

    Basic Life Research Scientist

    BioAfter a BS and MS in Chemistry from the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, I used my expertise in physical and analytical Chemistry to received a PhD from the Department of Food Technology, Engineering and Nutrition at Lund's University in Sweden. I specialized within the Field-Flow Fractionation family, a very versatile and gentle separation technique able to separate large size ranges, from nanometer up to several micrometer. My thesis was titled "On the Aggregation of Cereal β-Glucan and its Association with other Biomolecules: A Study using Asymmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4)". After a postdoctoral position at Santa Clara University, CA, USA, I am now setting up an Asymmetric Flow Field-Flow Fractionation system with several detectors in the Barron Lab, BioE, here at Stanford.

  • Daniel Zimmer

    Daniel Zimmer

    COLLEGE Lecturer

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMy research focuses on the scientific history of anthropogenic existential risk and its impact on Western political thought. I focus in particular on the development of massed thermonuclear arsenals during the 1950s, the rise of Earth System science and attendant ecological risks during the 1980s, and the anxieties surrounding the prospect of artificial super intelligence that took hold in the 2000s.

  • Alex Nathaniel Zimmet

    Alex Nathaniel Zimmet

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Infectious Diseases

    BioDr. Zimmet is a board-certified Infectious Disease specialist with a focus on caring for immunocompromised patients, including those who have undergone solid organ or bone marrow transplantation. He has a special interest in antimicrobial stewardship and quality improvement in these populations.

  • Susan Ziolkowski, MD

    Susan Ziolkowski, MD

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Nephrology

    BioDr. Ziolkowski is a board-certified nephrologist with a passion for caring for persons with chronic kidney disease. She is a clinical assistant professor in the Stanford Department of Medicine’s Division of Nephrology and has a special focus on treating patients with cancer and kidney disease. She is active both in research and teaching endeavors to further advance this field.

    She provides patient care at the Stanford Health Care kidney clinics in Palo Alto and Emeryville. For each patient, she prepares a care plan that is comprehensive, compassionate, and personalized to individual needs. Her goal is to help every patient achieve the best possible health and quality of life.

    Dr. Ziolkowski has co-authored articles on her research findings in the American Journal of Kidney Disease, Journal of Renal Nutrition, Peritoneal Dialysis International, and other journals. She has made presentations to her peers at meetings of the American Society of Nephrology, National Association for Research in Science Teaching, and other professional organizations.

    She enjoys running, yoga, skiing and getting outdoors.

  • Steven Zipperstein

    Steven Zipperstein

    The Daniel E. Koshland Professor of Jewish Culture and History

    BioSteven J. Zipperstein is the Daniel E. Koshland Professor in Jewish Culture and History at Stanford University. He has also taught at universities in Russia, Poland, France, and Israel; for six years, he taught at Oxford University. For sixteen years he was Director of the Taube Center for Jewish Studies at Stanford.

    He is the author and editor of nine books including The Jews of Odessa: A Cultural History (1986, winner of the Smilen Prize for the Outstanding book in Jewish history); Elusive Prophet: Ahad Ha’am and the Origins of Zionism (1993, winner of the National Jewish Book Award); Imagining Russian Jewry (1999); and Rosenfeld’s Lives: Fame, Oblivion, and the Furies of Writing (2008, shortlisted for the National Jewish Book Award in Biography, Autobiography and Memoir). His work has been translated into Russian, Hebrew, and French. His most recent book, Pogrom: Kishinev and the Tilt of History, published by Liveright/WW Norton, (2018 ) was shortlisted as the best non-fiction book of the year by the Mark Lytton Prize, named as a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award, and a Book of the Year by "The Economist, "Ha-Aretz" and "Mosaic Magazine. Widely reviewed, Pogrom inspired the 2019 novel The Adventures of the Peculiar Protocols by Nicolas Meyer, and several plays now in production. He is currently at work on a biography of Philip Roth for Yale's Jewish Lives. Zipperstein’s articles have appeared in The New York Times Sunday Book Review, the Washington Post, The New Republic, the Jewish Review of Books, Chronicle of Higher Education and elsewhere.

    Zipperstein has served as editor of the journal Jewish Social Studies for twenty years, and the book series Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture for a quarter of a century. Currently, together with Anita Shapira, he is series editor of the award-winning Yale University Press/Leon Black Foundation Jewish Lives series which has, to date, published nearly sixty books. Zipperstein is the immediate past Chair of the Academic Advisory Council of the Center for Jewish History. His PhD students now teach at dozens of universities here, and abroad, including the University of Chicago, UCLA, Queens College, CUNY, Yeshiva College, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Northwestern, University of Florida, Gainsville, and elsewhere.

    Zipperstein's contributions to the field have been recognized by the Leviant Prize of the Modern Language Association, the Judah Magnes Gold Medal of the American Friends of the Hebrew University, and the Koret Prize for Outstanding Contributions to the American Jewish community. He has held fellowships at the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University, the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Yitzhak Rabin Institute in Tel Aviv, and has twice been a Visiting Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociales. In spring 2014, he was the first Jacob Kronhill Scholar at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, in New York.

    In 2022, he won the Humanities and Sciences Dean's Award for Excellence in Graduate Education. In 2023, Zipperstein was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

  • Mark Zoback

    Mark Zoback

    Benjamin M. Page Professor in Earth Sciences, Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsResearch
    I conduct research on in situ stress, fault mechanics, and reservoir geomechanics with an emphasis on shale gas, tight gas and tight oil production, the feasibility of long-term geologic storage of CO2 and the occurrence of induced and triggered earthquakes. I was one of the principal investigators of the SAFOD project in which a scientific research well was successfully drilled through the San Andreas Fault at seismogenic depth. I am the author of a textbook entitled Reservoir Geomechanics published in 2007 by Cambridge University Press, now in its sixth printing. I served on the National Academy of Energy committee investigating the Deepwater Horizon accident and the Secretary of Energy’s committee on shale gas development and environmental protection. I currently serve on a Canadian Council of Academies panel investigating the same topic.

    I teach both undergraduate and graduate students. Reservoir Geomechanics is a graduate class for students in the departments of Geophysics, GES, and ERE, and Tectonophysics, a graduate class for students principally in Geophysics and GES. I co-teach a Freshman class entitled Sustainability and Collapse with Professor Ursula Heise of the English Department. I also help lead two graduate seminars each week and frequently attend and participate in other seminars.

    Professional Activities
    Member, Canadian Council of Academies Committee on Shale Gas Development (2012-2013); Member, Secretary of Energy Committee on Shale Gas Development (2011-2012); Member, NAE Committee Investigating Deepwater Horizon Accident (2010-2011); President, American Rock Mechanics Association (2011-2013); Member of Board of RPSEA (2010-); Chair, Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Group of USGS (2007-2011); Advisory Board, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona (2008-2013); Chair, Stanford Faculty Senate (1999-2000); Chair, Department of Geophysics (1991-97); Chair, Science Advisory Group, ICDP (1999-2006); President, Tectonophysics Section, AGU (1988-89)

  • Andrew Zolopa

    Andrew Zolopa

    Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) at the Stanford University Medical Center, Emeritus

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsDr. Zolopa’s research applies a variety of clinical epidemiologic methods in an effort to optimize antiretroviral therapy and understand the impact of drug resistance on response to ARV. Areas of focus include the clinical application of resistance testing in optimizing antiretroviral therapy, clinical cohorts, trials of antiretroviral therapies and population-based epidemiologic evaluation of HIV resistance and efficacy of ARV therapy. More recently studies focused on premature aging in HIV.