Stanford University
Showing 1-10 of 2,729 Results
Courtney L'Esperance
Associate Director, Advising Systems, Academic Advising Operations
Current Role at StanfordAssociate Director, Advising Systems
Teland La
Masters Student in Computer Science, admitted Autumn 2021
BioThanks for stopping by :)
Ricarda Laasch
Admin Services Administrator, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Current Role at StanfordConnecting researchers with the right tools to tackle complex problems using synchrotron light and the manager of the User Research Administration Group at the Stanford Synchrotron Light Source (SSRL) located at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
Together with my team, we are
- Developing, implementing and coordinating user access at SSRL
- Managing stakeholder communications and reporting about the user program
- Designing and executing user communication and user outreach activities -
David Labaree
Lee L. Jacks Professor of Education, Emeritus
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsMost Recent Book:
My new book – A Perfect Mess: The Unlikely Ascendancy of American Higher Education – is an essay about the nature of the American system of higher education. American higher education is an anomaly. In the second half of the 20th century it surged past its European forebears to become the dominant system in the world – with more money, influence, Nobel prizes, and drawing power than any of the systems that served as its models. By all rights, this never should have happened. Its origins were remarkably humble, arising from a loose assortment of parochial 19th century liberal arts colleges, which emerged in the pursuit of sectarian expansion and civic boosterism more than scholarly distinction. It was not even a system in the usual sense of the word, since it emerged with no plan, no planner, no prospects, and no reliable source of support. Yet these weaknesses of the American system in the 19th century turned out to be strengths in the 20th. From the difficult circumstances of trying to survive in an environment with a weak state, a divided church, and intense competition with peer institutions, American colleges developed into a system of higher education that was lean, adaptable, consumer-sensitive, self-supporting, and radically decentralized. This put the system in a strong position to expand and prosper when, before the turn of the century, it finally got what it was most grievously lacking: academic credibility (which came when it adopted elements of the German research university) and large student enrollments (which came when middle class families started to see social advantage in sending their children to college).
This system is extraordinarily complex, bringing together contradictory educational goals, a broad array political constituencies, diverse sources of funds, and multiple forms of authority into a single institutional arena characterized by creative tension and local autonomy. One tension is between the influence of the market and the influence of the state. Another arises from the conflict among three social-political visions of higher education – as undergraduate college (populist), graduate school (elite), and land grant college (practical). A third arises from the way the system combines three alternative modes of authority – traditional, rational, and charismatic. In combination, these elements promote organizational complexity, radical stratification, broad political and financial support, partial autonomy, and adaptive entrepreneurial behavior.