
Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert specializes in Judaism: talmudic literature and culture. Her interests include gender in Jewish culture; the relationship between Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity; the discourses of orthodoxy versus heresy; the connection between religion and space; and rabbinic conceptions of Judaism with respect to GrecoRoman culture. She is the author of Menstrual Purity: Rabbinic and Christian Reconstructions of Biblical Gender(2000), which won the Salo Baron Prize for a best first book in Jewish Studies of that year and was a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award in Jewish Scholarship. She also co-edited The Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature (2007), together with Martin Jaffee (University of Washington). Currently, she is working on a manuscript entitled Replacing the Nation: Judaism, Diaspora and the Neighborhood.

Academic Appointments

  • Associate Professor, Religious Studies
  • Associate Professor (By courtesy), Classics
  • Associate Professor (By courtesy), German Studies

Administrative Appointments

  • Adjunct Faculty, Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles (1999 - 1999)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Judaism (2002 - 2002)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Judaism (2001 - 2001)
  • Visiting Professor, University of Judaism (2000 - 2000)
  • Visiting Professor, Hebrew Union College in New York (2002 - 2002)
  • Visiting Professor, Hebrew Union College in New York (2001 - 2001)
  • Visiting Professor, Graduate Theological Union/Center for Jewish Studies (2006 - 2006)
  • Visiting Professor, Graduate Theological Union/Center for Jewish Studies (2007 - 2007)
  • Visiting Professor, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Department of Catholic Theology (2008 - 2008)
  • Lecturer, University of Washington (1994 - 1995)
  • Acting Assistant Professor of Religion, Department of Religion, Syracuse University (1995 - 1996)
  • Assistant Professor of Talmud, University of Judaism (1996 - 2000)
  • Assistant Professor of Religious Studies (in Judaism), Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University (2000 - Present)
  • Associate Professor of Religious Studies (in Judaism), Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University (2006 - Present)

Honors & Awards

  • Herman F. and Elisabeth Graebe Memorial Fellowship, Herman F. and Elisabeth Graebe Memorial (1990)
  • Newhall Teaching and Research Fellowship, Graduate Theological Union (1990-1992)
  • Lady Davis Dissertation Fellowship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1992-1993)
  • Newhall Research Fellowship, Graduate Theological Union (1993-1994)
  • Hazel D. Cole Fellowship, University of Washington (1994-1995)
  • Dissertation Fellowship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture (1994-1995)
  • Salo Baron Wittmayer Prize, American Academy for Jewish Research (2000)
  • Finalist for the National Jewish Book Award in Jewish Scholarship, Jewish Book Council (2000)
  • Humanities Center Fellow, Stanford university (2003-2004)
  • Dean's Fellow for the Humanities, Stanford University (2004-2005)
  • Fellowship, Hartman North American Scholars' Circle (2009-2010)

