Stanford University

Showing 1-10 of 11 Results

  • Florian Bach

    Florian Bach

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Infectious Diseases

    BioI'm a molecular infection biologist by training, but shifted my focus from pathogens to hosts for my graduate research. During my PhD with Phil Spence in Edinburgh I studied both falciparum and vivax malaria using controlled human (re)infection models, collaborating closely with the groups of Simon Draper and Angela Minassian in Oxford. As a hybrid bioinformatician and experimentalist, I love systems immunology for answering complex questions about human health. For my postdoc, I study in how the human immune response to malaria evolves in infants as they become reinfected and age. I'm also interested in how such early-life immunological events, malaria and beyond, may affect vaccine responses and immune development later in life. I address this question by making use of a longitudinal study cohort of infants receiving monthly chemoprevention in Eastern Uganda, together with our collaborators at UC San Francisco and IDRC Uganda.

  • Adrian Matias Bacong

    Adrian Matias Bacong

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Cardiovascular Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsAdrian M. Bacong, PhD, MPH is a social epidemiologist by training. His research seeks to identify social and structural factors that underlie health inequities by race, ethnicity, and immigration status. Specifically, his work has explored the role of socioeconomic factors in explaining health disparities by immigrant legal status and visa type. Furthermore, Adrian is interested in the effects of immigration on health. He received a NIH F31 award (1F31MD015931-01A1) to examine factors affecting the health of Filipino migrants to the U.S. compared to Filipinos remaining in the Philippines.

    Adrian has also examined the intersections of race, ethnicity, and immigration status among older adults. Finally, Adrian written upon the role of data disaggregation as a method of public health critical race praxis. Currently, Adrian is researching the role of social and policy level factors underlying health disparities among immigrants.

  • Cameron Scott Bader

    Cameron Scott Bader

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Bone Marrow Transplantation

    BioMy research is focused on using preclinical models to develop novel therapies which improve outcomes for patients receiving allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Currently, my work aims to establish strategies to reduce the risk of relapse after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation without exacerbating graft-versus-host disease or interfering with donor stem cell engraftment.

  • Xiangqi Bai

    Xiangqi Bai

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Oncology

    BioMy research is focused on computational and systems biology. My primary research interest lies in developing new computational algorithms and statistical methods for the analysis of complex data in biological systems, especially related to the large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing data. The specific topics I have examined include:
    1. Integration of single-cell multi-omics datasets for tumor
    2. Statistical test of cell developmental trajectories
    3. Visualization and reconstruction of single-cell RNA sequencing data
    4. Computational analysis of the bifurcating event revealed by dynamical network biomarker methods

  • Vasiliki Bikia

    Vasiliki Bikia

    Postdoctoral Scholar, Biomedical Informatics

    BioDr. Vasiliki Bikia is a postdoctoral researcher at the Byers Center for Biodesign, Stanford. She received her Advanced Diploma degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece, in 2017, and her Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, in 2021. Her Ph.D. research addressed the clinical need for providing non-invasive tools for cardiovascular monitoring leveraging machine learning and physics-based numerical modeling. In particular, she developed and tested novel healthcare algorithms for major biomarkers including central blood pressure, stroke volume, left ventricular elastance and arterial stiffness. At Stanford, she contributes to the Stanford Spezi framework, designing and prototyping the Spezi Data Pipeline tool for enhanced digital health data accessibility and analysis workflows. Her work includes exploring smartwatches for arrhythmia detection in children and integrating physical activity data for personalized care with major pharma companies.

    Her research interests include health algorithms, digital biomarkers, machine learning, non-invasive monitoring, and the application of large language models for personalized healthcare, predictive analytics, and enhancing patient-clinician interactions.

  • Molly Bowdring

    Molly Bowdring

    Clinical Scholar, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
    Postdoctoral Scholar, SCRDP/ Heart Disease Prevention

    Current Research and Scholarly InterestsI am interested in elucidating factors that contribute to initiation, maintenance, and exacerbation of substance use, and identifying approaches to mitigate risky use.

    I additionally seek to use scholarly advocacy to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion within clinical and academic spaces.