Stanford University
Showing 221-230 of 281 Results
Kevin C. Moore
BioKevin C. Moore is a Lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric (PWR), and the Coordinator of PWR's Notation in Science Communication. He holds a PhD in English from UCLA (2013). Prior to arriving at Stanford, he taught in the Writing Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara (2013-2019). His research interests include science and rhetoric, propaganda studies, Ralph Ellison, and writer's block. Dr. Moore's work has appeared in Arizona Quarterly, Arts, Writing on the Edge, African American Review, Composition Studies, MAKE, Souciant, and the Santa Barbara Independent, as well as collections such as Ralph Ellison in Context (Cambridge University Press 2021) and Creative Ways of Knowing in Engineering (Springer 2017). He also writes fiction and creative nonfiction.
Susana Morales
Assistant Director of FLI Summer Fellows Program, Leveling the Learning Landscape
Current Role at StanfordLeland Scholars Program - Program Manager