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organizations

  • Series Co-editor, Divinations: Rereading Religion in Late Antiquity, Stanford University Press (2000 - 2002)
  • Series Co-editor, Divinations: Rereading Religion in Late Antiquity, University of Pennsylvania Press (2002 - 2005)
  • Book Review Editor, Association for Jewish Studies Review (2006 - Present)
  • Editorial Board, International Member, Cahiers du Judaïsme (2009 - 2009)
  • Member, Association for Jewish Studies
  • Member, World Congress of Jewish Studies
  • Member, American Academy of Religion
  • Member, Society of Biblical Literature
  • Member, North American Patristics Society
  • Chair, Committee of Academic Affairs, University of Judaism (1999 - 2000)
  • Chair, Finkelstein (Post-) Doctoral Fellowship Selection Committee, University of Judaism (1998 - 2000)
  • Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University (2006 - 2008)
  • Co-Director of the Taube Center for Jewish Studies, Stanford University (2007 - Present)
  • Member, Committee of Graduate Studies, Academic Senate, Stanford University (2009 - Present)
  • Faculty Representative, Judicial Affairs, Stanford University (2007 - 2008)
  • Steering Committee Member, Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University (2000 - Present)
  • Search Committee Member, Department of Religious Studies, Stanford University (2000 - 2004)
  • Member, Graduate Student Admission Committee, Stanford University (2003 - 2003)
  • Member, Graduate Student Admission Committee, Stanford University (2004 - 2004)
  • Member, Graduate Student Admission Committee, Stanford University (2006 - 2006)
  • Program Committee Member, Feminist Studies Program, Stanford University (2002 - Present)
  • Member, Kennedy Thesis and Essay Award Selection Committee, Center for Jewish Studies, Stanford University (2001 - 2001)
  • Member, Kennedy Thesis and Essay Award Selection Committee, Center for Jewish Studies, Stanford University (2002 - 2002)
  • Member, Lopes Thesis and Essay Prizes in Feminist Studies Selection Committee, Stanford University (2003 - 2003)
  • Member, Lopes Thesis and Essay Prizes in Feminist Studies Selection Committee, Stanford University (2004 - 2004)
  • Member, Lopes Thesis and Essay Prizes in Feminist Studies Selection Committee, Stanford University (2006 - 2006)
  • Member, Lopes Thesis and Essay Prizes in Feminist Studies Selection Committee, Stanford University (2007 - 2007)
  • Member, Dissertation Fellowship Selection Committee, Stanford Humanities Center (2006 - 2006)
  • Member, Interdept. Search Committee, Representative of Dept. of Religious Studies, Position in Islam, Stanford University (2006 - 2006)
  • Member, Interdept. Search Committee, Representative of Dept. of Religious Studies, Position in Islam, Stanford University (2007 - 2007)
  • Member, Steering Committee, American Academy of Religion, Section: Judaism (1999 - 2001)
  • Chair of Judaism Section, Western Regional American Academy of Religion (2001 - 2003)
  • Board Member of the Women's Caucus, Association of Jewish Studies (2001 - 2004)
  • Member, Steering Committee, Society of Biblical Literature, Section: History and Literature of Early Rabbinic Judaism (2002 - Present)
  • Member, Steering Committee, American Academy of Religion, Group: Europe and the Mediterranean in Late Antiquity (2003 - Present)
  • Member, Board of Directors, Association for Jewish Studies (2004 - Present)
  • Chair, Section: History and Literature of Early Rabbinic Judaism, Society of Biblical Literature (2006 - 2007)
  • Advisory Board Member for the Global Ethics and Religion, Chapman University (1999 - Present)
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Oxford University Press
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Stanford University Press
  • Manuscript Reviewer, University of California Press
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Association for Jewish Studies Journal
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Jewish Social Studies
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Cambridge University Press
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Jewish Quarterly Review
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Journal for Early Christian Studies
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Jewish Studies
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Indiana University Press
  • Manuscript Reviewer, Routledge
  • Consultant for the institution of a position on Gender Studies in Jewish Culture, Jewish Theological Seminary (2003 - 2003)

Program Affiliations

  • Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Professional Education

  • Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union (1995)
  • M.A., Graduate Theological Union/Center for Jewish Studies (1989)
  • B.A., Kirchliche Hochschule (Protestant Seminary Berlin) and Free University of Berlin (1986)

