Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Showing 41-47 of 47 Results
Jennifer Stonaker
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Electronic Portfolios; Science Communication; Science Storytelling
Lisa Marie Swan
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Composition Pedagogy; Equity; Faculty Professional Development
Kathleen Tarr
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Jurisprudence; Rhetoric and Climate Catastrophe; Strategic Planning in International Relations and Governments; Rhetoric and Global Economy; and Equal Employment Opportunity in the Entertainment Industry
Roberta Wolfson
Current Research and Scholarly Interests20th and 21st Century Multiethnic U.S. Literatures, Comparative Ethnic Studies, Critical Mixed Race Studies, Racial and Social Justice, Ethnofuturist Speculative Fiction, Popular U.S. Culture, Risk and Security Studies
Cassie Wright
PWR Advanced Lecturer
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Writing Program Administration; Rhetorical Theory, Writing Studies and Assessment, Critical Discourse Analysis , Sports Rhetorics
Irena Yamboliev
Current Research and Scholarly InterestsSPECIALIZATION: Literature and Culture of 19th- and 20th-Century Britain; Aesthetics; Narrative Theory; Science and its Rhetoric; Color Theory; Digital Humanities; Writing Pedagogy; Queer Theory