2024-25 Courses

Stanford Advisees

All Publications

  • From Cult to Culture Taubes, J. edited by Fonrobert, C. E., Engel, A. Stanford University Press. 2010
  • Jewish Topographies: Visions of Space, Traditions or Place Association for Jewish Studies Review Fonrobert, C. E. 2009; 33 (1)
  • Va-yikra Torah Queeries Commentary Fonrobert, C. E. New York University Press. 2009
  • Abomination Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Fonrobert, C. E. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 2009
  • Blood Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Fonrobert, C. E. Berline: Walter de Gruyter. 2009
  • Une Cartographie Symbolique: le eruv en Diaspora Cahiers du Judaisme Fonrobert, C. E. 2009; 25: 26-27
  • Blasphemy Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Fonrobert, C. E. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 2009
  • Androginos Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Fonrobert, C. E. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 2009
  • Blood and Law: Uterine Fluids and Rabbinic Maps of Identity Henoch Fonrobert, C. E. 2008; 30 (2)
  • Neighborhood as Ritual Space: The Case of the Rabbinic Eruv Archiv für Religionsgeschichte Fonrobert, C. E. 2008; 10: 239-258
  • Cambridge Companion to the Talmud and Rabbinic Literature edited by Fonrobert, C. E., Jaffee, M. Cambridge University Press. 2007
  • Regulating the Human Body: Rabbinic Legal Discourse and the Making of Jewish Gender Cambridge Companion to Rabbinic Literature Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Fonrobert, C., Jaffee, M. Cambridge University Press. 2007
  • Bechukotai Women’s Torah Commentary Fonrobert, C. E. New York: URJ Press. 2007
  • Plato in Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai’s Cave (bShabbat 33b-34a): The Talmudic Inversion of Plato’s Politics Association for Jewish Studies Review Fonrobert, C. E. 2007; 31 (2): 277-296
  • Tazria Women’s Torah Commentary Fonrobert, C. E. New York: URJ Press. 2007
  • Orthodoxy International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Fonrobert, C. E. Macmillan USA. 2007
  • Re'eh Women’s Torah Commentary Fonrobert, C. E. New York: URJ Press. 2007
  • Niddah: Lorsque les juifs conceptualisent la menstruation Association for Jewish Studies Fonrobert, C. E. 2007
  • Households, Sects, and the Origins of Rabbinic Judaism, Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 102 Journal for the Study of Judaism Fonrobert, C. E. 2007
  • Gender Politics in the Rabbinic Neighborhood: Tractate Eruvin Introduction to the Feminist Talmud Commentary – Seder Moed Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Ilan, T., Or, T., Salzer, D. M., Steuer, C., Wanderey, I. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2007
  • Introduction to the Talmud Fonrobert, C. E. Cambridge University Press. 2007
  • Metzora Women’s Torah Commentary Fonrobert, C. E. New York: URJ Press. 2007
  • The Semiotics of the Sexed Body in Early Halakhic Discourse Closed and Open: Readings of Rabbinic Texts Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Kraus, M. A. Gorgias Press. 2006: 69–96
  • The Handmaid, the Trickster and the Birth of the Messiah: A Critical Appraisal of the Feminist Valorization of Midrash Aggada Current Trends in the Study of Midrash Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Bakhos, C. Leiden: Brill. 2006: 245–277
  • The Political Symbolism of the Eruv Jewish Social Studies Fonrobert, C. E. 2005; 11 (3): 9-35
  • Jewish Marriage in Antiquity Shofar Fonrobert, C. E. 2005; 23 (2)
  • Jewish Christians, Judaizers, and Christian Anti-Judaism Late Ancient Christianity Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Burrus, V., Lyman, R. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. 2005: 234–255
  • On Carnal Israel and the Consequences: Talmudic Studies Since Foucault Jewish Quarterly Review Fonrobert, C. E. 2005; 95 (3): 462-469
  • Gegenwart der Tradition: Studien zur jüdischen Literature und Kulturgeschichte Studia Philonica Annual Fonrobert, C. E. 2004
  • Studies in Ancient Midrash Shofar Fonrobert, C. E. 2004; 22 (4)
  • From Separatism to Urbanism: The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Rabbinic Eruv Dead Sea Discoveries Fonrobert, C. E. 2004; 11 (1): 43-71
  • Purification in Judaism Encyclopedia of Religion Fonrobert, C. E. 2004; 2nd Edition
  • Roots of Rabbinic Judaism: An Intellectual History: From Ezekiel to Daniel Shofar Fonrobert, C. E. 2004; 22 (4)
  • Jewish Marriage in Antiquity Review of Biblical Literature Fonrobert, C. E. 2003
  • The Pluralistic Halakhah Review of Biblical Literature Fonrobert, C. E. 2003
  • Judaism and Violence Religion and Violence Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Buc, P. Morocco. 2002
  • When women walk in the way of their fathers: On gendering the rabbinic claim for authority JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SEXUALITY Fonrobert, C. E. 2001; 10 (3-4): 398-415
  • The 'Didascalia Apostolorum': A mishnah for the disciples of Jesus (Reexamining the cultural phenomenon of "Jewish Christianity" in the later Roman Empire) JOURNAL OF EARLY CHRISTIAN STUDIES Fonrobert, C. E. 2001; 9 (4): 483-509
  • Frauen im Judentum Handbuch zur Geschichte der Juden in Europa Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Kotowski, E. V., Schoeps, J. H., Wallenborn, H. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 2001
  • The Beginnings of Rabbinic Textuality: Women’s Bodies and Paternal Knowledge Beginning/Again: Toward a Hermeneutic of Jewish Texts Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Cohen, A., Magid, S. New York: Seven Bridges Press. 2001: 49–68
  • Menstrual Purity: Rabbinic and Christian Reconstructions of Biblical Gender Fonrobert, C. E. Stanford University Press. 2001
  • When the Rabbi Weeps: On Reading Gender in Talmudic Aggadah Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies & Gender Issues Fonrobert, C. E. 2001; 4: 56-84
  • Some Jewish Women in Antiquity Association for Jewish Studies Review Fonrobert, C. E. 2001; 25 (1): 101-104
  • Taming the Powers of Desire: Love and Sex in Jewish Culture Love, Sex and Gender in the World Religions Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Runzo, J., Martin, N. M. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. 2000: 113–129
  • Menstrual Purity: Rabbinic and Christian Reconstructions of Biblical Gender Fonrobert, C. E. Stanford University Press. 2000
  • Von Deutschland zum Judentum Zwischen-Räume: Deutsche feministische Theologinnen im Ausland Fonrobert, C. E. edited by von Kellenbach, K., Scholz, S. Munster - Hamburg/London: LitVerlag. 2000: 41–54
  • Spinning fantasies: Rabbis, gender, and history (Book Review) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION Book Review Authored by: Fonrobert, C. 1999; 67 (1): 245-248
  • Yalta’s Ruse: Resistance Against Rabbinic Menstrual Authority in Talmudic Literature Women and Water: Female Rituals of Purification in Jewish History and Culture Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Wasserfall, R. University Press of New England. 1999: 60–82
  • To Increase Torah is to Increase Life: Poetics of the Mind and Poetics of the Everyday in Jewish Culture The Meaning of Life in the World Religions Fonrobert, C. E. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. 1999: 71–93
  • The Geonim of Babylonia and the Shaping of Medieval Jewish Culture Hebrew Literature Fonrobert, C. E. 1998
  • Rereading the Rabbis: A Women’s Voice Religious Studies Review Fonrobert, C. E. 1998
  • The Women with a Blood-Flow (Mark 5:24-34) Revisited: Menstrual Polemics in Christian Feminist Hermeneutics Early Interpretation of the Scriptures of Israel: Investigation and Proposals Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Evans, C. A., Sanders, J. A. JTNTSup. 1997: 121–141
  • Tasting the Dish: Rabbinic Rhetorics of Sexuality Religious Studies Review Fonrobert, C. E. 1995
  • Customs and Controversies: Intertestamental Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament Critical Review of Books in Religion Fonrobert, C. E. 1995
  • Rabbinic Literature and the New Testament Journal of Biblical Literature Fonrobert, C. E. 1994
  • Die Heiden: Juden, Christen und das Problem des Fremden IOUDAIOS Review Fonrobert, C. E. 1994
  • Gynecological Exams in Rabbinic Literature – Women’s Bodies Between Female Autonomy and Male Control Journal of Associated Graduates in Near Eastern Studies Fonrobert, C. E. 1993; 4 (2): 65-72
  • Form, Function, and Historical Significance of the Rabbinic Story in Yerushalmi Neziqin Religious Studies Review Fonrobert, C. E. 1993
  • Paul, How Can We Understand Him? How Do We Understand Our Understanding Paul the Jew: Jewish/Christian Dialogue Fonrobert, C. E. edited by Wuellner, W., Perelmuter, H. Center for Hermeneutical Studies. 1990: 48–53